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Procedure for Awarding Sabbatical Leaves Sabbatical leave proposals are reviewed and prioritized by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee according to the criteria established by the Board of Trustees. Sabbatical leave proposals which are rated equally by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee will be prioritized based on longevity and/or previous ungranted application submissions. The Committee will forward its recommendations to the President through the office of the Chief Instruction Officer. The leave requests will be presented to the Board at the regular January meeting for information. The President will present the leave requests to the Board for action no later than the regular March meeting. The Board of Trustees may choose to grant one or more of the sabbatical leave requests. Sabbatical Leave Proposal Criteria The Faculty Professional Learning Committee shall review all Sabbatical Proposals and prioritize them based on the criteria established by the Board of Trustees which are outlined below. The more of the following criteria that are met, the more likely that the sabbatical proposal will receive a high priority. The quality of the application itself is also part of the prioritization process. Criteria established by the Board of Trustees states the Sabbatical Leave shall encompass some / all of the following: Benefit a significant student population. Benefit the applicants department and/or the college community. Improve the applicants professional skills. Expand the applicants knowledge base and thus improve his/her effectiveness. The planned sabbatical leave activities are equivalent to full-time employment or enrollment as a full-time college student. Sabbatical leave goals and objectives are clearly stated. The application is of professional quality and fully developed. The sabbatical leave objectives can be achieved within the time allotted. The specific activities and/or courses proposed meet the objectives of the sabbatical leave. Flex Requirements While on Sabbatical Leave Title 5 regulations require each college that has flex days in its calendar to document that each faculty member has fulfilled the flex obligation. The current GCFA contract states that we will maintain a 168 day teaching schedule with an additional 7 days of permissible flex activities for a total of 175 days. If you are submitting a full-year sabbatical proposal and you feel that your project is broad enough to encompass 175 days, you must sayso in your proposal and designate a specific portion of the sabbatical activities as fulfilling the seven-day flex obligation. The seven flex days must be designated separately and allocated specifically with permissible flex activities. Once the sabbatical leave commences a Flex Contract must be submitted by the contract deadline to the Faculty Professional Learning Committee outlining the activities that will fulfill the seven days of flex time. If you are submitting a one-semester sabbatical proposal, you must still do seven days of flex activities. In this case, you may designate a specific number of days of your sabbatical proposal as flex activities and find the required days of activities to satisfy the requirement for the semester when you will be teaching on campus. The latter set of activities can still be related to your sabbatical, either in preparation for a spring semester sabbatical or as follow-up after a fall-semester sabbatical. The Flex Contract must be submitted by the contract deadline to the Faculty Professional Learning Committee outlining the activities that will fulfill the seven days of flex time. You may choose to do seven days of flex activities that are not part of your sabbatical proposal, in which case the committee will assume that you intend for your proposal to cover only the 168 teaching days of your assignment. The Flex Contract must be submitted by the contract deadline to the Faculty Professional Learning Committee outlining the activities that will fulfill the seven days of flex time. Requirements Once the Sabbatical Leave is Completed A detailed report which describes the completed sabbatical objectives, activities, outcomes, and benefits shall be submitted to the Chief Instruction Officer within two months of return from sabbatical leave. College or university work taken as part of the sabbatical leave program shall be included in the report. The report shall be presented to the Board of Trustees. When appropriate, the sabbatical recipient is encouraged to make an oral presentation to the faculty, students, and/or community. Refer to the current Ƶ Faculty Association (GCFA) contract for further clarification: Article 10.12 Sabbatical Leave.     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