Are you an ally@UNSW and would like to update your details? Fill out this form. Updates are made on a weekly basis.

We understand and encourage Allies to actively practice using pronouns in all communication. Please note that we're still in the process of updating this list and pronouns will be updated alongside all Allies soon.

Find an ally@UNSW from the list below.

UNSW Faculties


Are you an ally@UNSW and would like to update your details? Fill out this form. Updates are made on a weekly basis.

We understand and encourage Allies to actively practice using pronouns in all communication. Please note that we're still in the process of updating this list and pronouns will be updated alongside all Allies soon.

Supporting ourÌýLGBTQIA+ community at UNSW

LGBTQIA+ Community

UNSW aims to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, staff and visitors.


Train to join a community of people who are committed to being allies to the LGBTQIA+ community at UNSW.