Dr Kerryn Drysdale

Dr Kerryn Drysdale

Senior Lecturer

Doctor of Philosophy (2016) University of Sydney.

Master of Arts (2009) Gender Studies (with merit), University of Sydney.

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (2002) University of Sydney

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
Centre for Social Research in Health

I am a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH), a specialist research centre located in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UNSW Sydney. Through my disciplinary background in Cultural Studies, I endeavour to bring a critical cultural lens to everyday lived experiences as they pertain to public health concerns.

I currently conduct research in two broad programmes of work:  

  • Responding to health inequities and social determinants of health, particularly by working with marginalised or vulnerable populations to determine their health and wellbeing needs.
  • Tracking social scenes for LGBTQ+ people, with a specific focus on the sex-based social norms and affects in precarious urban contexts that give rise to innovative forms of health promotion and harm reduction. 

I take a community-led and -engaged approach to all my work, working with affected communities to determine their health needs.

I was awarded my PhD in 2016 from the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, where I undertook an ethnographic exploration of Sydney's drag king culture as a site for the varied investments in social scenes for LGBTQ people. I taught Gender Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney before taking up a research-focussed position at the Centre for Social Research in Health in 2017.

+61 2 93856412
318 Goodsell Building
  • Books | 2019
    Drysdale K, 2019, Intimate Investments in Drag King Cultures The Rise and Fall of a Lesbian Social Scene, Springer Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Drysdale K; Filmer J, 2023, 'Sensing scenes: doing sensory ethnography in queer space and time', in The Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Ethnography, Routledge International Handbooks,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Drysdale K; Wong K, 2019, 'Sensory Ethnography', in Atkinson P; Cernat A; Delamont S; Sakshaug J; Williams R (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods, SAGE Publications,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Drysdale K, 2016, 'When Scenes Fade: Methodological Lessons from Sydney's Drag King Culture', in Scene Thinking: Cultural Studies from the Scene Perspective, Routledge
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Drysdale K; Creagh NS; Nightingale C; Whop LJ; Kelly-Hanku A, 2024, 'Inclusive language in health policy–a timely case (study) of cervical screening in Australia', Health Sociology Review, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Drysdale K; Robinson S; Gorman-Murray A, 2024, 'Sex in placemaking activism: lesbians’ and queer women’s sex-based sociality in Sydney, Australia', Gender, Place and Culture, 31, pp. 482 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Drysdale K; Scully JL; Kint L; Laginha KJ; Hodgson J; Holmes I; MacKay KL; Newson AJ, 2024, 'The salience of genomic information to reproductive autonomy: Australian healthcare professionals’ views on a changing prenatal testing landscape', New Genetics and Society, 43,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Newton G; Zappavigna M; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2024, 'From lived experience to lived expertise: How donor-conceived witnesses claim and sustain epistemic authority', Journal of Pragmatics, 221, pp. 89 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bryant J; Smith AKJ; Persson A; Valentine K; Drysdale K; Wallace J; Hamilton M; Newman CE, 2023, 'Logics of control and self-management in narratives of people living with HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1214 - 1229,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Drysdale K; Bates S; Ritter A; Smyth C; Leeuw ED; Katz I, 2023, 'Is there a role for hybrid service provision in place-based initiatives within the human services sector? Findings from an Australian exploratory study', Australian Journal of Public Administration,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Drysdale K; Wells N; Smith AKJ; Gunatillaka N; Sturgiss EA; Wark T, 2023, 'Beyond the challenge to research integrity: imposter participation in incentivised qualitative research and its impact on community engagement', Health Sociology Review, 32, pp. 372 - 380,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Drysdale K, 2023, '‘Scene’ as a critical framing device: Extending analysis of chemsex cultures', Sexualities, 26, pp. 604 - 619,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lafferty L; Schroeder S; Marshall AD; Drysdale K; Higgs P; Stoové M; Baldry E; Dietze P; Treloar C, 2023, 'Trust and service engagement among people who inject drugs after release from prison', International Journal of Drug Policy, 111,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Marshall AD; Schroeder SE; Lafferty L; Drysdale K; Baldry E; Stoové M; Dietze P; Higgs P; Treloar C, 2023, 'Perceived access to opioid agonist treatment in prison among people with a history of injection drug use: A qualitative study', Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 150,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Newton G; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2023, 'Embodied sociotechnical imaginaries: how donor-conceived people imagine identity, family and reprodigital futures beyond regulation', Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 4,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Valentine K; Smith AKJ; Persson A; Gray R; Bryant J; Hamilton M; Wallace J; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2023, 'The freighted social histories of HIV and hepatitis C: exploring service providers' perspectives on stigma in the current epidemics', Medical Humanities, 49, pp. 48 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Drysdale K; Persson A; Smith AKJ; Wallace J; valentine K; Gray RM; Bryant J; Hamilton M; Newman CE, 2022, 'Professional perspectives on serodiscordant family service provision in the context of blood-borne viruses', Health Sociology Review, 32, pp. 145 - 160,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Drysdale K; Rance J; Cama E; Treloar C; Mao L, 2022, 'What is known about the care and support provided for an ageing population with lived experience of chronic viral hepatitis as they near end-of-life: A scoping review', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e3775 - e3788,
    Journal articles | 2022
    MacGibbon J; Bavinton BR; Drysdale K; Murphy D; Broady TR; Kolstee J; Molyneux A; Power C; Paynter H; de Wit J; Holt M, 2022, 'Explicit Relationship Agreements and HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use by Gay and Bisexual Men in Relationships', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, pp. 761 - 771,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Newton G; Drysdale K; Zappavigna M; Newman CE, 2022, 'Truth, Proof, Sleuth: Trust in Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing and Other Sources of Identity Information among Australian Donor-Conceived People', Sociology, 57,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Newton G; Zappavigna M; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2022, 'More than Humor: Memes as Bonding Icons for Belonging in Donor-Conceived People', Social Media and Society, 8,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schroeder SE; Drysdale K; Lafferty L; Baldry E; Marshall AD; Higgs P; Dietze P; Stoove M; Treloar C, 2022, '"It's a revolving door": Ego-depletion among prisoners with injecting drug use histories as a barrier to post-release success', International Journal of Drug Policy, 101, pp. 103571,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Drysdale K; Bryant J; Dowsett GW; Lea T; Treloar C; Aggleton P; Holt M, 2021, 'Priorities and practices of risk reduction among gay and bisexual men in Australia who use crystal methamphetamine for sex.', Int J Drug Policy, 93, pp. 103163 - 103163,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Gibson A; Drysdale K; Botfield J; Cook T; Mooney-Somers J; Newman C, 2021, 'Navigating trans-visibilities, trauma, and trust in a new cervical screening program', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 24, pp. 1366 - 1379,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smith AKJ; Persson A; Drysdale K; Bryant J; valentine K; Wallace J; Hamilton M; Gray RM; Newman CE, 2021, 'Family imaginaries in the disclosure of a blood-borne virus', Sociology of Health and Illness, 43, pp. 1422 - 1436,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Treloar C; Hopwood M; Drysdale K; Lea T; Holt M; Dowsett GW; Aggleton P; Bryant J, 2021, 'Stigma as understood by key informants: A social ecological approach to gay and bisexual men's use of crystal methamphetamine for sex', International Journal of Drug Policy, 94, pp. 103229,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Treloar C; Schroeder S; Lafferty L; Marshall A; Drysdale K; Higgs P; Baldry E; Stoove M; Dietze P, 2021, 'Structural competency in the post-prison period for people who inject drugs: A qualitative case study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 95, pp. 103261,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Drysdale K; Bryant J; Holt M; Hopwood M; Dowsett GW; Aggleton P; Lea T; Treloar C, 2020, 'Destabilising the ‘problem’ of chemsex: Diversity in settings, relations and practices revealed in Australian gay and bisexual men's crystal methamphetamine use', International Journal of Drug Policy, 78, pp. 102697,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Drysdale K; Cama E; Botfield J; Bear B; Cerio R; Newman CE, 2020, 'Targeting cancer prevention and screening interventions to LGBTQ communities: a scoping review', Health and Social Care in the Community, 29, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Drysdale K; Newman CE; Persson A; Gray RM, 2020, 'Mapping Experiences of Serodiscordance: Using Visual Methodologies to Construct Relationality in Families Living With or Affected by Stigmatized Infectious Disease', Qualitative Health Research, 30, pp. 793 - 808,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Drysdale K; Newman CE; Persson A; Gray RM, 2019, 'Mapping Experiences of Serodiscordance: Using Visual Methodologies to Construct Relationality in Families Living With or Affected by Stigmatized Infectious Disease.', Qual Health Res, 30, pp. 793 - 808,
    Journal articles | 2019
    MacGibbon J; Broady T; Drysdale K; Bavinton B; Lee E; Mao L; Prestage G; Holt M, 2019, 'Gay Men’s Relationship Agreements in the Era of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: An Analysis of Australian Behavioural Surveillance Data', AIDS and Behavior, 24, pp. 1389 - 1399,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Drysdale K, 2018, 'Intimate Attunements: Everyday affect in Sydney’s drag king scene', Sexualities, 21, pp. 640 - 656,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bryant J; Hopwood M; Dowsett GW; Aggleton P; Holt M; Lea T; Drysdale K; Treloar C, 2017, 'The rush to risk when interrogating the relationship between methamphetamine use and sexual practice among gay and bisexual men', International Journal of Drug Policy, 55, pp. 242 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Drysdale K, 2016, 'Tactile places: Doing sensory ethnography in Sydneys drag king scene', Continuum, 30, pp. 206 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Drysdale K, 2015, 'When Scenes Fade: Methodological lessons from Sydney's drag king culture', Cultural Studies, 29, pp. 345 - 362,
  • Reports | 2023
    Drysdale K; Lupton D, 2023, Assessments of public health and community organisation responses to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by LGBTIQA+ people and those living with blood-borne viruses, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2023
    Lafferty L; Lewis S; Drysdale K; Monaghan R; Kelly-Hanku A; Guy R; Treloar C, 2023, 'Enablers and barriers to scaling up infectious diseases point-of-care testing in the primary care setting in Australia', presented at Australasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases, Sydney, 14 March 2023 - 15 March 2023
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Alloun E; Drysdale K; Green J; Haigh F, 2022, 'Enduring crisis and resilience in health care work: the affective lives of a pandemic', presented at Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, 01 December 2022
    Conference Presentations | 2022
    Lafferty L; Schroeder S; Marshall A; Drysdale K; Higgs P; Stoove M; Baldry E; Dietze P; Treloar C, 2022, 'Trust and Service Engagement Among People Who Inject Drugs Post-Release', presented at International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), Glasgow, Scotland, 19 October 2022 - 21 October 2022
    Reports | 2022
    Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, 2022, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?, ANZSOG, Sydney, ,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Treloar C; Broady T; Drysdale K; Brener L; Schroeder SE; Lafferty L; Marshall AD; Dietze PM; Higgs P; Stoove M; Baldry E, 2022, 'Changing attitudes of the general public towards people with prison and injecting drug use histories: A research-informed, co-designed, arts-based intervention', in DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, WILEY, Vol. 41, pp. S136 - S137,
    Reports | 2021
    Mao L; Kirby E; Drysdale K; Rance J; Treloar C; Tu T; Fowlie C; Howard C, 2021, Resilient ageing and end of life planning among people living with or affected by chronic HBV, HCV or HIV in Australia, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,
    Other | 2021
    Drysdale K (ed.), 2021, The Hard Cell: Living Life on the Outside. The Hard Cell: Living Life on the Outside. Story 1: Exhaustion Story 2: Reflections Story 3: Hate this, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia,
    Other | 2020
    Holt M; Bryant J; Drysdale K; Lancaster K; Newman C; Treloar C, 2020, Submission by the Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, on the proposed Mandatory Testing Bill 2020, New South Wales,
    Reports | 2020
    Mao L; Guppy J; Moss P; Drysdale K; Habel P; Thomson C; Taber B; Bogie M; Anlezark J, 2020, Ageing among people with HIV or Chronic HBV/HCV in the ACT: a brief report, The AIDS Action Council, Canberra, ,
    Reports | 2020
    Newman CE; Persson A; valentine K; Hamilton M; Bryant J; Wallace J; Drysdale K; Smith AKJ; Gray R; Lafferty L; Botfield J; Rance J; Cui J, 2020, my health, our family: documenting stories of family life in the context of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C (summary report), UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,
    Other | 2020
    Drysdale K (ed.), 2020, Crystal Clear: Negotiating pleasures and risk around sex on crystal’. Podcast series: Ep 1 Crystal: The Beauty and the Trap; Ep 2 Cultures of Care: Conversations with people who provide support to crystal users; Ep 3 What Workers Say: Health care professionals engaging gay and bisexual men using crystal for sex,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Drysdale K; Newman C; Persson A, 2019, 'Mapping Intimacy: unanticipated methodological insights in researching familial relationships in the context of stigmatized infectious disease', presented at IIQM Qualitative Methods Conference, Brisbane, 01 May 2019 - 03 May 2019
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Drysdale K; Newman CE; Persson A; Gray R; Bryant J; Hamilton M; valentine K; Wallace J, 2019, 'Mapping experiences of serodiscordance: incorporating visual methodologies to represent families affected by HIV and viral hepatitis', Perth, presented at 2019 Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference, Perth, 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Drysdale K, 2019, 'Sex on crystal: the diversity of settings and practices related to Australian gay and bisexual men’s crystal methamphetamine use', Perth, presented at Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference, Perth, 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Hamilton M; Gray R; Botfield J; Newman C; Drysdale K; Persson A; valentine K; Bryant J; Wallace J, 2019, 'Linked lives and chronic illness: extending life-course analysis to families affected by blood borne viruses', presented at The Australian Sociological Association 2019 Conference, Sydney, 26 November 2019 - 28 November 2019
    Other | 2019
    Lancaster K; Treloar C; Holt M; Bryant J; Drysdale K, 2019, Submission to the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    MacGibbon J; Broady T; Drysdale K; Bavinton B; Lee E; Mao L; Prestage G; Holt M, 2019, 'Gay Men’s Relationship Agreements In The Era Of Pre‐Exposure Prophylaxis: An Analysis Of Australian Behavioural Surveillance Data', presented at Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference, Perth, Australia, 17 September 2019 - 19 September 2019,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Newman C; Persson A; Gray R; Drysdale K; Bryant J; valentine K; Hamilton M; Wallace J, 2019, 'The secret-keepers and the super-sharers: understanding the family life of blood borne viruses today', presented at The Australian Sociological Association 2019 Conference, Sydney, 26 November 2019 - 28 November 2019
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Newton G; Newman C; Zappavigna M; Drysdale K, 2019, '“I would like to think that we – the donor-conceived people – are the real experts”: using linguistic methods to examine donor-conceived people’s accounts in public hearings', presented at The Australian Sociological Association 2019 Conference: Creativity and Methodological Innovation in the Sociology of Familial and Intimate Relationships Workshop, Sydney, 29 November 2019
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Newton G; Zappavigna M; Drysdale K; Newman C, 2019, 'Evaluating contraceptive methods using peer support from Reddit', presented at 2019 Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference, Perth, 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Persson A; Newman C; Hamilton M; Bryant J; valentine K; Drysdale K; Gray R, 2019, 'The embodied relationality of blood-borne viruses: How families matter in the context of a stigmatised viral infection', in Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, London, pp. 112620, presented at AIDS Impact, London, 29 July 2019 - 31 July 2019,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Persson A; Newman C; Hamilton M; valentine K; Wallace J; Bryant J; Gray R; Drysdale K, 2019, 'Risk perceptions and testing in families living with mixed HIV status', presented at 2019 Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference, Perth, 16 September 2019 - 19 September 2019
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Drysdale K; Newman C; Persson A, 2018, 'Family intimacies: conceptualising serodiscordance in families living with or affected by stigmatized infectious disease through family mapping methodologies', presented at 12th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Shanghai, 12 August 2018 - 15 August 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Gibson A; Newman C; Mooney-Somers J; Drysdale K; Botfield J; Cook T, 2018, 'Shifting the inner circle: Understanding efforts to more meaningfully ‘include’ trans and gender diverse people in cervical cancer screening', presented at IUSTI Asia Pacific Sexual Health Congress 2018, Auckland, 01 November 2018 - 03 November 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Gibson A; Newman C; Mooney-Somers J; Drysdale K; Botfield J; Cook T, 2018, 'Shifting the inner circle: Understanding efforts to more meaningfully ‘include’ trans and gender diverse people in cervical cancer screening', presented at TASA Conference 2018: Precarity, Rights, Resistance, Melbourne, 20 November 2018 - 22 November 2018
    Reports | 2018
    Hopwood M; Drysdale K; Treloar C, 2018, ‘Sunshine on a rainy day’: Crystal methamphetamine use among gay and bisexual men in Perth, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    MacGibbon J; Broady T; Drysdale K; Lee E; Mao L; Bavinton B; Prestage G; Holt M, 2018, 'Gay men who use pre-exposure prophylaxis and their relationship agreements: The evolution of negotiated safety?', presented at Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference, Sydney, 24 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Newman C; Drysdale K; Persson A; Rance J; Hamilton M; valentine K; Bryant J; Wallace J, 2018, 'Mediating biosocial possibilities: The deployment of biomedical technologies in HIV and viral hepatitis family disclosure narratives', presented at 2018 annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science: TRANSnational STS, Sydney, 24 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Newman C; Persson A; Drysdale K; Hamilton M; valentine K; Bryant J; Wallace J; Gray R; Rance J; Botfield J, 2018, 'Exploring the role of families in HIV treatment decisions and practices.', presented at Australasian HIV Conference, Sydney, 24 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Newman C; Persson A; Drysdale K; Hamilton M; valentine K; Bryant J; Wallace J; Gray R; Rance J; Botfield J, 2018, 'Open doors and family secrets: Negotiating communication agreements among families affected by HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C', presented at IUSTI Asia Pacific Sexual Health Congress 2018, Auckland, 01 November 2018 - 03 November 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Newman CE; Persson A; Drysdale K; Rance J; Hamilton M; valentine K; bryant J; Wallace J, 2018, '"I found out I have HIV but it's all good, I'm on medication": The deployment of biomedical technologies in HIV and viral hepatitis family disclosure narratives', presented at 2018 In Sickness and in Health Conference, Sydney, 07 June 2018 - 09 June 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Persson A; Newman C; Drysdale K; Hamilton M; valentine K; Bryant J; Gray R; Rance J; Botfield J, 2018, 'Understanding divergent family responses to a blood borne virus diagnosis', presented at Australasian HIV Conference, Sydney, 24 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
    Theses / Dissertations | 2016
    Drysdale K, 2016, When Scenes Fade: Everyday Investments in Sydney's Drag King Culture, University of Sydney
    Preprints |
    Drysdale K; Lupton D, Assessments of Public Health and Community Organisation Responses to COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases by LGBTIQA People and Those Living With Blood-borne Viruses,
    Reports |
    Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery? A research report prepared by the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW for ANZSOG, Australia and New Zealand School of Government, ,
  • Media | 2023
    Lafferty L; Treloar C; Drysdale K, 2023, ‘They weren’t there when I needed them’: we asked former prisoners what happens when support services fail,
    Media | 2021
    Drysdale K; Aylmer R, 2021, Using art to prevent recidivism and change attitudes towards people who inject drugs and have been in prison, Issue 6., Australian Human Rights Institute,
    Media | 2019
    Drysdale K, 2019, Championing collective responses in the intersection of health promotion and harm reduction for gay and bisexual men who use crystal methamphetamine,
    Media | 2019
    Drysdale K, 2019, Long Live the King, Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
    Media | 2019
    Drysdale K, 2019, Podcasts as resources? Yes! Collaborative research translation concerning gay and bisexual men who use crystal for sex,
    Media | 2018
    Drysdale K, 2018, Remember the King,
    Media | 2018
    Drysdale K, 2018, Strapped, packed and taking the stage: Australia’s new drag kings,

  • Wiley’s Top Cited Article 2021-2022, in Sociology of Health and Illness for “Family imaginaries in the disclosure of a blood-borne virus” (co-author) between January 2021 and December 2022.

  • Early Career Academics Network Awards for Research Excellence 2022 (Traditional Research Output) for ‘Sex in placemaking activism: lesbian and queer women’s sex-based sociality in Sydney, Australia’ journal article; Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW.

  • Awarded participant, Women in Leadership (WIL) Program 2022 (competitive entry), UNSW Sydney – awarded to high performing and high potential leader.

  • Early Career Academics Network Awards for Research Excellence 2021 (Traditional Research Output) for ‘Priorities and Practices of Risk Reduction among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men who Use Crystal Methamphetamine for Sex’ journal article; Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW.

  • Early Career Academics Network Publication Awards 2020 (Non-traditional Research Output) for ‘Crystal Clear: Negotiating pleasures and risk around sex on crystal’ podcast series; Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW.

  • Awarded participant, Kathleen Fitzgerald Laureate Mentorship Scheme, University of Melbourne, 3 – 7 December 2018 - awarded to outstanding early career female researchers to complete an intensive mentoring programme with a focus on research leadership and enhancing career progression (competitive entry; flights and accommodation provided for the duration of the program).

  • Finalist, Rita and John Cornforth Award (2016), Graduate Medal, University of Sydney - awarded to a person who has achieved the highest standard of academic proficiency in a doctoral thesis, and contributed to the diverse life of the University and broader community (one of four finalists; over 160 submissions).

  • Dean’s Citation for Excellence in Tutorials (2013), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney - awarded for tutorial-style teaching, with special mention of ability to teach with sensitivity and for lesson planning.

Current projects:

  • “Diverse experiences and Understandings of Immunity in the Pandemic Age”, 2022-2023 - Co-investigator.
  • “Health Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Decriminalisation of Sex Work”, 2022-2027 – Co-investigator.
  • “Reproductive Autonomy in the Genomic Age”, 2019-2023 – Research Associate leading empirical arm.
  • Our Voices, Our Way, Our Lives Project evaluation”, 2022-2023– Chief investigator and project manager.
  • The role of language in inclusive women’s health: a case study on cervical cancer screening”, 2022-2023 - Lead investigator
  • Centre for Research Excellence in the accelerated implementation of new point-of-care technology for infectious diseases, 2020 - current – Social Science stream: Research Fellow.
    • Subproject: Understanding the health system implications for delivering integrated POCT for infectious diseases in primary care settings, led by Professor Carla Treloar. 2020. (CRE funded; $80,000) - Co-investigator.

Previous projects:

  • "Identifying factors that improve the health of people released from prison who inject drugs", 2017-2020– Research manager and NTRO production manager
    • Subproject: Health of people who inject drugs released from prison: changing general public attitudes, 2021 – Co-investigator
  • "Equity Focussed Health Impact Assessment of the medium to long term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated response", 2020-2021 – Co-investigator
  • “How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery”, 2021-2022; ANZSOG demonstration project  – Co-investigator
  • Scoping review of the care and support needs among people with hepatitis B/C nearing end of life, 2021 – Lead investigator
  • Peer Health Champions, Waterloo, 2020-2021; supported by the Waterloo Human Services Collaboration Group, a joint initiative between Sydney Local Health District, Department of Community and Justice, and City of Sydney Council – Academic advisor.
  • "Deadly Liver Mob", 2016-2021; NHMRC Partnerships grant – Implementation Toolkit Website production manager
  • "Efficacy of health promotion intervention for LGBTQ communities: scoping review, 2020 – Co-Investigator
  • "Meaningful inclusion of trans and gender diverse populations in cervical cancer screening: A pilot study" 2018 – Co-Investigator.
  • 'my health, our family’: documenting stories of family life in the context of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, 2018-2020 - Research Fellow.
  • Crystal, Sex and Pleasures between Men, 2017-2019 – Research Manager; Key Researcher; Podcast producer.
  • Intimate Investments in Drag King Cultures: The Rise and Fall of Lesbian Social Scenes. 2017 – 2019; Monograph, commission by Palgrave Macmillan – Lead Investigator
  • Complex and changing needs of the ageing population living with viral hepatitis and/or HIV in the ACT, 2017-2018 - literature review and report co-author.


  • Affect and Emotion Network, 2021 to current.
  • Association for Cultural Studies, 2016 to current.
  • Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM), Affiliate Member, 2018 to current.
  • Australian Women’s & Gender Studies Association, 2017 to current.
  • Cultural Studies Association of Australasia, 2012 to current.
  • The Australian Sociological Association, 2017 to current.

My Teaching

While I am in research-focussed roles at UNSW Sydney, I regularly accept invitations to guest lecture in the areas of:

  • social determinants of health
  • health equity for marginalised communities
  • qualitative methodologies, including sensory ethnography and the art of interviewing
  • queer performances, performativity and LGBTQ scenes
  • scene theory and practices