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Please note: This area relates to the previous ILOs: 2, 3, and 5.B. COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY ILO B: Express and exchange ideas effectively through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other modes of interpersonal communication. Common actions related to ILO B include: Communicate effectively, ethically and creatively Listen actively and respectfully Understand the roles of context, audience, and purpose when developing a communication Read, write, speak and listen analytically. Please note: This area relates to the previous ILOs: 1.C. PRACTICE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ILO C: Develop ethical, social and civic awareness. Common actions related to ILO C include: Demonstrate personal and civic responsibility Collaborate with individuals and groups to reach common goals Practice respect for diverse people and cultures Apply academic knowledge and learning to ones civic engagement Practice honesty and apply consistent ethical standards. Please note: This area relates to the previous ILOs: 4 and 6.D. CULTIVATE WELL-BEING ILO D: Construct personal, educational and career goals and identify lifestyle choices that promote mental, emotional, physical and social health. Common actions related to ILO D include: Develop knowledge, skills, and abilities for personal mental and physical health Demonstrate growth and self-management to promote lifelong learning and personal well being Develop job readiness and pursue career goals Affirm and promote positive individual and communal identities. Please note: This area relates to the previous ILOs: 6.Gavilans Current ILOs: 1. Communication: 1.1. Students will communicate effectively in many different situations, involving diverse people and viewpoints. 1.2. Speaking: Students will speak in an understandable and organized fashion to explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion. 1.3. Listening: Students will listen actively and respectfully to analyze the substance of others' comments. 1.4. Reading: Students will read effectively and analytically and will comprehend at the college level. 1.5. Writing: Students will write in an understandable and organized fashion to explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion. 2. Cognition: 2.1. Students will think logically and critically in solving problems; explaining their conclusions; and evaluating, supporting, or critiquing the thinking of others. 2.2. Analysis and Synthesis: Students will understand and build upon complex issues and discover the connections and correlations among ideas to advance toward a valid independent conclusion. 2.3. Problem Solving: Students will identify and analyze real or potential problems and develop, evaluate, and test possible solutions, using the scientific method where appropriate. 2.4. Creative Thinking: Students will formulate ideas and concepts in addition to using those of others. 2.5. Quantitative Reasoning: Students will use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze, and explain issues in quantitative terms. 2.6. Transfer of Knowledge and Skills to a New Context: Students will apply their knowledge and skills to new and varied situations. 3. Information Competency: 3.1. Students will use printed materials, personal communication, observation, and electronic resources to find and evaluate information. 3.2. Research: Students will do research at a level that is necessary to achieve personal, professional, and educational success. 3.3. Technological Competency: Students will use technological applications to find, organize, and present information effectively. 4. Social Interaction: 4.1. Students will interact with individuals and within groups with integrity and awareness of others' opinions, feelings and values. 4.2. Teamwork: Students will participate effectively in teams, committees, task forces, and in other group efforts to make decisions and seek consensus. 4.3. Effective Citizenship: Students will take personal responsibility for being informed, ethical and active citizens of their community, their nation, and their world. 5. Aesthetic Responsiveness: 5.1. Students will produce or respond to artistic and creative expression. 6. Personal Development and Responsibility: 6.1. Students will develop individual responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for diverse people and cultures. 6.2. Self-management: Students will demonstrate habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility and physical well-being. 6.3. Ethics and Values: Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues that will enhance their capacity for making sound judgments and decisions. 6.4. Respect for Diverse People and Cultures: Students will respect and work with diverse people including those with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and different abilities. GENERAL ED LEARNING OUTCOMES AREA A: Communications in the English Language A1. Receive, analyze, and effectively respond to verbal communication. A2. Formulate, organize and logically present verbal information. A3. Write clear and effective prose using forms, methods, modes and conventions of English grammar that best achieve the writings purpose. A4. Advocate effectively for a position using persuasive strategies, argumentative support, and logical reasoning. A5. Employ the methods of research to find information, analyze its content, and appropriately incorporate it into written work. A6. Read college course texts and summarize the information presented. A7. Analyze the ideas presented in college course materials and be able to discuss them or present them in writing. A8. Communicate conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge and belief. A9. Explain and apply elementary inductive and deductive processes, describe formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, and compare effectively matters of fact and issues of judgment and opinion. AREA B: Physical Universe and its Life Forms B1. Explain concepts and theories related to physical and biological phenomena. B2. Identify structures of selected living organisms and relate structure to biological function. B3. Recognize and utilize appropriate mathematical techniques to solve both abstract and practical problems.   PRIVATE "" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B4. Utilize safe and effectives laboratory techniques to investigate scientific problems. B5. Discuss the use and limitations of the scientific process in the solution of problems. B6. Make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories. B7. Utilize appropriate technology for scientific and mathematical investigations and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of that technology. B8. Work collaboratively with others on labs, projects, and presentations. B9. Describe the influence of scientific knowledge on the development of worlds civilizations as recorded in the past as well as in present times. AREA C: Arts, Foreign Language, Literature and Philosophy C1. Demonstrate knowledge of the language and content of one or more artistic forms: visual arts, music, theater, film/television, writing, digital arts. C2. Analyze an artistic work on both its emotional and intellectual levels. C3. Demonstrate awareness of the thinking, practices and unique perspectives offered by a culture or cultures other than ones own. C4. Recognize the universality of the human experience in its various manifestations across cultures. C5. Express objective and subjective responses to experiences and describe the integrity of emotional and intellectual response. C6. Analyze and explain the interrelationship between self, the creative arts, and the humanities, and be exposed to both non-Western and Western cultures. C7. Contextually describe the contributions and perspectives of women and of ethnic and other minorities. AREA D: Social, Political, and Economic Institutions D1. Identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development. D2. Critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observation and study. D3. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research and scientific methodologies in the study of human behavior and societal change. D4. Analyze different cultures and their influence on human development or society, including how issues relate to race, class and gender. D5. Describe and analyze cultural and social organizations, including similarities and differences between various societies. AREA E: Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development E1. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal development. E2. Examine the integration of ones self as a psychological, social, and physiological being. E3. Analyze human behavior, perception, and physiology and their interrelationships including sexuality, nutrition, health, stress, the social and physical environment, and the implications of death and dying. AREA F: Cultural Diversity F1. Connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts. F2. Articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.     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