Property developers and UNSW Bachelor of Construction Management and Property Alumni, Patrick Elias and his brother Mark, have donated $250,000 to establish a new Equity Scholarship for UNSW Built Environment students, named the ‘Margaret Elias Equity Scholarship’. UNSW have match funded the donation, making the total gift $500,000.

The scholarship will support two students every year during their degrees, and in particular, support women who are the first in their family to attend university on the pathway through higher education and into impactful careers in the built environment. The scholarship forms part of UNSW’s Equity Target, with an aim for 25% of commencing domestic students to be from a low-socioeconomic backgrounds over the next five years.

Patrick and Mark (CEO and COO of , respectively) made the donation in honour of their mother, Margaret, for her tireless work in supporting their family.

“My mother, Margaret Elias, built foundations not with concrete and steel, but with unwavering faith, love and sacrifice. This extraordinary individual taught us that strength isn't always showcased in physical structures, but in the quiet endurance of supporting others. Her plans weren’t made of lines and measurements but of values and ethics that have shaped our family business.” Patrick said. “A woman who, through her journey as a stay-at-home mum, has contributed more to our family business than any strategy or investment could. The unsung hero in our lives. This scholarship is a reflection of your spirit as a beacon for those who dare.” He added.

The Urban Property Group team with Vlado Perkovic, UNSW Provost and Scientia Professor, and Philip Oldfield, Head of School of UNSW Built Environment, on the roof garden of ‘The Parq’