Mr Patrick Kilby

Adjunct Associate Professor

PhD (ANU) (2004);

M.Ag.Ec (Research) (Syd) 1991;

B.Sc.Agr (Syd) 1977.

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr Patrick Kilby is an Associate Professor (Adjunct) and Editor in Chief of the Journal Development in Practice. His research interests are: NGOs and NGO accountability; gender and development; managing international development programs; and women's labour migration. He has published four sole authored books on NGOs one dealing with women’s empowerment and Indian NGOs (2011), a history of the Australian Council for International Development (2015), gender and the Green Revolution (2019), and the role of Philanthropic Foundations in Development (2021).

In 2018 he took up Fulbright Senior Scholars Fellowship at Kansas State University looking at the history of the Green Revolution, and also to advise K-State on how to improve women’s engagement in their agriculture research in developing countries. In 2019 examined the role of philanthropic Foundations such as Rockefeller, Ford and Gates', in the foreign aid space, in 2020 UN agencies such as UNCTAD and others, and in 2021 and 2022 is part of a British Aid project with IFPRI looking at women migration from Bangladesh and Nepal to Lebanon and Jordan. He also works with ACIAR looking at gender analysis in their agricultural research portfolio. In 2022 he was elected as Secretary of the Development Studies Association of Australia. Her retired from the Australian National University in February 2024.

  1. 2020 IPFRI: A2012 Cedil Large Project L. 394: Gender-Sensitive Risks And Options Assessment For Decision Making (Road) To Support Wif2 GBP1 million ($A1.8m) ANU’s share $120,000.
  2. 2020 CASS Research GrantUN agencies and foreign aid: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)’; $8,000.
  3. 2020 Gender Institute ‘Impact of COVID 19 on “Missing Women” of Domestic Violence in Australia and New Zealand: Can technology help? $7,000.
  4. 2018 Fulbright Senior Scholars Grant - $50,000
  5. 2017 East West Center Asia Studies Fellowship $30,000
  6. 2014-2018 ARC Discovery Grant: 2014-2018 - $276,578
  7. 2011-2014 World Vision Australia Research Grant - $76,600
  8. 2010 ACFID Universities Linkage research grant - $10,000

2022 Dean Award for Research Supervision, College of Arts and Social Sciences

2018 Fulbright Senior Scholars Fellowship. Kansas State University

2017 East West Center Asia Studies Fellowship. Washington

2016 University of Sydney Faculty of Agriculture and Environment: services to Humanity Alumni Award.

2014 Appointed Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy;

2012 College of Arts and Social Sciences Deans Award for collaboration

Women's short term labour migration

Gender-based Violence in Solomon Islands

Gender in Australian Development NGOs;

NGO accountability;

Measuring women's empowerment;

Microfinance through self-help groups.

Gender and Indian NGO;

Indian NGOs