Dr Jason Everett

Dr Jason Everett

Visiting Fellow
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

Dr Jason Everett is a biological oceanographer, with an interest in how oceanographic processes structurepelagicecosystems (planktonic and fisheries) at regional and global scales. His work reveals how zooplankton processes regulate fisheries production, carbon export, and improve our ability to model and manage marine ecosystems.

Jason splits his time between the University of New South Wales and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science. Jason completed his PhD in 2008, before working for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. He is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Evolution and EcologyResearch Centre at UNSW with Professors Iain Suthers and Tracey Rogers. He is the convenor of Zooplankton Ocean Observations and Modelling Task Team with the Integrated Marine Observing System (www.IMOS.org.au) serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). He regularly collaborateswith researchers from theUniversity of Tasmania, the University of Queensland, the University of Technology, Sydney, the CSIRO, and the University of British Columbia, Canada.

His research has a number of key themes:

  1. Biological Oceanography: Understanding how oceanographic processes such asocean currents, eddies (cyclones of the sea) and upwelling events drive changes in the biomass andspecies distributionof plankton,fish and marine mamalls.

  2. Size-Structure: Quantifying how the size-distribution of marine communities influences trophic structure, energy transfer-efficiency and predator-prey dynamics.

  3. Fisheries: Developingsize-based global ecosystem models to produce more robust estimates of future fish biomass and carbon export.

Jason loves getting out to sea on Australia's Marine National Facility (www.mnf.csiro.au), the RV Investigator, but these days you can usually find him in the labwriting software to analyse the large datasets coming in from a variety of sources including satellites, marineobserving systems, fisheries or ecosystem models.

Level 4 East Biological Sciences South (E26) UNSW, Kensington 2052
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Mason JG; Bryndum-Buchholz A; Palacios-Abrantes J; Badhe R; Morgante I; Bianchi D; Blanchard JL; Everett JD; Harrison CS; Heneghan RF; Novaglio C; Petrik CM, 2024, 'Key Uncertainties and Modeling Needs for Managing Living Marine Resources in the Future Arctic Ocean', Earth's Future, 12,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Reynolds SD; Franklin CE; Norman BM; Richardson AJ; Everett JD; Schoeman DS; White CR; Lawson CL; Pierce SJ; Rohner CA; Bach SS; Comezzi FG; Diamant S; Jaidah MY; Robinson DP; Dwyer RG, 2024, 'Effects of climate warming on energetics and habitat of the world's largest marine ectotherm', Science of the Total Environment, 951,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bryndum-Buchholz A; Blanchard JL; Coll M; Pontavice HD; Everett JD; Guiet J; Heneghan RF; Maury O; Novaglio C; Palacios-Abrantes J; Petrik CM; Tittensor DP; Lotze HK, 2023, 'Applying ensemble ecosystem model projections to future-proof marine conservation planning in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean', FACETS, 8, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Buenafe KCV; Dunn DC; Everett JD; Brito-Morales I; Schoeman DS; Hanson JO; Dabalà A; Neubert S; Cannicci S; Kaschner K; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'A metric-based framework for climate-smart conservation planning', Ecological Applications, 33,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dabalà A; Dahdouh-Guebas F; Dunn DC; Everett JD; Lovelock CE; Hanson JO; Buenafe KCV; Neubert S; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'Priority areas to protect mangroves and maximise ecosystem services', Nature Communications, 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Blanchard JL; Sykes P; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'Climate-driven zooplankton shifts cause large-scale declines in food quality for fish', Nature Climate Change, 13, pp. 470 - 477,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Sykes P; Batten SD; Edwards M; Takahashi K; Suthers IM; Blanchard JL; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “A functional size-spectrum model of the global marine ecosystem that resolves zooplankton composition”, Ecological Modelling, 2020, 435: 109265', Ecological Modelling, 480, pp. 110309 - 110309,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hinchliffe C; Matis PA; Schilling HT; Everett JD; Miskiewicz AG; Pepin P; Falster DS; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Plankton size spectra as an indicator of larval success in Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax)', Fisheries Oceanography, 32, pp. 196 - 212,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jaspers C; Hopcroft RR; Kiørboe T; Lombard F; López-Urrutia Á; Everett JD; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'Gelatinous larvacean zooplankton can enhance trophic transfer and carbon sequestration', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38, pp. 980 - 993,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lilly LE; Suthers IM; Everett JD; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'A global review of pyrosomes: Shedding light on the ocean's elusive gelatinous “fire-bodies”', Limnology And Oceanography Letters,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ratnarajah L; Abu-Alhaija R; Atkinson A; Batten S; Bax NJ; Bernard KS; Canonico G; Cornils A; Everett JD; Grigoratou M; Ishak NHA; Johns D; Lombard F; Muxagata E; Ostle C; Pitois S; Richardson AJ; Schmidt K; Stemmann L; Swadling KM; Yang G; Yebra L, 2023, 'Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate', Nature Communications, 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Everett JD; Schaeffer A; Hinchliffe C; Yates P; Baird ME; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Vertically Resolved Pelagic Particle Biomass and Size Structure Across a Continental Shelf Under the Influence of a Western Boundary Current', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Stewart J; Litherland L; Smith JA; Everett JD; Hughes JM; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Age and growth of Pomatomus saltatrix in the south-western Pacific Ocean (eastern Australia), with a global comparison', Marine and Freshwater Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schoeman DS; Gupta AS; Harrison CS; Everett JD; Brito-Morales I; Hannah L; Bopp L; Roehrdanz PR; Richardson AJ, 2023, 'Demystifying global climate models for use in the life sciences', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38, pp. 843 - 858,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Suthers IM; Schaeffer A; Archer M; Roughan M; Griffin DA; Chapman CC; Sloyan BM; Everett JD, 2023, 'Frontal eddies provide an oceanographic triad for favorable larval fish habitat', Limnology and Oceanography, 68, pp. 1019 - 1036,
    Journal articles | 2023
    de Luzinais VG; du Pontavice H; Reygondeau G; Barrier N; Blanchard JL; Bornarel V; Büchner M; Cheung WWL; Eddy TD; Everett JD; Guiet J; Harrison CS; Maury O; Novaglio C; Petrik CM; Steenbeek J; Tittensor DP; Gascuel D, 2023, 'Trophic amplification: A model intercomparison of climate driven changes in marine food webs', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Brito-Morales I; Schoeman DS; Everett JD; Klein CJ; Dunn DC; García Molinos J; Burrows MT; Buenafe KCV; Dominguez RM; Possingham HP; Richardson AJ, 2022, 'Towards climate-smart, three-dimensional protected areas for biodiversity conservation in the high seas', Nature Climate Change, 12, pp. 402 - 407,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Buenafe KCV; Everett JD; Dunn DC; Mercer J; Suthers IM; Schilling HT; Hinchliffe C; Dabalà A; Richardson AJ, 2022, 'A global, historical database of tuna, billfish, and saury larval distributions', Scientific Data, 9, pp. 423,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cinner JE; Caldwell IR; Thiault L; Ben J; Blanchard JL; Coll M; Diedrich A; Eddy TD; Everett JD; Folberth C; Gascuel D; Guiet J; Gurney GG; Heneghan RF; Jägermeyr J; Jiddawi N; Lahari R; Kuange J; Liu W; Maury O; Müller C; Novaglio C; Palacios-Abrantes J; Petrik CM; Rabearisoa A; Tittensor DP; Wamukota A; Pollnac R, 2022, 'Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries production in 72 tropical coastal communities', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Garcia V; Schilling HT; Cruz DO; Hawes SM; Everett JD; Roughan M; Miskiewicz AG; Pakhomov EA; Jeffs A; Suthers IM, 2022, 'Entrainment and development of larval fish assemblages in two contrasting cold core eddies of the East Australian Current system', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 685, pp. 1 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Grigoratou M; Montes E; Richardson AJ; Everett JD; Acevedo-Trejos E; Anderson C; Chen B; Guy-Haim T; Hinners J; Lindemann C; Garcia TM; Möller KO; Monteiro FM; Neeley AR; O'Brien TD; Palacz AP; Poulton AJ; Prowe AEF; Rodríguez-Santiago ÁE; Rousseaux CS; Runge J; Saad JF; Santi I; Stern R; Soccodato A; Våge S; Vogt M; Zervoudaki S; Muller-Karger FE, 2022, 'The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications', Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hewitt DE; Schilling HT; Hanamseth R; Everett JD; Li J; Roughan M; Johnson DD; Suthers IM; Taylor MD, 2022, 'Mesoscale oceanographic features drive divergent patterns in connectivity for co-occurring estuarine portunid crabs', Fisheries Oceanography, 31, pp. 587 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Petrik CM; Luo JY; Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Harrison CS; Richardson AJ, 2022, 'Assessment and Constraint of Mesozooplankton in CMIP6 Earth System Models', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling HT; Smith JA; Everett JD; Harrison DP; Suthers IM, 2022, 'Size-selective predation by three estuarine zooplanktivorous fish species', Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, pp. NULL - NULL,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Suthers IM; White Z; Hinchliffe C; Falster DS; Richardson AJ; Everett JD, 2022, 'The Mortality/Growth ratio of larval fish and the slope of the zooplankton size-spectrum', Fish and Fisheries, 23, pp. 750 - 757,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Armstrong AO; Armstrong AJ; Bennett MB; Richardson AJ; Townsend KA; Everett JD; Hays GC; Pederson H; Dudgeon CL, 2021, 'Mutualism promotes site selection in a large marine planktivore', Ecology and Evolution, 11, pp. 5606 - 5623,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Campbell MD; Schoeman DS; Venables W; Abu-Alhaija R; Batten SD; Chiba S; Coman F; Davies CH; Edwards M; Eriksen RS; Everett JD; Fukai Y; Fukuchi M; Esquivel Garrote O; Hosie G; Huggett JA; Johns DG; Kitchener JA; Koubbi P; McEnnulty FR; Muxagata E; Ostle C; Robinson KV; Slotwinski A; Swadling KM; Takahashi KT; Tonks M; Uribe-Palomino J; Verheye HM; Wilson WH; Worship MM; Yamaguchi A; Zhang W; Richardson AJ, 2021, 'Testing Bergmann's rule in marine copepods', Ecography, 44, pp. 1283 - 1295,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Heneghan RF; Galbraith E; Blanchard JL; Harrison C; Barrier N; Bulman C; Cheung W; Coll M; Eddy TD; Erauskin-Extramiana M; Everett JD; Fernandes-Salvador JA; Gascuel D; Guiet J; Maury O; Palacios-Abrantes J; Petrik CM; du Pontavice H; Richardson AJ; Steenbeek J; Tai TC; Volkholz J; Woodworth-Jefcoats PA; Tittensor DP, 2021, 'Disentangling diverse responses to climate change among global marine ecosystem models', Progress in Oceanography, 198,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hinchliffe C; Smith JA; Everett JD; Falster DS; Lara-Lopez A; Miskiewicz AG; Richardson AJ; Schilling HT; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Modelling the distribution of larval fish in a western boundary current using a multi-voyage database', Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31, pp. 399 - 415,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holland MM; Becker A; Smith JA; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Characterizing the three-dimensional distribution of schooling reef fish with a portable multibeam echosounder', Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 19, pp. 340 - 355,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holland MM; Becker A; Smith JA; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Fine-scale spatial and diel dynamics of zooplanktivorous fish on temperate rocky and artificial reefs', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 674, pp. 221 - 239,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holland MM; Everett JD; Cox MJ; Doblin MA; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Pelagic forage fish distribution in a dynamic shelf ecosystem – Thermal demands and zooplankton prey distribution', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 249,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rohner CA; Bealey R; Fulanda BM; Everett JD; Richardson AJ; Pierce SJ, 2021, 'Movement ecology of black marlin Istiompax indica in the Western Indian Ocean', Journal of Fish Biology, 99, pp. 1044 - 1059,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tittensor DP; Novaglio C; Harrison CS; Heneghan RF; Barrier N; Bianchi D; Bopp L; Bryndum-Buchholz A; Britten GL; Büchner M; Cheung WWL; Christensen V; Coll M; Dunne JP; Eddy TD; Everett JD; Fernandes-Salvador JA; Fulton EA; Galbraith ED; Gascuel D; Guiet J; John JG; Link JS; Lotze HK; Maury O; Ortega-Cisneros K; Palacios-Abrantes J; Petrik CM; du Pontavice H; Rault J; Richardson AJ; Shannon L; Shin YJ; Steenbeek J; Stock CA; Blanchard JL, 2021, 'Next-generation ensemble projections reveal higher climate risks for marine ecosystems', Nature Climate Change, 11, pp. 973 - 981,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Sykes P; Batten SD; Edwards M; Takahashi K; Suthers IM; Blanchard JL; Richardson AJ, 2020, 'A functional size-spectrum model of the global marine ecosystem that resolves zooplankton composition', Ecological Modelling, 435,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Holland MM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Vergés A; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Latitudinal patterns in trophic structure of temperate reef-associated fishes and predicted consequences of climate change', Fish and Fisheries, 21, pp. 1092 - 1108,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kwong LE; Henschke N; Pakhomov EA; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Corrigendum: Mesozooplankton and Micronekton Active Carbon Transport in Contrasting Eddies (Frontiers in Marine Science, (2020), 6, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00825)', Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kwong LE; Henschke N; Pakhomov EA; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Mesozooplankton and Micronekton Active Carbon Transport in Contrasting Eddies', Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McEnnulty FR; Davies CH; Armstrong AO; Atkins N; Coman F; Clementson L; Edgar S; Eriksen RS; Everett JD; Anthony Koslow J; Lønborg C; McKinnon AD; Miller M; O’Brien TD; Pausina SA; Uribe-Palomino J; Rochester W; Rothlisberg PC; Slotwinski A; Strzelecki J; Suthers IM; Swadling KM; Tonks ML; van Ruth PD; Young JW; Richardson AJ, 2020, 'A database of zooplankton biomass in Australian marine waters', Scientific Data, 7,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Murphy KJ; Pecl GT; Richards SA; Semmens JM; Revill AT; Suthers IM; Everett JD; Trebilco R; Blanchard JL, 2020, 'Functional traits explain trophic allometries of cephalopods', Journal of Animal Ecology, 89, pp. 2692 - 2703,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Schilling HT; Everett JD; Smith JA; Stewart J; Hughes JM; Roughan M; Kerry C; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Multiple spawning events promote increased larval dispersal of a predatory fish in a western boundary current', Fisheries Oceanography, 29, pp. 309 - 323,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gorta SBZ; Smith JA; Everett JD; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK; Suthers IM; Epstein H; McGovern R; McLachlan G; Roderick M; Smith L; Williams D; Callaghan CT, 2019, 'Pelagic citizen science data reveal declines of seabirds off south-eastern Australia', Biological Conservation, 235, pp. 226 - 235,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Henschke N; Pakhomov EA; Kwong LE; Everett JD; Laiolo L; Coghlan AR; Suthers IM, 2019, 'Large Vertical Migrations of Pyrosoma atlanticum Play an Important Role in Active Carbon Transport', Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124, pp. 1056 - 1070,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lathlean JA; Trassierra JA; Everett JD; McQuaid CD, 2019, 'Testing the intermittent upwelling hypothesis: Intercontinental comparisons of barnacle recruitment between South Africa and Australia', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 224, pp. 197 - 208,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ryan LA; Lynch SK; Harcourt R; Slip DJ; Peddemors V; Everett JD; Harrison LM; Hart NS, 2019, 'Environmental predictive models for shark attacks in Australian waters', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 631, pp. 165 - 179,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schilling HT; Smith JA; Stewart J; Everett JD; Hughes JM; Suthers IM, 2019, 'Reduced exploitation is associated with an altered sex ratio and larger length at maturity in southwest Pacific (east Australian) Pomatomus saltatrix', Marine Environmental Research, 147, pp. 72 - 79,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Davies CH; Ajani P; Armbrecht L; Atkins N; Baird ME; Beard J; Bonham P; Burford M; Clementson L; Coad P; Crawford C; Dela-Cruz J; Doblin MA; Edgar S; Eriksen R; Everett JD; Furnas M; Harrison DP; Hassler C; Henschke N; Hoenner X; Ingleton T; Jameson I; Keesing J; Leterme SC; James McLaughlin M; Miller M; Moffatt D; Moss A; Nayar S; Patten NL; Patten R; Pausina SA; Proctor R; Raes E; Robb M; Rothlisberg P; Saeck EA; Scanes P; Suthers IM; Swadling KM; Talbot S; Thompson P; Thomson PG; Uribe-Palomino J; Van Ruth P; Waite AM; Wright S; Richardson AJ, 2018, 'A database of chlorophyll a in Australian waters', Scientific Data, 5,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schilling HT; Reis-Santos P; Hughes JM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Stewart J; Gillanders BM; Suthers IM, 2018, 'Evaluating estuarine nursery use and life history patterns of Pomatomus saltatrix in eastern Australia', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 598, pp. 187 - 199,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Smith JA; Miskiewicz AG; Beckley LE; Everett JD; Garcia V; Gray CA; Holliday D; Jordan AR; Keane J; Lara-Lopez A; Leis JM; Matis PA; Muhling BA; Neira FJ; Richardson AJ; Smith KA; Swadling KM; Syahailatua A; Taylor MD; van Ruth PD; Ward TM; Suthers IM, 2018, 'Data descriptor: A database of marine larval fish assemblages in australian temperate and subtropical waters', Scientific Data, 5,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Blanchard JL; Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Trebilco R; Richardson AJ, 2017, 'From Bacteria to Whales: Using Functional Size Spectra to Model Marine Ecosystems', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32, pp. 174 - 186,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Brodie S; Hobday AJ; Smith JA; Spillman CM; Hartog JR; Everett JD; Taylor MD; Gray CA; Suthers IM, 2017, 'Seasonal forecasting of dolphinfish distribution in eastern Australia to aid recreational fishers and managers', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 140, pp. 222 - 229,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Everett JD; Baird ME; Buchanan P; Bulman C; Davies C; Downie R; Griffiths C; Heneghan R; Kloser RJ; Laiolo L; Lara-Lopez A; Lozano-Montes H; Matear RJ; McEnnulty F; Robson B; Rochester W; Skerratt J; Smith JA; Strzelecki J; Suthers IM; Swadling KM; van Ruth P; Richardson AJ, 2017, 'Modeling what we sample and sampling what we model: Challenges for zooplankton model assessment', Frontiers in Marine Science, 4,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Everett JD; van Sebille E; Taylor MD; Suthers IM; Setio C; Cetina-Heredia P; Smith JA, 2017, 'Dispersal of Eastern King Prawn larvae in a western boundary current: New insights from particle tracking', Fisheries Oceanography, 26, pp. 513 - 525,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Melbourne-Thomas J; Constable AJ; Fulton EA; Corney SP; Trebilco R; Hobday AJ; Blanchard JL; Boschetti F; Bustamante RH; Cropp R; Everett JD; Fleming A; Galton-Fenzi B; Goldsworthy SD; Lenton A; Lara-Lopez A; Little R; Marzloff MP; Matear R; Mongin M; Plagányi E; Proctor R; Risbey JS; Robson BJ; Smith DC; Sumner MD; Ingrid Van Putten E, 2017, 'Integrated modelling to support decision-making for marine social-ecological systems in Australia', ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74, pp. 2298 - 2308,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Robinson CM; Cherukuru N; Hardman-Mountford NJ; Everett JD; McLaughlin MJ; Davies KP; Van Dongen-Vogels V; Ralph PJ; Doblin MA, 2017, 'Phytoplankton absorption predicts patterns in primary productivity in Australian coastal shelf waters', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 192, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schilling HT; Hughes JM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Stewart J; Suthers IM, 2017, 'Latitudinal and ontogenetic variation in the diet of a pelagic mesopredator (Pomatomus saltatrix), assessed with a classification tree analysis', Marine Biology, 164, pp. 75,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Carroll G; Everett JD; Harcourt R; Slip D; Jonsen I, 2016, 'High sea surface temperatures driven by a strengthening current reduce foraging success by penguins', Scientific Reports, 6,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Doblin M; Petrou K; Sinutok S; Seymour J; Messer L; Brown M; Norman L; Everett J; McInnes A; Ralph P; Thompson P; Hassler C, 2016, 'Nutrient uplift in a cyclonic eddy increases diversity, primary productivity and iron demand of microbial communities relative to a western boundary current', ,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Doblin MA; Petrou K; Sinutok S; Seymour JR; Messer LF; Brown MV; Norman L; Everett JD; McInnes AS; Ralph PJ; Thompson PA; Hassler CS, 2016, 'Nutrient uplift in a cyclonic eddy increases diversity, primary productivity and iron demand of microbial communities relative to a western boundary current', ,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Doblin MA; Petrou K; Sinutok S; Seymour JR; Messer LF; Brown MV; Norman L; Everett JD; McInnes AS; Ralph PJ; Thompson PA; Hassler CS, 2016, 'Nutrient uplift in a cyclonic eddy increases diversity, primary productivity and iron demand of microbial communities relative to a western boundary current', PeerJ, 2016,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Heneghan RF; Everett JD; Blanchard JL; Richardson AJ, 2016, 'Zooplankton are not fish: Improving zooplankton realism in size-spectrum models mediates energy transfer in food webs', Frontiers in Marine Science, 3,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Henschke N; Everett JD; Richardson AJ; Suthers IM, 2016, 'Rethinking the Role of Salps in the Ocean', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31, pp. 720 - 733,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Henschke N; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2016, 'An observation of two oceanic salp swarms in the Tasman Sea: Thetys vagina and Cyclosalpa affinis', Marine Biodiversity Records, 9,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Schaeffer A; Roughan M; Austin T; Everett JD; Griffin D; Hollings B; King E; Mantovanelli A; Milburn S; Pasquer B; Pattiaratchi C; Robertson R; Stanley D; Suthers I; White D, 2016, 'Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia', Scientific Data, 3, pp. 160070,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wallis JR; Swadling KM; Everett JD; Suthers IM; Jones HJ; Buchanan PJ; Crawford CM; James LC; Johnson R; Meiners KM; Virtue P; Westwood K; Kawaguchi S, 2016, 'Zooplankton abundance and biomass size spectra in the East Antarctic sea-ice zone during the winter–spring transition', Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 131, pp. 170 - 181,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Brodie S; Hobday AJ; Smith JA; Everett JD; Taylor MD; Gray CA; Suthers IM, 2015, 'Modelling the oceanic habitats of two pelagic species using recreational fisheries data', Fisheries Oceanography, 24, pp. 463 - 477,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Everett JD; Doblin MA, 2015, 'Characterising primary productivity measurements across a dynamic western boundary current region', Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 100, pp. 105 - 116,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Everett JD; MacDonald H; Baird ME; Humphries J; Roughan M; Suthers IM, 2015, 'Cyclonic entrainment of preconditioned shelf waters into a frontal eddy', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, pp. 677 - 691,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Henschke N; Everett JD; Suthers IM; Smith JA; Hunt BPV; Doblin MA; Taylor MD, 2015, 'Zooplankton trophic niches respond to different water types of the western Tasman Sea: A stable isotope analysis', Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 104, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Everett JD; Baird ME; Roughan M; Suthers IM; Doblin MA, 2014, 'Relative impact of seasonal and oceanographic drivers on surface chlorophyll a along a Western Boundary Current', Progress in Oceanography, 120, pp. 340 - 351,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Henschke N; Everett JD; Doblin MA; Pitt KA; Richardson AJ; Suthers IM, 2014, 'Demography and interannual variability of salp swarms (Thalia democratica)', Marine Biology, 161, pp. 149 - 163,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Henschke N; Smith JA; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2014, 'Population drivers of a Thalia democratica swarm: Insights from population modelling', Journal of Plankton Research, 37, pp. 1074 - 1087,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Henschke N; Bowden DA; Everett JD; Holmes SP; Kloser RJ; Lee RW; Suthers IM, 2013, 'Salp-falls in the Tasman Sea: A major food input to deep-sea benthos', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 491, pp. 165 - 175,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Everett JD; Baird ME; Oke PR; Suthers IM, 2012, 'An avenue of eddies: Quantifying the biophysical properties of mesoscale eddies in the Tasman Sea', Geophysical Research Letters, 39, pp. Article number: L16608,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Baird M; Everett JD; Suthers IM, 2011, 'Analysis of southeast Australian zooplankton observations of 1938-42 using synoptic oceanographic conditions', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 699 - 711,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Baird M; Suthers IM; Griffin D; Hollings B; Pattiaratchi C; Everett JD; Roughan M; Oubelkheir K; Doblin MD, 2011, 'The effect of surface flooding on the physical-biogeochemical dynamics of a warm-core eddy off southeast Australia', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 592 - 605,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Everett JD; Baird M; Suthers IM, 2011, 'Three-dimensional structure of a swarm of the salp Thalia democratica within a cold-core eddy off southeast Australia', Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, pp. C12046 - C12046,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Hassler C; Djajadikarta JR; Doblin MD; Everett JD; Thompson PA, 2011, 'Characterisation of water masses and phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the East Australian Current separation zone during spring 2008', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58, pp. 664 - 677,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Henschke N; Everett JD; Baird M; Taylor MD; Suthers IM, 2011, 'Distribution of life-history stages of the salp Thalia democratica in shelf waters during a spring bloom', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 430, pp. 49 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Suthers IM; Young JW; Baird M; Roughan M; Everett JD; Brassington GB; Byrne M; Condie SA; Hartog JR; Hassler C; Hobday AJ; Holbrook NJ; Malcolm HA; Oke P; Thompson PA; Ridgway K, 2011, 'The strengthening East Australian current, its eddies and biological effects - an introduction and overview', Deep - Sea Research Part II - Topical Studies in Oceanography, 258, pp. 538 - 546,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Everett JD; Baird ME; Suthers IM, 2007, 'Nutrient and plankton dynamics in an intermittently closed/open lagoon, Smiths Lake, south-eastern Australia: An ecological model', Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 72, pp. 690 - 702
  • Preprints | 2024
    Buenafe KC; Neubert S; Scales K; Dunn D; Everett J; Flower J; Suthers I; Granado-Dieseldorff P; Dabalà A; Esturas KJ; Mercer J; Richardson A, 2024, Near-global spawning strategies of large pelagic fish,
    Preprints | 2022
    Buenafe KCV; Dunn DC; Everett JD; Brito-Morales I; Schoeman DS; Hanson JO; Dabalà A; Neubert S; Cannicci S; Kaschner K; Richardson AJ, 2022, A climate-smart spatial planning framework,
    Preprints | 2022
    Dabalà A; DAHDOUH-GUEBAS F; Dunn D; Everett J; Lovelock C; Hanson J; Buenafe KC; Neubert S; Richardson A, 2022, Priority areas to protect mangroves and maximise ecosystem services,
    Preprints | 2022
    Everett J; Heneghan R; Blanchard J; Suthers I; Pakhomov E; Sykes P; Schoeman D; Baird M; Basedow SL; Błachowiak-Samołyk K; Heath M; Hopcroft R; Huggett J; Huret M; Kimmel D; Labat J-P; Lopes R; Marcolin C; Nogueira E; Noyon M; Schultes S; Sourisseau M; Swadling K; Trudnowska E; Richardson A, 2022, Self-organisation of zooplankton communities produces similar food chain lengths throughout the ocean,
    Preprints | 2022
    Petrik CM; Luo JY; Heneghan R; Everett JD; Harrison CS; Richardson A, 2022, Assessment and constraint of mesozooplankton in CMIP6 Earth system models,
    Preprints | 2021
    Heneghan R; Everett J; Blanchard J; Sykes P; Richardson A, 2021, Climate-driven zooplankton shifts could cause global declines in food quality for fish,
    Preprints | 2021
    Morales IB; Schoeman D; Klein C; Dunn D; Everett J; Molinos JG; Burrows MT; Dominguez RM; Possingham H; Richardson A, 2021, Climate-smart, 3-D protected areas in the high seas,
    Datasets |