Benjamin Garcia-Lee
PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Social Sciences
ܱǰ:Maree Higgins, Leanne Dowse, Jan Walmsley
- BA (Hons) 1st class, UNSW, MSW (Qualifying), Flinders
- AASW Accredited Social Worker
- Research area
- Research outputs
- Belonging
- Intellectual Disability
- Complex support needs
- Garcia‐Lee, B., Strnadová, I., & Dowse, L. (2024). Researching belonging in the context of research with people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review of inclusive approaches. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(1), e13178-n/a.
- Strnadová, I., Dowse, L., & Garcia-Lee, B. (2022). Doing Research Inclusively: Co-Production in Action. DIIU UNSW Sydney.
- Strnadová, I., Danker, J., Garcia-Lee, B., Carter, A., & Loblinzk, J. (2021). Rights and Relationships Programme. Evaluation Report. UNSW Sydney.
- Strnadová, & Garcia-Lee, B., (2020). Your Life, Your Rights: Program Evaluation. School of Education UNSW Sydney.