Professor Claire Annesley

Professor Claire Annesley

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)

Professor Claire Annesley is the founding Dean of UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA), a diverse Faculty with over 60 disciplines spanning media, education, construction, textiles, social work, languages, music – and much more. She leads UNSW ADA towards its vision that ‘through creativity, collaboration and inclusion we seek and solve problems to improve life on earth’. A problem-solving ethos infuses UNSW ADA from the Innovation Hub, our six Schools, multiple research Centres and Institutes and across research, education, societal impact and operations.

Claire’s goal as Dean is to design and enable environments for students, staff and partners that are challenging, inclusive and fun. Her impactful leadership is informed by politics and gender scholarship which is all about understanding, but not always accepting, how the official and unwritten rules that govern institutions open opportunities for some, but close them down for others. You can hear Claire talking about her approach to in this short documentary.

Claire’s own research takes a approach to explain why women have been historically excluded from political office and what difference women’s presence makes on practice and policy. For example, her book with co-authors Karen Beckwith (Case Western Reserve) and Susan Franceschet (Calgary) (2019, Oxford University Press), excavates the formal and informal rules that determine why historically women have been underrepresented in cabinet across seven democracies and why this is now changing.

Claire has received multiple awards for her research and teaching, including the 2011 Richard Rose Prize from the Political Studies Association, the 2011 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize from Iowa State University, the 2012 Public Policy Section Prize from the American Political Science Association and the 2016 Johan Skytte manuscript award from Uppsala University. Claire was awarded the University of Sussex’s 'Outstanding and Innovative Undergraduate Teaching Prize’ in 2016 and 2017, as nominated by students. In 2021 she was conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK).

Claire is a social scientist and linguist by background. She has a BA (Hons) in German and Politics from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK) with a year at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany) and a PhD in Humanities from the University of Sheffield (UK) for a thesis entitled ‘Models of Capitalism, Complexity and Postindustrialism: The case of unified Germany’. More recently, Claire has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Innovation and Design Thinking with MIT / Columbia / Tuck (USA) and professional development with MIT (USA), Oxford (UK) and IMD (Switzerland).

Before moving to Australia with her family in January 2020, Claire spent five years at the University of Sussex (UK) where she was Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor, Equalities and Diversity and Head of Politics. Prior to that she spent 15 years at the University of Manchester (UK). She has worked for universities, governments and think tanks in Germany, Poland and Belgium and the UK.

Claire loves living, working and raising her family in Sydney. If she’s not on the Kensington or Paddington campus, you’ll find her drinking coffee, walking her dog, or swimming in the ocean.

+61 (2) 9385 0580
Dean's Unit Lvl 3, Morven Brown
  • Books | 2019
    Annesley C; Beckwith K; Franceschet S, 2019, Cabinets, Ministers, and Gender, Oxford University Press, USA
    Books | 2013
    Annesley C, 2013, A Political and Economic Dictionary of Western Europe, Routledge
    Books | 2007
    Annesley C; Gains F; Rummery K, 2007, Women and new labour: Engendering politics and policy?,
    Books | 2004
    Annesley C, 2004, Postindustrial Germany Services, Technological Transformation and Knowledge in Unified Germany, Manchester University Press
  • Book Chapters | 2011
    Beyeler M; Annesley C, 2011, 'Gendering the Institutional Reform of the Welfare State: Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland', in Krook ML; Mackay F (ed.), GENDER, POLITICS AND INSTITUTIONS: TOWARDS A FEMINIST INSTITUTIONALISM, PALGRAVE, pp. 79 - 94,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Beyeler M; Annesley C, 2010, 'A Feminist Institutionalist Perspective on the Welfare State', in Mackay F; Krook ML (ed.), Gender, Politics and Institutions Towards a Feminist Institutionalism, Springer, pp. 79 - 94
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2007, 'Feminising politics and policy: The impact of new labour', in Women and New Labour: Engendering Politics and Policy?, pp. 3 - 24,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2007, 'Mind the Gap: Bridging the Gender Divide', in Talbot C; Baker M (ed.), The Alternative Comprehensive Spending Review, Manchester University Press, pp. 160 - 169
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Buchanan G; Annesley C, 2007, 'Women and nordic labour parties', in Women and New Labour: Engendering Politics and Policy?, pp. 43 - 61,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Rummery K; Gains F; Annesley C, 2007, 'New Labour: towards an engendered politics and policy?', in , Bristol University Press, pp. 231 - 250,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Rummery K; Gains F; Annesley C, 2007, 'New labour: Towards an engendered politics and policy?', in Women and New Labour: Engendering Politics and Policy?, pp. 231 - 249,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Annesley C, 2006, 'Armut und soziale Ausgrenzung', in Berg S; Kaiser A (ed.), New Labour und die Modernisierung Grossbritanniens, pp. 44 - 60
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Annesley C, 2006, 'Sozialpolitik', in Länderbericht Groβbritannien, pp. 478 - 494
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Annesley C; Pugh G; Tyrrall D, 2004, 'The German Economic Model: consensus, stability, productivity and the implications for reform', in Perraton J; Clift B (ed.), Where are National Capitalisms Now?, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 70 - 90
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Annesley C; Gamble A, 2003, 'Economic and Welfare Policy', in Ludlam S; Smith M (ed.), Governing as New Labour: Policy and Politics Under Blair, Palgrave, pp. 144 - 160
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Annesley C, 2000, 'New Labour and Welfare', in Ludlam S; Smith M (ed.), New Labour in Government, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 202 - 218
  • Journal articles | 2021
    Sanders A; Gains F; Annesley C, 2021, 'What’s on offer: how do parties appeal to women voters in election manifestos?', Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31, pp. 508 - 527,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sanders A; Annesley C; Gains F, 2019, 'What did the coalition government do for women? An analysis of gender equality policy agendas in the UK 2010–2015', British Politics, 14, pp. 162 - 180,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Franceschet S; Annesley C; Beckwith K, 2017, 'What do women symbolize? Symbolic representation and cabinet appointments', POLITICS GROUPS AND IDENTITIES, 5, pp. 488 - 493,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Annesley C; Engeli I; Gains F, 2015, 'The profile of gender equality issue attention in Western Europe', European Journal of Political Research, 54, pp. 525 - 542,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Annesley C; Franceschet S, 2015, 'Gender and the Executive Branch', Politics and Gender, 11, pp. 613 - 617,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Annesley C, 2015, 'Rules of Ministerial Recruitment', Politics and Gender, 11, pp. 618 - 642,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Annesley C; Engeli I; Gains F; Resodihardjo SL, 2014, 'Policy Advocacy in Hard Times: The Impact of Economic Performance on Gendering Executive Attention', West European Politics, 37, pp. 886 - 902,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2014, 'Can cameron capture women's votes? the gendered impediments to a conservative majority in 2015', Parliamentary Affairs, 67, pp. 767 - 782,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2013, 'Investigating the Economic Determinants of the UK Gender Equality Policy Agenda', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 15, pp. 125 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Annesley C; Scheele A, 2013, 'Gender, capitalism and economic crisis: Impact and responses', Argument, 55, pp. 210 - 218,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Annesley C; Scheele A, 2013, 'Geschlecht, Kapitalismus und Wirtschaftskrise: Wirkung und Reaktionen', Das Argument, 1/2, pp. 210 - 210
    Journal articles | 2012
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2012, 'David Cameron's 'Problem' with Women: Representing Women in the Coalition Government', Political Quarterly, 83, pp. 718 - 725,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Annesley C, 2012, 'Campaigning against the Cuts: Gender Equality Movements in Tough Times', Political Quarterly, 83, pp. 19 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Annesley C; Scheele A, 2011, 'Gender, Capitalism and Economic Crisis: Impact and Responses', Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19, pp. 335 - 347,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Annesley C; Gains F; Rummery K, 2010, 'Engendering politics and policy: The legacy of New Labour', Policy and politics, 38, pp. 389 - 406,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Annesley C; Gains F, 2010, 'The Core Executive: Gender, Power and Change', Political Studies, 58, pp. 909 - 929,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Annesley C, 2010, 'Gender, politics and policy change: The case of welfare reform under new labour', Government and Opposition, 45, pp. 50 - 72,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Annesley C, 2010, 'Gendering politics and policy', Policy and politics, 38, pp. 333 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Annesley C, 2007, 'Lisbon and social Europe: Towards a European 'adult worker model' welfare system', Journal of European Social Policy, 17, pp. 195 - 205,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Annesley C, 2007, 'Women's political agency and welfare reform: Engendering the adult worker model', Parliamentary Affairs, 60, pp. 452 - 466,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Annesley C, 2006, 'Ver.di and trade union revitalisation in Germany', INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, 37, pp. 164 - 179,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Annesley C, 2004, 'The Labour market under new Labour: The state of working Britain 2003', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 75, pp. 201 - 203,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Annesley C, 2003, 'Americanised and Europeanised: UK Social Policy since 1997', The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 5, pp. 143 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Annesley C, 2003, 'Transforming Welfare and Gender Regimes: Evidence from the UK and Germany', Comparative European Politics, 1, pp. 129 - 147,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Annesley C, 2003, 'Why we need a new welfare state', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 74, pp. 256 - 258,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Annesley C, 2002, 'A European welfare state? European Union social policy in context', POLITICAL STUDIES, 50, pp. 616 - 617,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Annesley C, 2002, 'Reconfiguring Women's Social Citizenship in Germany: The Right to Sozialhilfe; the Responsibility to Work', German Politics, 11, pp. 81 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Annesley C, 2002, 'Welfare states under pressure', POLITICAL STUDIES, 50, pp. 616 - 617,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Annesley C, 2002, 'Why deregulate labour markets?', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 73, pp. 242 - 244,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Annesley C; Flinders M, 1998, 'Contrasting Approaches: Quangos in Germany and Britain', The Stakeholder, 2
  • Reports | 2014
    Annesley C, 2014, UK Austerity Policy: a Feminist Perspective, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftu, Berlin, Germany,
    Reports | 2011
    Annesley C, 2011, The Impact of The Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women And Men and on Gender Equality Policies, European Comission, Brussels, Belgium,
    Reports | 2011
    Annesley C, 2011, The socio-economic impact of pension systems on the respective situations of women and men and the effects of recent trends in pension reforms, European Comission, Brussels, Belgium