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Project Goals and Objectives Create Digital Visual Database and Topic Specific DVDs For the past eighteen years I have been collecting artworks, art books, slides of art images, and videos of artists and their artmaking techniques. I currently use this collection along with the logistics of using a VCR to maneuver through full length video tapes, then switch over to a DVD player to view DVD video clips, and then onto CDs and CD players to view slides, at the same time managing various media player computer programs, projector settings and switches. This practice is awkward, time consuming and takes the flow out of my lectures. To streamline the process I will update, organize and archive this very large and complex collection into a catalogued digital database with topic specific DVDs. Goal I I will create a digital visual catalogue and database of images and video clips. Cataloguing images onto DVD will enable easy image retrieval. I will be able to create a variety of slideshows, which will keep my lectures from becoming too static. Archiving images into digital form protects them from aging. I can pull up images for students without too much effort. Goal II From the Visual database I will create topic specific multimedia DVDs. 16 DVDs for Art Appreciation: 16 DVDs for Survey of Photography: Art of Seeing Seeing Photographically Ancient Art John Szarkowskys Vision Design Principles Beginning of Photography Design Elements Cameras and Equipment Drawing Light Sensitive Materials Painting Alternative Processes Printmaking Printmaking Materials and Carriers Photography Mixed Media Film and Video Thinking in Color Computer Art Documentary and Photojournalism Graphic Design Visualizing Time and Space Craft Changing Realities Sculpture The Truth about Pictures New Genre Social and Political Photography Architecture Conceptual Photography Designed Settings Digital Photography I will scan slides and book images and use digital video capture equipment to create digital copies. I can do this at home as I own the suitable computer programs and equipment to carry out these digitizing processes. I will use Microsoft Power Point to create slideshows and Apples Final Cut Pro to create QuickTime video clips. The slideshows and video clips can be burned onto a DVD and labeled according to the specific art topic. Each DVD will carry several slides shows and video clips organized and labeled according to specific art sub topics. DVDs are compact, easy to manage, and can store hundreds of images and video clips as files in folders. I can carry my entire collection in a small CD case the size of a purse. Single topic DVDs would streamline and improve the quality of my lectures allowing me more control, flexibility and ease of choosing and projecting imagery. This saves time and allows me to so down, lecture more freely and show more artworks. I will be able to show short video clips instead of viewing an entire video. I will be able to show any artwork at anytime, back up an image, freeze a video frame, pause, go forward, go back multiple images and move from one example to the next choosing freely from a large selection. This will allow for a wider selection of video clips and images that will help me cover each topic more thoroughly. Future updating is easy. All I need to do is copy the old visual data to a new DVD with any new visual data. I can use the same process to make multiple copies for backups and for home use while prepping for my lectures. I will be able to write information directly onto an image or into a video scene. This way I can see my own notes projected. This is a good prompt for my lectures and the students get the benefit of seeing the names and time periods spelled out for better The DVDs can be easily viewed using a computer and data projector. My current computer set up at school is equipped to play multimedia DVDs. Planned Visits to Local Colleges and Universities Art and Photography Departments, Galleries, Museums, and Libraries Goal III The collection needs to be current so I plan to visit local college and university art departments, galleries, museums and libraries to research and collect new resource materials. I will collect art images and video clips to bring my collection up to date. Creating new digital visuals keeps my lecture interesting and alive. New images keep me interested and engaged in my subject. Students will see the most current groundbreaking artworks and be informed about contemporary times. The college community benefits by being represented as current and cutting edge in the arts. I plan to visit the following institutions: Cabrillo College Department of Art Department of Photography Cabrillo College Art Gallery Art Department Student Gallery Cabrillo Library Hartnell College Department of Art Department of Photography Seminar Gallery Visual Arts Facility Hartnell Library Monterey Peninsula College Creative Arts Division MPC Fine Art Gallery MPC Library California State University at Monterey Bay Visual Public Art Department Replicative Arts Department Digital Media Department CSUMB Library San Jose State University Art Department Digital Media Arts Photography Department School of Art and Design Art Department Student Galleries Natalie and James Thompson Gallery San Jose Museum of Art Martin Luther King Jr. Library University of California at Santa Cruz Art Department Baskin Visual Arts Digital Arts and New Media Department History of Art and Visual Culture Photography Department Faculty Gallery Porter College Senior Gallery Sesnon Gallery Porter College Visual Resources Collection University Library Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Goal IV My old slides have faded and are in need of being replaced with digitized copies. I will check out art and photography slides, books, and videos from local galleries, museums and libraries to create digital image copies for my collection. Digitizing images extends their longevity. Copies can be made easily for home use and as backup. Students will benefit from seeing clear and detailed images. The college community is represented by excellent state of the art visual presentations. Goal V As an extension to visiting local colleges and universities I will also attend a variety of university arts lectures. I will attend public art lectures at the following university art lecture programs: CSUMB World Performing Arts Series, Monthly, TBA SJSU Art Lecture Series, Weekly, Tuesday 6:00-8:00 p.m. UCSC Arts and Performing Lectures, Monthly, TBA Current art lectures will foster my professional growth in the areas of art and photography. Attending art events helps to create connections to the local art world. Students will benefit from my increased knowledge. I can inform students of art lecture events in their area. The college community will benefit from being informed about local arts programs and public art. Goal VI I will visit with local college and university art and photography departments. I will examine their course offerings and collect curriculum for art appreciation and photography. I can compare what they offer to our art and photography program and curriculum. This way I can create consistent curriculum. I can introduce myself to the art and photography faculty. Getting to know the faces behind the names makes connections for further articulation with their departments. I can inform students about the faculty, facilities, programs and curriculum. Good connections to the local schools supports better communication and information for our transfer students. Create New Non-lab Survey of Photography Lecture Course Goal VII I will research, develop and create a new three-unit art lecture course focused on a multicultural and historical survey of photography. This course will meet our general education requirements and will be an IGETSI transferable art course. Cabrillo College, Hartnell College and Monterey Peninsula College offer non-lab photography lecture courses for general education with enrollments of fifty to one hundred students per class. These classes are quite successful. As photography does the transformation from analog to digital this would be a great course to offer that does not require the student to work in a chemical lab. This course would cover both analog and digital photography. This course requires less in class time for the student, giving the student a more flexible schedule. This course offers our students a fun and creative course that provides general education transferable units. The community will view us as current in the field of photography and digital media. They will consider us keeping up with the times. As analog photography phases out this will be a stronghold and good bridge until digital photography becomes mainstream. Sample Schedule of Eighteen-Week Sabbatical Project WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday1Digitize Images Schedule appointments with art depts.SJSU Art Dept. Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumSJSU Gallery MuseumDigitize Images2Digitize ImagesDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize ImagesDigitize Images3UCSC Art Dept. Photo. Dept. LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesUCSC Galleries Digitize ImagesDigitize Images4Digitize ImagesSJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize Images CSUMB Art LectureDigitize Images5CSUMB Art Dept. Photo. Dept. LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images CSUMB GalleriesSJSU Gallery MuseumDigitize Images6Digitize Images SJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. Curriculum Digitize Images UCSC Art LectureDigitize Images7Cabrillo Art Dept. Photo. Dept. LibrarySan Jose Museum of Modern Art SJSU Art Lecture SeriesCabrillo Galleries SCMuseumDigitize Images Digitize Images8Digitize Images UCSC LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize Images CSUMB Art LectureDigitize Images9MPC Art Dept. Photo. Dept. LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images MPC GallerySJSU Gallery MuseumDigitize Images10Digitize Images SJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize Images Digitize Images11Hartnell Art Dept. Photo. Dept. LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Hartnell GalleryDigitize Images UCSC Art LectureDigitize Images12Digitize ImagesSJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesUCSC GalleriesDigitize Images CSUMB Art LectureDigitize Images13Digitize ImagesDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumSJSU Gallery MuseumDigitize Images14Digitize Images CSUMB LibraryDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize ImagesDigitize Images15Digitize ImagesSJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize Images UCSC Art LectureDigitize Images16Digitize ImagesDigitize Images SJSU Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images Photo. CurriculumDigitize Images CSUMB Art LectureDigitize Images17Digitize ImagesSJSU Library Art Lecture SeriesDigitize Images CSUMB GalleriesSJSU Gallery MuseumDigitize Images18Digitize ImagesSan Jose Museum of Modern Art SJSU Art Lecture SeriesOrganize and Label DVDsOrganize and Label DVDsWrite up Sabbatical Report /23WX opRSU]^>wyWXOQFGXúúðװװʥל hCJh>*CJOJQJh>*OJQJh5CJOJQJhCJOJQJh5>*CJ h5CJ hCJ h5CJhOJQJh5OJQJjhUmHnHuh hCJ$6/0124WX 01op & F h8j8RSTU]^>l.S&Nwx & F xyWXKLMOPQ & F & FTUFGXj3D_v ^` hh^h`hh^h & F D_#= 0 P!R!S![!G#O#P###$$$$%%^%_%%%%%2&3&;&<&@'B'n'o'(()))--X.c.V8h8j8k8־־ݾ h5 hCJh>*OJQJh h5CJhOJQJh5CJOJQJhCJOJQJ hCJ3#=L_v 0 R x !,!Q! hh^h`h hh^h`h ^`Q!R!S![!\!K"L"w"x"""""F#G#H#O#P###$$M$$$$$`h^h & F $%%^%_%%%%%0&2&3&;&<&&&&o'p'((h(i((((() & F & F & F ))))))****++++@,A,,,6-7--------$^a$h^h & F & F----....?kd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la$If..,.-.S.X.c.l.........$If$If.......C=====$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la.///(/8/H/I/?kd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la$IfI/K/P/Z/g/o//////////$If/////// 0E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la 0 00001080D0T0$IfT0U0W0]0g0t0|00E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la000000000000$If 000111 11E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la1%1516171J1[1\1a1m1}1$If }1~1111111E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la11111111222!2$If !2"2$25262;2C2T2E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 laT2U2[2n222222222$If 22222222E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la2233(3)3.363;3D3K3[3$If [3\3_3p3q3r3w33E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la333333333$If33333344E??????$Ifkdx $$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la444/4@4A4J4R4c4d4i4u44$If 44444444E??????$Ifkdj $$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la44444444?kd\ $$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la$If455#5$5*5=5M5N5`5e5n5u55$If 55555555E??????$IfkdN $$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la555555566$If666+60686K6[6E??????$Ifkd@ $$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la[6\6n666666$If66666666E??????$Ifkd2$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la6667777&767$If6777:7J7O7W7j7{7E??????$Ifkd$$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la{7|7777777$If77777777E??????$Ifkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la78-8H8I8J8K8?99h^hkd$$Iflֈ# s$cKw0D%64 la$IfK8L8M8N8O8P8Q8R8S8T8U8V8W8X8Y8Z8[8\8]8^8_8`8a8b8c8d8e8f8g8h^hg8h8i8j8k8 / =!"#$&%$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4a$$If!vh555c5K55w#v#v#vc#vK#v#vw:V l0D%6555c5K55w4aH@H Normal CJOJPJQJ_HmH sH tH D@D Heading 1$@&5CJOJQJ@@ Heading 2$@& CJOJQJ@@@ Heading 3$@& 5OJQJH@H Heading 4$h@&^h 5OJQJDAD Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List :B@: Body Text CJOJQJk0k0/0124WX  01opRSTU]^>l . 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