Dr Neil Jordan

Dr Neil Jordan

Senior Lecturer

PhD Zoology (University of Cambridge, 2009)

MSc Zoology (University of Stellenbosch, 2005)

BSc(Hons) Zoology (University of Manchester, 2000)

Centre for Ecosystem Science

I am most interested in the ecology and behavior of predators in human- or livestock-dominated areas, and in developing and evaluating tools to reduce human-wildlife conflict. Other interests include animal communication, and most recently in applying this to managing carnivore movements. Overall I am interested in research underpinning conservation management.

  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Jordan NR; Golabek KA; Marneweck CJ; Marneweck DG; Mbizah MM; Ngatia D; Rabaiotti D; Tshimologo B; Watermeyer J, 2023, 'Hunting Behavior and Social Ecology of African Wild Dogs', in Fascinating Life Sciences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 177 - 227,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Buesching CD; Jordan NR, 2022, 'The Function of Carnivore Latrines', in , Wiley, pp. 131 - 171,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Rafiq K; Pitcher BJ; Cornelsen K; Whitney Hansen K; King AJ; Appleby RG; Abrahms B; Jordan NR, 2021, 'Animal-borne technologies in wildlife research and conservation', in Conservation Technology, pp. 105 - 128,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Buesching CD; Jordan N, 2019, 'The Social Function of Latrines: A Hypothesis-Driven Research Approach', in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 14, Springer International Publishing, pp. 94 - 103,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Alting BF; Pitcher BJ; Rees MW; Ferrer-Paris JR; Jordan NR, 2024, 'Population density and ranging behaviour of a generalist carnivore varies with human population', Ecology and Evolution, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Bennitt E; Bartlam-Brooks HLA; Hubel TY; Jordan NR; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2024, 'Proactive cursorial and ambush predation risk avoidance in four African herbivore species', Ecology and Evolution, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Claase MJ; Cherry MI; McNutt JW; Apps PJ; Jordan NR, 2024, 'Size matters: Natural experiments suggest the dear enemy effect is moderated by pack size in African wild dogs', Ecology and Evolution, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hansen KW; Ranc N; Morgan J; Jordan NR; McNutt JW; Wilson A; Wilmers CC, 2024, 'How territoriality and sociality influence the habitat selection and movements of a large carnivore', Ecology and Evolution, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rafiq K; Jordan NR; McNutt JW; Neelo J; Attias N; Boersma D; Palmer MS; Ruesink J; Abrahms B, 2024, 'The value of field research in academia', Science, 384, pp. 855 - 856,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walker BJJ; Letnic M; Bucknall MP; Watson L; Jordan NR, 2024, 'Male dingo urinary scents code for age class and wild dingoes respond to this information', Chemical Senses, 49,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nakagawa S; Lagisz M; Francis R; Tam J; Li X; Elphinstone A; Jordan NR; O’brien JK; Pitcher BJ; Van Sluys M; Sowmya A; Kingsford RT, 2023, 'Rapid literature mapping on the recent use of machine learning for wildlife imagery', Peer Community Journal, 3,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rafiq K; Jordan NR; Golabek K; McNutt JW; Wilson A; Abrahms B, 2023, 'Increasing ambient temperatures trigger shifts in activity patterns and temporal partitioning in a large carnivore guild', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tucker MA; Schipper AM; Adams TSF; Attias N; Avgar T; Babic NL; Barker KJ; Bastille-Rousseau G; Behr DM; Belant JL; Beyer DE; Blaum N; Blount JD; Bockmühl D; Boulhosa RLP; Brown MB; Buuveibaatar B; Cagnacci F; Calabrese JM; Černe R; Chamaillé-Jammes S; Chan AN; Chase MJ; Chaval Y; Chenaux-Ibrahim Y; Cherry SG; Ćirović D; Çoban E; Cole EK; Conlee L; Courtemanch A; Cozzi G; Davidson SC; DeBloois D; Dejid N; DeNicola V; Desbiez ALJ; Douglas-Hamilton I; Drake D; Egan M; Eikelboom JAJ; Fagan WF; Farmer MJ; Fennessy J; Finnegan SP; Fleming CH; Fournier B; Fowler NL; Gantchoff MG; Garnier A; Gehr B; Geremia C; Goheen JR; Hauptfleisch ML; Hebblewhite M; Heim M; Hertel AG; Heurich M; Hewison AJM; Hodson J; Hoffman N; Hopcraft JGC; Huber D; Isaac EJ; Janik K; Ježek M; Johansson Ö; Jordan NR; Kaczensky P; Kamaru DN; Kauffman MJ; Kautz TM; Kays R; Kelly AP; Kindberg J; Krofel M; Kusak J; Lamb CT; LaSharr TN; Leimgruber P; Leitner H; Lierz M; Linnell JDC; Lkhagvaja P; Long RA; López-Bao JV; Loretto MC; Marchand P; Martin H; Martinez LA; McBride RT; McLaren AAD; Meisingset E; Melzheimer J; Merrill EH; Middleton AD; Monteith KL; Moore SA; Van Moorter B; Morellet N, 2023, 'Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns', Science, 380, pp. 1059 - 1064,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Walker BJ; Jordan NR; Rogers TL, 2023, 'Evolution of the highest sound pressure levels in mammalian echolocation calls', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A217 - A217,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Walker BJ; Jordan NR; Rogers TL, 2023, 'Evolution of the highest sound pressure levels in vertebrate communication calls', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A217 - A217,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Abrahms B; Rafiq K; Jordan NR; McNutt JW, 2022, 'Long-term, climate-driven phenological shift in a tropical large carnivore', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Claase MJ; Cherry MI; Apps PJ; McNutt JW; Hansen KW; Jordan NR, 2022, 'Interpack communication in African wild dogs at long-term shared marking sites', Animal Behaviour, 192, pp. 27 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cornelsen KA; Arkinstall CM; van Weenen J; Ross AK; Lawes JC; Moseby KE; Elphinstone A; Jordan NR, 2022, 'Telemetry tails: a practical method for attaching animal-borne devices to small vertebrates in the field', Wildlife Research, 49, pp. 399 - 414,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Howell LG; Clulow J; Jordan NR; Beranek CT; Ryan SA; Roff A; Witt RR, 2022, 'Drone thermal imaging technology provides a cost-effective tool for landscape-scale monitoring of a cryptic forest-dwelling species across all population densities', Wildlife Research, 49, pp. 66 - 78,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Jordan NR; Golabek KA; Behr DM; Walker RH; Plimpton L; Lostrom S; Claase M; Van der Weyde LK; McNutt JW, 2022, 'Priority of access to food and its influence on social dynamics of an endangered carnivore', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Adams TSF; Mwezi I; Jordan NR, 2021, 'Panic at the disco: Solar-powered strobe light barriers reduce field incursion by African elephants Loxodonta africana in Chobe District, Botswana', ORYX, 55, pp. 739 - 746,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Alting BF; Bennitt E; Golabek KA; Pitcher BJ; McNutt JW; Wilson AM; Bates H; Jordan NR, 2021, 'The characteristics and consequences of African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) den site selection', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Downey H; Amano T; Cadotte M; Cook CN; Cooke SJ; Haddaway NR; Jones JPG; Littlewood N; Walsh JC; Abrahams MI; Adum G; Akasaka M; Alves JA; Antwis RE; Arellano EC; Axmacher J; Barclay H; Batty L; Benítez-López A; Bennett JR; Berg MJ; Bertolino S; Biggs D; Bolam FC; Bray T; Brook BW; Bull JW; Burivalova Z; Cabeza M; Chauvenet ALM; Christie AP; Cole L; Cotton AJ; Cotton S; Cousins SAO; Craven D; Cresswell W; Cusack JJ; Dalrymple SE; Davies ZG; Diaz A; Dodd JA; Felton A; Fleishman E; Gardner CJ; Garside R; Ghoddousi A; Gilroy JJ; Gill DA; Gill JA; Glew L; Grainger MJ; Grass AA; Greshon S; Gundry J; Hart T; Hopkins CR; Howe C; Johnson A; Jones KW; Jordan NR; Kadoya T; Kerhoas D; Koricheva J; Lee TM; Lengyel S; Livingstone SW; Lyons A; McCabe G; Millett J; Strevens CM; Moolna A; Mossman HL; Mukherjee N; Muñoz-Sáez A; Negrões N; Norfolk O; Osawa T; Papworth S; Park KJ; Pellet J; Phillott AD; Plotnik JM; Priatna D; Ramos AG; Randall N; Richards RM; Ritchie EG; Roberts DL; Rocha R; Rodríguez JP; Sanderson R; Sasaki T; Savilaakso S; Sayer C; Sekercioglu C; Senzaki M; Smith G; Smith RJ; Soga M, 2021, 'Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management', Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rafiq K; Appleby RG; Edgar JP; Radford C; Smith BP; Jordan NR; Dexter CE; Jones DN; Blacker ARF; Cochrane M, 2021, 'WildWID: An open-source active RFID system for wildlife research', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, pp. 1580 - 1587,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smith BP; Appleby RG; Jordan NR, 2021, 'Co-existing with dingoes: Challenges and solutions to implementing non-lethal management', Australian Zoologist, 41, pp. 491 - 510,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smith BP; Jaques NB; Appleby RG; Morris S; Jordan NR, 2021, 'Automated shepherds: Responses of captive dingoes to sound and an inflatable, moving effigy', Pacific Conservation Biology, 27, pp. 195 - 201,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jordan N, 2020, 'Box A3: Making Sense of Scents', , pp. 77 - 79,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jordan NR; Smith BP; Appleby RG; van Eeden LM; Webster HS, 2020, 'Addressing inequality and intolerance in human–wildlife coexistence', Conservation Biology, 34, pp. 803 - 810,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Radford C; McNutt JW; Rogers T; Maslen B; Jordan N, 2020, 'Artificial eyespots on cattle reduce predation by large carnivores', Communications Biology, 3, pp. 430,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rafiq K; Hayward MW; Wilson AM; Meloro C; Jordan NR; Wich SA; McNutt JW; Golabek KA, 2020, 'Spatial and temporal overlaps between leopards (Panthera pardus) and their competitors in the African large predator guild', Journal of Zoology, 311, pp. 246 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rafiq K; Jordan NR; Meloro C; Wilson AM; Hayward MW; Wich SA; McNutt JW, 2020, 'Scent-marking strategies of a solitary carnivore: boundary and road scent marking in the leopard', Animal Behaviour, 161, pp. 115 - 126,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rafiq K; Jordan NR; Wilson AM; McNutt JW; Hayward MW; Meloro C; Wich SA; Golabek KA, 2020, 'Spatio-temporal factors impacting encounter occurrences between leopards and other large African predators', Journal of Zoology, 310, pp. 191 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Vitale JD; Jordan NR; Gilfillan GD; McNutt JW; Reader T, 2020, 'Spatial and seasonal patterns of communal latrine use by spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) reflect a seasonal resource defense strategy', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Witt RR; Beranek CT; Howell LG; Ryan SA; Clulow J; Jordan NR; Denholm B; Roff A, 2020, 'Real-time drone derived thermal imagery outperforms traditional survey methods for an arboreal forest mammal', PLoS ONE, 15,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Brink H; Purcell B; Letnic M; Webster H; Appleby R; Jordan N, 2019, 'Pets and pests: a review of the contrasting economics and fortunes of dingoes and domestic dogs in Australia, and a proposed new funding scheme for non-lethal dingo management', Wildlife Research,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bryant B; Pittard S; Jordan NR; McMahon CR, 2019, 'Chemical capture of wild swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in tropical northern Australia using thiafentanil, etorphine and azaperone combinations', Australian Veterinary Journal, 97, pp. 33 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chisholm S; Stein AB; Jordan NR; Hubel TM; Shawe-Taylor J; Fearn T; McNutt JW; Wilson AM; Hailes S, 2019, 'Parsimonious test of dynamic interaction', Ecology and Evolution, 9, pp. 1654 - 1664,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kusler A; Jordan NR; McNutt JW; Broekhuis F, 2019, 'Cheetah marking trees: Distribution, visitation and behaviour', African Journal of Ecology, 57, pp. 419 - 422,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Rafiq K; Appleby RG; Edgar JP; Jordan NR; Dexter CE; Jones DN; Blacker ARF; Cochrane M, 2019, 'OpenDropOff: An open-source, low-cost drop-off unit for animal-borne devices', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, pp. 1517 - 1522,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Abrahms B; Sawyer SC; Jordan NR; McNutt JW; Wilson AM; Brashares JS, 2017, 'Does wildlife resource selection accurately inform corridor conservation?', Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, pp. 412 - 422,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dewhirst OP; Roskilly K; Hubel TY; Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2017, 'An exploratory clustering approach for extracting stride parameters from tracking collars on free-ranging wild animals', Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, pp. 341 - 346,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jackson CR; Groom RJ; Jordan NR; McNutt JW, 2017, 'The effect of relatedness and pack size on territory overlap in African wild dogs', Movement Ecology, 5,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jordan NR; Buse C; Wilson AM; Golabek KA; Apps PJ; Lowe JC; Van der Weyde LK; Weldon McNutt J, 2017, 'Dynamics of direct inter-pack encounters in endangered African wild dogs', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71,
    Journal articles | 2017
    McNutt JW; Stein AB; McNutt LB; Jordan NR, 2017, 'Living on the edge: Characteristics of human-wildlife conflict in a traditional livestock community in Botswana', Wildlife Research, 44, pp. 546 - 557,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Torrents-Ticó M; Rich L; Mcnutt JW; Nthomiwa M; Mothala M; Motsamai G; Jordan NR, 2017, 'On the Right Track? Comparing Concurrent Spoor and Camera-Trap Surveys in Botswana', African Journal of Wildlife Research, 47, pp. 128 - 137,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Walker RH; King AJ; McNutt JW; Jordan NR, 2017, 'Sneeze to leave: African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) use variable quorum thresholds facilitated by sneezes in collective decisions', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Abrahms B; Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW; Wilson AM; Brashares JS, 2016, 'Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity-specific responses of African wild dogs to roads', Animal Conservation, 19, pp. 247 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hubel TY; Myatt JP; Jordan NR; Dewhirst OP; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2016, 'Additive opportunistic capture explains group hunting benefits in African wild dogs', Nature Communications, 7,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hubel TY; Myatt JP; Jordan NR; Dewhirst OP; McNutt JW; Wilson AM, 2016, 'Energy cost and return for hunting in African wild dogs and cheetahs', Nature Communications, 7,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Pomilia MA; Mcnutt JW; Jordan NR, 2015, 'Ecological predictors of African wild dog ranging patterns in Northern Botswana', Journal of Mammalogy, 96, pp. 1214 - 1223,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Apps P; Mmualefe L; Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2014, 'The "tomcat compound" 3-mercapto-3-methylbutanol occurs in the urine of free-ranging leopards but not in African lions or cheetahs', Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 53, pp. 17 - 19,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Jordan NR; Apps PJ; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2014, 'Top marks from top dogs: Tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in african wild dogs', Animal Behaviour, 88, pp. 211 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Jordan NR; Golabek KA; Apps PJ; Gilfillan GD; Mcnutt JW, 2013, 'Scent-mark identification and scent-marking behaviour in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)', Ethology, 119, pp. 644 - 652,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Jordan NR; Messenger J; Turner P; Croose E; Birks J; O'Reilly C, 2012, 'Molecular comparison of historical and contemporary pine marten (Martes martes) populations in the British Isles: Evidence of differing origins and fates, and implications for conservation management', Conservation Genetics, 13, pp. 1195 - 1212,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Nichols HJ; Jordan NR; Jamie GA; Cant MA; Hoffman JI, 2012, 'Fine-scale spatiotemporal patterns of genetic variation reflect budding dispersal coupled with strong natal philopatry in a cooperatively breeding mammal', Molecular Ecology, 21, pp. 5348 - 5362,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Jordan NR; Manser MB; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 1. Sex-specific scents and overmarking', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 31 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Furrer RD; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 2. Intrasexual overmarking and competition between males', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 43 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Hodge SJ; Cant MA, 2011, 'Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 3. Intrasexual overmarking in females', Animal Behaviour, 81, pp. 51 - 60,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Jordan NR; Mwanguhya F; Kyabulima S; Rüedi P; Cant MA, 2010, 'Scent marking within and between groups of wild banded mongooses', Journal of Zoology, 280, pp. 72 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Golabek KA; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock TH, 2008, 'Radiocollars do not affect the survival or foraging behaviour of wild meerkats', Journal of Zoology, 274, pp. 248 - 253,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Jordan NR; Cherry MI; Manser MB, 2007, 'Latrine distribution and patterns of use by wild meerkats: implications for territory and mate defence', Animal Behaviour, 73, pp. 613 - 622,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Jordan NR, 2007, 'Scent-marking investment is determined by sex and breeding status in meerkats', Animal Behaviour, 74, pp. 531 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Russell AF; Young AJ; Spong G; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock TH, 2007, 'Helpers increase the reproductive potential of offspring in cooperative meerkats', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274, pp. 513 - 520,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Carlson AA; Manser MB; Young AJ; Russell AF; Jordan NR; McNeilly AS; Clutton-Brock T, 2006, 'Cortisol levels are positively associated with pup-feeding rates in male meerkats', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273, pp. 571 - 577,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Carlson AA; Russell AF; Young AJ; Jordan NR; McNeilly AS; Parlow AF; Clutton-Brock T, 2006, 'Elevated prolactin levels immediately precede decisions to babysit by male meerkat helpers', Hormones and Behavior, 50, pp. 94 - 100,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Clutton-Brock TH; Hodge SJ; Spong G; Russell AF; Jordan NR; Bennett NC; Sharpe LL; Manser MB, 2006, 'Intrasexual competition and sexual selection in cooperative mammals', Nature, 444, pp. 1065 - 1068,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Clutton-Brock TH; Russell AF; Sharpe LL; Jordan NR, 2005, ''False feeding' and aggression in meerkat societies', Animal Behaviour, 69, pp. 1273 - 1284,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Plowman AB; Jordan NR; Anderson N; Condon E; Fraser O, 2005, 'Welfare implications of captive primate population management: Behavioural and psycho-social effects of female-based contraception, oestrus and male removal in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas)', Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 90, pp. 155 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Russell AF; Carlson AA; McIlrath GM; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock T, 2004, 'ADAPTIVE SIZE MODIFICATION BY DOMINANT FEMALE MEERKATS', Evolution, 58, pp. 1600 - 1600,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Russell AF; Carlson AA; McIlrath GM; Jordan NR; Clutton-Brock T, 2004, 'Adaptive size modification by dominant female meerkats', Evolution, 58, pp. 1600 - 1607,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Jordan NR; Golabek KA; McNutt JW, 2002, 'Top marks from top dogs: Tandem marking and pair bond advertisement in dominant African wild dogs', New Scientist, 176, pp. 42
  • Conference Papers | 2016
    Jordan N, 2016, 'Pair-specific scents in African wild dogs, Lycaon pictus, and an example of a potential method to identify signals within complex mixtures.', Springer, pp. 461 - 476

The underlying motivation for my research program is to produce research and evidence that contributes to wildlife management, particularly addressing human-wildlife conflict, a key driver of carnivore decline globally. Details of my carnivore conservation research can be found here on my website, including in collaboration with Botswana Predator Conservation, and encompassing conservation ecology and applied conservation programs, particularly focused on large carnivores including African wild dogs, lions, leopards, and hyaenas.

In Australia, my , supported by the Hermon Slade Foundation and Taronga Conservation Society Australia, aims to develop and test non-lethal tools for dingo management.

I also conduct research in reintroduction biology, specifically focusing on aat Taronga Western Plains Zoo (where I am based), and reintroduction and rehabilitation of wildlife more broadly.

Coexistence Director of Botswana Predator Conservation

Member Human-Wildlife Conflict Working Group in Botswana

Member Carnivores Botswana

Member, Research Committee, The Carnivore Conservancy

My Research Supervision

Cameron Radford (PhD Candidate) - “Evaluating signal-based tools to reduce conflicts with Africa’s large carnivores” (Primary Supervisor;co-supervised by T Rogers).

Kate Cornelsen(PhD Candidate)–“Conservation ecology of reintroduced Greaterbilbies”(Primary Supervisor; co-supervised byR Kingsford, A Elphinstone).

Benjamin Walker(PhD Candidate) – “African leopard communication and movement ecology”(Primary Supervisor; co-supervised by T Rogers, E Bennitt).

LucyRansome (PhD Candidate; Griffith University) - “African wild dogs: social behaviour and movement in a fugitive carnivore”. (Principal Supervisor [external], with D Jones, H McCallum (Griffith University), AGoldizen(University of Queensland)).

RethabileSetlalekgomo(MPhil Candidate; University of Botswana)–“African leopard population monitoring techniques” (Co-supervisor[external]with E Bennitt)

Victoria Inman (PhD Candidate; UNSW) - “Hippos as ecosystem engineers in the Okavango delta, Botswana” (Secondary SupervisorwithK Leggett, R Kingsford).

Anna Lewis(PhD Candidate; UNSW) - “Tasmanian devil diet” (Secondary Supervisor withT Rogers).

Brendan Alting (Hons Candidate; UNSW)– “The characteristics and consequences of African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) den site selection ” (Primary Supervisor;Co-supervised by Hayley Bates, Ben Pitcher)

Callum Price (Hons Candidate; UNSW)– “Dingo spatial and temporal activity patterns” (Primary Supervisor;Co-supervised by Hayley Bates, Ben Pitcher, Andrew Elphinstone)

My Teaching

The course covers applications of community ecology, population biology and genetics to the management of natural resources, environmental problems and conservation of biodiversity. Principles are conveyed using examples from terrestrial and marine flora and fauna, with a focus on the nature and importance of biodiversity, and the design and management of programs for the conservation of species and ecosystems. The course includes an in-depth field component studying the tools and practicalities of reintroduction biology- and focusing on a Greater bilby breed-for-release program at Taronga Western Plains Zoo. This course is co-convened by Dr Neil Jordan and Dr Teagan Gale.

This is an intensive field course (10 days, 6 unit of credit course) focused on the management of one of the world’s most spectacular ecosystems – the Okavango Delta World Heritage site in Botswana. Upstream pressures to build dams and withdraw water threaten the entire ecosystem. In this course, we partner with Kings College London and Arizona State University (our partners) and the University of Botswana,resulting in a diverse mix of students and competition for the few places available (last year 6 UNSW students). The course is jointly coordinated by Professor Richard Kingsford, Dr Neil Jordan and Dr Keith Leggett from BEES and also academics from Arizona State University and Kings College London.