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The Committee will forward its recommendations through the Vice President of Instructional Services to the President. The leave requests will be presented to the Board at the regular January meeting for information. The President will present the leave requests to the Board for action no later than the regular March meeting. Subsequent to the President's recommendation, the Board of Trustees may grant leave based on benefit of the proposed leave to the educational process. Unit Members on sabbatical leave will receive a percentage of the regular salary they would have earned during their leave, according to the following schedule: One Semester Leave - 100% of salary Two Semester Leave - 60% of salary The regular salary earned per semester shall be calculated by dividing the regular salary for the academic year by two (2). The annual salary calculated according to the above schedule shall be paid in ten (10) equal payments. The Unit Members will be entitled to return to positions comparable to those which were held at the time of granting leave, and will also receive the appropriate step advancement which would have been granted had they not been on leave. Unit Members on sabbatical leave will receive the same health and welfare benefits they would have received had they not gone on leave. The terms and conditions of the leave shall be agreed upon in writing, and shall include, but not be limited to: an indemnification bond in the amount of the sabbatical pay posted to protect the District against failure to successfully complete the sabbatical program as described or to render the necessary post-leave service of not less than two (2) years for a full year of leave; the description, purpose, and objectives of the sabbatical program; and appropriate reporting procedures as may be designated by the President. At no time may the number of individuals on a sabbatical leave exceed three percent (3%) (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the Unit Members. The teaching or workload of faculty on sabbatical leave will be absorbed by other members of the faculty, if possible. If this is not possible in the opinion of the President, a recommendation which has the least detrimental effect on the educational program will be made to the Board of Trustees. Sabbatical Leave Criteria: The sabbatical leave will: benefit a significant student population, and/or benefit the applicant's department and/or the college community, and/or improve the applicant's professional skills, and/or expand the applicant's knowledge base and thus improve his/her effectiveness. The planned sabbatical leave activities are equivalent to full-time employment or enrollment as a full-time college student. Sabbatical leave goals and objectives are clearly stated. The application is of professional quality and fully developed. The sabbatical leave objectives can be achieved within the time allotted. The specific activities and/or courses proposed meet the objectives of the sabbatical leave.     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