Liz Barrett

Liz Barrett

Research Officer
Arts,Design & Architecture
Social Policy Research Centre

Liz Barrett is a Research Officer at the Drug Policy Modelling Program in the Social Policy Research Centre. Previously she was a Senior Policy Officer at Uniting where she was instrumental in developing the Fair Treatment campaign for the decriminalisation of drugs in Australia. At DPMP, Liz has conducted research and co-authored a number of reports and evidence reviews on areas such as AOD service purchasing systems, mandatory treatment, stigma and cannabis clubs.

Liz's areas of expertise relate to policy development, analysis and policy translation. Liz has experience leading policy and advocacy projects for NGOs and trade unions on a range of issues relating to social disadvantage including alcohol and drugs, youth homelessness, early years education and low-waged, highly feminised industries.

Currently Liz convenes a national working group on strengthening harm reduction in prisons, and is working on an Australian Research Council (ARC) grant looking at the role of participation in designing illicit drug policy solutions.


+61 2 9385 1779




208 Goodsell Building