UNSWChemical Engineering student

As we near end-of-school and final exams, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with study and neglect other aspects of life. Exercise is one of the easiest things to drop, especially thanks to COVID-19 and the fact that most sports seasons end when exams begin.

But did you know that exercise can actually help you perform better in exams (and school generally)?

Here are five reasons why you should prioritise exercise when things get busy!


Exercise and problem-solving have an interesting relationship.Whilethere are studies linking exercise to improved problem-solving capacity, the real benefits come from being able to apply theskills you learn during exerciseto your study.

Not surewhat I mean? Check out thiswhich describes what happened when somegirls in the USA did an after-school maths programwhich startedwith an hour of ballet. The results were awesome–theirproblem-solving ability increased byan average of273%!As the program founder, KirinSinah,commented, ‘When the girlssay“I don't understand how to solve this equation”,we can say, “Well, think about what you did at the dance studio downstairs.”’Sportgives you a new perspective onproblem-solving– includingtheself-knowledgethat youcandosomething–which you can then apply to your academics.

2. Concentration andfocus

There is lotsof evidence that frequent exercise improves your ability to focus and concentrate for long periods[1,2]. The reasons for this are two-fold:exercise releases chemicals which improve your focusandstimulate brain cell growth[2].In this way, exercisemakesyour study sessions more effective andtargeted,so you get more bang (facts in your brain) foryourbuck (time)!


Idon’tknow about you, but when I finish a hard sweat-seshI always have this weird surge ofpower, like I can do anything.Andit’snot just me. . .studiesshow thatstaying activeiscorrelatedwithbetterlong-termself-esteem [3]. I know how tough high schoolis,andbeing confident in yourself can be astruggle, soregularexercisecan goa long way in boosting your confidence and #selflove.


In highschool, it feels like therearen’tenough hours in the day to do even half of your homeworkandget a decent night’s sleep. Pile on an endless stream of tests and assignments andit’sno wonder high school is super stressful!Exercisecanhelp you deal with this. Whenyou’rephysically active, your brain releases stress-relieving chemicals which are also linked toanimproved mood[4].Soif you’re feeling overwhelmed or a bit down, get active!

That said, if the stress is getting a bit too much or you’re feeling downregularly, reach out to someone you trust and/or seek helpfrom.


One memory from Year 12 still haunts me. I was sittinginmy final maths examand I was on the last question. I knew exactly how to do it but,for the life of me, Icouldn’tremember the formula. Don’twant thistobe you?Regular, moderate-intensityexercise has been linked to improved long-term memory[5].Whileyou might not be able to notice the effects immediately,it’sworth a shot!

Just do it!

Life is busy, school istough,and it can be easy todrop exercise when the pressure begins to build.But physical activitycanhelp your grades,confidenceand general sense of well-being.It’sworth investing the time,especiallywhen it feels like you don’t have any.Soget those joggers on, find a park,or hit up your favourite YouTuber fitspo queen and get moving! Your mind(and grades)will thank you for it.

By Isabella Notarpietro


[1]- HelpGuide.org. (2020). Retrieved 28 June 2020

[2] Armstrong, G. (2018).. Retrieved 3 July 2020

[3]Sani, S.,Fathirezaie, Z., Brand, S.,Pühse, U.,Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Gerber, M., &Talepasand, S. (2016). Physical activity and self-esteem: testing direct and indirect relationships associated with psychological and physical mechanisms. Neuropsychiatric DiseaseAndTreatment, Volume 12, 2617-2625.doi: 10.2147/ndt.s116811

[4]Mayo Clinic(2020).Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress.Retrieved 28 June 2020, from.

[5]Harvard Health. (2020).- Harvard Health. Retrieved 3 July 2020

[6] Coles, K andTomporowski,P. (2007).. JournalOfSports Sciences.