Valentin Salamakha

Valentin Salamakha

Recipient of the Glencore Mining Engineering Scholarship

ValentinSalamakhais athird yearstudent studying adual degree in Bachelor ofEngineering (Honours) (Mining)andBachelor of ComputerScienceat UNSW.Valentin wasawarded theGlencore Mining Engineering Scholarship whichsupports students undertaking aBachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining)in their second year of study.The scholarshipmay alsoofferpaidindustrial trainingduring the summer vacationsof each yearprepping students foremployment success.

We spoke toValentinabout why he chose to study mining engineeringat UNSWandwhat his advice is for future mining students.


I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Mining Engineering combined with a Bachelor of ComputerScience in a dual degree program. I have chosen to pursue a career in this field because I have alwayshad an inquisitive mind for engineering since a young age. When faced with the challenge of decidingwhich type of engineeringto study, mining felt like an easychoice.With the industry moving further towards automation and computer applications,obtaininganother qualificationforanextrayear felt like a no brainer.


I was lucky enough to be awarded the prestigious Glencore Mining Engineering Scholarship. Thisopportunity has provided me with invaluable work experience, which I now consider to be an integralpart of my learning here at UNSW. The generous financial aid has also given me the ability to reduce mypart-time work,andtailormore timetowardsmy studies andcareer development.


UNSW is home to one of the largest and best engineering faculties in the world. More specifically,theSchool of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineeringhouses world class facilities and holds closeindustry relationships to maximise learning and employability for students. I have no doubt that myundergraduate study here at UNSW will equip me with the practical skills and knowledge required toexcelin theworkforceafter I graduate.

Canyousharesomethingabouttheresourcesandenergyindustrythatmightinterestsomeoneconsideringstudiesanda career inthisindustry?

The resources and energy industryiscomprised of hundreds of unique companies that all play asignificant role in the Australian economy. Each year, industry leaders offer vacation programs that runover the summer break. Many of these programs occur on-site in rural locations and are a greatopportunity to work with and meet new communities, while also developing your own professionalskillset.

Whatadvicewouldyougivetonew/futurestudentstoexcelat yourdegree?

I would have to say the most important things by far are to manage your time effectively andplanahead, while seeking help and clarification when you need it. At first, the transition fromsecondaryeducationinto a new learning environment can be stressful but if you approach it with a positiveattitude,andtake advantageoftheservicesand resources aroundyou, youwillsucceed.

What are your favourite things to do in or around UNSW and how can students make the most outoftheUNSWExperience?

My favourite thing to do on campus is interact and partake in student and faculty led events. TheSchoolof Minerals and Energy ResourcesEngineering,and thedo anexcellent jobat providing direct industry and student interaction throughout the year. However, no matter yourdegree or interests, every faculty has its own unique society and there is also plenty on offer. So, getinvolved as much as possible because your time at university is short-lived when compared to yourcareer.

“Whenfaced with the challenge of decidingwhich type of engineeringto study, mining felt like an easy choice when considering the role, it plays in theglobal economy”