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Procedure for Application for Salary Track Advancement Unit Credit To meet the standard of fifteen (15) semester units to qualify for advancement to the next higher salary track faculty must complete: A minimum of eight (8) semester units (referred to as Traditional Units) of upper division or graduate level work. A maximum of seven (7) semester units (referred to as Non-traditional Units) will be allowed on any track advancement for lower division, special course, or project units granted by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee. The fifteen (15) semester units must be in the major or minor subject disciplines for which the person is employed, in course work relating to their effectiveness as an instructor, counselor, librarian, or for retraining. These units must have the approval of the Faculty Professional Learning Committee. Vocational instructors whose salary track placement was based on experience may substitute the requirements described in Section C below. When a faculty member is awarded more non-traditional units than are required to complete their advancement to a specific track, the additional units will apply to the seven (7) units authorized in the next track if the faculty member has not reached the college's maximum salary track. Quarter units will use the following calculation to be converted to semester units: _____ quarter units x 0.67 quarter unit/semester unit = _____ semester units Calculations for CEUs and Contact Hours will use the following calculations to be converted to semester units: _____ CEUs x 10 Contact hours/CEU = _____ Contact hours (must be converted to semester units) _____ Contact hours 16 hours/semester unit (with formal evaluation) = _____ semester units _____ Contact hours 24 hours/semester unit (without formal evaluation) = _____ semester units A. Traditional Units 1. Graduate or upper division course work, related to the faculty member's discipline or assignment or relating to the effectiveness in their position, taken in a regularly accredited college or university will be accepted. 2. Any course work submitted to the committee that bears similarity of the title or course description will be subject to scrutiny to avoid duplication of credit; however, a refresher course may be acceptable. These traditional units will be credited to any of the fifteen (15) units awarded for salary track advancement. 3. Courses specifically designed for professional in-service and re-license taken through a regularly accredited college or university or through a professional organization granting CEU's / Contact Hours or Extension Units will be accepted. Coursework credit received will be calculated so that equivalent semester units are used. These units may be applied to any of the fifteen units awarded for salary track advancement. 4. Courses with optional graduate-level units through a regularly accredited college or university will be accepted whether or not units are paid for. Coursework credit received will be calculated so that equivalent semester units are used. These units may be applied to any of the fifteen units awarded for salary track advancement. B. Non-Traditional 1. Lower division course work (courses offered for credit) in a college or university (if it has significant relevance to the instructor's teaching assignment as made apparent on application and review) will receive credit on the non-traditional seven (7) unit segment of each fifteen (15) unit track. 2. Special courses, projects, and seminars which may include activities such as the following MUST have prior approval for salary advancement. a. Presentation of instructional materials (software) and hardware by manufacturers. Presentation of information, etc., by faculty members. Presentation of consultants from other educational institutions Workshops to assist faculty to develop new materials and instructional strategies and to acquaint faculty with new resources and opportunities for the improvement of instruction. Voluntary explorations in communication groups (students, faculty, administration, Board) under guidance of off-campus trained facilitator. Other work in special seminars, workshops, special study groups, etc., if pursued under the auspices of recognized professional organizations or agencies, such as foundations or research organizations, if sufficient value can be substantiated on application and review. Projects or research needed completion for the District that are approved by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee. 3. Ratios of units awarded to hours for special courses, projects, and seminars: a. When organized instruction and evaluation is involved: (1) As an instructor: 8 hours = 1 semester unit (2) As a participant: 24 hours = 1 semester unit When organized instruction is involved but there is no formal evaluation, participation will be evaluated as follows: As an instructor or facilitator: 12 hours = 1 semester unit As a participant: 24 hours = 1 semester unit c. Individual projects will receive units at a rate of 24 hours of work per semester unit. 4. The instructor can receive credit or salary but not both, and the instructor can receive unit credit only once whereas they may teach the course(s) many times. The course(s) must be some form of approved in-service course(s) and not a part of the instructor's regular assignment. Any course(s) taken or instructed in this manner will be computed cumulatively towards each unit of credit. C. Vocational Instructors The Traditional Unit requirement for vocational instructors whose salary track placement was based on related work experience rather than on a college degree may be met by transferable or vocational lower division courses taken at an accredited college or university. These units must be related to the instructor's discipline or to their effectiveness as an instructor. The Non-Traditional Unit requirement may be satisfied as in section B or may be satisfied by appropriate lower division transferable Associate Degree courses.     Track Advancement At a Glance Academic Senate FPLC Rev. 2-15-23 Procedure for Submitting Forms Download the Track Advancement form from the Faculty Professional Learning Committee web site, complete needed information. Save a copy for your records. E-mail the Track Advancement form to HYPERLINK "mailto:fplc@gavilan.edu"fplc@gavilan.edu by the required deadline. E-mail a course description or CEU/Extension brochure or bulletin to HYPERLINK "mailto:fplc@gavilan.edu"fplc@gavilan.edu by the required deadline. If it is not available electronically, you will need to scan the document and then e-mail it. An electronic document is required in order to approve your course. It is highly advisable that applicants be present at the Faculty Professional Learning Committee meeting when their request is being considered. Failure to do so may delay approval(s). __________________________________________________________________________________ Horizontal columns on the salary schedule requires 15 units per increment Track Advancement is available to all Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Traditional Units: 8 minimum Upper division or graduate level work CEU / Contact Hours / Extension Units designed for Professional Development Non-Traditional Units: 7 maximum Relevant lower division courses Special courses, workshops, conferences: with formal evaluation 16 hours = 1 unit without formal evaluation 24 hours = 1 unit Individual project 24 hours = 1 unit Activities must be approved by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee (prior approval is recommended) Faculty may only move Tracks during the Fall Semester. Faculty must notify Administration (in writing) of their intent to move tracks by June 7th of the previous academic year. Official verification of completion must be received by the office of instruction by September 25 in order to receive track advancement for that academic year (rev.9/7/05, Faculty Professional Learning Committee). #/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOWX ~ q r % - ˻h K&hZ$h:hUXhwchMCJaJ hM5\h=hSBhMhM5CJ\jh?.CJUmHnHuh?.hu^5CJ\hRmhu^CJ\aJ(h?.h'CJ \aJ hRI.h'CJ aJ hmH sH 4#/023456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH$a$gdM$a$gdu^HIJKLMNWXq r = Uv <^`gd>T & F <gd>TgdMgd{gd0 0h^hgd&gd&gd?.$a$gdM- : ; < = J l & , RTUuvth#(5CJaJhmH sH "hgvhgv5CJaJhmH sH hgvhgvhmH sH hgvhmH sH hgvhgv5\hgvhgvhO5\h!&h K&hZ$5\hZ$ h K&5\hvhi;"h K&h K&5\hvB h K&h K&h K&hM&Eh^hgd& 8^8`gd& v^v`gd& ^`gd&^gdO <^gd& P^gd>T & F ((gd>TE03EKoptv*DLͻͳͳͳͳͤͷͳͳͳͳͤ *hi/hi/ h#`hi/hi/hSBh:h!&hwchIyCJaJhZ$hIyh4_ohMCJaJ hM5\hMhgvhmH sH "hgvhgv5CJaJhmH sH &hgvhgv5CJ^JaJhmH sH 6Q%&)QZ  CDQvw89Qrs{|Q 'DPQT@APQhhM5>* h*hM h*h*h@lhhh: hM>*hSBhwchMCJaJ hM5\hMh4_ohwcaJhi/E%&  CD89PQ & F ^gdh ^`gdhgdwc 8^8`gdh 8^8`gdwch^hgd&Q@A"#~ $ ^`gd0 0 8^8`gd0 0gd% & F ^`gd* & F  ^gd* ^gd* ^`gd*gdwc 88^8`gdhQwx"#&1Q~Q  $ % Q !Q!s!x!!!"8"9":";"<"=">"?"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"贫虑h#`h,jh,Uhwchu^CJaJ hM5\h4_ohwcaJh4_ohMaJhSBhwc hM>*h*hwchMCJaJh8Khwch*CJaJhMhh*5>*hhM5>*6$ % !!9";"<">"?"A"B"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"k"""""$a$gd:^gd4_ogdwc^gd0 0gdMH"I"J"K"L"Q"\"j"k"{""""""""""""""""""""# #/#M#Q#X#j#r#s##ʿ~z~ozjhhUhhi;" hh= hRI.h=CJ OJQJ^JaJ hh:h:CJaJh#`hCJaJh#`hi/CJaJh#`h'CJaJh#`hHCJaJh#`h0 0CJaJh0 0CJaJh'CJaJh9{CJaJh#`h,&"""""/#M##%%&&\&&&&&& & F<gd+j(gd+jgdM$a$gdMgd= & F gdi;" & F dx[$gd+j & F dx[$gd= & F xgdRI.$x[$\$a$gdRI.########### $ $.$/$0$4$@$A$Q$[$$$%% %C%Q%X%c%k%%%%%% &&&&:&;&<&E&L&Q&\&&&潯樨нФРМ̜̜̜~h K& h=5\ h&5\h&h&5h&hMhRI.hUX hhi;"jhhUhhO hi;"hi;"hi;" hh=hh0J h0JjhhUjhhU0&&&&&&& ''5'6'7'M'Q'Y'Z'y'z'''''''''''''''( ( ( (((( (C(Q(`(j(k(l((((( )) )B)C)Q))))¾ᄒh?.hMaJhUXhM5aJh?.hMCJaJhSBhSBH*hSBh?.hSBCJaJ h?.h h?.hMhUXh1h+jh h K&hi;"hM hM>*h?.:&5'6'7'Y'y''''(( ((((B)C)***xgd?. & F 0`0gdUX  \ PgdUX \ gdUX & Fgd & FPgd (gd+jgdM & FgdM)) ********hwchu^CJaJh,hMh?.hMCJaJh?.hMaJ hUXaJh?.hUXaJ hUX5aJ ***^gd4_o21h:pUX/ =!"#$% DyK yK Hmailto:fplc@gavilan.eduyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK Hmailto:fplc@gavilan.eduyX;H,]ą'cx2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH D`D u^NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH V@BV = Heading 4dd@&[$\$5CJOJQJ\aJDA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List HH  K& Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4U`4 = Hyperlink >*ph4@4 :Header  !4 @"4 :Footer  !FV 1F FollowedHyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y ""AP UWY\- QH"#&)*!#$&HQ$ "&** "%'wXX@ @ (  h  S >"? 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