Mr Mark Bailey

Mr Mark Bailey

Adjunct Lecturer
School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr Mark Bailey completed his Doctorate at the Australian Defence Force Academy in 2019. The thesis is entitled ‘The Strategic and Trade Protection Implications of Anglo-Australian Maritime Trade 1885-1942’. He joined the Royal Australian Naval College in 1979 as a Seaman officer, serving aboard a variety of vessels including the aircraft carrier HMASMelbourneand frigate HMASYarra. He also served on the training staff at the RAN Naval College as well as fulfilling staff, security and intelligence positions. He began researching trade protection in the early 1990s and undertook the RAN Staff Course in 1993, subsequently specialising in intelligence at the Maritime Intelligence Centre and Joint Intelligence Centre before transferring to the RAAF as an Intelligence Officer, transferring to the Active Reserve in 2002 and working in strategic logistics, law enforcement intelligence, counter-terrorism and government-industry liaison positions.

He rejoined the RAN Active Reserve in 2015 as a Maritime Trade Operations Branch Lieutenant-Commander. From this time he has been near continuously on full-time service. He is currently the Staff Officer Naval Force Analysis in the Directorate of Navy Capability Planning. Dr Bailey has published articles ranging from the Imperial Japanese Army's transport submarine fleet of WWII to and has researched and written extensively about the Imperial trade system, its performance, management and protection in the global wars, and Australia's role in that system. He is a member of the Naval Studies Group and is currently running the international ‘Cradock Project’ with the Irish scholar John French. This is a complete, primary source re-evaluation of Rear Admiral Christopher Cradock’s mission performance up to and including the Battle of Coronel. He intends to publish this as ‘Cradock’s Choice’ in 2020 under USNI auspices before developing a book from his thesis (tentatively entitled ‘Foundation of Victory’) under USNI auspices but also part of the ‘Corbett 100’ project. He is acting as Australian liaison for the King’s College-USN War College ‘Corbett 100’ project.



Imperial Japanese Army Transport Submarines. INROWarship International, Vol. 35, No. 1 1998


SPC-A Conferences and Articles 1998-2000


“A Globalised Maritime Trade System Meets Total War” North American Society for Oceanic History Conference paper, Monterey


“Supporting the Wartime Economy: Imperial Maritime Trade and the Globalised Maritime Trade System 1914-1916”

Paper for National Maritime Museum Greenwich, WWI at Sea Conference


“Australian Mobilisation for War – A Primer”,Naval Studies Group


The Singapore Maritime Trade Protection Strategy: 1921 and 2019”,Naval Studies Group andUnited States Navy War College, Newport, Rhode Island


Cradock’s Choice: Re-evaluating Churchill’s 1914 Defeat, (tentative title)

A full, primary-source based re-evaluation of Rear Admiral Cradock’s performance of his trade protection mission in South American waters up to his destruction at the Battle of Coronel. United States Naval Institute Press

Conferences and Presentations


Historical Blockade and Current Defence Planning – A View from the Pacific

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim


Incorporating Wartime Trade Protection Lessons:

RN And RAN Trade Protection as an Example of International Maritime Defence Burden-Sharing;United States Navy War College, Newport, Rhode Island


“Losing Strategic Control of the South China Sea – Maritime Trade and Mobilisation Implications for Australia” Chief of Navy Goldrick Seminar,UNSW ƵNaval Studies Group


“The German East Asian Squadron in 1914”Naval Studies Group Podcast


“Chinese Strategic Control of the South China Sea – Maritime Trade Implications for Australia”, DFAT Round TableChinese Lawfare in the South China Sea – Lessons and Current Issues


Imperial Maritime Trade and The Globalised Maritime Trade System 1914-1918National Maritime Museum, London


Anglo-Australian Trade and Wartime Impacts 1914-1916.ANU Conference


Adapting to Change: Imperial Maritime Trade and the Globalised Maritime Trade System 1914-1916;National Maritime Museum, London


Adaption, Collapse and Failure: the Globalised Maritime System 1914-1916: A Globalised Maritime Trade System Meets Total WarNorth American Society for Oceanic History, Monterey, California


SPC-A and King Hall Conferences

Other Education


Graduate Certificate in Management Studies



Certificate in Public Administration



Certificate in Vocational Instruction