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FORMTEXT       Describe the current teaching methods and materials you use in your instruction.  FORMTEXT       How have you improv >@JzǻpbMp;p#jhhH5>*CJUaJ)jhh$ V5>*CJUaJhh$ V5>*CJaJ#jhh$ V5>*CJUaJhe"h-QCJaJhe"hKGCJaJhe"h%CJaJhnh&CJ\aJh%h&5\aJh%hd?5\aJh%h%5\aJhf:h%5\aJhf:hd?5\aJhf:h&5\aJhQ5\aJ JQ|kd$$Ifl\ S % 4 tw%644 laytRK <$Ifgd <$Ifgd$ V <$IfgdH <$IfgdKG$a$    2 4 B D F H \ ^ l n p îѠ|gѠYDѠY)jhh5>*CJUaJhh-Q5>*CJaJ)jYhh5>*CJUaJhe"hKGCJaJhe"h-QCJaJhh%5>*CJaJhh$ V5>*CJaJ)jthh5>*CJUaJhh5>*CJaJ#jhh5>*CJUaJ h$ VCJhnh%CJhh%5>*CJaJ F p r ikdA$$IflF B %   tw%6    44 laytn <$Ifgd <$IfgdKGp r t     . 0 > @ B V X f Ϡk]H)jchh5>*CJUaJhh-Q5>*CJaJ)jhh5>*CJUaJhe"hRKCJaJ)jhh5>*CJUaJhh-Q>*CJaJ)jhh5>*CJUaJhh5>*CJaJ#jhh5>*CJUaJhe"hKGCJaJhe"h-QCJaJhnh-QCJ  @ j  <$Ifgd <$IfgdKGikd$$IflF S %  tw%6    44 laytRKj l n r  0 2 h }xn` 88^8gd 8gd)gdH & FgdH^gdSI & Fikd$$IflF S %  tw%6    44 laytRK f l n p r      * , . 0 2 V Z t v Ѵwk`TH*CJ&j he"h6CJUaJhe"h6CJaJ jhe"h6CJUaJhQh&CJ aJ he"hz 7>*CJ(jhe"h^CJUaJmHnHu#jhe"h^CJUaJhe"h^CJaJjhe"h^CJUaJhe"ht+CJhe"hMMCJhe"h&CJed on the measurable outcomes of your non-teaching work assignment?  FORMTEXT       Identify how you plan to improve your teaching and/or professional work.  FORMTEXT       G. What are some of the recent trends in your field?  FORMTEXT       Have you incorporated these trends into your teaching and/or professional work?  FORMTEXT       H. What have you done that demonstrates your continued professional growth?  FORMTEXT       What ways could the college be helpful to you in relation to the improvement of teaching and/or professional work?  FORMTEXT       J. How have you participated in the assessment of student learning outcomes at the course level?  FORMTEXT       at the program level?  FORMTEXT       How have you incorporated this feedback towards improvement of your courses and/or program?  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