The short film titled "Paper Boat" conveys a narrative centred around an individual's emotional journey through life, visualised through symbolism and metaphors. The film is structured into three distinct chapters, each employing a different medium: moving image, 2D animation, and Claymation. These sections serve to depict various emotional states of the character: the moving image represents the present, the animation delves into the inner/past self, and the Claymation bridges the gap between these two states, where the inner/past self, confronts the present self. The narrative commences with the the protagonist leading a mundane existence, he struggles with the sensation of having abandoned something significant, consequently concealing his face as a metaphor for his incomplete self. As he delves into his inner realm, the narrative unfolds, allowing him to explore the reasons behind his emotional turmoil and engages with another side of himself. The turning point arrives when the present self-dispatches a paper boat, symbolising hope, effort and a means for the inner/past self to navigate and ultimately transcend his emotional struggles, thus attaining a sense of wholeness. The purpose of this project derives from personal motivations, I have been dealing with unexplainable emotions or feelings that has negativity impacted on my current life thus I had the desire to reclaim the past or inner self to find peace.