On 16 September 2021, IGD hosted a roundtable called “Reimagining Development: How do Multi-Method Approaches Shape Development Practice?”.

The roundtable was convened and led by Dr. George Varughese, Research to Practice Associate at the IGD and Senior Strategic Advisor at Niti Foundation.

Building on the discussion that emerged in a previous roundtable hosted by the IGD in 2020 (practice papers presented there can be downloaded here and an overview of the event is available here), this roundtable set out to explore how approaches that deliberately deploy multiple methods can better shape development practice.

The invited participants comprised an intentionally diverse group of participants who could suggest ways to improve how we appraise, talk about, and practice development. Specifically, participants discussed how methods in anthropology and urban planning can enhance and authenticate the understanding and appraisal of development contexts.

The discussions emerging from the event will contribute to how the vocabulary, instruments, and processes of engagement in development practice can be shaped in accordance with multi-method approaches to contextual appraisal.