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Demonstrate knowledge of the language and content of one or more artistic forms: visual arts, music, theater, film/television, writing, digital arts. C2. Analyze an artistic work on both its emotional and intellectual levels. C3. Demonstrate awareness of the thinking, practices and unique perspectives offered by a culture or cultures other than ones own. C4. Recognize the universality of the human experience in its various manifestations across cultures. C5. Express objective and subjective responses to experiences and describe the integrity of emotional and intellectual response. C6. Analyze and explain the interrelationship between self, the creative arts, and the humanities, and be exposed to both non-Western and Western cultures. C7. Contextually describe the contributions and perspectives of women and of ethnic and other minorities. AREA D: Social, Political, and Economic Institutions D1. Identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development. D2. Critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observation and study. D3. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research and scientific methodologies in the study of human behavior and societal change. D4. Analyze different cultures and their influence on human development or society, including how issues relate to race, class and gender. D5. Describe and analyze cultural and social organizations, including similarities and differences between various societies. AREA E: Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development E1. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal development. E2. Examine the integration of ones self as a psychological, social, and physiological being. E3. Analyze human behavior, perception, and physiology and their interrelationships including sexuality, nutrition, health, stress, the social and physical environment, and the implications of death and dying. AREA F: Cultural Diversity F1. Connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts. F2. Articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.     GAVILANS PROPOSED INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES (Draft#6) r s t ʺ|maUaUaUD3D!h'h]mB*OJQJ^Jph!h'h]mB*OJQJ^Jphh'h6OJQJh'hb\6OJQJh'hCJOJQJaJh'h]mB*OJQJphh'h]m56B*ph h'h]m5B*OJQJphh'h5CJOJQJaJh'h]m5CJOJQJaJ h'h 26B*OJQJph#h'h]m6B*OJQJ]ph$jh'hGbUmHnHtH us t ^ 4 5 w  J |  & F$9DIfgd' $Ifgdb\ $IfgdhI & F$9DIfgd' $Ifgd]m $Ifgd $xa$gd': \ ] ^  2 3 4 5 F J K L Z v w z ͼ~r~r~rfVFVh'h]m5CJOJQJaJh'hhI5CJOJQJaJh'h5p6OJQJh'h6OJQJh'hRJ6OJQJh'h6CJOJQJaJ!h'h#=B*OJQJ^Jph!h'hw,<B*OJQJ^Jph!h'hB*OJQJ^Jph!h'h]mB*OJQJ^Jph!h'h]mB*OJQJ^Jph h'h]mB*OJQJ]ph   J { |   ¶ttaNt?h'h#=B*OJQJph$h'hUB*OJQJ]^Jph$h'h_mB*OJQJ]^Jph!h'h]mB*OJQJ^Jph$h'h]mB*OJQJ]^Jphh'hb\6OJQJ" *h'h]m6CJOJQJaJh'hhI6OJQJh'h]m6OJQJ#h'h]m6B*OJQJ]phh'h]mB*OJQJph h'h]m5B*OJQJph ! 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