Understanding Food & Water Insecurity in Walgett and Building Community-Led Solutions

Food and water security is a major concern for the Walgett community. The Dharriwaa Elders Group (DEG) and the Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service (WAMS) have been working to improve access to fresh, affordable food and safe drinking water for many years.

Since 2018, DEG and WAMS have been working with colleagues at UNSW and The George Institute for Global Health (TGI) to further their vision for change in this area, bolstered by a recent NHMRC Ideas grant Food and Water for Life: co-creation and evaluation of sustainable innovations to strengthen food and water security. In 2022, WAMS, DEG and Aboriginal researchers led the surveying of 250 Aboriginal people in Walgett about their experiences of food and water security, with the shocking results widely reported in recent media stories.

Meet the speakers:

Virginia Robinson is the Secretary of the Dharriwaa Elders Group.

Trish Tonkin is the Food and Water for Life Project Officer at the Dharriwaa Elders Group and was part of the Walgett food and water survey team.

Annie Deane is the Coordinator of the Healthy for Life Program and community garden at the Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service, and was part of the Walgett food and water survey team.

The webinar is followed by a panel discussion facilitated by Ruth McCausland, Director of Yuwaya Ngarra-li, with:

  • Keziah Bennett-Brook a Torres Strait Islander woman and Program Head of Guunu-maana at The George Institute and an Investigator on the NHMRC Food and Water for Life project
  • Greg Leslie the Director of the UNSW Global Water Institute and Professor of Chemical Engineering, and an Investigator on the NHMRC Food and Water for Life project
  • Alinta Trindall is a Thunghutti and Gamilaroi woman and a Research Assistant with Yuwaya Ngarra-li who was part of the Walgett food and water security survey team.