Sessions Descriptions for August 23, 2019 Professional Learning Day
Augst 23 Flex Day Descriptions
Please check for times, and double check the day of the event to be sure room assignments have not shifted.
Academic Senate: Finding Ways to Serve Students Better. N. DeQuin. Come learn from Academic Senate President Nikki DeQuin about the state Associated Senates of California Community Colleges’ student-centered priorities, and about the work our own Senate will be undertaking in 2019-20. SS206
And the Survey Says…..Ten Things Your On-line Students Want Teachers to Know. S. Lawrence. Based on our springtime student survey, The DE Department help you learn what your students like in the online learning environment and what they’d rather see less of. We’ll give you some tips and tricks for employing some powerful tools in response to their feedback. A few items we’ll learn about will include: tools for creating engaging content, effective instructor contact and a few easy tips on courses navigation. SS205
Become a Trained Faculty Observer—GCFA and District. Become qualified to observe part-time faculty in their evaluation process. BU118
Department Meetings. Some, but not all, departments will meet. Please check with your department chair re: time and place. As announced by department chairs
Equity in the classroom. Velarde-Barros and others. Join the inspired group of faculty who attended the spring Equity conference to define Equity, discuss Gavilan' s Disproportionally Impacted groups, and propose strategies for the classroom, with a focus on cultivating an overall Equity mindset. SS214
Gavy Recipients Speak: Creativity, Film, Success/Panel. G. Richards. Join some of Gavilan’s stand-out actors, directors, and film-making students to hear what informs and motivates their successful work. Students will screen 2019 Gavy award-winning films. SS210
GCFA Negotiations Update/ GCFA business. Overson/GCFA. GCFA contract Negotiations updates from the GCFA President and Negotiations Team. Participate in a small informational session regarding your contract. Learn where we are in the negotiation cycle and how you can support the Negotiations Team in the next phase of our negations. BU118
Getting to Know Gavilan's Immigrant Students/Panel. N. Cisneros. Come learn what a panel of immigrant students at Gavilan have to say about their experiences living in a new culture, learning a new language, and taking classes at a US college. Discussion follows. SS210
Guided Pathways: A Truly Open Discussion. R Brown, V. Parakati. This session will briefly review the timeline of Guided Pathways work thus far and what is to come. Most of the session will be devoted to an open question and answer session with the Guided Pathways team and Katherine Bergman, JD, Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator, Bay Area, who supports our Guided Pathways effort and is a terrific resource. Please come with questions and concerns. Repeated. BU120
Guided Pathways: Hearing our Students’ Voices/Panel. S. Burkhamer, J. Wilson. Guided Pathways is a student-centered initiative. Listening to our students and learning about their experiences at Gavilan is vital as we work towards identifying how Guided Pathways can best serve our students. The purpose of this panel is to listen, learn, & inquire so we may gain a deeper understanding. Repeated. BU120
Health & Safety Q & A. Join members of the Health and Safety Committee for a facilitated discussion on progress re: security concerns raised at the January flex days, and a preview of what is being planned and funded. BU103
iLearn for the Complete Beginner. S. Lawrence. Never used it before? Bring your syllabus and handouts and we will help get you up and running on iLearn to supplement your face-to-face class. According to students, they’re looking for the handouts, grades, and quick messages features the most. We’ll show you how to get it done with a minimum of fuss. TLC
iLearn Gradebook and Assessments. S. Lawrence. From simple to complex, the iLearn gradebook can be set up to match the way you work. Join us to learn the basics of how to set up your assignments and categories, and then move on to more advanced tips and common pitfalls. TLC
LGBTQ@ Gav/Panel. P. Yuh. Join a panel of LGBTQ students at Gavilan to learn more about concerns and needs of our LGBTQ students inside and outside the classroom. SS210
Mandated Reporter training. Repeats. Gavilan Human Resources Department. All staff at Gavilan are mandated reporters of abuse or sexual assault under California law. What are the requirements? What are the black, white, and gray areas? How can we sensitively and ethically carry out this responsibility? BU103
My Retirement Decisions. CalSTRS representative will help anyone who eventually wishes to retire learn how to make basic calculations and identify key early (or later) strategies for doing so in the best possible way. BU118
Polish and Organize your Online Course. P. Howell. Your students are probably busy and overwhelmed. Nobody has the spare time to get lost in a confusing classroom. Learn how to simplify, cull, and provide a streamlined experience to keep your students focused on the material and not getting lost. TLC
Reaching Out to Low Income Students/Panel. N. Park. Come hear what low-income students want us to hear about how to best serve their needs, support their aspirations, and help them move forward in higher education and in the world. Discussion follows. SS210
Students Speak on Mental Health Challenges/Panel. C. Velarde-Barros. How can we best support a wide variety of students with mental health challenges? Come hear what students have found helpful and not-so-helpful; discussion follows. SS214
Teaching Basic Skills Students: A Student Perspective/Panel. V. Parakati, L. Halper. Come learn what a panel of basic skills students at Gavilan find more or less helpful in college, and discuss best practices with faculty specialists. Discussion follows. SS214
Universal Design for Learning with Kurzweil 3000. J. Maringer. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is not a one-size-fits-all-learning. Kurzweil 3000 software is reading, writing and learning software that benefits students with reading challenges, and uses alternative and multiple means of engagement. The High Tech Center has used this software since 1997, and would like to share the web app version of this software with all Gavilan students. Are you having difficulty with your students completing their reading assignments? The Kurzweil 3000 program uses a multi-sensory approach – presenting print or electronic text on the computer screen with added visual and auditory accessibility. Join us in exploring how you can use this app as a tool with your reading assignments in the classroom. High Tech Center
Video Workshop. P. Howell. The students' most requested change is to move away from text-heavy lectures and towards video and multimedia. We'll get hands-on practice with all the steps in the pipeline, and explore different ways to make it simple for the beginner, or fancy for the expert. Everyone is welcome! TLC
Windmills Disability Sensitivity Training. S. Gaitan and Department of Rehabilitation. Windmills is a formal disability sensitivity awareness program that cover topics including empathy, disability fact or fiction, reasonable accommodations, misconceptions, etc. It creates new perspectives, increases disability awareness, and covers etiquette. This is an engaging and participatory experience. This training is limited to 20 participants; to sign up, please contact Steven Gaitan at SS205
Your Benefits. Join HR Specialist Lucy Alvarez to learn what benefits you have as a full-time faculty member, and how to maximize using them. (Some information will be included on benefits for part-time faculty.) BU 118