
Highresolution image of cell interior with nucleus, membrane, and cytoplasm, cellular biology, educational graphic

Biophysics research applies the principles and analytical tools founded in the physical sciences to understand how biological systems function, starting from the scale of biomolecules (e.g. proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids) up to cells, tissues, whole organisms, and ecosystems. 

In the School of Biomedical Sciences, our biophysicists make up a highly interdisciplinary community who integrates concepts and methods from chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, and material sciences and apply these perspectives to investigate fundamental questions in biology and medicine. Our biophysicists are using these strategies to tackle a wide array of scientific questions ranging from how cells feel their surroundings and how muscle or nerve cells communicate, to mapping the steps a virus undergoes in its journey to infecting a host cell, and investigating how knowledge of protein structure can be used for early diagnosis of non-communicable diseases.

The fundamental nature of biophysical research means that biophysicists are often at the heart of groundbreaking discoveries in medicine and innovations in bio and medical technologies that are essential for our society in facing the global challenges of today. 

Research groups

Curious how cells are kept running like well-oiled machines, Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan uses high resolution, live cell imaging to investigate cellular dynamics within the crowded environment inside mammalian cells. 

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Scott Berry wants to uncover the basic mechanisms in a cell involved in controlling gene expression.

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The Biro Group investigates how immune cells locate and kill cancer cells, adopting multi-disciplinary methods encompassing biophysics, cell biology, immunology, cancer biology, advanced microscopy, image analysis, and mathematical and coputational modelling.

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To combat viruses, host cells have developed weapons to sabotage the delivery of viral genetic code into their nuclei. There are specialised proteins that either prematurely crack open the protective viral capsid encasing the virus—exposing its genetic material to degradation—or lock the DNA in so it cannot enter the nucleus.

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The Davis Lab explores how intracellular calcium signalling orchestrates the development, function and regeneration of the mammary gland. Our research utilizes genetic model organisms and quantitative imaging (across the scales of cells, tissues and the organ as a whole).

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Yann Gambin is watching how certain proteins clump together, leading to cell death and Parkinson’s disease. Together with Emma Sierecki, he is using single-molecule approaches–to watch proteins working with each other–that are ten times faster than traditional approaches.

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Jesse Goyette wants to understand exactly how T cells transmit signals to initiate an immune response. How does the T cell receptor work? What does a T cell need to be activated?

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Housley Group: Sensori-motor Physiology and Therapeutic Group

Broadly, our aim is to translate discoveries about transmembrane receptor and ion channel signal transduction, into new platforms for treatment of neurological disorders. Our research program focuses on neuroprotection and repair in sensori-motor pathways.

David Jacques is teasing apart the molecular interactions between viral and host proteins to figure out how viruses like HIV and HTLV trick the host into enabling infection while simultaneously escaping cellular defense networks.

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Electrical and chemical signals generated within cells, tissues and organ systems drive vital functions. Izzy Jayasinghe and her team investigate how these signals are relayed to trigger a heartbeat, and drive other bodily functions, by combing super-resolution microscopy tools they develop with existing technologies.

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Kovacevic Group: Tumour Microenvironment Group

The critical role of the tumour microenvironment in cancer growth and survival suggests it is vulnerable to intervention. We aim to improve the survival rate of cancer patients by deciphering and therapeutically exploiting elements of the tumour microenvironment that facilitate chemoresistance.

Lock Group: Cancer Systems Microscopy Lab

The Cancer Systems Microscopy Lab aims to contribute to improved cancer treatment outcomes by advancing: Precision Diagnostics; Targeted Therapies; and Fundamental Insights.

Luque Group: Viral Macromolecular Structures

Our research is focused on investigating how different viruses interact with and overcome the complex membranous system that surround and reside within the cell. 

The Poole group are interested in how cells can "feel" their surroundings. Our research seeks to identify how cells sense and respond to changing mechanical inputs by identifying the molecules that can convert forces into electrical or biochemical signals that influence cell behaviour. 

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Emma Sierecki is mapping protein interactions to solve mysteries that have so far eluded researchers. Their strategy–combining cell-free protein expression with AlphaScreen and single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy–allows them to rapidly screen a huge number of protein binding partners.

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