Associate Professor Emily Wong

Associate Professor Emily Wong

Associate Professor

PhD (USyd), MSc (USyd), BSc (UNSW)

School of Biotech & Biomolecular Science

Emily received her Masters and PhD from the University of Sydney in Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics. She was an EMBO postdoctoral fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory–European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) at the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK. There, she studied the regulatory evolution of mammalian tissues. In 2016, She returned to Australia as an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Fellow to the University of Queensland where she worked on genomic control during development.

Emily is part of UNSW and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute. Her research seeks to tie together genetic and molecular understanding to decipher the rules controlling cell and trait diversity. She uses new cross-disciplinary approaches integrating big data with in vivo experiments. Her work leverages the power of comparative genomics to understand how traits are encoded in our genomes and how regulatory systems are disrupted in disease.

+61 2 9295 8788
  • Book Chapters | 2010
    Morris K; Wong ESW; Belov K, 2010, 'Use of genomic information to gain insights into immune function in marsupials: A review of divergent immune genes', in Marsupial Genetics and Genomics, pp. 381 - 400,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Achinger-Kawecka J; Stirzaker C; Portman N; Campbell E; Chia KM; Du Q; Laven-Law G; Nair SS; Yong A; Wilkinson A; Clifton S; Milioli HH; Alexandrou S; Caldon CE; Song J; Khoury A; Meyer B; Chen W; Pidsley R; Qu W; Gee JMW; Schmitt A; Wong ES; Hickey TE; Lim E; Clark SJ, 2024, 'The potential of epigenetic therapy to target the 3D epigenome in endocrine-resistant breast cancer', Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 31, pp. 498 - 512,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wong E, 2024, 'The nuance in DNA and transcription factor interactions', Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 25, pp. 251,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhuang X; Wang Q; Joost S; Ferrena A; Humphreys DT; Li Z; Blum M; Bastl K; Ding S; Landais Y; Zhan Y; Zhao Y; Chaligne R; Lee J-H; Carrasco SE; Bhanot UK; Koche RP; Bott MJ; Katajisto P; Soto-Feliciano YM; Pisanic T; Thomas T; Zheng D; Wong ES; Tammela T, 2024, 'Aging limits stemness and tumorigenesis in the lung by reprogramming iron homeostasis.', bioRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chiang IKN; Humphrey D; Mills RJ; Kaltzis P; Pachauri S; Graus M; Saha D; Wu Z; Young P; Sim CB; Davidson T; Hernandez-Garcia A; Shaw CA; Renwick A; Scott DA; Porrello ER; Wong ES; Hudson JE; Red-Horse K; del Monte-Nieto G; Francois M, 2023, 'Sox7-positive endothelial progenitors establish coronary arteries and govern ventricular compaction', EMBO Reports, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Marjaneh MM; Kirk EP; Patrick R; Alankarage D; Humphreys DT; Monte-Nieto GD; Cornejo-Paramo P; Janbandhu V; Doan TB; Dunwoodie SL; Wong ES; Moran C; Martin ICA; Thomson PC; Harvey RP, 2023, 'Quantitative trait and transcriptome analysis of genetic complexity underpinning cardiac interatrial septation in mice using an advanced intercross line', eLife, 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Smith GD; Ching WH; Cornejo-Páramo P; Wong ES, 2023, 'Decoding enhancer complexity with machine learning and high-throughput discovery', Genome Biology, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Subramanian S; Thoms JAI; Huang Y; Cornejo-Páramo P; Koch FC; Jacquelin S; Shen S; Song E; Joshi S; Brownlee C; Woll PS; Chacon-Fajardo D; Beck D; Curtis DJ; Yehson K; Antonenas V; O'Brien T; Trickett A; Powell JA; Lewis ID; Pitson SM; Gandhi MK; Lane SW; Vafaee F; Wong ES; Göttgens B; Alinejad-Rokny H; Wong JWH; Pimanda JE, 2023, 'Genome-wide transcription factor–binding maps reveal cell-specific changes in the regulatory architecture of human HSPCs', Blood, 142, pp. 1448 - 1462,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Alia DB; Tandili A; Paiva L; Wime AD; Chantada GL; Fandino AC; Sgroi M; Papyan R; Tamamyan G; Camuglia JE; Gole GA; Clark A; Lam GC; Elder JE; McKenzie JD; Staffieri SE; Jones MM; Manudhane R; Sia D; Ritter-Sovinz P; Schwab C; Balayeva R; Khan Z; Nuruddin M; Roy SR; Rashid R; Sultana S; Shakoor SA; Naumenko L; Zhilyaeva K; Bartoszek P; Brichard BG; De Potter P; Bio AIA; Salas B; Coleoni Suarez ME; Mbumba FB; Bonanomi MTBC; Donato Macedo CR; Grigorovski NDAK; Mattosinho CCDS; Teixeira LF; Oscar AH; Veleva-Krasteva NV; Bouda GC; Kabore RL; Philbert R; Evina TGA; Nkumbe HE; Kamsang P; Muyen OM; Dimaras H; Mallipatna A; Hamel P; Superstein R; Paton KE; Strahlendorf C; Palet JEKK; Tyau-Tyau H; Cavieres I; Lopez JP; Oporto J; Ossandon D; Chen W; Xiang D; Du Y; Li K; Ji X; Tang J; Li C; Xu B; Qian J; Xue K; Sun X; Wang Y-Z; Zhang Y; Wu S-Q; Xiao Y; Yang H; Ye H; Polania RA; Berete RC; Couitchere L; Peric S; Alemany-Rubio E; Gonzalez-Rodriguez L; Autrata R; Kepak T; Pochop P; Svojgr K; Gregersen PA; Urbak SF; Montero MM; Budiongo A; Yanga JM; Amani TBK; Lukamba RM; Numbi MN; Calle Jara DA; Villacis Chafla EG; Sanchez GL; Abouelnaga S; Afifi MA; Elhaddad AM; Ali AM; Elzembely M; Said AMA; Ziko OAO; Fuentes-Alabi SL; Goenz MA; Eerme K; Klett A; Hordofa DF; Mengesha AA; Sherief ST; Kivela TT; Nummi K; Cassoux N; Desjardins L; Obono-Obiang G; Kardava T; Khotenashvili Z; Bechrakis NE; Biewald EM; Schlueter S; Ketteler P; Amankwaa-Frempong D; Essuman VA; Paintsil V; Renner LA; Alejos A; Giron A; Carreras YA; Fu LD; Maldonado C; Wong ES; Yam JC; Csoka M; Maka E; Aggarwal P; Gupta V; Bhaduri A; Bhattacharyya A; Das A; Chawla B; Das P; Das S; Gupta H; Gupta S; Verma N; Kaliki S; Khetan V; Maitra P; Mahajan A; Menon V; Mishra DKC; Palanivelu MS; Ramanjulu R; Mudaliar SS; Nair AG; Natarajan S; Seth R; Singh U; Bhat S; Dudeja G; Tripathy D; Akib IMNR; Pagarra H; Amiruddin PO; Kuntorini MW; Armytasari I; Supriyadi E; Sutyawan IWE; Yuliawati P; Lutfi D; Soebagjo HD; Rahman A; Sitorus RS; Victor AA; Tehuteru ES; Widiarti W; Nency YM; Faranoush M; Mehrvar A; Tashvighi M; Sedaghat A; Ghassemi F; Khodabande A; Abdulqader RA; Al-Shaheen AASM; Al Ani MH; Haydar H; Al-Badri SAF; Al-Jadiry MF; Sabhan AH; Al-Jumaily U; Al-Mafrachi AARM; Al-Shammary EH; Al-Janabi ANH; Qadir AO; Capra M; Blum S; Gomel N; Fabian ID; Goldberg H; Kapelushnik N; Madgar S; Vishnevskia-Dai V; Frenkel S; Pe'er J; Gorfine M; Refaeli D; Steinberg DM; Lavy Y; Toledano H; Caspi S; De Francesco S; Hadjistilianou T; Ida R; Valente P; Midena E; Parrozzani R; Cowan-Lyn KE; Vaughan LO; Suzuki S; Mohammad MT; Yousef YA; Manzhuova L; Atsiaya R; Matende IO; Begimkulova AS; Makimbetov EK; Keomisy J; Sayalith P; Valeina S; Viksnins M; Al-Haddad CE; Saab RH; Alsawidi KM; Elbahi AM; Krivaitiene D; Tateshi B; Randrianarisoa HL; Raobela L; Msukwa G; Nyirenda C; Hamzah N; Teh KH; Sylla F; Traore F; Cheikh SS; Zein E; Perez GG; Sanchez Orozco AJ; Ortega-Hernandez M; Ramirez-Ortiz MA; Chuluunbat T; Abdallah E; Benmiloud S; El Kettani A; Hessissen L; Almeida AA; Limbu B; Rajkarnikar P; Saiju R; Moll AC; Wijsard MVH; Cockcroft RL; Ng Y; Dodgshun AJ; Calderon-Sotelo P; Abdullahi SU; Hassan S; Umar AB; Abdulrahaman AA; Wali AH; Ademola-Popoola DS; Adio A; Aghaji AE; Ezegwui IR; Akinsete A; Musa KO; Fasina O; Ibanga A; Nkanga ED; Mustapha T; Ribadu D; Hummelen M; Ahmad A; Mushtaq A; Qayyum S; Chaudhry S; Fadoo Z; Jeeva I; Masud S; Hamid SA; Zia N; Hassan S; Siddiqui SN; Janjua T; Yaqub MA; Khaqan HA; Quintero D K; Yee R; Jairaj V; Cano MR; Fernandez DDPG; Diaz Coronado RY; Zapata Lopez AM; Garcia JL; Ponce J; Garcia Pacheco HN; Pascual Morales CR; Vasquez Anchaya JK; Tarrillo Leiva FF; Alcasabas APA; Mercado GJ; Cieslik K; Hautz W; Rogowska A; Castela G; Silva S; Jo DH; Kim JH; Comsa C; Dragomir MD; Neroev V; Saakyan S; Polyakov V; Ushakova TL; Yarovaya VA; Yarovoy AA; Theophile T; Al Mesfer S; Maktabi A; Al-Dahmash SA; Alkatan HM; Moreira C; Roth PAN; Ilic VR; Nikitovic M; Latinovic S; Quah B; Tan D; Hederova S; Husakova K; Groznik AL; Pompe MT; Davidson A; Du Bruyn M; Du Plessis J; Stones DK; Geel JA; Myezo KH; Kruger M; Mayet I; Naidu G; Naidu N; Mustak H; Reynders D; Wetter J; Alarcon Portabella S; Martin-Begue N; Wolley Dod C; Balaguer J; Barranco H; Catala-Mora J; Correa Llano MG; Fernandez-Teijeiro A; Garcia Aldana D; Peralta Calvo J; San Roman Pacheco S; Gunasekera DS; Elhassan MMA; Mohamedani AA; All-Eriksson C; Bartuma K; Popovic MB; Munier FL; Liu C-H; Chiwanga FS; Kyara A; Mndeme FG; Msina MS; Scanlan TA; Atchaneeyasakul L-O; Buaboonnam J; Dangboon W; Singha P; Hongeng S; Kulvichit K; Rojanaporn D; Surukrattanaskul S; Wangtiraumnuay N; Wiwatwongwana A; Wiwatwongwana D; Wongwai P; Sharma MK; Guedenon KM; Bouguila H; Atalay HT; Hasanreisoglu M; Ataseven E; Kantar M; Gunduz AK; Kebudi R; Kiratli H; Koc I; Tuncer S; Unal E; Kalinaki A; Matua M; Waddell K; Musika AA; Ssali G; Al Harby L; Reddy MA; Astbury NJ; Bascaran C; Bowman R; Burton MJ; Foster A; Zondervan M; Sagoo MS; Bobrova N; Sorochynska T; Lysytsia L; Castillo L; Afshar AR; Berry JL; Kim JW; Randhawa JK; Binkley E; Boldt HC; Larson SA; Brennan RC; Chandramohan A; Stacey AW; Corson TW; Plager DA; Davanzo JM; Singh AD; Demirci H; Ericksen C; Magrath GN; Gold AS; Murray TG; Gonzalez E; Shah AS; Hansen ED; Hartnett ME; Harbour JW; Hubbard GB; Uner OE; Laurenti KD; Mets MB; Leverant AA; Ramasubramanian A; Luna-Fineman S; Miller A; Skalet AH; Mruthyunjaya P; Hassan M; Oliver SC; Shields CL; Yaghy A; Stahl ED; Wilson MW; Villegas VM; Islamov Z; Usmanov RH; Graells J; Romero L; Pham CTM; Trang DL; Al-Hussaini HH; Thawaba ADM; Muma KIM; Nyaywa M, 2022, 'The Global Retinoblastoma Outcome Study: a prospective, cluster-based analysis of 4064 patients from 149 countries', LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH, 10, pp. E1128 - E1140,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cornejo-Páramo P; Roper K; Degnan SM; Degnan BM; Wong ES, 2022, 'Distal regulation, silencers, and a shared combinatorial syntax are hallmarks of animal embryogenesis', Genome Research, 32, pp. 474 - 487,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fennell KA; Vassiliadis D; Lam EYN; Martelotto LG; Balic JJ; Hollizeck S; Weber TS; Semple T; Wang Q; Miles DC; MacPherson L; Chan YC; Guirguis AA; Kats LM; Wong ES; Dawson SJ; Naik SH; Dawson MA, 2022, 'Non-genetic determinants of malignant clonal fitness at single-cell resolution', Nature, 601, pp. 125 - 131,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Achinger-Kawecka J; Stirzaker C; Portman N; Campbell E; Chia K-M; Du Q; Laven-Law G; Nair S; Yong A; Wilkinson A; Clifton S; Milioli H; Alexandrou S; Caldon E; Song J; Khoury A; Meyer B; Gee JMW; Schmitt A; Wong E; Hickey T; Lim E; Clark S, 2021, 'Epigenetic therapy targets the 3D epigenome in endocrine-resistant breast cancer', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cornejo-Páramo P; Roper K; Degnan S; Degnan B; Wong E, 2021, 'Distal regulation, silencers and a shared combinatorial syntax are hallmarks of animal embryogenesis', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Floc'hlay S; Wong ES; Zhao B; Viales RR; Thomas-Chollier M; Thieffry D; Garfield DA; Furlong EEM, 2021, 'Cis-acting variation is common across regulatory layers but is often buffered during embryonic development', Genome Research, 31, pp. 211 - 224,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Floc’hlay S; Wong E; Zhao B; Viales R; Thomas-Chollier M; Thieffry D; Garfield D; Furlong EEM, 2020, 'Cis acting variation is common, can propagates across multiple regulatory layers, but is often buffered in developmental programs', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wong ES; Zheng D; Tan SZ; Bower NI; Garside V; Vanwalleghem G; Gaiti F; Scott E; Hogan BM; Kikuchi K; McGlinn E; Francois M; Degnan BM, 2020, 'Deep conservation of the enhancer regulatory code in animals', Science, 370,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wong E; Tan SZ; Garside V; Vanwalleghem G; Gaiti F; Scott E; McGlinn E; Francois M; Degnan B, 2019, 'Early origin and deep conservation of enhancers in animals', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Friedman CE; Nguyen Q; Lukowski SW; Helfer A; Chiu HS; Miklas J; Levy S; Suo S; Han JDJ; Osteil P; Peng G; Jing N; Baillie GJ; Senabouth A; Christ AN; Bruxner TJ; Murry CE; Wong ES; Ding J; Wang Y; Hudson J; Ruohola-Baker H; Bar-Joseph Z; Tam PPL; Powell JE; Palpant NJ, 2018, 'Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Cardiac Differentiation from Human PSCs Reveals HOPX-Dependent Cardiomyocyte Maturation', Cell Stem Cell, 23, pp. 586 - 598.e8,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jasinska AJ; Zelaya I; Service SK; Peterson CB; Cantor RM; Choi OW; DeYoung J; Eskin E; Fairbanks LA; Fears S; Furterer AE; Huang YS; Ramensky V; Schmitt CA; Svardal H; Jorgensen MJ; Kaplan JR; Villar D; Aken BL; Flicek P; Nag R; Wong ES; Blangero J; Dyer TD; Bogomolov M; Benjamini Y; Weinstock GM; Dewar K; Sabatti C; Wilson RK; Jentsch DJ; Warren W; Coppola G; Woods RP; Freimer NB, 2017, 'Genetic variation and gene expression across multiple tissues and developmental stages in a nonhuman primate', Nature Genetics, 49, pp. 1714 - 1721,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Wong ES; Schmitt BM; Kazachenka A; Thybert D; Redmond A; Connor F; Rayner TF; Feig C; Ferguson-Smith AC; Marioni JC; Odom DT; Flicek P, 2017, 'Interplay of cis and trans mechanisms driving transcription factor binding and gene expression evolution', Nature Communications, 8,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wong ES; Thybert D; Schmitt BM; Stefflova K; Odom DT; Flicek P, 2015, 'Decoupling of evolutionary changes in transcription factor binding and gene expression in mammals', Genome Research, 25, pp. 167 - 178,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zepeda-Mendoza CJ; Mukhopadhyay S; Wong ES; Harder N; Splinter E; de Wit E; Eckersley-Maslin MA; Ried T; Eils R; Rohr K; Mills A; de Laat W; Flicek P; Sengupta AM; Spector DL, 2015, 'Quantitative analysis of chromatin interaction changes upon a 4.3 Mb deletion at mouse 4E2', BMC Genomics, 16,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Van Der Kraan LE; Wong ESW; Lo N; Ujvari B; Belov K, 2013, 'Identification of natural killer cell receptor genes in the genome of the marsupial Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)', Immunogenetics, 65, pp. 25 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wong ESW; Hardy MC; Wood D; Bailey T; King GF, 2013, 'SVM-Based Prediction of Propeptide Cleavage Sites in Spider Toxins Identifies Toxin Innovation in an Australian Tarantula', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wong ESW; Nicol S; Warren WC; Belov K, 2013, 'Echidna venom gland transcriptome provides insights into the evolution of monotreme venom', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wong ESW; Belov K, 2012, 'Venom evolution through gene duplications', Gene, 496, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wong ESW; Morgenstern D; Mofiz E; Gombert S; Morris KM; Temple-Smith P; Renfree MB; Whittington CM; King GF; Warren WC; Papenfuss AT; Belov K, 2012, 'Proteomics and deep sequencing comparison of seasonally active venom glands in the platypus reveals novel venom peptides and distinct expression profiles', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 11, pp. 1354 - 1364,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wong ESW; Papenfuss AT; Whittington CM; Warren WC; Belov K, 2012, 'A limited role for gene duplications in the evolution of platypus venom', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29, pp. 167 - 177,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Renfree MB; Papenfuss AT; Deakin JE; Lindsay J; Heider T; Belov K; Rens W; Waters PD; Pharo EA; Shaw G; Wong ESW; Lefèvre CM; Nicholas KR; Kuroki Y; Wakefield MJ; Zenger KR; Wang C; Ferguson-Smith M; Nicholas FW; Hickford D; Yu H; Short KR; Siddle HV; Frankenberg SR; Chew KY; Menzies BR; Stringer JM; Suzuki S; Hore TA; Delbridge ML; Mohammadi A; Schneider NY; Hu Y; O'Hara W; Al Nadaf S; Wu C; Feng ZP; Cocks BG; Wang J; Flicek P; Searle SMJ; Fairley S; Beal K; Herrero J; Carone DM; Suzuki Y; Sugano S; Toyoda A; Sakaki Y; Kondo S; Nishida Y; Tatsumoto S; Mandiou I; Hsu A; McColl KA; Lansdell B; Weinstock G; Kuczek E; McGrath A; Wilson P; Men A; Hazar-Rethinam M; Hall A; Davis J; Wood D; Williams S; Sundaravadanam Y; Muzny DM; Jhangiani SN; Lewis LR; Morgan MB; Okwuonu GO; Ruiz SJ; Santibanez J; Nazareth L; Cree A; Fowler G; Kovar CL; Dinh HH; Joshi V; Jing C; Lara F; Thornton R; Chen L; Deng J; Liu Y; Shen JY; Song XZ; Edson J; Troon C; Thomas D; Stephens A; Yapa L; Levchenko T; Gibbs RA; Cooper DW; Speed TP; Fujiyama A; M Graves JA; O'Neill RJ, 2011, 'Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development', Genome Biology, 12, pp. 414,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Wang J; Wong ESW; Whitley JC; Li J; Stringer JM; Short KR; Renfree MB; Belov K; Cocks BG, 2011, 'Ancient antimicrobial peptides kill Antibiotic-Resistant pathogens: Australian mammals provide new options', PLoS ONE, 6,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Wong ESW; Papenfuss AT; Belov K, 2011, 'Genomic identification of chemokines and cytokines in opossum', Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 31, pp. 317 - 330,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Wong ESW; Papenfuss AT; Belov K, 2011, 'Immunome database for marsupials and monotremes', BMC Immunology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Wong ESW; Papenfuss AT; Heger A; Hsu AL; Ponting CP; Miller RD; Fenelon JC; Renfree MB; Gibbs RA; Belov K, 2011, 'Transcriptomic analysis supports similar functional roles for the two thymuses of the tammar wallaby', BMC Genomics, 12,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Whittington CM; Papenfuss AT; Locke DP; Mardis ER; Wilson RK; Abubucker S; Mitreva M; Wong ESW; Hsu AL; Kuchel PW; Belov K; Warren WC, 2010, 'Novel venom gene discovery in the platypus', Genome Biology, 11,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cao H; De Bono B; Belov K; Wong ES; Trowsdale J; Barrow AD, 2009, 'Comparative genomics indicates the mammalian CD33rSiglec locus evolved by an ancient large-scale inverse duplication and suggests all Siglecs share a common ancestral region', Immunogenetics, 61, pp. 401 - 417,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Siddle HV; Deakin JE; Coggill P; Hart E; Cheng Y; Wong ESW; Harrow J; Beck S; Belov K, 2009, 'MHC-linked and un-linked class I genes in the wallaby', BMC Genomics, 10,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Wong ESW; Papenfuss AT; Miller RD; Belov K, 2009, 'Hatching time for monotreme immunology', Australian Journal of Zoology, 57, pp. 185 - 198,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Wong ESW; Sanderson CE; Deakin JE; Whittington CM; Papenfuss AT; Belov K, 2009, 'Identification of natural killer cell receptor clusters in the platypus genome reveals an expansion of C-type lectin genes', Immunogenetics, 61, pp. 565 - 579,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Robinson MW; Tort JF; Lowther J; Donnelly SM; Wong E; Xu W; Stack CM; Padula M; Herbert B; Dalton JP, 2008, 'Proteomics and phylogenetic analysis of the cathepsin L protease family of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica: Expansion of a repertoire of virulence-associated factors', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 7, pp. 1111 - 1123,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Warren WC; Hillier LDW; Marshall Graves JA; Birney E; Ponting CP; Grützner F; Belov K; Miller W; Clarke L; Chinwalla AT; Yang SP; Heger A; Locke DP; Miethke P; Waters PD; Veyrunes F; Fulton L; Fulton B; Graves T; Wallis J; Puente XS; López-Otín C; Ordó̃ez GR; Eichler EE; Chen L; Cheng Z; Deakin JE; Alsop A; Thompson K; Kirby P; Papenfuss AT; Wakefield MJ; Olender T; Lancet D; Huttley GA; Smit AFA; Pask A; Temple-Smith P; Batzer MA; Walker JA; Konkel MK; Harris RS; Whittington CM; Wong ESW; Gemmell NJ; Buschiazzo E; Vargas Jentzsch IM; Merkel A; Schmitz J; Zemann A; Churakov G; Kriegs JO; Brosius J; Murchison EP; Sachidanandam R; Smith C; Hannon GJ; Tsend-Ayush E; McMillan D; Attenborough R; Rens W; Ferguson-Smith M; Lefèvre CM; Sharp JA; Nicholas KR; Ray DA; Kube M; Reinhardt R; Pringle TH; Taylor J; Jones RC; Nixon B; Dacheux JL; Niwa H; Sekita Y; Huang X; Stark A; Kheradpour P; Kellis M; Flicek P; Chen Y; Webber C; Hardison R; Nelson J; Hallsworth-Pepin K; Delehaunty K; Markovic C; Minx P; Feng Y; Kremitzki C; Mitreva M; Glasscock J; Wylie T; Wohldmann P; Thiru P; Nhan MN; Pohl CS; Smith SM; Hou S; Nefedov M, 2008, 'Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution (Nature (2008) 453, (175-183))', Nature, 455, pp. 256,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Warren WC; Hillier LW; Graves JAM; Birney E; Ponting CP; Grutzner F; Belov K; Miller W; Clarke L; Chinwalla AT; Yang SP; Heger A; Locke D; Miethke P; Waters PD; Veyrunes F; Fulton L; Fulton B; Graves T; Wallis J; Puente XS; Lopez-Otin C; Ordonez C; Eichler EE; Chen L; Cheng Z; Deakin J; Alsop A; Thompson K; Kirby P; Papenfuss AT; Wakefield MJ; Olender T; Lancet D; Huttley GA; Smit AFA; Pask A; Temple-Smith P; Batzer MA; Walker JA; Konkel MK; Harris RS; Whittington CM; Wong ESW; Gemmell NJ; Buschiazzo E; Vargas Jentzsch IM; Merkel A; Schmitz J; Zemann A; Churakov G; Kriegs JO; Brosius J; Murchison EP; Sachidanandam R; Smith C; Hannon GJ; Tsend-Ayush E; McMillan D; Attenborough R; Rens W; Ferguson-Smith M; Lefevre CM; Sharp JA; Nicholas KR; Ray DA; Kube M; Reinhardt R; Pringle TH; Taylor J; Jones RC; Nixon B; Dacheux JL; Niwa H; Sekita Y; Huang X; Stark A; Kheradpour P; Kellis M; Flicek P; Chen Y; Webber C; Hardison R; Nelson J; Hallsworth-Pepin K; Delehaunty K; Markovic C; Minx P; Feng Y; Kremitzki C; Mitreva M; Glasscock J; Wylie T; Wohldmann P; Thiru P; Nhan MN; Pohl CS; Smith SM; Hou S; Renfree M; Mardis ER; Wilson RK, 2008, 'Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution', Nature, 453, pp. 175 - 184
    Journal articles | 2008
    Whittington CM; Papenfuss AT; Bansal P; Torres AM; Wong ESW; Deakin JE; Graves T; Alsop A; Schatzkamer K; Kremitzki C; Ponting CP; Temple-Smith P; Warren WC; Kuchel PW; Belov K, 2008, 'Defensins and the convergent evolution of platypus and reptile venom genes', Genome Research, 18, pp. 986 - 994,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Belov K; Sanderson CE; Deakin JE; Wong ESW; Assange D; McColl KA; Gout A; De Bono B; Barrow AD; Speed TP; Trowsdale J; Papenfuss AT, 2007, 'Characterization of the opossum immune genome provides insights into the evolution of the mammalian immune system', Genome Research, 17, pp. 982 - 991,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Cornejo-Páramo P; Zhang X; Louis L; Yang Y-H; Li Z; Humphreys D; Wong E, 2024, A Bag-Of-Motif Model Captures Cell States at Distal Regulatory Sequences, ,
    Preprints | 2024
    Preprints | 2022
    Cornejo-Páramo P; Petrova V; Zhang X; Young R; Wong E, 2022, Emergence of new enhancers at late DNA replicating regions, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Marjaneh MM; Kirk E; Patrick R; Alankerage D; Humphreys D; Del Monte-Nieto G; Cornejo-Paramo P; Janbandhu V; Doan T; Dunwoodie S; Wong E; Moran C; Martin ICA; Thomson P; Harvey R, 2022, Quantitative trait and transcriptome analysis of genetic complexity underpinning cardiac interatrial septation in mice using an advanced intercross line, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Friedman CE; Nguyen Q; Lukowski SW; Chiu HS; Helfer A; Miklas J; Suo SS; Jackie Han J-D; Osteil P; Peng G; Jing N; Baillie GJ; Senabouth A; Christ AN; Bruxner TJ; Murry CE; Wong ES; Ding J; Wang Y; Hudson J; Ruohola-Baker H; Bar-Joseph Z; Tam PPL; Powell JE; Palpant NJ, 2017, Analysis of cardiac differentiation at single cell resolution reveals a requirement of hypertrophic signaling for HOPX transcription, ,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Pineda SS; Wong ES; Fry BG; Binford GJ; King GF, 2012, 'Understanding the Chemical Diversity and Evolution of Spider Venoms using Comparative Transcriptomics', in TOXICON, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, HI, Honolulu, pp. 234 - 234, presented at 17th World Congress of the International-Society-on-Toxinology (IST)/Venom Week/4th International Scientific Symposium on All Things Venomous, HI, Honolulu, 08 July 2012 - 13 July 2012,
    Preprints |
    Friedman CE; Nguyen Q; Lukowski SW; Helfer A; Chiu HS; Voges HK; Suo Suo S; Jackie Han J-D; Osteil P; Peng G; Jing N; Baillie GJ; Senabouth A; Christ AN; Bruxner TJ; Murry CE; Wong ES; Ding J; Wang Y; Hudson J; Bar-Joseph Z; Tam PPL; Powell JE; Palpant NJ, Cardiac Directed Differentiation Using Small Molecule WNT Modulation at Single-Cell Resolution, ,