Research topics

Learn about the research done by academics within the CCRC

Storm clouds over lake

A broad range of projects is offered by academic staff in the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at the University of New South Wales. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD, Masters or Honours in climate science, please contact the academic whose areas of research interest you.

Climate model evaluation, climate model ensembles, probabilistic forecasts, applied maths in climate research (e.g. neural networks and clustering, non-linear time series analysis/chaos theory), land surface, ecological and hydrological modelling.

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Climate variability and change, especially extreme events, global dataset development, observational analysis, global climate model evaluation and intercomparison, statistical modelling including extreme value theory, large scale modes of variability and climate drivers, data rescue.

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Land-atmosphere interactions, water cycle processes, remote sensing of the land surface, land surface & hydrological modelling, regional climate modelling, fire spread and fire-atmosphere interactions, climate change impacts, especially on freshwater resources and agriculture.

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The impact of land use, surface characteristics and anthropogenic activities on the climate of cities, quantification of the magnitude of the urban heat island (UHI), weather and climate sensitivity of energy consumption, air pollution meteorology, statistical climatology.

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Atmospheric dynamics, effects of the stratosphere on surface weather and climate. Cause-and-effect studies with simpler climate models. Annular Modes, the interaction between the tropics and high latitudes, and atmospheric wave dynamics.

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Earth system science, with special emphasis on abrupt climate change, as well as feedbacks and thresholds in the climate system. The role of oceans in climate change/variability; earth system modelling (ocean, land, atmosphere, cryosphere, biosphere) addressing past and future climate change. Geophysical fluid dynamics, biogeochemistry, palaeoproxy data-model comparison, isotope modelling.

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Impact of changes in oceanic circulation on climate and the carbon cycle, with a particular focus on Southern Ocean dynamics.

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Land surface processes, global and regional modelling, projections of future mean and extreme climate, vegetation dynamics, carbon cycle, abrupt climate change, probabilistic projections of climate change.

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The effects of climate change and variability on ocean circulation, its physical characteristic and how this affects marine species; marine heat waves; IPCC model evaluation and climate projections; the effect of climate variability (e.g. ENSO, SAM, IOD) on regional climate variability and change.

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Physical processes controlling Earth’s climate sensitivity, clouds, water vapour, precipitation, and interactions across scales. Modelling and analysis of global satellite and in-situ observations. Identifying and improving flaws in current climate models.

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Severe storms and climate change, especially hailstorms and their changes. Atmospheric modelling and numerical weather simulation, regional climate modelling, atmospheric remote sensing, precipitation microstructure, climate change impacts and risks.

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Rainfall variability and atmospheric teleconnections associated with large-scale climate drivers, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole.

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