Dr Jose Ferrer

Dr Jose Ferrer

Senior Research Fellow
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I am a researcher in spatial ecology and biodiversity informatics, and a conservation biologist working in developing tools for informing ecosystem conservation and management.

My career took me to , and  before I arrived at UNSW in 2019.

I have lead and conducted research focused on animal and plant species distribution patterns, and risk assessments for species and .

As part of my research and conservation projects I have designed, implemented and managed databases of biological data and integrated this data into workflows for reporting and analysis.

Alongside my peer-reviewed publications, I in and make regular digital contributions to  and knowledge portals.

+61 2 9065 3808
  • Books | 2020
    Keith D; Ferrer J; Nicholson E; Kingsford R, 2020, IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology 2.0 : descriptive profiles for biomes and ecosystem functional groups, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Stachowicz I; Ferrer-Paris JR; Sánchez-Mercado A; Ferrer J, 2021, 'La agricultura migratoria y la cacería de mamíferos y aves en la Gran Sabana, Venezuela', in Lasso CA; Morales-Betancourt MA (ed.), IX. La caza y pesca de subsistencia en el norte de Suramérica. Parte I: Colombia, Venezuela y Guyana, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá, D. C., Colombia, pp. 335 - 352,
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Keith DA; Benson DH; Baird IRC; Watts L; Simpson CC; Krogh M; Gorissen S; Ferrer-Paris JR; Mason TJ, 2023, 'Effects of interactions between anthropogenic stressors and recurring perturbations on ecosystem resilience and collapse', Conservation Biology, 37,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Keith DA; Ghoraba SMM; Kaly E; Jones KR; Oosthuizen A; Obura D; Costa HM; Daniels F; Duarte E; Grantham H; Gudka M; Norman J; Shannon LJ; Skowno A; Ferrer-Paris JR, 2023, 'Contributions of Red Lists of Ecosystems to risk-based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa.', Conserv Biol,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Stachowicz I; Zambrano VM; Giordano AJ; Ferrer-Paris JR; Kreft S, 2023, 'Venezuela’s harmful mining activities grow', Science, 380, pp. 699,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Eberhard JR; Zager I; Ferrer-Paris JR; Rodríguez-Clark K, 2022, 'Contact calls of island Brown-throated Parakeets exhibit both character and variance shifts compared to calls of their mainland relatives', Ornithology, 139,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ferrer J; Lozano C; Cardozo-Urdaneta A, 2022, 'Evaluando la novedad de un nuevo registro de Oxysternon ebeninum (Nevison, 1890) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela', Revista Chilena de Entomología, 48, pp. 231 - 236,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Keith DA; Ferrer-Paris JR; Nicholson E; Bishop MJ; Polidoro BA; Ramirez-Llodra E; Tozer MG; Nel JL; Mac Nally R; Gregr EJ; Watermeyer KE; Essl F; Faber-Langendoen D; Franklin J; Lehmann CER; Etter A; Roux DJ; Stark JS; Rowland JA; Brummitt NA; Fernandez-Arcaya UC; Suthers IM; Wiser SK; Donohue I; Jackson LJ; Pennington RT; Iliffe TM; Gerovasileiou V; Giller P; Robson BJ; Pettorelli N; Andrade A; Lindgaard A; Tahvanainen T; Terauds A; Chadwick MA; Murray NJ; Moat J; Pliscoff P; Zager I; Kingsford RT, 2022, 'A function-based typology for Earth’s ecosystems', Nature, 610, pp. 513 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Sánchez-Mercado A, 2021, 'Contributions of distribution modelling to the ecological study of psittaciformes', Diversity, 13, pp. 611 - 611,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Stachowicz I; Ferrer-Paris JR; Sanchez-Mercado A, 2021, 'Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela: Facing changes', PeerJ, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sánchez-Mercado A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Rodríguez JP; Tella JL, 2021, 'A literature synthesis of actions to tackle illegal parrot trade', Diversity, 13, pp. 191 - 191,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Sánchez-Mercado ADA, 2020, 'Making inferences about non-detection observations to improve occurrence predictions in Venezuelan Psittacidae', Bird Conservation International, 30, pp. 406 - 422,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Murray NJ; Keith DA; Duncan A; Tizard R; Ferrer-Paris JR; Worthington TA; Armstrong K; Nyan Hlaing ; Win Thuya Htut ; Aung Htat Oo ; Kyaw Zay Ya ; Grantham H, 2020, 'Myanmar's terrestrial ecosystems: Status, threats and conservation opportunities', Biological Conservation, 252, pp. 108834 - 108834,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rowland JA; Bland LM; Keith DA; Juffe-Bignoli D; Burgman MA; Etter A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Miller RM; Skowno AL; Nicholson E, 2020, 'Ecosystem indices to support global biodiversity conservation', Conservation Letters, 13,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Stachowicz I; Ferrer J; Quiroga-Carmona M; Moran L; Lozano C, 2020, 'Baseline for monitoring and habitat use of medium to large non-volant mammals in Gran Sabana, Venezuela', Therya, 11,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bland LM; Nicholson E; Miller RM; Andrade A; Carré A; Etter A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Herrera B; Kontula T; Lindgaard A; Pliscoff P; Skowno A; Valderrábano M; Zager I; Keith DA, 2019, 'Impacts of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems on conservation policy and practice', Conservation Letters, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bland LM; Nicholson E; Miller RM; Andrade A; Etter A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Kontula T; Lindgaard A; Pliscoff P; Skowno A; Zager I; Keith DA, 2019, 'Impacts of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems on Conservation Policy and Practice', Conservation Letters,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Zager I; Keith DA; Oliveira-Miranda MA; Rodríguez JP; Josse C; González-Gil M; Miller RM; Zambrana-Torrelio C; Barrow E, 2019, 'An ecosystem risk assessment of temperate and tropical forests of the Americas with an outlook on future conservation strategies', Conservation Letters, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ferrer-Paris JR, 2019, 'Review of "Research priorities for maintaining biodiversity’s contributions to people in Latin America"', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    HERRERA I; FERRER-PARIS JR; BENZO D; FLORES S; GARCÍA B; NASSAR JM, 2018, 'An Invasive Succulent Plant (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) Influences Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in a Neotropical Semiarid Zone', Pedosphere, 28, pp. 632 - 643,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Morán L; García L; Ferrebuz JD; Sánchez R; Mercado AS; Porta A; Paris JRF, 2018, 'Interannual and daily activity patterns of mid-sized mammals in maracaibo lake basin, Venezuela', Therya, 9, pp. 227 - 236,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sánchez-Mercado A; Rodríguez-Clark KM; Miranda J; Ferrer-Paris JR; Coyle B; Toro S; Cardozo-Urdaneta A; Braun MJ, 2018, 'How to deal with ground truthing affected by human-induced habitat change?: Identifying high-quality habitats for the Critically Endangered Red Siskin', Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 841 - 851,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jędrzejewski W; Boede EO; Abarca M; Sánchez-Mercado A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Lampo M; Velásquez G; Carreño R; Viloria ÁL; Hoogesteijn R; Robinson HS; Stachowicz I; Cerda H; Weisz MDM; Barros TR; Rivas GA; Borges G; Molinari J; Lew D; Takiff H; Schmidt K, 2017, 'Predicting carnivore distribution and extirpation rate based on human impacts and productivity factors; assessment of the state of jaguar (Panthera onca) in Venezuela', Biological Conservation, 206, pp. 132 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kelly TR; Karesh WB; Johnson CK; Gilardi KVK; Anthony SJ; Goldstein T; Olson SH; Machalaba C; Mazet JAK; Aguirre A; Aguirre L; Akongo MJ; Robles EA; Ambu L; Antonjaya U; Aguilar GA; Barcena L; Barradas R; Bogich T; Bounga G; Brownstein J; Buchy P; Bunn D; Byaruba D; Cameron K; Carroll D; Cavero N; Cespedes M; Che X; Chea S; Chiu C; Chmura A; Chor K; Clements A; Cranfield M; Acevedo LD; Daszak P; Campos ACA; De La Puente M; de Lamballerie X; de Paula C; Delwart E; Le Doux JD; Doyle-Capitman C; Duengkae P; Durigon E; Epstein JH; Fair J; Ferrer-Paris JR; Fine A; Formenty P; Galarza I; Garcia J; Gilbert M; Gillis A; Goossens B; Grard G; Greatorex Z; Greig D; Hagan E; Harris L; He Q; Hemachudha T; Hitchens P; Ho M; Hosseini P; Hughes T; In S; Iñíguez V; Iskandriati D; Islam A; Iyanya J; Jain K; Joly D; Jones K; Joyner P; Kaba S; Kambale E; Karmacharya D; Kataregga A; Kazwala R; Ke C; Khammavong K; Kilpatrick AM; LeBreton M; Lee H; Lee MH; Lee J; LeRoy E; Levinson J; Levy M; Liang E; Liang N; Limachi R; Lipkin WI; Loh E; Lowenstine LJ; Mollericona JL; Lushima S; Ma W, 2017, 'One Health proof of concept: Bringing a transdisciplinary approach to surveillance for zoonotic viruses at the human-wild animal interface', Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 137, pp. 112 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Lozano C; Cardozo-Urdaneta A; Thomas Cabianca A, 2016, 'Indicative response of Oxysternon festivum Linné (Coleoptera: Scarabaidae) to vegetation condition in the basin of the Orinoco river, Venezuela', Journal of Insect Conservation, 20, pp. 527 - 538,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Herrera I; Ferrer-Paris JR; Hernández-Rosas JI; Nassar JM, 2016, 'Impact of two invasive succulents on native-seedling recruitment in Neotropical arid environments', Journal of Arid Environments, 132, pp. 15 - 25,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Rojas H; Sanchez D; Lew D; Ferrer-Paris JR; Paul Rodriguez J; Celsa Senaris J; Velasquez G; Rodriguez-Olarte D; Diaz C, 2016, 'Design and testing of a replicable, scalable capacity-building model for species conservation', ORYX, 50, pp. 579 - 580,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Sánchez-Mercado A; Rodríguez-Clark KM; Rodríguez JP; Rodríguez GA, 2014, 'Using limited data to detect changes in species distributions: Insights from Amazon parrots in Venezuela', Biological Conservation, 173, pp. 133 - 143,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Schwind JS; Wolking DJ; Brownstein JS; Predict C; Mazet JAK; Smith WA; Aguirre A; Aguirre L; Akongo MJ; Robles EA; Ambu L; Anthony S; Antonjaya U; Aguilar GA; Barcena L; Barradas R; Bogich T; Bounga G; Buchy P; Bunn D; Byaruba D; Cameron K; Carroll D; Cavero N; Cespedes M; Che X; Chea S; Chiu C; Chmura A; Chor K; Clements A; Cranfield M; Acevedo LD; Daszak P; Campos ACA; De La Puente M; de Lamballerie X; de Paula C; Delwart E; Le Doux JD; Doyle-Capitman C; Duengkae P; Durigon E; Epstein JH; Fair J; Ferrer-Paris JR; Fine A; Formenty P; Galarza I; Garcia J; Gilardi K; Gilbert M; Gillis A; Goldstein T; Goossens B; Grard G; Greatorex Z; Greig D; Hagan E; Harris L; He Q; Hemachudha T; Hitchens P; Ho M; Hosseini P; Hughes T; In S; Iñíguez V; Iskandriati D; Islam A; Iyanya J; Jain K; Johnson C; Joly D; Jones K; Joyner P; Kaba S; Kambale E; Karesh W; Karmacharya D; Kataregga A; Kazwala R; Ke C; Kelly T; Khammavong K; Kilpatrick AM; LeBreton M; Lee H; Lee MH; Lee J; LeRoy E; Levinson J; Levy M; Liang E; Liang N; Limachi R; Lipkin WI; Loh E; Lowenstine LJ; Mollericona JL, 2014, 'Evaluation of local media surveillance for improved disease recognition and monitoring in global hotspot regions', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Sánchez-Mercado A; Ferrer-Paris JR; García-Rangel S; Yerena E; Robertson BA; Rodríguez-Clark KM, 2014, 'Combining threat and occurrence models to predict potential ecological traps for Andean bears in the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela', Animal Conservation, 17, pp. 388 - 398,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferrer Paris JR; Sánchez Mercado A; Rodríguez JP, 2013, 'Optimización del muestreo de invertebrados tropicales: Un ejemplo con escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en Venezuela', Revista de Biología Tropical, 61,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Rodríguez JP; Good TC; Sánchez-Mercado AY; Rodríguez-Clark KM; Rodríguez GA; Solís A, 2013, 'Systematic, large-scale national biodiversity surveys: NeoMaps as a model for tropical regions', Diversity and Distributions, 19, pp. 215 - 231,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferrer-Paris JR; Sánchez-Mercado A; Viloria AL; Donaldson J, 2013, 'Congruence and Diversity of Butterfly-Host Plant Associations at Higher Taxonomic Levels', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Rafael Ferrer-Paris J; Sánchez-Mercado A; Paul Rodríguez J, 2013, 'Sampling optimization for tropical invertebrates: An example using dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in Venezuela', Revista de Biologia Tropical, 61, pp. 89 - 110,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Rodríguez GA; Rodríguez JP; Ferrer-Paris JR; Snchez-Mercado A, 2012, 'A nation-wide standardized bird survey scheme for venezuela', Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 124, pp. 230 - 244,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Rodríguez JP; Rodríguez-Clark KM; Keith DA; Barrow EG; Benson J; Nicholson E; Wit P, 2012, 'IUCN Red List of Ecosystems', Sapiens, 5, pp. 60 - 70
    Journal articles | 2010
    Rodríguez JP; Ferrer-París JR; Mavárez J; Rodríguez-Clark KM; Sánchez-Merc Ado AY, 2010, 'More and better scientific information for 2010: International year of biodiversity', Interciencia, 35, pp. 161
    Journal articles | 2010
    Sánchez-Mercado AY; Ferrer-Paris JR, 2010, 'Mapping Species Distributions: Spatial Inference and Prediction by Janet Franklin (2009), xviii + 320 pp., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521876353 (hbk), GBP 70.00; 9780521700023 (pbk), GBP 35.00.', Oryx, 44, pp. 615 - 615,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Sánchez-Mercado A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Yerena E; García-Rangel S; Rodríguez-Clark KM, 2008, 'Factors affecting poaching risk to Vulnerable Andean bears Tremarctos ornatus in the Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela: Space, parks and people', ORYX, 42, pp. 437 - 447,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Viloria AL; Pyrcz TW; Wojtusiak J; Ferrer-Paris JR; Beccaloni GW; Sattler K; Lees DC, 2003, 'A brachypterous butterfly?', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 270,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Nicholson E; Andrade A; Driver A; Ferrer-Paris JR; Keith D; Sievers M; Stevenson S, 2023, Beyond the headline: roles of the Red List of Ecosystems in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Keith D; Ghoraba S; Kaly E; Jones KR; Oosthuizen A; Obura D; Daniels F; Duarte E; Grantham H; Gudka M; Norman JS; Shannon L; Skowno A; Ferrer-Paris JR, 2022, Contributions of Red Lists of Ecosystems to risk-based design and management of protected and conserved areas in Africa, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Keith DA; Benson DH; Baird IRC; Watts L; Simpson CC; Krogh M; Gorissen S; Ferrer-Paris JR; Mason TJ, 2022, Interactions between anthropogenic stressors and recurring perturbations mediate ecosystem resilience or collapse, ,
    Other | 2020
    Murray N; Keith D; Duncan A; Tizard R; Ferrer-Paris J; Worthington T; Armstrong K; Hlaing N; Htut WT; Oo AH; Ya KZ; Grantham H, 2020, Myanmar’s terrestrial ecosystems: status, threats and conservation opportunities, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, ,
    Other | 2019
    Ferrer-Paris JR, 2019, Taxonomic intelligence, ScienceOpen, ,

My Teaching

I am a champion of open and reproducible research, so most of my contributions are related to helping other improve their coding and data management skills.

I contribute to skills seminars in the Centre of Ecosystem Science, to the Drop-In help sessions and workshops of the  group, and help at DzԲ.