Professor Maggie Dong

Professor Maggie Dong

Head of School
Business School
School of Marketing

Maggie Chuoyan Dong is currently Head of School and Professor at School of Marketing, UNSW. Maggie' research interests range from business-to-business marketing to the marketing-operations interface with a strong focus on a range of supply chain topics (including the supply chain resilience and digital transformation of supply chains). She uses multiple methods including field experiment and data, survey, and lab experiment in her research for empirical rigor and managerial relevance.

Maggie has published extensively in premier journals in the fields of marketing, operations management, and information systems, including Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Industrial Marketing Management to name a few.She has held a range of relevant government research grants in Hong Kong and the Mainland China. Maggie has served as Guest Editor of the Journal of Business Research, Associate Editor of the Decision Sciences Journal, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. She also served as the National Representative for China of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) andNon-local Member of Selection Panel of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme.

  • Journal articles | 2024
    Sun W; Yang B; Dong MC; Cadeaux J, 2024, 'Resilient product and production adaptation in a large-scale disaster: Does it pay off?', Decision Sciences, 55, pp. 191 - 208,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang P; Dong MC, 2024, 'The role of performance reward discrepancies in driving dealers’ servitization', International Journal of Research in Marketing,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xiao Z; Yang B; Dong S; Chuoyan Dong M, 2024, 'B2B strategies for surviving global crises: A resource dependence perspective on the COVID−19 pandemic', Journal of Business Research, 172,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Liu C; Xiao Z; Gao Y; Dong MC; Gao S, 2023, 'Understanding the spillover effects of manufacturer-initiated reward on observers’ compliance: a social learning perspective', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 38, pp. 1981 - 1996,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Roberts JH; Uncles M; van Heerde HJ; Melnyk V; Dong MC, 2023, 'Marketing at UNSW Sydney: Building Marketing Capability in Australasia', Customer Needs and Solutions, 10,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chi Y; Qing P; Jin YJ; Yu J; Dong MC; Huang L, 2022, 'Competition or spillover? Effects of platform-owner entry on provider commitment', Journal of Business Research, 144, pp. 627 - 636,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dong MC; Huang Q; Liu Z, 2022, 'Adjusting supply chain involvement in countries with politician turnover: A contingency framework', Journal of Operations Management, 68, pp. 824 - 854,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wang P; Jiang X; Dong MC, 2022, 'Alliance experience and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis', Strategic Organization, 20, pp. 412 - 432,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Xiao Z; Chen X; Dong MC; Gao S, 2022, 'Institutional support and firms’ entrepreneurial orientation in emerging economies', Long Range Planning, 55,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zeng F; Chi Y; Xiao Z; Dong MC, 2021, 'Understanding the spillover effects of channel reward on observers' commitment: The mediating role of envy', Industrial Marketing Management, 93, pp. 650 - 660,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zeng F; Huang Y; Xiao Z; Wang CL; Dong MC, 2021, 'The dark side of channel rewards for observer distributors: A social comparison perspective', Journal of Business Research, 132, pp. 441 - 452,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chi Y; Zeng F; Dong MC; Song Y, 2020, 'Promotion and Prevention Contracts in Distributor–Supplier Relationship Using Matched Dyadic Data', Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 27, pp. 111 - 124,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chi Y; Zeng F; Dong MC; Song Y, 2020, 'Promotion and Prevention Contracts in Industry Level Firm to Firm Dyad', Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 27, pp. 203 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zeng F; Ye Q; Dong MC; Huang Z; Liu Z, 2020, 'Legitimizing actions in dependence-asymmetry relationships: A comparison between Chinese and Western firms', Industrial Marketing Management, 88, pp. 163 - 172,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dong MC; Zeng F; Su C, 2019, 'Network embeddedness as a dependence-balancing mechanism in developing markets: differential effects for channel partners with asymmetric dependencies', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47, pp. 1064 - 1084,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Liu Y; Li X; Dong MC, 2019, 'The role of customer orientation in key account managers’ performance: a client network perspective', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34, pp. 1592 - 1605,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Xiao Z; Dong MC; Zhu X, 2019, 'Learn to be good or bad? Revisited observer effects of punishment: curvilinear relationship and network contingencies', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34, pp. 754 - 766,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhu X; Xiao Z; Dong MC; Gu J, 2019, 'The fit between firms’ open innovation and business model for new product development speed: A contingent perspective', Technovation, 86-87, pp. 75 - 85,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dong MC; Fang Y; Straub DW, 2017, 'The impact of institutional distance on the joint performance of collaborating firms: The role of adaptive interorganizational systems', Information Systems Research, 28, pp. 309 - 331,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Xiao Z; Yan H; Gao Y; Dong MC; Gao S; Yang X; Shen H, 2017, 'How Does Dual Institutional Capital Influence Firm's Innovativeness in China's Emerging Market?', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 12754 - 12754,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zeng F; Chi Y; Dong MC; Huang J, 2017, 'The dyadic structure of exchange partners' governing-agency social capital and opportunism in buyer–supplier relationships', Journal of Business Research, 78, pp. 294 - 302,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zhu X; Dong MC; Gu J; Dou W, 2017, 'How Do Informal Ties Drive Open Innovation? the Contingency Role of Market Dynamism', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64, pp. 208 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dong MC; Ju M; Fang Y, 2016, 'Role hazard between supply chain partners in an institutionally fragmented market', Journal of Operations Management, 46, pp. 5 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zeng F; Chen Y; Dong MC; Chi Y, 2016, 'The Use of Accommodation in Buyer–Seller Relationships: Encouraging or Controlling Opportunism in Business Markets Middle-grounds', Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 23, pp. 47 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dong MC; Liu Z; Yu Y; Zheng JH, 2015, 'Opportunism in Distribution Networks: The Role of Network Embeddedness and Dependence', Production and Operations Management, 24, pp. 1657 - 1670,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zeng F; Chen Y; Dong MC; Zheng J, 2015, 'Understanding distributor opportunism in a horizontal network', Industrial Marketing Management, 46, pp. 171 - 182,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zheng VX; Dong MC; Fang Y, 2015, 'Managing Role Stress between Supply Chain Partners in Uncertain Market Condition', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 12331 - 12331,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dong MC; Li CB; Tse DK, 2013, 'Do business and political ties differ in cultivating marketing channels for foreign and local firms in China?', Journal of International Marketing, 21, pp. 39 - 56,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wang DT; Gu FF; Dong MC, 2013, 'Observer Effects of Punishment in a Distribution Network', Journal of Marketing Research, 50, pp. 627 - 643,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wang DT; Gu FF; Dong MC, 2013, 'Observer effects of punishment in a distribution network', Journal of Marketing Research, 50, pp. 627 - 643,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dong MC; Tse DK; Hung K, 2010, 'Effective distributor governance in emerging markets: The salience of distributor role, relationship stages, and market uncertainty', Journal of International Marketing, 18, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dong MC; Tse DK; Cavusgil ST, 2008, 'Efficiency of governance mechanisms in China's distribution channels', International Business Review, 17, pp. 509 - 519,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Chuoyan Dong M; Yiyan li S, 2007, 'Conflict resolution in Chinese family purchase decisions: The impact of changing female roles and marriage duration', International Journal of Conflict Management, 18, pp. 308 - 324,
  • Conference Papers | 2019
    Dong M; Singh V; Peters D; Ukegbu CCN; Collars R; Dack J; Duan L, 2019, 'Towards a Smart Urban Freight Plan', in Noyce DA (ed.), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT 2019: SMARTER AND SAFER MOBILITY AND CITIES, AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, VA, Alexandria, pp. 347 - 358, presented at ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD), VA, Alexandria, 09 June 2019 - 12 June 2019,
    Theses / Dissertations |
    Dong CM, Current challenges in channel relationships,


“Does Corporate Sociopolitical Activism Oriented Market Exits Benefit Corporate Brand Equity and Firm Profitability? Evidence from Corporate Exodus from Russia amidst the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War,” Faculty Development Scheme, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$625,700 (2024~2025).


“Research on the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Home-Sharing Platforms,” General Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB410,000 (2024~2027).


“To Be Unified or Divergent? The Performance Implications of Information Variance Across Multiple E-Sellers Offering an Identical Product,” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$468,993 (2021~2024).


“Examining the Impact of Product Leak Announcements on Online Buzz, Product Sales, and Firm Value,” Early Career Scheme, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$456,658 (2021~2024).


“The Optimization of Customer Behaviors in Peer-to-Peer Economy Based on Social Dilemma Theory,” General Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB480,000 (2021-2024).


“Inharmonious Reseller Rewards: The Impact of the Social Comparison of Rewards on Reseller Performance within Marketing Channels,” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$493,161 (2018~2021).


“Dispersions in Distributor Rewards: An Investigation of the Impact of the Social Comparison within Marketing Channels,” Youth Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 180,000 (2018~2021).


“Being Secure While Being Dependent: Dependence Balancing Strategies for Weaker Partners in Channel Relationships,” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$437,200 (2015~2018).


“The Influence of the Vertical Inter-organizational Relationship Interaction on the Joint Unethical Marketing Behavior: Perspective of Construal Level,” General Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB 580,000 (2014~2017).


“Do Better-than-Fair Rewards Pay Off? An Examination of Distributors’ Responses to Favorably Unfair Rewards,” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$251,169 (2013~2016).


“Managing Opportunism in A Distribution Network: The Observer Effect of Punishment,” General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, HK$386,520 (2012~2015).


“From Channel to Value Chain: The Issue of Corporate Cooperative Capacity,” Start-up Grant, City University of Hong Kong, HK$500,000 (2008~2011).

  • Australian Marketing Institute – ANZMAC Grant Award (2023)

My current research focuses on two streams in buyer-supplier relationships management: (a) crisis management for resilient supply chains, and (b) digital and social media tools in transforming B2B marketing.These areas are related to my research expertise and aim to combine industry insights to tackle the ongoing challenges for supply chain practices.

  • Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Managing crises in B2B settings: COVID-19 and Ukraine conflict”, Journal of Business Research
  • Associate Editor, Decision Sciences Journal
  • Editorial board member, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
  • Conference Co-Chair, Marketing Science Conference 2024
  • Non-local Member of Selection Panel (H Panel) of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2023 ~ 2024
  • National Representative of China, The European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2021 ~
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Marketing Analytics Symposium Sydney 2023
  • Organizing Committee, B2B Connect Research Symposium 2023
  • Grant Reviewer, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 2017
  • Grant Reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019 ~