The NEMCAT Group applies fundamental concepts and design strategies to develop conventional and advanced ceramic materials with improved performance and new functionalities for industrial technologies.

NEMCAT previous students

Research themes

  • Development of catalytic films and nanoparticles for water and air purification.
  • Development of nanostructured materials for energy storage and water splitting applications.
  • Utilisation of industrial resources into value-added products.
  • Development of coatings and nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
  • Enhancing sustainability of cokemaking and steelmaking processes.
  • Development and characterisation of cements and geopolymers for building and construction applications.

Research funding






Corrosion behaviour of blended cokes

2020 - Present

ARC LP (Vecor)

Development of Stabilised Zirconia

2020 - Present

Vecor Technologies (Industry)

Development of Novel Products from Fly Ash

2009 - Present

ANSTO (Organisation)

Ion Implantation for Producing Doped Materials

2015 - Present

ANSTO (Organisation)

Designing Wasteforms for Nuclear Waste Storage

2018 - Present

ANSTO (Organisation)

Radiation Damage in Materials

2018 - Present

CSIRO (Organisation)

Characterisation of Functional Materials

2018 - Present

Brickworks (Industry)

Optimisation of Raw Materials in Brickmaking

2019 - Present

Allegra Orthopaedics (Industry)

Optimisation of Biomedical Product Characteristics

2019 - Present

Hytec (Industry)

Assessment of Raw Material Quality

2020 - Present

BHP (Industry)

Designing Coke Characteristics for Sustainable Steelmaking

2020 - Present

POSCO (Industry)

Assessment of Coal Resource Quality for Steelmaking

2020 - Present

Map-to-Mine (Industry)

Assessment of Mineral Quality for Industries

2021 - Present

MCM (Industry)

Investigation of Protection Mechanisms in Concrete

2021 - Present


NEMCAT Funding (Past)

Internships/honours partnerships

  • Brickworks
  • Cochlear
  • Vecor
  • MCM

Key publications

    • S.S. Mofarah, L. Schreck, C. Cazorla, X. Zheng, E. Adabifiroozjaei, C. Tsounis, J. Scott, R. Shahmiri, Y. Yao, R. Abbasi, Y. Wang, H. Arandiyan, L. Sheppared, V. Wong, E. Doustkhah, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Highly Catalytically Active CeO2-x-based Heterojunction Nanostructures with Mixed Micro-Meso-Porous Architectures”, Nanoscale,13[14] 6764-6771 (2021).
    • A. Chen, W.-F. Chen, T. Majidi, B. Pudadera, A. Atanacio, M. Manohar, L.R. Sheppard, R. Liu, C.C. Sorrell, and P. Koshy, “Mo-Doped, Cr-Doped, and Mo-Cr Codoped TiO2Thin-Film Photocatalysts by Comparative Sol-Gel Spin Coating and Ion Implantation”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,46[24] 12961-12980 (2021).
    • N. Sarmadi, M. Gharabaghi, M.T. Saray, M. Darestani, D. Garman, P. Koshy, S.S. Mofarah, and C.C. Sorrell, “Highly Mesoporous Hybrid Transition Metal Oxide Nanowires for Enhanced Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements from Wastewater”, Inorg. Chem.,60[1] 175-184 (2021).
    • W.-F. Chen, H. Chen, G. Bahmanrokh, P. Koshy, A. Nakaruk, and C.C. Sorrell, “Synergistic Effect of Co + Mo Codoping on the Photocatalytic Performance of Titania Thin Films”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,45[46] 24558-24566 (2020).
    • Y. Jiang, W.-F. Chen, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Nanostructured TiO2thin Films through Combined Effects of Polymer Conjugation and Mo-Doping”, J. Mater. Sci.,54[7] 5266-5279 (2019).

    • Y. Jiang, W.-F. Chen, H. Ma, H. Ren, S. Lim, X. Lu, G. Bahmanrokh, S.S. Mofarah, D. Wang, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Effect of Bi/Ti Ratio on (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3/Bi4Ti3O12Heterojunction Formation and Photocatalytic Performance”, J. Environ. Chem. Eng.,10[1] Paper 106532 {26 + 4 pp.} (2022)
    • X. Zheng, S.S. Mofarah, C. Cazorla, R. Daiyan, A.A. Esmailpour, J. Scott, Y. Yao, S. Lim, V. Wong, E.Y. Chen, H. Arandiyan, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “ ”, Adv. Funct. Mater.,31[??] Paper 2103171 (16 + 25 pp.} (2021).
    • Y. Jiang, S.S. Mofarah, P. Koshy, W.-F. Chen, X. Fang, X. Zheng, D. Wang, and C.C. Sorrell, “Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3Phase Relations: Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria in the Systems Bi2O3-TiO2, Na2O-TiO2, and Na2O-Bi2O3-TiO2”, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc.,41[14] 7005-7013 (2021).
    • S.S. Mofarah, E. Adabifiroozjaei, Y. Wang, R. Pardehkhorram, Y. Yao, M.H.N. Assadi, R. Mehmood, W.-F. Chen, C. Tsounis, J. Scott, S. Lim, R.F. Webster, V. Zhong, Y. Xu, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Assembly of Cerium-Based Coordination Polymer into Variant Polycrystalline 2D-3D CeO2-xNanostructures”, J. Mater. Chem. A,8[9] 4753-4763 {+ 16 pp. + 1.19 min video} (2020).
    • S.S. Mofarah, E. Adabifiroozjaei, R. Pardehkhorram, M.H.N. Assadi, M. Hinterstein, Y. Yao, X. Liu, M.B. Ghasemian, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, R. Mehmood, C. Carzorla, R. Shahmiri, G. Bahmanrokh, S. Bhattacharyya, M.C. Spadaro, J. Arbiol, S. Lim, Y. Xu, H. Arandiyan, J. Scott, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Coordination Polymer to Atomically Thin, Holey, Metal-Oxide Nanosheets for Tuning Band Alignment”, Adv. Mater.,31[52] Paper 1905288 {9 + 72 pp.} (2019).

    • F.H.Y. Lui, R.J. Mobbs, Y. Wang, P. Koshy, F.P. Lucien, D. Zhou, and C.C. Sorrell, “Dynamic Mineralization: Low-Temperature, Rapid, and Multidirectional Process to Encapsulate Polyester-Ether-Ketone with Carbonate-Rich Hydroxyapatite for Osseointegration”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces,8[15] Paper 2100333 {12 + 5 pp.} (2021).
    • R. Mehmood, M.J.N. Amaldoss, S.S. Mofarah, Q. Zheng, N.K. Kaushik, N. Ariotti, A. Rawal, J.-L. Yang, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Green Stealth Engineering of Lifetime-Biocatalytic Nanocatalyst”, Appl. Surf. Sci., doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151464 (2021).
    • F.H.Y. Lui, Y. Wang, Y. Yao, R.J. Mobbs, R.E. Pogson, P. Koshy, F. Lucien, D. Zhou, and C.C. Sorrell, “Quiescent Mineralisation for Free-Standing Mineral Microfilms with a Hybrid Structure”, J. Colloid Interface Sci.,604, 327-339 (2021).
    • Y. Xu, S.S. Mofarah, R. Mehmood, C. Cazorla, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Design Strategies for Ceria Nanomaterials: Untangling Key Mechanistic Concepts”, Mater. Horiz.,8[1] 102-123 (2021).
    • W.-F. Chen, C.M. De Sa Malacco, R. Mehmood, K.K. Johnson, J.-L. Yang, C.C. Sorrell, and P. Koshy, “Impact of Morphology and Collagen-Functionalization on the Redox Equilibria of Nanoceria for Cancer Therapies”, Mater. Sci. Eng. C,121, Paper 111663 {11 pp.} (2021).

    • A. Bhuiyan, V. Wong, J.L. Abraham, R.D. Aughterson, L. Kong, R. Farzana, D.J. Gregg, C.C. Sorrell, Y. Zhang, and P. Koshy, “Phase Assemblage and Microstructures of Gd2Ti2-xZrxO7(x = 0.1-0.3) Pyrochlore Glass-Ceramics as Potential Waste Forms for Actinide Immobilization”, Mater. Chem. Phys.,273, Paper 125058 {10 pp.} (2021).
    • P. Koshy, N. Ho, V. Zhong, L. Schreck, S.A. Koszo, E.J. Severin, and C.C. Sorrell, “Fly Ash Utilisation in Mullite Fabrication: Development of Novel Percolated Mullite”, Minerals,11[1] Paper 84 {16 pp.} (2021).
    • M.L.Y. Yeoh, S. Ukritnukun, A. Rawal, J. Davies, B.J. Kang, K. Burrough, Z. Aly, P. Dayal, E.R. Vance, D.J. Gregg, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Mechanistic Impacts of Long-Term Gamma Irradiation on Physicochemical, Structural, and Mechanical Stabilities of Radiation-Responsive Geopolymer Pastes”, J. Hazard. Mater.,407, Paper 124808 {21 pp.} (2021).
    • E. Adabifiroozjaei, P. Koshy, F. Emadi, S.S. Mofarah, H. Ma, E. Rastkerdar, S. Lim, R.F. Webster, D.R.G. Mitchell, and C.C. Sorrell, “Ionic Interdiffusion as Interaction Mechanism between Al and Si3N4”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.,102[8] 4835-4847 (2019).
    • E. Adabifiroozjaei, J.N. Hart, P. Koshy, D.R. Mitchell, and C.C. Sorrell, “Mullite-Glass and Mullite-Mullite Interfaces: Analysis by Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation and High-Resolution TEM”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.,101[1] 428-439 (2018).
    • I. Kabir, C.C. Sorrell, M.R. Mada, S.T. Cholake, and S. Bandyopadhyay, “General Model for Comparative Tensile Mechanical Properties of Composites Fabricated from Fly Ash and Virgin/Recycled High-Density Polyethylene”, Polymer Sci. Eng.,56[10] 1096-1108 (2016).
    • F. Meng, S. Gupta, J. Yu, Y. Jiang, P. Koshy, C.C. Sorrell, and Y. Shen, “Effects of Kaolinite Addition on the Thermoplastic Behaviour of Coking Coal during Low Temperature Pyrolysis”, Fuel Process. Technol.,167, 502-510 (2017).
    • F. Meng, S. Gupta, D. French, P. Koshy, C.C. Sorrell, and Y. Shen, “Characterization of Microstructure and Strength of Coke Particles and their Dependence on Coal Properties”, Powder Technol.,320, 249-256 (2017).
    • E. Adabifiroozjaei, H. Ma, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8)-Aluminum Interface: Kinetics of High-Temperature Interactions”, J. Mater. Sci.,52[11] 6767-6777 (2017).
    • E. Adabifiroozjaei, P. Koshy, E. Rastkerdar, and C.C. Sorrell, “Interfacial Reactions Between Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) and Al 7075 Alloy at 850°C and 1150°C”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.,99[5] 1694-1708 (2016).
    • E. Adabifiroozjaei, P. Koshy, R. Pardehkhorram, E. Rastkerdar, J. Hart, and C.C. Sorrell, “Interfacial Reactions Between BaAl2Si2O8and Molten Al Alloy at 1423 K and 1523 K (1150°C and 1250°C), Metall. Mater. Trans. B,47B[3] 1753-1764 (2016).

    • V. Wong, W. Jervis, B. Fishburn, T. Numata, W. Joe, A. Rawal, C.C. Sorrell, and P. Koshy, “Long-Term Strength Evolution in Ambient-Cured Solid-Activator Geopolymer Compositions”, Minerals,11[2] Paper 143 {22 pp.} (2021).
    • S. Ukritnukun, P. Koshy, C. Feng, A. Rawal, A. Castel, and C.C. Sorrell, “Development of Low-Alkali, Fly Ash/Slag Geopolymers: Predictive Strength Modelling and Analyses of Impact of Curing Temperatures”, Minerals,11[1] Paper 60 {24 pp.} (2021).
    • S. Ukritnukun, P. Koshy, A. Rawal, A. Castel, and C.C. Sorrell, “Predictive Model of Setting Times and Compressive Strengths for Low-Alkali, Ambient-Cured, Fly Ash/Slag-Based Geopolymers”, Minerals,10[10] Paper 920 (20 pp.} (2020).
    • D.D. Nguyen, L.P. Devlin, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Impact of Water-Soluble Cellulose Ethers on Polymer-Modified Mortars”, J. Mater. Sci.,49[3] 923-951 (2014).
    • D.D. Nguyen, L.P. Devlin, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Effects of Acetic Acid on Early Hydration of Portland Cement”, J. Thermal Anal. Calor.,123[1] 489-499 (2016).
    • D.D. Nguyen, L.P. Devlin, P. Koshy, and C.C. Sorrell, “Effects of Chemical Nature of Polyvinyl Alcohol on Early Hydration of Portland Cement”, J. Thermal Anal. Calor.,123[2] 1439-1450 (2016).

Group leaders

Current personnel

Florence Lui

Florence is an Australian Ph.D. final year PhD student. Her research is on nature-inspired strategies to mimic the bone microenvironment for orthopaedic applications and research in skeletal disease.

Supervisors: Prof. C.C. Sorrell & Dr. P.Koshy


Kochurani K Johnson

Kochurani is a final year international Scientia Ph.D. scholar (India) pursuing cross-disciplinary research on the theranostic applications of nanoceria in cancer therapy. She has a biotechnology background with interests in cancer biology, biomaterials research, and cancer nanomedicine.

Supervisors: Prof. C.C. Sorrell, Dr. P. Koshy, and A/Prof. K. Kilian


Tasmia Zaman

Tasmia is an international final year Ph.D. student (Bangladesh) working on synthesizing lead-free piezoelectric ceramics via solid-state sintering route in order to develop high performance, cost-effective and environmentally friendly piezo materials with excellent energy storage and electrocaloric applications. She has a background in glass and ceramic engineering.

Supervisors: Prof. C.C. Sorrell, A/Prof. J. Daniels, and Dr. P. Koshy


Hao Zhang

Hao is an international 2ndyear PhD. Student (China) working on the synthesis of nanoceria based polymer composites and functionalised nanoceria powders for anti-microbial purposes. He has a Bachelors degree in materials engineering from UNSW.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy, Prof. Yao, and Prof. C.C. Sorrell


Yue (Jerry) Jiang

Yue (Jerry) is an international (China) second year Ph.D student and has a bachelor’s in polymer materials science and engineering fand a master’s degree in materials science and engineering from UNSW in 2019. Jerry’s work is focused on catalytic properties of materials, particularly lead-free perovskites.

Supervisors: Prof. C.C. Sorrell, Dr. P. Koshy, and A/Prof. D. Wang

Gagan Jalandra

Gagan is a second year Ph.D. student who commenced in 2019. His research explores modifications to microgel-based 3D bioprinting to improve tissue models.

He completed his Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering/ Master of Biomedical Engineering from UNSW in 2018 with First Class Honours. His Bachelors research focused on investigating the effects of proteoglycans on wound healing and his Masters research investigated the fatigue characteristics of materials used for cardiac models.


Joel Luke Abraham

Joel is an international (Malaysia) first year Ph.D. student who commenced in February 2021. He currently is undertaking research on developing glass‑ceramics to immobilise nuclear waste safely and efficiently in a collaborative project with ANSTO. Joel completed his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from UNSW in 2020.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy, Dr. D. Gregg (ANSTO), and Prof. C.C. Sorrell


Thibault Cosseron de Villenoisy

Thibault is first year Ph.D. student who commenced in February 2021. He is developing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for efficiently producing functional nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications, including photocatalysis and water splitting. He completed a double degree in Material Science and Chemical Engineering from UNSW in 2020 and an Honours project on zirconium-based MOFs in collaboration with ANSTO.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy, Dr. J. Hart, and Prof. C.C. Sorrell


Honghao Li

Honghao is first year Ph.D. student who commenced in February 2021. He is investigating the effects of fabrication route and morphology of the porous materials for enhanced hydrogenation characteristics and the role of catalysts in modifying the absorption and desorption kinetics for hydrogen storage applications at high pressures. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering UNSW in 2020 with an Honours thesis on developing porous material for hydrogen storage for lower pressures.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy and Prof. S. Chan


Sunny Fan

Sunny is a first-year Ph.D. student who commenced in May 2021. Her research investigates the effects of fabrication parameters, operation pressures, and doping elements on the storage capacity and productivity of carbon based nanomaterials. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering in 2020 with research on metal doped carbon based nanomaterials for hydrogen storage.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy and Prof. S. Chan


Xiaoran (Jeffrey) Zheng

Jeffrey completed his Masters Research degree in 2021 from the School of Materials Science and Engineering. His research focus Did his master by research in the group from 2019-2021 and currently, doing the RA. His expertise is on functional materials, energy storage, and electrochemistry.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy and Prof. C.C. Sorrell

Vienna Wong

Vienna is a final year undergraduate (Materials Science and Engineering / Chemical Engineering) student with experience in fabrication and characterisation of nanostructured and bulk ceramic materials. Her current Honours thesis research is on developing nanomaterials for catalytic applications with focus on their modification for air and water purification.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy

Jiachen Jiang

Jiachen is a final year undergraduate (Materials Science and Engineering) student. She completed an internship at CSIRO on characterising superconducting materials using different analytical techniques, including XRD, Raman spectroscopy, and AFM. She is currently undertaking on her honours thesis on developing novel hermetic coatings for Cochlear implant components.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy

Bernadette Pudadera

Bernadette is in her final year (Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering / Masters of Biomedical Engineering). She completed her Honours thesis on examining the of dissolution of neurostimulating platinum in partnership with Cochlear Ltd. She has developed strong experience in multifarious fields including fabrication of photocatalytic thin films, ion implantation (ANSTO), characterisation of building materials (Brickworks Ltd.), and inspection of marine structures (MCM).

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy

Theodora Cheng

Theodora completed a dual Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Aerospace Engineering in 2021 and have been working with the research group since 2020. This work has involved processing and characterisation of ceramic materials and was based on interests developed when undertaking a ceramics course.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Koshy


Vienna Wong

T1 2021

B.E. (Materials) / B.E. (Chem. Engg)

Nanostructured Materials for Air/Water Purification

Jiachen Jiang

T1 2021

B.E. (Materials)

Coatings for Hermetic Encapsulation (Cochlear)

Lok Wong

T1 2021

B.E. (Materials)

Graphene Coatings by CVD (CSIRO)

Ewing Chen

T1 2021

B.E. (Materials)

Nanostructured Coatings for Pseudocapacitors

Clayton Feng

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Silicone Degradation during Sterilisation (Cochlear)

Katherine Firth

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Electrode Corrosion Mechanisms (Cochlear)

Victoria Lam

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Electrode Corrosion Mechanisms (Cochlear)

Daniel Lu

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Bioceramic Coatings on Ti Implants

Zijun Meng

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Nanostructured Materials for Cancer Treatment

Naman Bansal

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Doped Bioceramic Coatings on Ti Implants

Justin Wong

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Composite Films for Ti Implants

Kenfond Xuan

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Magnetic Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery

Marcus Wong

T1 2021

B.E (Materials) / M.E. (Biomed)

Hydrogel Coatings on Implants

Christopher Wijaya

T3 2021


Nanostructured Coatings from MOFs

Masters Coursework

Xiaotong Liu

T1 2021


Bioceramic Coatings on Ti Implants

Ce Yan

T1 2021


Bioceramic Coatings on Ti Implants

Dinesh Varma

T1 2021


Nanostructured Coatings for Water Splitting

Quan Liu

T1 2021


Ion Implanted Films for Photocatalytic Applications

Liting Zhang

T1 2020


Nanoceria for Biomerdical Applications

International Collaborators

Prof. Jordi Arbiol Catalon Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Microscopy
Dr. Claudio Cazorla Polytechnic University of Catalonia Modelling
Prof. Sudipta Seal University of Central Florida Ceria

Australian Collaborators

Dr. Armand Atanacio ANSTO Ion Implantation
Dr. Dan Gregg ANSTO Nuclear Waste
Dr. Ave Bendavid CSIRO Manufacturing Superconductors
Prof. Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh (UNSW School of Chemical Engineering) Nanostructures
A/Prof. Jason Scott (UNSW School of Chemical Engineering) Catalytic Testing
Dr. Jae Yun Sun (UNSW School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering) Photovoltaics
Prof. Chuan Zhao (UNSW School of Chemistry) Hydrogen
A/Prof. John Daniels (UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering) Piezoelectrics
Dr. Judy Hart (UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering) Modelling
A/Prof. Kris Killian (UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering) Hydrogels
A/Prof. Danyang Wang (UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering) Energy Materials

Supervision Statistics

PhD Masters Research / MPhil Honours M. Coursework




14 (9 in 2022)








Edward Whitelock 2ndPrize: Student Presentation Materials Australia 17 Nov 2021, Sydney 2021
Vienna Wong 4thPrize: Student Presentation Materials Australia 17 Nov 2021, Sydney 2021
Joel Luke Abraham Post-Graduate Research Award

AINSE Residential Student Scholarship (RSS)

AINSE Post Graduate Research Award (PGRA)


Thibault de Villenoisy

1st Prize: Thesis Presentation

Materials Engineering Section: Faculty of Science Thesis Presentation


Madi Moar

University Medal

Bachelor in Materials Engineering / Master in Biomedical Engineering


Joel Luke Abraham

University Medal

Bachelor in Materials Engineering


Bernadette Pudadera

1st Prize: Student Presentation

Materials Australia 7 Nov 2020, Sydney


Aurpa Bhuiyan

3rd Prize: Student Presentation

Materials Australia 7 Nov 2020, Sydney


Aurpa Bhuiyan

AINSE Honours Thesis Scholarship



Pramod Koshy

Vice Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence



Vicki Zhong

University Medal

Bachelor in Materials Engineering / Master in Biomedical Engineering


Alan Cen

University Medal

Bachelor in Materials Engineering / Master in Biomedical Engineering


Keenan Burrough

University Medal

Bachelor in Materials Engineering


Sophie E. Armstrong

1st Prize: Student Presentation

Materials Australia 23 Oct 2019, Sydney


Michelle Yeoh

1st Prize: Poster Presentation

ANSTO Young Researchers Forum 8 September 2019, Sydney


Sajjad S. Mofarah

1st Prize: Best Presentation

Intl. Conference of Nanomaterials and Biomaterials, 10-12 December 2018, Barcelona, Spain


Hangjuan Ren

1st Prize: Best Presentation

ACS Fall Conference, 19-23 August, Boston, MA, USA – Materials for Energy Session


Kochurani K. Johnson

1st Prize: Poster Presentation

CAMS2018, 26-29 November, Wollongong


Michelle Yeoh

1st Prize: Poster Presentation

Materials Australia, 5 December 2018, Sydney


Pramod Koshy

Australian Citation Award for Teaching Excellence

Australian Government


Benjamin Fishburn

2nd Prize: Student Presentation

Materials Australia 6 Dec 2017, Sydney


Zhao Liu

3rd Prize: Poster Presentation

Materials Postgraduate Society Poster Competition, UNSW


Pramod Koshy

Vice Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence



Sultan Albarakati

1st Prize: Poster Presentation

Materials Postgraduate Society Poster Competition, UNSW


Zhao Liu

3rdPrize: Poster Presentation

Materials Postgraduate Society Poster Competition, UNSW


Pramod Koshy

Faculty of Science Award for Teaching Excellence

UNSW Faculty of Science


Wen-Fan Chen

3rdPrize: Poster Presentation

Materials Postgraduate Society Poster Competition, UNSW


Hao Qiu & Wai-Ling Kwong

Best Paper: Nanotechnology

10thEco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering (EMSES2012) 5-8 December 2012, Ubon-Ratchathani, Thailand


Hsin Chen

2nd Prize: Presentation

10th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering (EMSES2012), 5-8 December 2012, Ubon-Ratchathani, Thailand