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Both will involve placing students in internships, externships, and field work with local community agencies and non-profits which have long requested access to students interested in service or organizing work. The considerable task of researching, contacting, informing, and negotiating and contracting with these non-profits is not possible for the small department's staff during the course of the regular semester. I propose to set up placements at 8-12 local agencies after researching 12-20 such agencies for appropriateness, need, and infrastructure needed for student supervision. I will also research how other community and four-year colleges integrate service learning projects into curriculum in similar majors, and will work with the college Community Work Experience Officer to develop all necessary MOUs and Gavilan internal documents to implement and evaluate each placement. Finally, I will work with the Career Center to integrate local agencies' information and career field information with existing resources. Using additional sheets, attach a statement describing in detail (1) the projects goals; (2) specific objectives; (3) activities intended to meet the objectives and the locations of the activities; (4) the anticipated outcomes; and (5) the benefits of the project to students, to you as an instructor, to your department, and/or to other departments and disciplines. Departmental Review: Departmental approval is not required; however, applications must be reviewed by the applicants department and signed by the department chair. Departments comments regarding the projects benefits:  FORMTEXT      ________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Department Chair Signature ________________________________________________ Applicant s Signature Narrative for Leah Halper s sabbatical leave proposal, November 2006 Goals for Community Service project: 1. Develop varied, appropriate, and excellent placement options for a variety of students wishing to do service and organizing work 2. Establish standards for procedures, infrastructure, and practices for participating community agencies 3. Develop ways to track and evaluate students in placement experiences 4. Develop feedback mechanisms between placement agencies, Gavilan Community Work Experience director, students, and the Social Science department 5. Identify local and grant possibilities for funding such placements 6. Expand and improve Career Center information on local job and career opportunities and agencies Objectives for Community Service project: Goal 1: Develop varied, appropriate, and excellent placement options for a variety of students wishing to do service and organizing work a. Develop a relationship with the Community Work Experience director at Gavilan to learn about the existing CWE programs scope, requirements, and procedures. b. Research services and structure of a variety of local agencies and non-profits in the Gavilan District areas, possibly including but not limited to Community Solutions, St. Josephs Family Center, Emmaeus House, Project Sentinel, California Rural Legal Assistance, Committee for Green Foothills, the Garlic Festival and Mushroom Mardi Gras, Living and Learning Center Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Hollister, and Morgan Hill School Districts, San Martin Boccadio Family Living Center, Friends Outside, Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission Office of Dispute Resolution, South County Housing, MACSA, CAUSA, LULAC, Santa Clara County Literary Program, Coe State Park, Santa Clara County Open Space Authority, Reach Out Morgan Hill. c. Meet with directors or responsible parties at 12-20 agencies to understand their work and their needs to develop new relationships. d. Explore possible work assignments at each agency. Communicate Gavilan objectives and needs. Learn about organizations goals, structure, accomplishments, policies, and needs. Explore each organizations application process and culture. Goal 2: Establish standards for procedures, infrastructure, and policies for participating community agencies. a. Learn how popular Bay Area community and four-year colleges administer community placement programs, including their procedures, infrastructure, and policies. b. Draft standards for department and college review on program mission, hiring students, orientation for students, workplace culture and communication, required supervision and oversight, and project design. c. Initiate and facilitate discussion within the college and department regarding selection of agencies. d. Draft and distribute MOUs with selected agencies regarding Gavilan objectives. e. Work with PIO and webmaster to design appropriate publicity campaign for Gavilan and community use in first three years of program. f. Develop some way to track and expand agency information, evaluations, and contact information so future students can explore past assignments at a given agency and can read past interns feedback and ratings. Goal 3: Develop ways to track and evaluate students in placement experiences a. Draft evaluation instrument for students to use in self-evaluating their work and contributions in the middle and at the end of the experience. b. Draft evaluation instrument for students to use in evaluation of the placements and agencies, including work environment and project viability, in the middle and at the end of the experience. Goal 4: Develop feedback mechanisms between placement agencies, Gavilan Community Work Experience director, students, and the Social Science department a. Draft evaluation instrument for agency supervisors and co-workers to use in the evaluation of students in the middle and at the end of the placement experience. b. Clarify division of duties between CWE director and Social Science Department faculty c. Delineate the activities, responsibilities, and interactions among concerned parties. Goal 5: Identify local and grant possibilities for funding such placements a. Research grant possibilities for Community Service learning that would fund student workers, staff time, special projects, resource collection, and/or career and job services. b. If practical, work with Gavilan grant writer for one or more grants. Goal 6: Expand and improve Career Center information on local job and career opportunities and agencies a. Explore what the Center currently offers and assess areas of strengths and weaknesses in terms of jobs in community or social service. b. Identify resources to fill gaps and address weaknesses c. Collect information from four year-colleges visited and from local agencies offering students internships, field work, and other community service options d. Work with Career specialist to make this information readily accessible and available to students. Activities to meet objectives and locations WEEKACTIVITYLOCATIONNOTES1Meet with CWE director, Career Specialist; contact Bay Area colleges with Community Service programs to set up meetings; solicit Gavilan community contacts and recommendations for local non-profits to contactGavilan, GilroyCWE and Career specialist, as well as department members and interested administrators, will be consulted and kept informed throughout2Research contact people at 12-20 local agencies; draft and send letter asking to meet for possible collaboration. Draft survey to be completed during meetings with agencies.GilroyMeetings should be with CEOs if possible3Visit Bay Area colleges and gather information on their policies, on issues including hiring, supervision, orientation, communication, legalities, and evaluation infrastructure. Set up meetings with local agencies. Draft MOU for college to show to legal counsel regarding placements. Bay AreaCSUMB, SJSU, otherMOUs will be based upon those used at other colleges4Begin meeting with local agencies; try to meet with four per week; complete survey information on each. Begin entering data into program database. Draft polices for Gavilan program, share with department members.Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San JuanSurveys will be filled out electronically as we meet.5Meet with local agencies; try to meet with four per week; complete survey information on each. Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San Juan6Meet with local agencies; try to meet with four per week; complete survey information on each. Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San Juan7Meet with local agencies; try to meet with four per week; complete survey information on each. Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San Juan8Meet with local agencies; try to meet with four per week; complete survey information on each. Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San Juan9Wrap up agency meetings; initiate department and CWE director discussion of agencies. Choose which agencies to make partners. Meet with PIO and webmaster.Gilroy, Hollister, Morgan Hill, San Martin, and/or San JuanA publicity plan for the following 1-3 years should be drafted.10Provide content for Community Service webpage. draft evaluation instruments for student use. Share list of selected agencies with college community, publicize. Gilroy, Gavilan11Develop evaluations for agency supervisors to use in evaluating students. Draft flow chart showing duties each player has. Organize contact information into rolodex and/or database.Gilroy12Prepare and mail packets of information to selected agencies, including MOUs for return, flow chart and evaluation tools. Gilroy, Gavilan13Research grant funding for service learning projects. Follow up grants with proximate deadlines.GilroyOthers in department will be drafted to work on grants if this is necessary and desirable. 14 Integrate service learning component into new Community Studies and Social Service class/es. .GilroyThe new class/es will be the basis for the new majors in Community Studies and in Social Services. 15Integrate service learning component into new Community Studies and Social Service class/es. Meet with Career Specialist to integrate community service options into services already provided. Finish website. Gilroy16 Wrap up loose ends; contact agencies that have not returned MOUs, finalize database. Gilroy, Gavilan Anticipated outcomes 1. Eight to twelve placements for students in community organizations will be developed. 2. Clear procedures for students, faculty, CWE coordinator, and agencies will be in place so placements can start shortly after my return from sabbatical. 3. Placements will be integrated into the new Introduction to Community Studies and Social Service class/es 4. Feedback mechanisms for all participants will be in place 5. Improved information about local jobs, and about community and service careers will be available at the Career Center 6. Publicity for the new majors and Community Service will be designed and distributed 7. Grants that could help the program develop further will be identified and possibly application will be made. 8. A database or other means of keeping placement options and feedback on assignments up to date will be developed for student and community agency use. Benefits to students, instructor, department, and/or other departments or disciplines Students Real world experience doing productive supervised work is invaluable academically, personally, professionally, and culturally Students will have a chance to apply classroom learning to their own communitys benefit Students will be able to get valuable job experience for credit Students will be able to try out career paths that interest them Students will gain helpful contacts and references Students will have many more choices of placements than they will get if funds are not available to develop placements outside a sabbatical leave effort Instructor Instructor will expand contact base in the area and learn about local efforts to serve populations such as immigrants, the homeless, battered women, etc., all of which relate to the teaching of history Time will be saved because other colleges will serve as models, so the wheel need not be reinvented. Instructor will build important relationships with the CWE director and Career Specialist The program will be well on its way to implementation, rather than taking several years of more scattered development Department Students will be excited about possibilities, thus relevant courses and majors will be in demand Community contacts will update and localize faculty knowledge of social change efforts, social service provision, and social science job and career options Teaching will be enriched by faculty and student contact with practitioners Faculty will be better able to prepare students for four-year degrees and professional careers Time will be saved because other colleges will serve as models, so the wheel need not be reinvented. The department will build important relationships with the CWE director and Career Specialist The program will be well on its way to implementation, rather than taking several years of more scattered development College Gavilan will be responding to common and compelling community requests for student aid Student placements will help fill real needs in the community where agencies might otherwise fall short The college will maintain relations with up to a dozen important community non-profits, which could open up other areas of collaboration. 0:;EFGRSbcmnotu      H I S T U  Z [ e jh5UjThUjDhUjhUj\hUjhUjthUhmHnHujhUjhUh h55./0vw! 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