Dr Andrew Clarke

Dr Andrew Clarke

Senior Lecturer

PhD (sociology), University of Queensland, 2017

Honours (sociology), University of Queensland, 2011

Bachelor of Arts, University of Queensland, 2010

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Social Sciences

Andrew is a sociologist with expertise in the areas of housing studies, social policy, urban sociology, and social theory. He researches a variety of topics including housing insecurity and homelessness, social housing provision, urban governance, and the role of charity in contemporary welfare systems. He is currently undertaking research into how evictions unfold in the Australian private rental sector and contributing to the biennial Australian Homelessness Monitor study, which investigates changes in rates and patterns of homelessness and developments in homelessness policy and interventions.

Andrew’s methodological expertise lies in the use of ethnographic and other qualitative methods to investigate social policies and programs and their effects. He has a strong background in social theory and he is passionate about integrating theoretically-informed sociological analysis with applied social policy research. Andrew also has experience in combining ethnographic research with analysis of administrative data in policy and program evaluations.

Andrew is the Australasian editor ofHousing Studiesand a fellow with the City Futures Research Centre and the Australian Basic Income Lab. Prior to joining UNSW, Andrew held a series of research fellowships at the University of Queensland (2016-2022). Andrew received his PhD in sociology from the University of Queensland in 2017.

+61 2 9065 7041 (School Office)
Level 1 Room 117 Morven Brown Building
  • Books | 2021
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Perales F, 2021, Charity and poverty in advanced welfare states,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Ayed N; Clarke A, 2024, 'The importance of stable housing in social capital development and utilisation: how homelessness undermines reciprocity, recognition, and autonomy', Housing Studies,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Clarke A; Cheshire L; Parsell C; Morris A, 2024, 'Reified scarcity & the problem space of ‘need’: unpacking Australian social housing policy', Housing Studies, 39, pp. 565 - 583,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Clarke A; Pawson H; Parsell C, 2024, 'Allocating Housing Assistance After the Decentring of Social Housing: From Rationing to Social Sorting', Housing, Theory and Society,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Staines Z; Smith K; Plage S; Lata LN; Fay S; Zheng Z; Reeves LS; Beazley H; Kuskoff E; Clarke A; McGowan G; Shevellar L; Prangnell J, 2024, 'Social science as social action to address inequalities', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 59, pp. 108 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Clarke A, 2023, 'Can a basic income help address homelessness? A Titmussian perspective', Journal of Sociology, 59, pp. 860 - 878,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cooke E; Zheng Z; Houen S; Thorpe K; Clarke A; Oakes C; Staton S, 2023, 'Discursive tensions: Outcomes and rights in educators’ accounts of children’s relaxation', Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24, pp. 70 - 81,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Morris A; Clarke A; Robinson C; Idle J; Parsell C, 2023, 'Applying for Social Housing in Australia–The Centrality of Cultural, Social and Emotional Capital', Housing, Theory and Society, 40, pp. 42 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Plage S; Kuskoff E; Parsell C; Clarke A; Ablaza C; Perales F, 2023, 'Longing for a Forever Home: Ontological insecurity is collectively produced in fixed-term supportive housing for families', Housing, Theory and Society, 40, pp. 394 - 410,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Clarke A; Parsell C, 2022, 'Resurgent charity and the neoliberalizing social', Economy and Society, 51, pp. 307 - 329,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cooke E; Coles L; Clarke A; Thorpe K; Staton S, 2022, 'Discarded data: an Ahmedian engagement with young children’s gendered accounts of violence and power', Gender and Education, 34, pp. 787 - 803,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuskoff E; Clarke A; Parsell C, 2022, 'Governing Through (An Exclusive) Community: Limitations of State Conceptualisations of 'the Community' in Domestic Violence Policies', SOCIAL POLICY AND SOCIETY,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuskoff E; Clarke A; Parsell C, 2022, 'What About Men? The Marginalization of Men Who Engage in Domestic Violence', Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, pp. NP11582 - NP11604,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuskoff E; Clarke A; Perales F; Parsell C, 2022, 'Recognition or Redistribution? How Mainstream Media Frames Charitable Responses to People Experiencing Poverty', Sociology, 57,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Parsell C; Cheshire L; Walter Z; Clarke A, 2022, 'Social housing after neo-liberalism: new forms of state-driven welfare intervention toward social renters', Housing Studies, 37, pp. 1124 - 1146,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Kuskoff E, 2022, 'Understanding responses to homelessness during COVID-19: an examination of Australia', Housing Studies, 38, pp. 8 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Perales F, 2022, 'Poverty by Design: The Role of Charity and the Cultivated Ethical Citizen', Social Policy and Society, 21, pp. 525 - 541,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Parsell C; Clarke A, 2022, 'Charity and Shame: Towards Reciprocity', Social Problems, 69, pp. 436 - 452,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Simpson Reeves L; Clarke A; Kuskoff E; Parsell C, 2022, 'Fulfilling and desperately needed: Australian media representations of responses to homelessness', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57, pp. 783 - 797,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Clarke A; Parsell C; Lata LN, 2021, 'Surveilling the marginalised: How manual, embodied and territorialised surveillance persists in the age of ‘dataveillance’', Sociological Review, 69, pp. 396 - 413,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Clarke A; Cheshire L; Parsell C, 2020, 'Bureaucratic encounters “after neoliberalism”: Examining the supportive turn in social housing governance', British Journal of Sociology, 71, pp. 253 - 268,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Clarke A; Parsell C; Vorsina M, 2020, 'The role of housing policy in perpetuating conditional forms of homelessness support in the era of housing first: Evidence from Australia', Housing Studies, 35, pp. 954 - 975,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Clarke A; Parsell C, 2020, 'The Ambiguities of Homelessness Governance: Disentangling Care and Revanchism in the Neoliberalising City', Antipode, 52, pp. 1624 - 1646,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Clarke A; Watts B; Parsell C, 2020, 'Conditionality in the context of housing-led homelessness policy: Comparing Australia’s Housing First agenda to Scotland’s “rights-based” approach', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55, pp. 88 - 100,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cooke E; Thorpe K; Clarke A; Houen S; Oakes C; Staton S, 2020, '“Lie in the grass, the soft grass”: Relaxation accounts of young children attending childcare', Children and Youth Services Review, 109,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Vorsina M, 2020, 'Evidence for an integrated healthcare and psychosocial multidisciplinary model to address rough sleeping', Health and Social Care in the Community, 28, pp. 34 - 41,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Parsell C; Vincent E; Klein E; Clarke A; Walsh T, 2020, 'Introduction to the special issue on welfare conditionality in Australia', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55, pp. 4 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Clarke A; Parsell C, 2019, 'The potential for urban surveillance to help support people who are homeless: Evidence from Cairns, Australia', Urban Studies, 56, pp. 1951 - 1967,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Clarke A, 2019, 'Analyzing problematization as a situated practice in critical policy studies: a case study of ‘customer focus’ policy in urban compliance services', Critical Policy Studies, 13, pp. 190 - 210,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Clarke A, 2019, 'Gentrification and displacement: the forced relocation of public housing tenants in inner-Sydney', HOUSING STUDIES, 35, pp. 191 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Clarke A, 2019, 'The governance of mundane urban nuisances: Examining the influence of neoliberal reason on regulatory practices in Brisbane, Australia', City, 23, pp. 524 - 539,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Parsell C; Clarke A, 2019, 'Agency in advanced liberal services: grounding sociological knowledge in homeless people's accounts', British Journal of Sociology, 70, pp. 356 - 376,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Clarke A; Cheshire L, 2018, 'The post-political state? The role of administrative reform in managing tensions between urban growth and liveability in Brisbane, Australia', Urban Studies, 55, pp. 3545 - 3562,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Clarke A, 2015, 'Governing the dieting self: Conducting weight-loss via the internet', Journal of Sociology, 51, pp. 657 - 673,
  • Reports | 2024
    Aminpour F; Levin I; Clarke A; Hartley C; Emma B; Pawson H, 2024, Getting off the waiting list? Managing housing assistance provision in an era of intensifying social housing shortage, ,
    Reports | 2024
    Pawson H; Clarke A; van den Nouwelant R; Petersen H; Moore J; Sigler T, 2024, Breaking ground: Progress update and assessment of Queensland's housing crisis, QCOSS, Brisbane,
    Reports | 2023
    Pawson H; Clarke A; Moore J; van den Nouwelant R; Ng M, 2023, A blueprint to tackle Queensland's housing crisis, Queensland Council of Social Services, Brisbane, ,
    Reports | 2022
    Pawson H; Clarke A; Hartley C; Parsell C, 2022, Australian Homelessness Monitor 2022, Launch Housing, Melbourne, ,
    Reports | 2021
    Kuskoff E; Parsell C; Ablaza C; Perales F; Clarke A; Plage S, 2021, Keeping families together: pilot project study
    Reports | 2020
    Cheshire L; Clarke A; Fey S; Fitzgerald R; Parsell C, 2020, Next step home – Women on parole evaluation: Final report, Brisbane
    Reports | 2020
    Clarke A; Parsell C, 2020, Responding to rough sleeping in Brisbane: an ethnographic study - summary report, School of Social Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane
    Reports | 2019
    Cheshire L; Singh D; Clarke A; Fitzgerald R; Fey S; Parsell C, 2019, Next Step Home – Women on Parole Evaluation: Interim Report
    Reports | 2019
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Ambrey C; Vorsina M, 2019, Support requirements and accommodation options for people in the ACT with high and complex service needs, Government of the Australian Capital Territory, Canberra
    Reports | 2019
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Cheshire L; Shevellar L, 2019, 139 Club (3rd Space) review
    Reports | 2018
    Clarke A; Parsell C; Ambrey C; Vorsina M, 2018, Summative evaluation of multidisciplinary street to home model: Cairns
    Reports | 2017
    Clarke A; Parsell C, 2017, Formative Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Street to Home Model: Cairns
    Reports | 2016
    Parsell C; Clarke A; Cheshire L; Spallek M, 2016, Data to Identify and Address Family Vulnerability: A Scoping Study
    Reports | 2013
    Memmott P; Greenop K; Haynes M; Clarke A; Western M, 2013, The Challenge of monitoring growth in regional Indigenous homelessness: evidence note no. 23, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra,
    Reports | 2012
    Memmott P; Greenop K; Haynes M; Clarke A; Western M, 2012, The challenge of monitoring growth in regional Indigenous homelessness, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Memmott P; Greenop K; Clarke A; Go-Sam C; Birdsall-Jones C; Harvey-Jones W; Corunna V; Western M, 2011, 'NATSISS crowding data: What does it assume and how can we challenge the orthodoxy?', in Hunter B; Biddle N (ed.), SURVEY ANALYSIS FOR INDIGENOUS POLICY IN AUSTRALIA: SOCIAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVES, AUSTRALIAN NATL UNIV, AUSTRALIA, Australian Natl Univ, Canberra, pp. 241 - 279, presented at Conference on Social Science Perspectives on the 2008 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, AUSTRALIA, Australian Natl Univ, Canberra, 11 April 2011 - 12 April 2011,
  • Media | 2023
    Clarke A, 2023, Can Basic Income Help Address Homelessness?, ,
    Media | 2022
    Morris A; Clarke A; Parsell C; Robinson C; Idle J, 2022, ‘Getting onto the wait list is a battle in itself’: insiders on what it takes to get social housing, ,

Morris, A., Cheshire, C., Martin, C. & Clarke, A. Eviction: How private renters lose their homes and the consequences (2023-2025). Australian Research Council Discovery Grant.

UNSW Early Career Researcher Network Award for 'Best Book Chapter or Journal Article 2023', awarded for paperClarke A, 2023, 'Can a basic income help address homelessness? A Titmussian perspective', Journal of Sociology, 59, pp. 860 – 878.

TASA Early Career Researcher Best Paper Prize 2021, awarded for paper ‘Bureaucratic encounters after neoliberalism: examining the supportive turn in social housing governance’, published in the British Journal of Sociology, 2020, 71(2).

TASA Honours Award 2011, awarded for the honours thesis Governing the Dieting Self: Conducting Weight-loss Via the Internet.