ࡱ> >@= bjbjR|R| 8$00KT**84. 6666$g!,,66AF66F60WF^W0f,/"$/"/"`,,/"* J: GAVILAN COLLEGE Instructions for Completing a Travel & Conference Form Completing the form: Go to the Faculty Professional Learning Committee website, click on the Travel & Conference link, and open the Travel & Conference Form. Note: Handwritten copies will not be accepted by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee. Complete the employee name, date submitted and Part 1 (Conference Request Advance) of the form. Be sure to complete all applicable information and all anticipated costs. Save the completed form to your hard drive. E-mail an electronic version of the travel conference form and conference brochure as an attachment to: HYPERLINK "mailto:fplc@gavilan.edu"fplc@gavilan.edu . Print a hard copy of the form and attach a brochure or flyer about the event/conference. Required signatures: Sign the hard copy of the form. The applicant signature line is on the right hand side of the page approximately half way down. Have your supervisor sign the hard copy. The supervisor signature line is on the left hand side of the page approximately half way down. If your travel is out of state, approval by the President or his/her designee is required. Forward the hard copy (with signatures and brochure/flyer) to the Faculty Professional Learning Committee Chair. Following approval by the Faculty Professional Learning Committee, approval of the appropriate Vice President is required. The Instruction Office will obtain the Vice Presidents signature. The form with all of the required signatures will then be returned to you. The original signed form must be submitted to the business office for reimbursement. Be sure to save a copy of the signed form. Reimbursement: 11. Complete all categories in Part 2 (Reimbursement Request) for which your travel was funded (including those that were prepaid); attach receipts for all expenses (including those that were prepaid, such as hotel or conference fees); and return the completed form to your supervisor. Your supervisor will forward the form to the appropriate Vice President for submission to the Business Office.     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