Associate Professor Natasha Cortis

Associate Professor Natasha Cortis

Associate Professor

BEc(SocSc) Hons PhD Syd

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
Social Policy Research Centre


Dr Natasha Cortis, BEc(SocSci) Hons PhD (Syd), is Associate Professorat the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC). Her work explores the organisation, delivery, and evaluation of human services, focusing on funding, workforce and sustainability in the not-for-profit sector; quality, safety and regulation in community service markets; and women's employment andeconomic security.

Recent commissioned projects include:

-(for the Australian Services Union, 2024).

- (for the Fair Work Commission, 2023). The report, data file, and President's Statement can be and additional coverage is.

- the (with ACOSS and the COSS network, 2019-23)

- Work, family and care in Australian retail (with SDA, 2021). Read the report: Media coverage: or

- in the ACT (with ACTCOSS, 2021)

- the (withthe Health Services Union, Australian Services Union and United Workers Union). Evidence to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS is .

- person-centred models in (with Macquarie University, RMIT University, the Health Services Union and United Voice, 2019);


- National Survey ofin Australia (commissioned by Department of Social Services, 2017-18). Datasets are ;

- analysing regulatory data from the AustralianCharities and Not-for-profits Commission to develop new knowledge about charities' characteristics, activities and finances (2015-18);

- analysing the impact of on service quality and decent work(with the Health Services Union, Australian Services Union and United Voice, 2017);

-(with NCOSS and Homelessness NSW, 2017);

- andan ARC Linkage Project examining (2017-20).

From 2014 to 2016 Natasha led a study of strategies to, funded by Australia's National Research Organisation on Women's Safety. Evidence provided to the Fair Work Commission can be . Dr Cortis' submission to the Australian Parliament's inquiry into market readiness of the NDIS can be .


HDR Supervision:

Natasha is currently supervising PhD candidates:(with Abigail Powell); (with Ilan Katz); (with kylie valentine);and Molly Saunders (with Georgia van Toorn and Gemma Carey). Recent HDR completions include (supervised with ); (with ) and Tammy Burnstock (with ).

+61 2 9385 7833
239 Goodsell Building
  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Adamson E, 2022, 'Quality and marketised care: The case of family day care', in Designing Social Service Markets: Risk, Regulation and Rent-Seeking, ANU Press, pp. 39 - 70,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Adamson E, 2022, 'Quality and marketised care: The case of family day care', in Meagher G; Stebbing A; Perche D (ed.), Designing Social Service Markets: Risk, Regulation and Rent-Seeking, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 39 - 70,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Brennan D; Cortis N, 2020, 'Community Services, Individualism and Markets', in McClelland A; Smyth P; Marston G (ed.), Social Policy in Australia: Understanding for Action (4th Edition), Oxford University Press, Docklands, VIC, pp. 310 - 329
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Brennan D; Charlesworth S; Adamson EA; Cortis N, 2017, 'Out of Kilter: Changing Care, Migration and Employment Regimes in Australia', in Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care: A Multi-Scalar Approach to the Pacific Rim, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143 - 165,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2009, pp. 215 - 242
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21, Policy Press, pp. 215 - 242,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21, Policy Press, pp. 215 - 242,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England, and Sweden', in Rummery K; Greener I; Holden C (ed.), Social Policy Review 21, edn. Social Policy Review, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 217 - 246,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meagher G; Cortis N, 2009, 'The political economy of for-profit paid care: theory and evidence', in King D; Meagher G (ed.), Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices, edn. Original, University of Sydney Press, Sydney, pp. 13 - 42,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Cortis N, 2007, 'Using community services: a case study in the politics of recognition', in Connelly J; Leach M; Walsh L (ed.), Recognition in Politics: Theory Policy and Practice, edn. Original, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 253 - 269
  • Edited Books | 2022
    Perche D; Meagher G; Stebbing A, (eds.), 2022, Designing social service markets: Risk, regulation and rent-seeking, ANU Press, Canberra,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Cortis N; Smyth C, 2024, 'Specialist Financial Counseling for Women Affected by Domestic and Family Violence: Staff and Client Perspectives on an Australian Initiative.', Violence Against Women, pp. 10778012241263103,
    Journal articles | 2023
    CORTIS N; BLAXLAND M; CHARLESWORTH S, 2023, 'Care theft: Family impacts of employer control in Australia's retail industry', Critical Social Policy, 44, pp. 106 - 128,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Fisher KR; Cortis N; Shang X; Blaxland M, 2023, 'Chinese and Australian Neoliberal Policy Responses to Risks in Social Service Purchasing', Social Policy and Society,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cortis N; Katz I, 2022, 'Waiting for redress: Child sexual abuse survivors' experiences of Australia's National Redress Scheme', Child Abuse and Neglect, 129, pp. 105657,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2022, 'Safeguarding in Australia’s new disability markets: Frontline workers’ perspectives', Critical Social Policy, 42, pp. 197 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2022
    van Toorn G; Cortis N, 2022, 'Marketisation and Regulatory Labour in Frontline Disability Work', Work, Employment and Society,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cortis N; Foley M; Williamson S, 2021, 'Change agents or defending the status quo? How senior leaders frame workplace gender equality', Gender, Work & Organization, 29, pp. 205 - 221,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cortis N; Smyth C; valentine K; Breckenridge J; Cullen P, 2021, 'Adapting Service Delivery during COVID-19: Experiences of Domestic Violence Practitioners', The British Journal of Social Work, 51, pp. 1779 - 1798,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Natalier K; Cortis N; Seymour K; Wendt S; King D, 2021, 'Workplace Violence against Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Workers: A Gendered, Settings-Based Approach', British Journal of Social Work, 51, pp. 2301 - 2320,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smyth C; Cortis N; Powell A, 2021, 'University staff and flexible work: inequalities, tensions and challenges', Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 43, pp. 489 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smyth C; Cullen P; Breckenridge J; Cortis N; valentine K, 2021, 'COVID-19 lockdowns, intimate partner violence and coercive control', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 359 - 373,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cortis N; Seymour K; Natalier K; Wendt S, 2020, 'Which models of supervision help retain staff? Findings from Australia’s domestic and family violence and sexual assault workforces', Australian Social Work,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cortis N; Lee I, 2019, 'Assessing the Financial Reserves of Social Service Charities Involved in Public Service Delivery', Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cortis N; Fang Q; Zhenfang D, 2018, 'Social service purchasing in China: Rationale, features, and risks', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12, pp. 200 - 208,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cortis N; Macdonald F; Davidson B; Bentham E, 2018, 'Underpricing care: a case study of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme', International Journal of Care and Caring, 2, pp. 587 - 593,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cortis N; Powell A, 2018, 'Playing catch up? An exploration of supplementary work at home among Australian public servants', Journal of Industrial Relations, 60, pp. 538 - 559,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cortis N; Smyth C; Wade C; Katz I, 2018, 'Changing practice cultures in statutory child protection: Practitioners' perspectives', Child and Family Social Work, 24, pp. 50 - 58,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Adamson EA; Cortis N; Brennan D; Charlesworth S, 2017, 'Social care and migration policy in Australia: Emerging intersections?', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52, pp. 78 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Powell A; Cortis N, 2017, 'Working Time in Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations: What Influences Prospects for Employee Control?', Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, 41, pp. 162 - 177,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cortis N, 2016, 'Access to Philanthropic and Commercial Income Among Nonprofit Community Service Organisations', Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28, pp. 798 - 821,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cortis N; Eastman C, 2015, 'Is job control under threat in the human services? Evidence from frontline practitioners in Australia, 2003-2012', Competition and Change, 19, pp. 210 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Cortis N; Eastman C, 2014, 'Salary sacrificing in Australia: are patterns of uptake and benefit different in the not-for-profit sector?', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2014,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cortis N; Bullen J; Hamilton M, 2013, 'Sustaining transitions from welfare to work: the perceptions of employers and employment service providers', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 48, pp. 363 - 384,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cortis N; Meagher G, 2012, 'Recognition at Last: Care Work and the Equal Remuneration Case', Journal of Industrial Relations, 54, pp. 377 - 385,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cortis N; Meagher G, 2012, 'Social work education as preparation for practice: Evidence from a survey of the New South Wales community sector', Australian Social Work, 65, pp. 295 - 310,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cortis N; Patulny RV, 2012, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on emotions in social life and social policy', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 47, pp. 5 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cortis N, 2012, 'Overlooked and under-served? Promoting service use and engagement among 'hard-to-reach' populations', International Journal of Social Welfare,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Craig L; Powell A; Cortis N, 2012, 'Self-employment, work-family time and the gender division of labour', Work, Employment and Society, 26, pp. 716 - 734,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan SE, 2011, 'Will they stay or will they go? Retaining managers in voluntary sector community services', Voluntary Sector Review, 2, pp. 277 - 295,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cortis N; Chan SE; Hilferty F, 2009, 'Workforce issues across the family relationship services sector: Models, responses and strategies', Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, pp. 1 - 22,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cortis N; Meagher G, 2009, 'Women, work and welfare in the activation state: an agenda for Australian research', Australian Bulletin of Labour, 35, pp. 629 - 651,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cortis N, 2009, 'Social Inclusion and Sport: Culturally diverse women`s perspectives', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 44, pp. 91 - 106,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cortis N, 2008, 'Evaluating area-based interventions: The case of `Communities for Children`', Children and Society, 22, pp. 112 - 123,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cortis N, 2007, 'What do service users think of evaluation? Evidence from family support', Child and family social work, 12, pp. 399 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Cortis N; Gibson C, 2005, 'Research collaboration in the child welfare field', Developing Practice, 12, pp. 31 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Cortis N, 2000, 'Gender, pay equity and human service work: A New South Wales case study', Australian Journal of Political Science, 35, pp. 49 - 62,
  • Reports | 2024
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2024, Australia’s Social and Community Services Workforce: Characterisation, Classification and Value
    Reports | 2023
    Bates S; Cortis N, 2023, Commissioning Homelessness Services: A Review of Possible Approaches, UNSW, Sydney,
    Reports | 2023
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2023, At the precipice: Australia’s community sector through the cost-of-living crisis, findings from the Australian Community Sector Survey., ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2023
    Cortis N; Naidoo Y; Wong M; Bradbury B, 2023, Gender-based Occupational Segregation: A National Data Profile, Fair Work Commission, ,
    Reports | 2023
    Cortis N; Smyth C; Katz I, 2023, Reducing restrictive practices: A review of evidence-based alternatives, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, ,
    Reports | 2022
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Adamson E, 2022, Counting the Costs: Sustainable funding for the ACT community services sector, ,
    Reports | 2022
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2022, Carrying the costs of the crisis: Australia’s community sector through the Delta outbreak, ACOSS, Sydney,
    Reports | 2022
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2022, Helping people in need during a cost-of-living crisis: findings from the Australian Community Sector Survey, ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2021
    Blaxland M; Cortis N, 2021, Valuing Australia’s community sector: Better contracting for capacity, sustainability and impact, ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2021
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Charlesworth S, 2021, Challenges of work, family and care for Australia’s retail, online retail, warehousing and fast food workers, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2021
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2021, Meeting community needs in difficult times: experience of Australia’s community sector, ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2021
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2021, Meeting demand in the shadow of the Delta outbreak: Community Sector experiences, ACOSS, Sydney,
    Reports | 2021
    Cortis N; Katz I, 2021, National Redress Scheme feedback study: Perspectives of survivors, advocates and institutions
    Other | 2021
    Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2021, Commentary on “Regulating disability services: the case of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme quality and safeguarding system” (Hough, 2021), Taylor & Francis,
    Other | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Datasets - National Survey of the Family and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Workforces Dataverse, ,
    Reports | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2020, Australia's Community Sector and COVID-19: Supporting Communities Through the Crisis, ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2020, Challenges for Australia’s Community Sector: ERO supplementation, fair funding for fair pay, ACOSS, Sydney,
    Other | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2020, Dataset - Australian Community Sector Survey 2019, Australian Data Archive, ,
    Reports | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2020, The profile and pulse of the sector: Findings from the 2019 Australian Community Sector Survey, ACOSS, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2020
    Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2020, The disability workforce and COVID-19: initial experiences of the outbreak, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,
    Reports | 2020
    Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2020, Working in new disability markets: A survey of Australia's disability workforce, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,
    Reports | 2020
    Smyth C; Cortis N; Cama E; Giuntoli G; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Evaluation of 1800RESPECT – Final Report, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,
    Reports | 2019
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2019, Demand for Community Services Snapshot 2019, ACOSS, Sydney
    Reports | 2019
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2019, Training and workforce development in Specialist Homelessness Services, SPRC, UNSW Sydney,
    Reports | 2019
    Cortis N; Jose K; Denny L; Eccleston R; Hyslop S, 2019, The State of Tasmania’s Community Service Industry, 2019., SPRC, Sydney,
    Reports | 2019
    Meagher G; Cortis N; Charlesworth S; Taylor W, 2019, Meeting the social and emotional support needs of older people using aged care services, Macquarie University, UNSW Sydney and RMIT University, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Breckenridge J; valentine K; Mahoney N; Chung D; Cordier R; Chen Y; Green D, 2018, National Survey of Workers in the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Sectors, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Powell A; Ramia I; Marjolin , 2018, Australia's grant-making charities in 2016: an analysis of structured philanthropy and other grant-makers, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Smyth C; Powell A, 2018, A flexible workplace for all? Staff perspectives on flexible work at UNSW, UNSW
    Reports | 2018
    Ramia IO; powell A; Cortis N; Marjolin A, 2018, Growth and change in Australia’s charities: 2014 to 2016,
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2017, Workforce Issues in Specialist Homelessness Services, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 08/17,
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2017, Workforce Issues in the NSW Community Services Sector, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 07/17,
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N; Macdonald F; Davidson B; Bentham E, 2017, Reasonable, necessary and valued: Pricing disability services for quality support and decent jobs, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 10/17,
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N; Powell A; Ramia I, 2017, Australia’s Aged Care Charities in 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia., UNSW Sydney,
    Reports | 2017
    Cortis N, 2017, Working under the NDIS: Insights from a survey of employees in disability services, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 13/17,
    Reports | 2017
    Powell A; Cortis N; Ramia I; Marjolin A, 2017, Australian Charities Report 2016, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Blaxland M; Adamson EA; Cortis N, 2016, Perspectives on quality in Australian family day care, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, 01/16, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2016, The State of Tasmania’s Community Service Sector, 2015, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2016, The State of the Community Service Sector in the Australian Capital Territory, 2016, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 19/16, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Brennan D, 2016, Aligning Practice with Vision: Developing SDN’s Pathways Approach, 2013-15, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 09/16, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Bullen J, 2016, Domestic violence and womens economic security: Building Australia’s capacity for prevention and redress, ANROWS, 5, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Lee I; Reeve R; Simnett R, 2016, Australian Charities Involved Overseas 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Cortis N; Young A; Powell A; Reeve R; Ho K; Ramia I; Simnett R, 2016, Australian Charities Report 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2016
    Powell A; Cortis N; Young A; Reeve R; Simnett R; Ramia I, 2016, Australia's Smallest Charities 2015, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,
    Reports | 2016
    Reeve R; Lee I; Simnett R; Cortis N; Chiu E, 2016, Australian Charities and Red Tape 2014,
    Reports | 2016
    Wade C; Mildon R; Shlonsky A; Katz I; valentine K; Eastman C; Cortis N; Smyth CA; Forbes F, 2016, Practice First Evaluation Report,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Bullen JE; Cortis N; Hill T, 2015, 'Promoting women’s economic security following domestic violence', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference (ASPC), UNSW Australia, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2015, State of the Community Service Sector in NSW 2015, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 07/2015, ,
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Bullen , 2015, Building effective policies and services to promote women's economic security following domestic violence: State of knowledge paper, ANROWS, Sydney, 7, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Cortis N; Katz I; Smyth C; valentine K; Wade C, 2015, 'Putting practice first? Practitioners’ perspectives on the implementation of a child-centred model of child protection practice in NSW', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Lee I; Powell A; Simnett R; Reeve R, 2015, Australia's Disability Charities 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; Lee I; Powell A; Simnett R; Reeve R, 2015, Australian Charities Report 2014, Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2015
    Cortis N; valentine K; Brennan D, 2015, Enacting Integration: Progress report for SDN Children’s Services, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 06/2015, ,
    Reports | 2015
    Katz I; cortis N; Shlonsky A; Mildon R, 2015, Modernising Child Protection in New Zealand: Learning from system reforms in other jurisdictions, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    valentine K; Katz I; Cortis N; Smyth C; Cassells R; Eastman C; Shlonsky A; Duncan A, 2015, 'Determining the impact of child protection reforms: Lessons from the evaluation of Keep Them Safe', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015
    Reports | 2014
    Cassells R; Cortis N; Duncan A; Eastman C; Gao G; Giuntoli G; Katz I; Keegan M; Macvean M; Mavisakalyan A; Shlonsky A; Skattebol J; Smyth C; valentine K, 2014, Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Final Report, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney
    Reports | 2014
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Brennan D; Adamson E; Blaxland M; Brennan D; Adamson E, 2014, Family Day Care at the Crossroads: Quality and Sustainability in Uncertain Times, Social Policy Research Centre, 24/2014, ,
    Reports | 2014
    Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2014, The state of the community service sector in New South Wales 2014, UNSW, 4/2014, ,
    Reports | 2014
    Cortis N; valentine K; Brennan D, 2014, Becoming and being an integrated organisation: the experience of SDN Children’s Services [baseline report 2014], 17/2014, ,
    Reports | 2014
    Cortis N; valentine K, 2014, Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation - Professional Perspectives Final Report
    Reports | 2013
    Bennett S; Cortis N; Wong J; Young A, 2013, Evaluation of the National Compact – Aspirations and Impact, UNSW,
    Reports | 2013
    Cortis N; Meagher G; Chan SE; Davidson B; Fatorre T, 2013, Building an Industry of Choice: Service Quality, Workforce Capacity and Consumer-Centred Funding in Disability Care, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report 02/13, ,
    Reports | 2013
    McFerran L; Cortis N; Trijbetz T, 2013, Domestic and Family Violence Clauses in your workplace: Implementation and good practice, Social Policy Research Centre & Centre for Gender Related Violence, UNSW,
    Reports | 2012
    Cortis N; Bullen J; Hamilton M; Whiteford P, 2012, Understanding the barriers to 13 and 26 week employment outcomes, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW
    Reports | 2012
    Cortis N; Eastman C, 2012, Employment arrangements in social and community services receiving Commonwealth direct funding, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 04/12,
    Reports | 2011
    Hilferty F; Cortis N, 2011, Analysis of Workforce Indicators Suitable for the Ageing, Disability and Home Care Sectors, NSW Department of Human Services.,
    Reports | 2010
    Hilferty F; Cortis N; Eastman C; Katz I, 2010, Profiling non-government community services organisations in NSW: A summary report, prepared for Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Human Services., SPRC Report 8/10
    Reports | 2010
    Hilferty F; Eastman C; Chan SE; Katz I; Cortis N, 2010, Profiling non-government community service organisations in New South Wales: Final Report, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/10,
    Reports | 2010
    Meagher G; Cortis N, 2010, The Social and Community Services Sector in NSW: Structure, Workforce and Pay Equity Issues, NSW Department of Industrial Relations., Sydney, ,
    Reports | 2009
    Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan S, 2009, Workforce issues across the family relationship services sector: Models, responses and strategies, Australian Institute of Family Studies, AFRC Issues No. 5,
    Reports | 2009
    Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan SE; Tannous KW, 2009, Labour dynamics and the non-government community services workforce in NSW, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report, 10/09,
    Reports | 2009
    Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,
    Reports | 2008
    Cortis N; Sawrikar P; Muir K, 2008, Participation in sport and recreation by Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 8/08, ,
    Reports | 2007
    Cortis N; Muir K, 2007, Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women: stakeholder consultation report, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Reports 2007-2008, SPRC Report 5/07
    Reports | 2007
    Cortis N; Sawrikar P; Muir K, 2007, Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women: literature and data review, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 4/07, ,
    Reports | 2005
    Thomson CM; Katz I; Cortis N; Purcal C, 2005, Stronger Families and Communities Strategy: National Evaluation Framework
    Preprints |
    Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson C; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009,

2021- Norm Smith Publication in Social Work Research Award.Awarded for best article in Australian Social Work, won jointly for article co-authored withKate Seymour, Kris Natalier and Sarah Wendt, for article titledWhich Models of Supervision Help Retain Staff? Findings From Australia’s Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Workforces.

2018- Mary Parker FollettAward for Theory Informed Research. Awarded by the United States Network for Social Work Management for the articleWorking Time in Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations: What Influences Prospects for Employee Control?(co-authored with Dr Abigail Powell) https://socialworkmanager.org/2018-journal-awards/

2018- Dean's Award for Social Impact.Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW. Awarded for research on NDIS pricing (with Dr Fiona Macdonald, Dr Bob Davidson and Eleanor Bentham)

2015- Award for Excellence in Evaluation.Awarded by the Australasian Evaluation Society for contributionto the 'Keep them Safe' evaluation.

2012- Norm Smith Publication in Social Work Research Award.Awarded for best article in Australian Social Work, won jointly for article co-authored withProfessor Gabrielle Meagher for article titledSocial Work Education as Preparation for Practice: Evidence from a Survey of the New South Wales Community Sector.

2008-Vice Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, UNSW

1999-Women in Politics Prize,Australasian Political Studies Association and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (for article titledGender, Pay Equity, and Human Service Work: A NSW Case Study).