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Indicate in the space provided with each item the extent to which the faculty member conforms to the expected standards. Does the faculty member accept responsibilities/recognition of obligations, such as:  FORMTEXT       meets classes at the stated times or maintain assigned work hours.  FORMTEXT       teach competently, fairly and objectively the subject matter described in the college catalog, or competently performs assigned duties.  FORMTEXT       demonstrates careful and purposeful preparation and planning in assigned work.  FORMTEXT       maintains office hours  FORMTEXT       takes active steps to ensure adequate course or work standards; (i.e., are students who complete course(s) well prepared for the next level of study; or does work meet State or national guidelines.)  FORMTEXT       Other (please state)  FORMTEXT       Does the faculty member work to maintain facilities, such as:  FORMTEXT       reasonable care of instructional equipment and supplies  FORMTEXT       maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom or work environment  FORMTEXT       Other (please state)  FORMTEXT       Does the faculty member assist in the smooth operation of the institution by responding to written and oral requests and completing forms (i.e., supply requisitions, bookstore orders, Admissions and Records reports, grade reports, etc.) in a manner that is:  FORMTEXT       timely  FORMTEXT       complete and accurate The faculty member exhibits professional attitudes and attributes that foster institutional quality and growth, such as:  FORMTEXT       willingness to assist student with college-related problems  FORMTEXT       professional behavior in relationships with others  FORMTEXT       availing him/herself of the opportunities to grow in the profession  FORMTEXT       utilizing a variety of performing strategies and materials  FORMTEXT       willingness to try new ideas  FORMTEXT       applying current and recent advances from the discipline into performing  FORMTEXT       exhibits ethical standards of the profession The faculty member demonstrates effectiveness of communication, such as:  FORMTEXT       expresses ideas clearly and accurately  FORMTEXT       maintains appropriate records and reports  FORMTEXT       meets obligations on time  FORMTEXT       demonstrates maturity of thought and judgment in reaching decisions  FORMTEXT       works effectively and cooperatively with others Does the faculty member demonstrate a commitment to the faculty role in institutional governance by actively participating on college committees?  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FORMCHECKBOX  YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO Examples:  FORMTEXT       Does the faculty member demonstrate a commitment to the institution's role in service to the community by active participation in community activities?  FORMCHECKBOX  YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO Examples:  FORMTEXT       Does the faculty member demonstrate a commitment to the institution's future by taking an active role in institutional planning and development?  FORMCHECKBOX  YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO Examples:  FORMTEXT       ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:  FORMTEXT       Does the faculty member contribute to the development and/or implementation of student learning outcomes and assessment?  FORMCHECKBOX  YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  NA Summary Administrator Evaluation (Based on all evaluation and observation forms)  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Need Improvement  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory These evaluation documents (Self, Student (when applicable) and Administrative) have been reviewed with the evaluatee on  FORMTEXT      . ____________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Evaluatee Date ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Administrative Evaluator Date A copy of these evaluation documents will be placed in your personnel file. You have the right to respond within 10 working days and have the response also placed in your file. TENURED FACULTY RECOMMENDATION (Non-Tenured Faculty Must Use Review Form) Tenured Faculty Recommendation Based on all evaluations and observations)  FORMCHECKBOX  Continuation of faculty status  FORMCHECKBOX  Conditional Continuation (Need for improvement and further evaluation)  FORMCHECKBOX  Termination These evaluation documents (Self, Student (when applicable), and Administrative) have been reviewed with the evaluatee on  FORMTEXT      . _______________________________________ _____________ Signature of Evaluatee Date _____________________________________________________ _________________ Signature of Administrative Evaluator Date A copy of these evaluation documents will be placed in your personnel file. You have the right to respond within 10 working days and have the response also placed in your file.     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