The evaluation examined longer term client outcomes achieved by the Integrated Services Program (ISP), which NSW ADHC administers in partnership with Housing NSW and NSW Ministry of Health. ISP establishes coordinated cross-agency responses for adult clients who have multiple and complex needs including mental illness, intellectual disability and acquired brain injury and who exhibit behaviours that might cause significant harm.

The project compared the outcomes achieved by three client groups: those who are in the program, who have exited and who have been referred but not been accepted into the program. The research aimed to inform choices about cost and operationally effective models of service provision for people with multiple and complex needs. A further piece of work with the Ministry of Health was undertaken to obtain and analyse systemic linked data about health service use, outcomes and related cost for current, former and non-ISP clients. This supplementary healthcare service usage and cost analysis was separately published in addition to the final ISP evaluation report.

See also: Integrated Services Project: Evaluation of cost and operational effectiveness

Research Centre

Social Policy Research Centre

Research Area


NSW Family and Community Services – Ageing, Disability & Home Care (ADHC) 

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