Dr Bettina Mihalas

Dr Bettina Mihalas

Administrative Officer

PhD in Biological Sciences,Ìý2019

Research & Enterprise
Research Ethics and Compliance

 I am passionate about understanding the mechanisms underlying poor oocyte quality that will allow for the development of fertility treatments and diagnostics.

I completed three years of postdoctoral training at the University of Edinburgh (2022), where I studied mechanisms that drive aneuploidy in human eggs and embryos. I previously completed my PhD at the University of Newcastle (2019), which focused on the impact of oxidative stress and epigenetics on the age-related deterioration of the mammalian egg. I then completed a year of Postdoctoral training (2019), where I studied oocyte development and growth during folliculogenesis and chronic chlamydia infection.

I am currently working on strategies to improve age-related fertility. I am investigating the relationship between altered oocyte metabolism and the age-related decline in egg quality. I aim to investigate how metabolic supplementation can improve chromosome segregation and ultimately improve the fertility of older women.

9348 1548
Wallace Wurth Building
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Ammar OF; Massarotti C; Mincheva M; Sharma K; Liperis G; Herraiz S; Rodríguez-Nuevo A; Zambelli F; Mihalas BP; Fraire-Zamora JJ, 2024, 'Oxidative stress and ovarian aging: From cellular mechanisms to diagnostics and treatment', Human Reproduction, 39, pp. 1582 - 1586,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Green ES; Chan HY; Frost E; Griffiths M; Hutchison J; Martin JH; Mihalas BP; Newman T; Dunleavy JEM, 2024, 'Recent advances in reproductive research in Australia and New Zealand: highlights from the Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Biology, 2022', Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 36,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mihalas BP; Marston AL; Wu LE; Gilchrist RB, 2024, 'Reproductive Ageing: Metabolic contribution to age-related chromosome missegregation in mammalian oocytes', Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 168,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mihalas BP; Pieper GH; Aboelenain M; Munro L; Srsen V; Currie CE; Kelly DA; Hartshorne GM; Telfer EE; McAinsh AD; Anderson RA; Marston AL, 2024, 'Age-dependent loss of cohesion protection in human oocytes', Current Biology, 34, pp. 117 - 131.e5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bryan ER; Trim LK; Sadowski P; Paramasivan S; Kim JJ; Gough K; Worley S; Maidment TI; Carey AJ; Mihalas B; McLaughlin EA; Beagley KW, 2023, 'Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination protects sperm health from Chlamydia muridarum-induced abnormalities', Biology of Reproduction, 108, pp. 758 - 777,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mihalas BP; Frost ER; Kadam KM; Sucquart IE; Sirigeri P; Ledger WL; Gilchrist RB, 2023, 'A strong foundation for the next generation', Molecular Reproduction and Development, 90, pp. 773,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Currie CE; Ford E; Benham Whyte L; Taylor DM; Mihalas BP; Erent M; Marston AL; Hartshorne GM; McAinsh AD, 2022, 'The first mitotic division of human embryos is highly error prone', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bryan ER; Redgrove KA; Mooney AR; Mihalas BP; Sutherland JM; Carey AJ; Armitage CW; Trim LK; Kollipara A; Mulvey PBM; Palframan E; Trollope G; Bogoevski K; McLachlan R; McLaughlin EA; Beagley KW, 2020, 'Chronic testicular Chlamydia muridarum infection impairs mouse fertility and offspring development', Biology of Reproduction, 102, pp. 888 - 901,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mihalas BP; Redgrove KA; Bernstein IR; Robertson MJ; McCluskey A; Nixon B; Holt JE; McLaughlin EA; Sutherland JM, 2020, 'Dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis is essential for mouse oocyte development and fertility', FASEB Journal, 34, pp. 5162 - 5177,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Peters AE; Mihalas BP; Bromfield EG; Roman SD; Nixon B; Sutherland JM, 2020, 'Autophagy in Female Fertility: A Role in Oxidative Stress and Aging', Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 32, pp. 550 - 568,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bryan ER; Kollipara A; Trim LK; Armitage CW; Carey AJ; Mihalas B; Redgrove KA; Mclaughlin EA; Beagley KW, 2019, 'Hematogenous dissemination of Chlamydia muridarum from the urethra in macrophages causes testicular infection and sperm DNA damage', Biology of Reproduction, 101, pp. 748 - 759,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Mihalas BP; Camlin NJ; Xavier MJ; Peters AE; Holt JE; Sutherland JM; McLaughlin EA; Eamens AL; Nixon B, 2019, 'The small non-coding RNA profile of mouse oocytes is modified during aging', Aging, 11, pp. 2968 - 2997,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mihalas BP; Bromfield EG; Sutherland JM; De Iuliis GN; McLaughlin EA; John Aitken R; Nixon B, 2018, 'Oxidative damage in naturally aged mouse oocytes is exacerbated by dysregulation of proteasomal activity', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293, pp. 18944 - 18964,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mihalas BP; Houston BJ; Green ES; Enninga EAL; Rhon-Calderon EA, 2018, 'The Primordial Journey', MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, 85, pp. 809 - 809,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sutherland JM; Frost ER; Ford EA; Peters AE; Reed NL; Seldon AN; Mihalas BP; Russel DL; Dunning KR; McLaughlin EA, 2018, 'Janus kinase JAK1 maintains the ovarian reserve of primordial follicles in the mouse ovary', Molecular Human Reproduction, 24, pp. 533 - 542,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bromfield EG; Mihalas BP; Dun MD; John Aitken R; McLaughlin EA; Walters JLH; Nixon B, 2017, 'Inhibition of arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase prevents 4-hydroxynonenal-induced protein damage in male germ cells', Biology of Reproduction, 96, pp. 598 - 609,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mihalas BP; De Iuliis GN; Redgrove KA; McLaughlin EA; Nixon B, 2017, 'The lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal contributes to oxidative stress-mediated deterioration of the ageing oocyte', Scientific Reports, 7,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mihalas BP; Redgrove KA; McLaughlin EA; Nixon B, 2017, 'Molecular mechanisms responsible for increased vulnerability of the ageing oocyte to oxidative damage', Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Redgrove KA; Bernstein IR; Pye VJ; Mihalas BP; Sutherland JM; Nixon B; McCluskey A; Robinson PJ; Holt JE; McLaughlin EA, 2016, 'Dynamin 2 is essential for mammalian spermatogenesis', Scientific Reports, 6,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Reilly JN; McLaughlin EA; Stanger SJ; Anderson AL; Hutcheon K; Church K; Mihalas BP; Tyagi S; Holt JE; Eamens AL; Nixon B, 2016, 'Characterisation of mouse epididymosomes reveals a complex profile of microRNAs and a potential mechanism for modification of the sperm epigenome', Scientific Reports, 6,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Anderson AL; Stanger SJ; Mihalas BP; Tyagi S; Holt JE; McLaughlin EA; Nixon B, 2015, 'Assessment of microRNA expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells and spermatozoa by next generation sequencing', Genomics Data, 6, pp. 208 - 211,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Mihalas BP; Western PS; Loveland KL; McLaughlin EA; Holt JE, 2015, 'Changing expression and subcellular distribution of karyopherins during murine oogenesis', Reproduction, 150, pp. 485 - 496,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nixon B; Stanger SJ; Mihalas BP; Reilly JN; Anderson AL; Dun MD; Tyagi S; Holt JE; McLaughlin EA; Yenugu S, 2015, 'Next generation sequencing analysis reveals segmental patterns of microRNA expression in mouse epididymal epithelial cells', PLoS ONE, 10,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nixon B; Stanger SJ; Mihalas BP; Reilly JN; Anderson AL; Tyagi S; Holt JE; McLaughlin EA, 2015, 'The MicroRNA Signature of Mouse Spermatozoa Is Substantially Modified During Epididymal Maturation', Biology of Reproduction, 93,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Mihalas BP; Pieper GH; Currie CE; Kelly DA; Hartshorne GM; McAinsh AD; Anderson RA; Marston AL, 2023, Age-dependent loss of cohesion protection in human oocytes,