Associate Professor Sarah Martell

Associate Professor Sarah Martell

Associate Professor
  • 2008: PhD Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
  • 2001: BS Astronomy, University of Washington, USA
  • 2001: BS Physics, University of Washington, USA
School of Physics

I'm an observational astronomer with a particular interest in the history of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. I help to design and conduct large survey projects that determine the ages, orbits and chemical compositions for hundreds of thousands of stars. I use that information to identify stars that were captured from other galaxies, and to study how the compositions of stars change over time.

02 9065 2276
OMB 139
  • Book Chapters | 2012
    Martell SL, 2012, 'Light-Element Abundance Variations in Globular Clusters', in Reviews in Modern Astronomy: Zooming in: The Cosmos at High Resolution, pp. 173 - 187,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Bailey J; Howarth ID; Cotton DV; Kedziora-Chudczer L; De Horta A; Martell SL; Eldridge C; Luckas P, 2024, 'Rapid polarization variations in the O4 supergiant ζ Puppis', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, pp. 374 - 392,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Banks KA; Martell SL; Tinney CG; Stello D; Hon M; Reyes C; Priest J; Buder S; Montet BT, 2024, 'The role of carbon in red giant spectro-seismology†', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, pp. 3912 - 3924,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Beeson KL; Kos J; de Grijs R; Martell SL; Buder S; Traven G; Lewis GF; Zafar T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Sharma S; De Silva GM, 2024, 'The GALAH survey: elemental abundances in open clusters using joint effective temperature and surface gravity photometric priors', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, pp. 2483 - 2526,
    Journal articles | 2024
    D’Orazi V; Storm N; Casey AR; Braga VF; Zocchi A; Bono G; Fabrizio M; Sneden C; Massari D; Giribaldi RE; Bergemann M; Campbell SW; Casagrande L; de Grijs R; De Silva G; Lugaro M; Zucker DB; Bragaglia A; Feuillet D; Fiorentino G; Chaboyer B; Dall’Ora M; Marengo M; Martínez-Vázquez CE; Matsunaga N; Monelli M; Mullen JP; Nataf D; Tantalo M; Thevenin F; Vitello FR; Kudritzki RP; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Martell S; Sharma S; Stello D; Zwitter T, 2024, 'The GALAH survey: tracing the Milky Way’s formation and evolution through RR Lyrae stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, pp. 137 - 162,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Manea C; Hawkins K; Ness MK; Buder S; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2024, 'Chemical Doppelgangers in GALAH DR3: The Distinguishing Power of Neutron-capture Elements among Milky Way Disk Stars', Astrophysical Journal, 972,
    Journal articles | 2024
    McKenzie M; Yong D; Karakas AI; Wang E; Monty S; Marino AF; Milone AP; Nordlander T; Mura-Guzmán A; Martell S; Carlos M, 2024, 'The complex stellar system M 22: constraining the chemical enrichment from AGB stars using magnesium isotope ratios', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, pp. 7940 - 7955,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mckenzie M; Monty S; Yong D; Kobayashi C; Karakas AI; Nissen PE; Norris JE; Rains A; Mura-Guzmán A; Wang EX; Martell S, 2024, 'Magnesium isotope ratios in Milky Way and dwarf galaxy stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 534, pp. L35 - L41,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ong JMJ; Hon MTY; Soares-Furtado M; Stephan AP; van Saders J; Tayar J; Shappee B; Hey DR; Cao L; Yıldız M; Orhan ZÇ; Örtel S; Montet B; Holoien TWS; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Sharma S; Stello D, 2024, 'The Gasing Pangkah Collaboration. I. Asteroseismic Identification and Characterization of a Rapidly Rotating Engulfment Candidate', Astrophysical Journal, 966,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Sayeed M; Ness MK; Montet BT; Cantiello M; Casey AR; Buder S; Bedell M; Breivik K; Metzger BD; Martell SL; McGee-Gold L, 2024, 'Many Roads Lead to Lithium: Formation Pathways For Lithium-rich Red Giants', Astrophysical Journal, 964,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Usman SA; Ji AP; Li TS; Pace AB; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Koposov SE; Lewis GF; Zucker DB; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Ferguson PS; Hansen TT; Limberg G; Martell SL; McKenzie M; Simon JD, 2024, 'Multiple populations and a CH star found in the 300S globular cluster stellar stream', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529, pp. 2413 - 2427,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang EX; Nordlander T; Buder S; Ciuca I; Soen A; Martell S; Ness M; Lind K; McKenzie M; Stello D, 2024, '3D NLTE Lithium abundances for late-type stars in GALAH DR3', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, pp. 5394 - 5411,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Banks KA; Ho CYY; Martell SL; Buder S; Stello D; Sharma S; Priest J; Gonneau A; Hawkins K, 2023, 'CN and CO features: key indicators of red giant evolutionary phase in moderate-resolution X-shooter spectra', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 523, pp. L80 - L85,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Koposov SE; Erkal D; Li TS; Da Costa GS; Cullinane LR; Ji AP; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Pace AB; Shipp N; Zucker DB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Lilleengen S; Martell SL, 2023, 'S5: Probing the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds potentials with the 6D map of the Orphan-Chenab stream', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, pp. 4936 - 4962,
    Journal articles | 2023
    VogrinÄŤiÄŤ R; Kos J; Zwitter T; Traven G; Beeson KL; Cotar K; Munari U; Buder S; Martell SL; Lewis GF; De Silva GM; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; D'Orazi V, 2023, 'The GALAH survey: New diffuse interstellar bands found in residuals of 872 000 stellar spectra', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, pp. 3727 - 3748,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Buder S; Lind K; Ness MK; Feuillet DK; Horta D; Monty S; Buck T; Nordlander T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Lin J; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Ciuc Crossed Sign ID; Horner J; Kobayashi C; Ting YS; Wyse RFG, 2022, 'The GALAH Survey: Chemical tagging and chrono-chemodynamics of accreted halo stars with GALAH+ DR3 and Gaia eDR3', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, pp. 2407 - 2436,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Clark JT; Wright DJ; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Hinkel NR; ClertCrossed D Sign© M; Carter BD; Buder S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Munari U; Nordlander T, 2022, 'The GALAH Survey: Improving our understanding of confirmed and candidate planetary systems with large stellar surveys', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, pp. 2041 - 2060,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gilmore G; Randich S; Worley CC; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Sacco GG; Lewis JR; Magrini L; François P; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Bragaglia A; Alfaro EJ; Prieto CA; Blomme R; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Van Eck S; Zwitter T; Bensby T; Flaccomio E; Irwin MJ; Franciosini E; Morbidelli L; Damiani F; Bonito R; Friel ED; Vink JS; Prisinzano L; Abbas U; Hatzidimitriou D; Held EV; Jordi C; Paunzen E; Spagna A; Jackson RJ; Apellániz JM; Asplund M; Bonifacio P; Feltzing S; Binney J; Drew J; Ferguson AMN; Micela G; Negueruela I; Prusti T; Rix HW; Vallenari A; Bergemann M; Casey AR; de Laverny P; Frasca A; Hill V; Lind K; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Adibekyan V; Caffau E; Daflon S; Feuillet DK; Gebran M; Hernández JIG; Guiglion G; Herrero A; Lobel A; Merle T; Mikolaitis S; Montes D; Morel T; Ruchti G; Soubiran C; Tabernero HM; Tautvaišiene G; Traven G; Valentini M; Van der Swaelmen M; Villanova S; Vázquez CV; Bayo A; Biazzo K; Carraro G; Edvardsson B; Heiter U; Jofré P; Marconi G; Martayan C; Masseron T; Monaco L; Walton NA; Zaggia S; Børsen-Koch VA; Alves J; Balaguer-Núnez L; Barklem PS; Barrado D; Bellazzini M; Berlanas SR, 2022, 'The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products?', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hayden MR; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Spina L; Buder S; CiucÇŽ I; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; ÄŚotar K; Feuillet D; Horner J; Joyce M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Tepper-Garcia T; Ting YS; Wang P; Wittenmyer R; Wyse R, 2022, 'The GALAH survey: chemical clocks', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517, pp. 5325 - 5339,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hughes ACN; Spitler LR; Zucker DB; Nordlander T; Simpson J; Da Costa GS; Ting YS; Li C; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Zwitter T, 2022, 'The GALAH Survey: A New Sample of Extremely Metal-poor Stars Using a Machine-learning Classification Algorithm', Astrophysical Journal, 930,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li TS; Ji AP; Pace AB; Erkal D; Koposov SE; Shipp N; Da Costa GS; Cullinane LR; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; MacKey D; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Ferguson PS; Martell SL; Bland-Hawthorn J; Balbinot E; Tavangar K; Drlica-Wagner A; De Silva GM; Simon JD, 2022, 'S 5: The Orbital and Chemical Properties of One Dozen Stellar Streams', Astrophysical Journal, 928,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Liu F; Murphy MT; Lehmann C; Flynn C; Smith D; Kos J; Berke DA; Martell SL, 2022, 'Survey for distant solar twins (SDST) - II. Design, observations, and data', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517, pp. 5569 - 5583,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McKenzie M; Yong D; Marino AF; Monty S; Wang E; Karakas AI; Milone AP; Legnardi MV; Roederer IU; Martell S; Horta D, 2022, 'The complex stellar system M 22: confirming abundance variations with high precision differential measurements', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516, pp. 3515 - 3531,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Nandakumar G; Hayden MR; Sharma S; Buder S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Lin J; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; Lind K; CĂ´tar K; Stello D; Wittenmyer RA; Tepper-Garcia T, 2022, 'Combined APOGEE-GALAH stellar catalogues using the Cannon', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513, pp. 232 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Randich S; Gilmore G; Magrini L; Sacco GG; Jackson RJ; Jeffries RD; Worley CC; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Vázquez CV; Franciosini E; Lewis JR; Alfaro EJ; Prieto CA; Bensby T; Blomme R; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; François P; Irwin MJ; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Van Eck S; Zwitter T; Asplund M; Bonifacio P; Feltzing S; Binney J; Drew J; Ferguson AMN; Micela G; Negueruela I; Prusti T; Rix HW; Vallenari A; Bayo A; Bergemann M; Biazzo K; Carraro G; Casey AR; Damiani F; Frasca A; Heiter U; Hill V; Jofré P; de Laverny P; Lind K; Marconi G; Martayan C; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Zaggia S; Adibekyan V; Bonito R; Caffau E; Daflon S; Feuillet DK; Gebran M; Hernández JIG; Guiglion G; Herrero A; Lobel A; Apellániz JM; Merle T; Mikolaitis S; Montes D; Morel T; Soubiran C; Spina L; Tabernero HM; Tautvaišiene G; Traven G; Valentini M; Van der Swaelmen M; Villanova S; Wright NJ; Abbas U; Børsen-Koch VA; Alves J; Balaguer-Núnez L; Barklem PS; Barrado D; Berlanas SR; Binks AS; Bressan A; Capuzzo–Dolcetta R; Casagrande L; Casamiquela L; Collins RS; D’Orazi V; Dantas MLL; Debattista VP, 2022, 'The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Sharma S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Stello D; Buder S; Zinn JC; Spina L; Kallinger T; Asplund M; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; Cotar K; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Tepper-Garcia T; Wang P; Wittenmyer RA, 2022, 'The GALAH Survey: Dependence of elemental abundances on age and metallicity for stars in the Galactic disc', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, pp. 734 - 752,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tautvaišiene G; Drazdauskas A; Bragaglia A; Martell SL; Pancino E; Lardo C; Mikolaitis ; Minkevičiute R; Stonkute E; Ambrosch M; Bagdonas V; Chorniy Y; Sanna N; Franciosini E; Smiljanic R; Randich S; Gilmore G; Bensby T; Bergemann M; Gonneau A; Guiglion G; Carraro G; Heiter U; Korn A; Magrini L; Morbidelli L; Zaggia S, 2022, 'Gaia -ESO Survey: Detailed elemental abundances in red giants of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 1851', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tayar J; Moyano FD; Soares-Furtado M; Escorza A; Joyce M; Martell SL; GarcĂ­a RA; Breton SN; Mathis S; Mathur S; Delsanti V; Kiefer S; Reffert S; Bowman DM; Van Reeth T; Shetye S; Gehan C; Grunblatt SK, 2022, 'Spinning up the Surface: Evidence for Planetary Engulfment or Unexpected Angular Momentum Transport?', Astrophysical Journal, 940,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Buder S; Sharma S; Kos J; Amarsi AM; Nordlander T; Lind K; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Beeson KL; Buck T; Casagrande L; Clark JT; Čotar K; Da Costa GS; De Grijs R; Feuillet D; Horner J; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Kobayashi C; Liu F; Montet BT; Nandakumar G; Nataf DM; Ness MK; Spina L; Tepper-García T; Ting YS; Traven G; Vogrinčič R; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Žerjal M, 2021, 'The GALAH+ survey: Third data release', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, pp. 150 - 201,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Casagrande L; Lin J; Rains AD; Liu F; Buder S; Horner J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Wittenmyer RA; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: Effective temperature calibration from the InfraRed Flux Method in the Gaia system', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507, pp. 2684 - 2696,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Casey AR; Ji AP; Hansen TT; Li TS; Koposov SE; Da Costa GS; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane L; Erkal D; Lewis GF; Kuehn K; Mackey D; Martell SL; Pace AB; Simpson JD; Zucker DB, 2021, 'Signature of a massive rotating metal-poor star imprinted in the phoenix stellar stream*', Astrophysical Journal, 921,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Clark JT; Clerté M; Hinkel NR; Unterborn CT; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Wright DJ; Carter B; Morton TD; Spina L; Asplund M; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey A; De Silva G; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Hayden M; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Sharma S; Simpson J; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Tinney CG; Ting YS; Nordlander T; Amarsi AM, 2021, 'The GALAH Survey: Using galactic archaeology to refine our knowledge of TESS target stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504, pp. 4968 - 4989,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Grunblatt SK; Zinn JC; Price-Whelan AM; Angus R; Saunders N; Hon M; Stokholm A; Bellinger EP; Martell SL; Mosser B; Cunningham E; Tayar J; Huber D; Rorsted JL; Silva Aguirre V, 2021, 'Age-dating Red Giant Stars Associated with Galactic Disk and Halo Substructures', Astrophysical Journal, 916,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Nordlander T; Spina L; Beeson KL; Lind K; Asplund M; Freeman K; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; De Silva G; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Crossed Cotar K; Horner J; Ting YS; Traven G, 2021, 'Erratum: The GALAH survey: Chemical homogeneity of the Orion complex (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021) 506 ((4232-4250) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1767)', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508, pp. 4969,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Nordlander T; Spina L; Beeson KL; Lind K; Asplund M; Freeman K; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; De Silva G; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Ting YS; Traven G, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: Chemical homogeneity of the Orion complex', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, pp. 4232 - 4250,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Li TS; Koposov SE; Erkal D; Ji AP; Shipp N; Hilmi T; Kuehn K; Pace AB; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; da Costa GS; Drlica-Wagner A; Hattori K; Martell SL; Sharma S, 2021, 'Broken into pieces: ATLAS and Aliqa Uma as one single stream', Astrophysical Journal, 911,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Magrini L; Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Pasquini L; Randich S; Casali G; Viscasillas Vázquez C; Bragaglia A; Spina L; Biazzo K; Tautvaišienė G; Masseron T; Van Der Swaelmen M; Pancino E; Jiménez-Esteban F; Guiglion G; Martell S; Bensby T; D'orazi V; Baratella M; Korn A; Jofre P; Gilmore G; Worley C; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Sacco GG; Morbidelli L, 2021, 'Gaia -ESO survey: Lithium abundances in open cluster Red Clump stars', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 655,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martell SL; Simpson JD; Balasubramaniam AG; Buder S; Sharma S; Hon M; Stello D; Ting YS; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; de Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Campbell SW; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Montet B; Wittenmyer R, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: A census of lithium-rich giant stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, pp. 5340 - 5355,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Munari U; Traven G; Masetti N; Valisa P; Righetti GL; Hambsch FJ; Frigo A; ÄŚotar K; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Ting YS; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2021, 'The GALAH survey and symbiotic stars - I. Discovery and follow-up of 33 candidate accreting-only systems', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, pp. 6121 - 6154,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nikakhtar F; Sanderson RE; Wetzel A; Loebman S; Sharma S; Beaton R; Mackereth JT; Poovelil VJ; Zasowski G; Bonaca A; Martell S; Jönsson H; Faucher-Giguere CA, 2021, 'New Families in our Solar Neighborhood: Applying Gaussian Mixture Models for Objective Classification of Structures in the Milky Way and in Simulations', Astrophysical Journal, 921,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Romano D; Magrini L; Randich S; Casali G; Bonifacio P; Jeffries RD; Matteucci F; Franciosini E; Spina L; Guiglion G; Chiappini C; Mucciarelli A; Ventura P; Grisoni V; Bellazzini M; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; De Laverny P; Korn AJ; Martell SL; Tautvaišienė G; Carraro G; Gonneau A; Jofré P; Pancino E; Smiljanic R; Vallenari A; Fu X; Gutiérrez Albarrán ML; Jiménez-Esteban FM; Montes D; Damiani F; Bergemann M; Worley C, 2021, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: Galactic evolution of lithium from iDR6', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 653,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sharma S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Stello D; Buder S; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Asplund M; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Hon M; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Ting YS; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saadon MHM; Tepper-Garcia T; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2021, 'Fundamental relations for the velocity dispersion of stars in the Milky Way', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, pp. 1761 - 1776,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Asplund M; Da Costa G; ÄŚotar K; Tepper-GarcĂ­a T; Horner J; Nordlander T; Ting YS; Wyse RFG, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: Accreted stars also inhabit the Spite plateau', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507, pp. 43 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Spina L; Ting YS; de Silva GM; Frankel N; Sharma S; Cantat-Gaudin T; Joyce M; Stello D; Karakas AI; Asplund MB; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; D'Orazi V; Casey AR; Cottrell P; Tepper-GarcĂ­a T; Baratella M; Kos J; ÄŚotar K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: Tracing the galactic disc with open clusters', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503, pp. 3279,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zucker DB; Simpson JD; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Casey AR; Ting YS; Horner J; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Zwitter T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Asplund M; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lin J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Stello D, 2021, 'The GALAH Survey: No Chemical Evidence of an Extragalactic Origin for the Nyx Stream', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 912,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zwitter T; Kos J; Buder S; Crossed Cotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Beeson KL; De Grijs R; Nordlander T; Ting YS; Traven G; VogrinÄŤiÄŤ R; Watson F; Wittenmyer R, 2021, 'The GALAH+ survey: a new library of observed stellar spectra improves radial velocities and hints at motions within M67', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508, pp. 4202 - 4215,
    Journal articles | 2021
    ÄŚotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Horner J; Ting YS; Zerjal M, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: Characterization of emission-line stars with spectral modelling using autoencoders', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500, pp. 4849 - 4865,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Amarsi AM; Lind K; Osorio Y; Nordlander T; Bergemann M; Reggiani H; Wang EX; Buder S; Asplund M; Barklem PS; Wehrhahn A; SkĂşladĂłttir A; Kobayashi C; Karakas AI; Gao XD; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Cotar K; Horner J, 2020, 'The GALAH Survey: Non-LTE departure coefficients for large spectroscopic surveys', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Baratella M; D'Orazi V; Carraro G; Desidera S; Randich S; Magrini L; Adibekyan V; Smiljanic R; Spina L; Tsantaki M; Tautvaisiene G; Sousa SG; Jofre P; Jimenez-Esteban FM; Delgado-Mena E; Martell S; Van der Swaelmen M; Roccatagliata V; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bayo A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sacco G; Sbordone L; Worley C; Zaggia S; Lewis J, 2020, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: a new approach to chemically characterising young open clusters I. Stellar parameters, and iron-peak, alpha-, and proton-capture elements', ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 634,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Baratella M; D'Orazi V; Carraro G; Desidera S; Randich S; Magrini L; Adibekyan V; Smiljanic R; Spina L; Tsantaki M; Tautvaišienė G; Sousa SG; Jofré P; Jiménez-Esteban FM; Delgado-Mena E; Martell S; Van Der Swaelmen M; Roccatagliata V; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bayo A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sacco G; Sbordone L; Worley C; Zaggia S; Lewis J, 2020, 'The Gaia -ESO Survey: A new approach to chemically characterising young open clusters: I. Stellar parameters, and iron-peak, α -, and proton-capture elements', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 634,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Borsato NW; Martell SL; Simpson JD, 2020, 'Identifying stellar streams in Gaia DR2 with data mining techniques', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, pp. 1370 - 1384,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Casali G; Spina L; Magrini L; Karakas AI; Kobayashi C; Casey AR; Feltzing S; Van Der Swaelmen M; Tsantaki M; Jofré P; Bragaglia A; Feuillet D; Bensby T; Biazzo K; Gonneau A; Tautvaišienė G; Baratella M; Roccatagliata V; Pancino E; Sousa S; Adibekyan V; Martell S; Bayo A; Jackson RJ; Jeffries RD; Gilmore G; Randich S; Alfaro E; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Hourihane A; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Worley C; Zaggia S, 2020, 'The Gaia -ESO survey: The non-universality of the age-chemical-clocks-metallicity relations in the Galactic disc', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 639,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Campbell SW; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Horner J; Munari U; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA, 2020, 'The GALAH survey: A new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 497, pp. L30 - L34,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Freeman K; Kos J; Buder S; Anguiano B; Asplund M; Chen B; De Silva GM; Khanna S; Lin J; Horner J; Martell S; Ting YS; Wyse R; Zucker D; Zwitter T, 2020, 'The GALAH survey: Chemodynamics of the solar neighbourhood', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493, pp. 2952 - 2964,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hayden MR; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Spina L; Buder S; Asplund M; Casey AR; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; Cotar K; Feuillet D; Horner J; Joyce M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Tepper-Garcia T; Ting Y-S; Wang P; Wittenmyer R, 2020, 'The GALAH Survey: Chemical Clocks', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ji AP; Li TS; Hansen TT; Casey AR; Koposov SE; Pace AB; MacKey D; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Hattori K; Martell SL; Kuehn K; Erkal D; Shipp N; Wan Z; Zucker DB, 2020, 'The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S 5): Chemical Abundances of Seven Stellar Streams', Astronomical Journal, 160,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Koposov SE; Boubert D; Li TS; Erkal D; Da Costa GS; Zucker DB; Ji AP; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; MacKey D; Simpson JD; Shipp N; Wan Z; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Pace AB; de Silva GM; Wang MY, 2020, 'Discovery of a nearby 1700 kms1 star ejected from the Milky Way by Sgr A', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, pp. 2465 - 2480,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lin J; Asplund M; Ting YS; Casagrande L; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; de Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lind K; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zwitter T; Zucker DB; Minchev I; Čotar K; Hayden M; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Žerjal M, 2020, 'The GALAH survey: Temporal chemical enrichment of the galactic disc', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, pp. 2043 - 2056,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Nandakumar G; Hayden MR; Sharma S; Buder S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Lin J; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; Lind K; Cotar K; Stello D; Wittenmyer RA; Tepper-Garcia T, 2020, 'Combined APOGEE-GALAH stellar catalogues using the Cannon', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Sharma S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Stello D; Buder S; Zinn JC; Spina L; Kallinger T; Asplund M; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Cotar K; Chen B; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Wang P; Wittenmyer RA, 2020, 'The GALAH Survey: Dependence of elemental abundances on age and metallicity for stars in the Galactic disc', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Da Costa G; Horner J; Wyse RFG; Ting YS; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Cotar K; Cottrell PL; Nordlander T, 2020, 'The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster ω Centauri', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, pp. 3374 - 3384,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Traven G; Feltzing S; Merle T; Van Der Swaelmen M; Cotar K; Church R; Zwitter T; Ting YS; Sahlholdt C; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Martell S; Sharma S; Zucker D; Buder S; Casey A; D'Orazi V; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Simpson J; Stello D; Munari U; Wittenmyer RA, 2020, 'The GALAH survey: Multiple stars and our Galaxy: I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 638, pp. A145,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wan Z; Lewis GF; Li TS; Simpson JD; Martell SL; Zucker DB; Mould JR; Erkal D; Pace AB; Mackey D; Ji AP; Koposov SE; Kuehn K; Shipp N; Balbinot E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Da Costa GS; Kafle P; Sharma S; De Silva GM, 2020, 'The tidal remnant of an unusually metal-poor globular cluster', Nature, 583, pp. 768 - 770,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wheeler A; Ness M; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Silva GD; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell S; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, 'Abundances in the Milky Way across Five Nucleosynthetic Channels from 4 Million LAMOST Stars', Astrophysical Journal, 898,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wittenmyer RA; Clark JT; Sharma S; Stello D; Horner J; Kane SR; Stevens CP; Wright DJ; Spina L; ÄŚotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, 'K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, pp. 851 - 863,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zwitter T; Kos J; Buder S; ÄŚotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Beeson KL; Grijs RD; Nordlander T; Ting Y-S; Traven G; VogrinÄŤiÄŤ R; Watson F; Wittenmyer R, 2020, 'The GALAH+ Survey: A New Library of Observed Stellar Spectra Improves Radial Velocities and Hints at Motions within M67', MNRAS, 508, pp. 4202 - 4215,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bergemann M; Huber D; Adibekyan V; Angelou G; Barría D; Beers TC; Beck PG; Bellinger EP; Bestenlehner JM; Bitsch B; Burgasser A; Buzasi D; Cassisi S; Catelan M; Escorza A; Fleming SW; Gänsicke BT; Gandolfi D; García RA; Gieles M; Karakas A; Lebreton Y; Lodieu N; Melis C; Merle T; Mészáros S; Miglio A; Molaverdikhani K; Monier R; Morel T; Neilson HR; Oshagh M; Rybizki J; Serenelli A; Smiljanic R; Szabó GM; Toonen S; Tremblay P-E; Valentini M; Eck SV; Zwintz K; Bayo A; Cami J; Casagrande L; Gabdeev M; Gaulme P; Guiglion G; Handler G; Hillenbrand L; Yildiz M; Marley M; Mosser B; Price-Whelan AM; Prsa A; Santisteban JVH; Aguirre VS; Sobeck J; Stello D; Szabo R; Tsantaki M; Villaver E; Wright NJ; Xu S; Zhang H; Anguiano B; Bedell M; Chaplin B; Collet R; Kamath D; Martell S; Sousa SG; Ting Y-S; Venn K, 2019, 'Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanet Science with the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE)', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Binney J; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; De Silva GM; Ellis S; Lewis GF; Asplund M; Buder S; Casey AR; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Khanna S; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Ness MK; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Kafle PR; Quillen AC; Ting YS; Wyse RFG, 2019, 'The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Dissecting the stellar disc's phase space by age, action, chemistry, and location', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486, pp. 1167 - 1191,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Buder S; Lind K; Ness MK; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Kos J; Casagrande L; Casey AR; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; ÄŚotar K; Dotter A; Hayden MR; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Reid W; Rix HW; SkĂşladĂłttir A; Stello D; Ting YS; Traven G; Wyse RFG, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: An abundance, age, and kinematic inventory of the solar neighbourhood made with TGAS', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 624, pp. a19,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Buder S; Lind K; Ness MK; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Kos J; Casagrande L; Casey AR; Bland-Hawthorn J; de Silva GM; D’Orazi V; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; \vCotar K; Dotter A; Hayden MR; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Reid W; Rix H-W; SkĂşladĂłttir Ă; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Wyse RFG; Collaboration G, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: An abundance, age, and kinematic inventory of the solar neighbourhood made with TGAS', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 624, pp. A19 - A19,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Casali G; Magrini L; Tognelli E; Jackson R; Jeffries RD; Lagarde N; Tautvaišiene G; Masseron T; Degl'Innocenti S; Prada Moroni PG; Kordopatis G; Pancino E; Randich S; Feltzing S; Sahlholdt C; Spina L; Friel E; Roccatagliata V; Sanna N; Bragaglia A; Drazdauskas A; Mikolaitis ; Minkevičiūte R; Stonkute E; Chorniy Y; Bagdonas V; Jimenez-Esteban F; Martell S; Van Der Swaelmen M; Gilmore G; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Koposov SE; Korn A; Worley C; Smiljanic R; Bergemann M; Carraro G; Damiani F; Prisinzano L; Bonito R; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Hourihane A; Jofre P; Lewis J; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Sousa SG; Zaggia S; Lanzafame AC; Heiter U; Frasca A; Bayo A, 2019, 'The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters?', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 629,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Casey AR; Lattanzio JC; Aleti A; Dowe DL; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB, 2019, 'A Data-driven Model of Nucleosynthesis with Chemical Tagging in a Lower-dimensional Latent Space', Astrophysical Journal, 887, pp. 73,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cotar K; Zwitter T; Kos J; Munari U; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Sharma S; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Tinney C; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: A catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483, pp. 3196 - 3212,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Fernández-Trincado JG; Beers TC; Placco VM; Moreno E; Alves-Brito A; Minniti D; Tang B; Pérez-Villegas A; Reylé C; Robin AC; Villanova S, 2019, 'Discovery of a New Stellar Subpopulation Residing in the (Inner) Stellar Halo of the Milky Way', The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 886, pp. L8 - L8,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Fernández-Trincado JG; Mennickent R; Cabezas M; Zamora O; Martell SL; Beers TC; Placco VM; Nataf DM; Mészáros S; Minniti D; Schleicher DRG; Tang B; Pérez-Villegas A; Robin AC; Reylé C, 2019, 'Discovery of a nitrogen-enhanced mildly metal-poor binary system: Possible evidence for pollution from an extinct AGB star', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 631,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jong RSD; Agertz O; Berbel AA; Aird J; Alexander DA; Amarsi A; Anders F; Andrae R; Ansarinejad B; Ansorge W; Antilogus P; Anwand-Heerwart H; Arentsen A; Arnadottir A; Asplund M; Auger M; Azais N; Baade D; Baker G; Baker S; Balbinot E; Baldry IK; Banerji M; Barden S; Barklem P; BarthĂ©lĂ©my-Mazot E; Battistini C; Bauer S; Bell CPM; Bellido-Tirado O; Bellstedt S; Belokurov V; Bensby T; Bergemann M; Bestenlehner JM; Bielby R; Bilicki M; Blake C; Bland-Hawthorn J; Boeche C; Boland W; Boller T; Bongard S; Bongiorno A; Bonifacio P; Boudon D; Brooks D; Brown MJI; Brown R; BrĂĽggen M; Brynnel J; Brzeski J; Buchert T; Buschkamp P; Caffau E; Caillier P; Carrick J; Casagrande L; Case S; Casey A; Cesarini I; Cescutti G; Chapuis D; Chiappini C; Childress M; Christlieb N; Church R; Cioni M-RL; Cluver M; Colless M; Collett T; Comparat J; Cooper A; Couch W; Courbin F; Croom S; Croton D; DaguisĂ© E; Dalton G; Davies LJM; Davis T; Laverny PD; Deason A; Dionies F; Disseau K; Doel P; Döscher D; Driver SP; Dwelly T; Eckert D; Edge A; Edvardsson B; Youssoufi DE; Elhaddad A; Enke H; Erfanianfar G; Farrell T; Fechner T; Feiz C; Feltzing S; Ferreras I; Feuerstein D; Feuillet D; Finoguenov A; Ford D; Fotopoulou S; Fouesneau M; Frenk C; Frey S; Gaessler W; Geier S; Fusillo NG; Gerhard O; Giannantonio T; Giannone D; Gibson B; Gillingham P; González-Fernández C; Gonzalez-Solares E; Gottloeber S; Gould A; Grebel EK; Gueguen A; Guiglion G; Haehnelt M; Hahn T; Hansen CJ; Hartman H; Hauptner K; Hawkins K; Haynes D; Haynes R; Heiter U; Helmi A; Aguayo CH; Hewett P; Hinton S; Hobbs D; Hoenig S; Hofman D; Hook I; Hopgood J; Hopkins A; Hourihane A; Howes L; Howlett C; Huet T; Irwin M; Iwert O; Jablonka P; Jahn T; Jahnke K; Jarno A; Jin S; Jofre P; Johl D; Jones D; Jönsson H; Jordan C; Karovicova I; Khalatyan A; Kelz A; Kennicutt R; King D; Kitaura F; Klar J; Klauser U; Kneib J; Koch A; Koposov S; Kordopatis G; Korn A; Kosmalski J; Kotak R; Kovalev M; Kreckel K; Kripak Y; Krumpe M; Kuijken K; Kunder A; Kushniruk I; Lam MI; Lamer G; Laurent F; Lawrence J; Lehmitz M; Lemasle B; Lewis J; Li B; Lidman C; Lind K; Liske J; Lizon J-L; Loveday J; Ludwig H-G; McDermid RM; Maguire K; Mainieri V; Mali S; Mandel H; Mandel K; Mannering L; Martell S; Delgado DM; Matijevic G; McGregor H; McMahon R; McMillan P; Mena O; Merloni A; Meyer MJ; Michel C; Micheva G; Migniau J-E; Minchev I; Monari G; Muller R; Murphy D; Muthukrishna D; Nandra K; Navarro R; Ness M; Nichani V; Nichol R; Nicklas H; Niederhofer F; Norberg P; Obreschkow D; Oliver S; Owers M; Pai N; Pankratow S; Parkinson D; Parry I; Paschke J; Paterson R; Pecontal A; Phillips D; Pillepich A; Pinard L; Pirard J; Piskunov N; Plank V; PlĂĽschke D; Pons E; Popesso P; Power C; Pragt J; Pramskiy A; Pryer D; Quattri M; Queiroz ABDA; Quirrenbach A; Rahurkar S; Raichoor A; Ramstedt S; Rau A; Recio-Blanco A; Reiss R; Renaud F; Revaz Y; Rhode P; Richard J; Richter AD; Rix H-W; Robotham ASG; Roelfsema R; Romaniello M; Rosario D; Rothmaier F; Roukema B; Ruchti G; Rupprecht G; Rybizki J; Ryde N; Saar A; Sadler E; SahlĂ©n M; Salvato M; Sassolas B; Saunders W; Saviauk A; Sbordone L; Schmidt T; Schnurr O; Scholz R-D; Schwope A; Seifert W; Shanks T; Sheinis A; Sivov T; SkĂşladĂłttir Ă; Smartt S; Smedley S; Smith G; Smith R; Sorce J; Spitler L; Starkenburg E; Steinmetz M; Stilz I; Storm J; Sullivan M; Sutherland W; Swann E; Tamone A; Taylor EN; Teillon J; Tempel E; Horst RT; Thi W-F; Tolstoy E; Trager S; Traven G; Tremblay P-E; Tresse L; Valentini M; Weygaert RVD; Ancker MVD; Veljanoski J; Venkatesan S; Wagner L; Wagner K; Walcher CJ; Waller L; Walton N; Wang L; Winkler R; Wisotzki L; Worley CC; Worseck G; Xiang M; Xu W; Yong D; Zhao C; Zheng J; Zscheyge F; Zucker D, 2019, '4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals', The Messenger, 175, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Khanna S; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Nataf DM; Ting YS; Kos J; Martell S; Zwitter T; De Silva G; Asplund M; Buder S; Duong L; Lin J; Simpson JD; Anguiano B; Horner J; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: Velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using Red Clump giants', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, pp. 4215 - 4232,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Khanna S; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Asplund M; Buder S; Chen B; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2019, 'The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches, and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, pp. 4962 - 4979,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Koch A; Grebel EK; Martell SL, 2019, 'Purveyors of fine halos: Re-assessing globular cluster contributions to the Milky Way halo buildup with SDSS-IV', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 625,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Buder S; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Ness MK; Sharma S; De Silva GM; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Äś Otar K; Spina L, 2019, 'Discovery of a 21 Myr old stellar population in the Orion complex', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 631,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lagarde N; Reylé C; Robin AC; Tautvaišiene G; Drazdauskas A; Mikolaitis S; Minkevičiute R; Stonkute E; Chorniy Y; Bagdonas V; Miglio A; Nasello G; Gilmore G; Randich S; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; Francois P; Korn AJ; Pancino E; Smiljanic R; Bayo A; Carraro G; Costado MT; Jiménez-Esteban F; Jofré P; Martell SL; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Zaggia S, 2019, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: Impact of extra mixing on C and N abundances of giant stars', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 621,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Li TS; Koposov SE; Zucker DB; Lewis GF; Kuehn K; Simpson JD; Ji AP; Shipp N; Mao YY; Geha M; Pace AB; Mackey AD; Allam S; Tucker DL; da Costa GS; Erkal D; Simon JD; Mould JR; Martell SL; Wan Z; de Silva GM; Bechtol K; Balbinot E; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Cullinane L; Drlica-Wagner A; Sharma S; Vivas AK; Wechsler RH; Yanny B, 2019, 'The southern stellar stream spectroscopic survey (S5): Overview, target selection, data reduction, validation, and early science', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, pp. 3508 - 3531,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sharma S; Stello D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden MR; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Hon M; Asplund M; Buder S; de Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Li T; Ting YS; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saadon MHM; Traven G; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2019, 'The K2-HERMES survey: Age and metallicity of the thick disc', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, pp. 5335 - 5352,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Shipp N; Li TS; Pace AB; Erkal D; Drlica-Wagner A; Yanny B; Belokurov V; Wester W; Koposov SE; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Martell SL; Wang MY, 2019, 'Proper Motions of Stellar Streams Discovered in the Dark Energy Survey', Astrophysical Journal, 885, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Da Costa G; Casey AR; Freeman KC; Horner J; Ting YS; Nataf DM; Lewis GF; Ness MK; Zucker DB; Cottrell PL; Čotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; D’Orazi V; De Silva GM; Duong L; Kos J; Lin J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Zwitter T; Kafle PR; Nordlander T, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: Co-orbiting stars and chemical tagging', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, pp. 5302 - 5315,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Simpson JD; Martell SL, 2019, 'A nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor star discovered in the globular cluster ESO280â’SC06', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, pp. 741 - 751,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Team TMSES; Babusiaux C; Bergemann M; Burgasser A; Ellison S; Haggard D; Huber D; Kaplinghat M; Li T; Marshall J; Martell S; McConnachie A; Percival W; Robotham A; Shen Y; Thirupathi S; Tran K-V; Yeche C; Yong D; Adibekyan V; Aguirre VS; Angelou G; Asplund M; Balogh M; Banerjee P; Bannister M; Barría D; Battaglia G; Bayo A; Bechtol K; Beck PG; Beers TC; Bellinger EP; Berg T; Bestenlehner JM; Bilicki M; Bitsch B; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bolton AS; Boselli A; Bovy J; Bragaglia A; Buzasi D; Caffau E; Cami J; Carleton T; Casagrande L; Cassisi S; Catelan M; Chang C; Cortese L; Damjanov I; Davies LJM; Grijs RD; Rosa GD; Deason A; Matteo PD; Drlica-Wagner A; Erkal D; Escorza A; Ferrarese L; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Freeman K; Gänsicke BT; Gabdeev M; Gallagher S; Gandolfi D; García RA; Gaulme P; Geha M; Gennaro M; Gieles M; Gilbert K; Gordon Y; Goswami A; Greco JP; Grillmair C; Guiglion G; Hénault-Brunet V; Hall P; Handler G; Hansen T; Hathi N; Hatzidimitriou D; Haywood M; Santisteban JVH; Hillenbrand L; Hopkins AM; Howlett C; Hudson MJ; Ibata R; Ilić D; Jablonka P; Ji A; Jiang L; Juneau S; Karakas A; Karinkuzhi D; Kim SY; Kong X; Konstantopoulos I; Krogager J-K; Lagos C; Lallement R; Laporte C; Lebreton Y; Lee K-G; Lewis GF; Lianou S; Liu X; Lodieu N; Loveday J; Mészáros S; Makler M; Mao Y-Y; Marchesini D; Martin N; Mateo M; Melis C; Merle T; Miglio A; Mohammad FG; Molaverdikhani K; Monier R; Morel T; Mosser B; Nataf D; Necib L; Neilson HR; Newman JA; Nierenberg AM; Nord B; Noterdaeme P; O'Dea C; Oshagh M; Pace AB; Palanque-Delabrouille N; Pandey G; Parker LC; Pawlowski MS; Peter AHG; Petitjean P; Petric A; Placco V; Popović LČ; Price-Whelan AM; Prsa A; Ravindranath S; Rich RM; Ruan J; Rybizki J; Sakari C; Sanderson RE; Schiavon R; Schimd C; Serenelli A; Siebert A; Siudek M; Smiljanic R; Smith D; Sobeck J; Starkenburg E; Stello D; Szabó GM; Szabo R; Taylor MA; Thanjavur K; Thomas G; Tollerud E; Toonen S; Tremblay P-E; Tresse L; Tsantaki M; Valentini M; Eck SV; Variu A; Venn K; Villaver E; Walker MG; Wang Y; Wang Y; Wilson MJ; Wright N; Xu S; Yildiz M; Zhang H; Zwintz K; Anguiano B; Bedell M; Chaplin W; Collet R; Cuillandre J-C; Duc P-A; Flagey N; Hermes JJ; Hill A; Kamath D; Laychak MB; Małek K; Marley M; Sheinis A; Simons D; Sousa SG; Szeto K; Ting Y-S; Vegetti S; Wells L; Babas F; Bauman S; Bosselli A; Côté P; Colless M; Comparat J; Courtois H; Crampton D; Croom S; Davies L; Grijs RD; Denny K; Devost D; Matteo PD; Driver S; Fernandez-Lorenzo M; Guhathakurta R; Han Z; Higgs C; Hill V; Ho K; Hopkins A; Hudson M; Ibata R; Isani S; Jarvis M; Johnson A; Jullo E; Kaiser N; Kneib J-P; Koda J; Koshy G; Mignot S; Murowinski R; Newman J; Nusser A; Pancoast A; Peng E; Peroux C; Pichon C; Poggianti B; Richard J; Salmon D; Seibert A; Shastri P; Smith D; Sutaria F; Tao C; Taylor E; Tully B; Waerbeke LV; Vermeulen T; Walker M; Willis J; Willot C; Withington K, 2019, 'The Detailed Science Case for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer, 2019 edition', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zerjal M; Ireland MJ; Nordlander T; Lin J; Buder S; Casagrande L; Ă…otar K; De Silva G; Horner J; Martell S; Traven G; Zwitter T, 2019, 'The GALAH Survey: Lithium-strong KM dwarfs', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, pp. 4591 - 4600,
    Journal articles | 2019
    ÄŚotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Kos J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; D'Orazi V; De Silva GM; Lin J; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Ting YS; Wittenmyer RA, 2019, 'The GALAH survey: Unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487, pp. 2474 - 2490,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bertelli Motta C; Pasquali A; Richer J; Michaud G; Salaris M; Bragaglia A; Magrini L; Randich S; Grebel EK; Adibekyan V; Blanco-Cuaresma S; Drazdauskas A; Fu X; Martell S; Tautvaišiene G; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bensby T; Flaccomio E; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Smiljanic R; Bayo A; Carraro G; Casey AR; Costado MT; Damiani F; Franciosini E; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jofré P; Lardo C; Lewis J; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco GG; Sousa SG; Worley CC; Zaggia S, 2018, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: Evidence of atomic diffusion in M67?', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, pp. 425 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Buder S; Asplund M; Duong L; Kos J; Lind K; Ness MK; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Amarsi AM; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Čotar K; Cottrell PL; Costa GD; Gao XD; Hayden MR; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Munari U; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Yong D; Zinn JC; Žerjal M, 2018, 'The GALAH Survey: Second data release', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, pp. 4513 - 4552,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Duong L; Freeman KC; Asplund M; Casagrande L; Buder S; Lind K; Ness M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger K; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Da Costa GS; Hyde E; Horner J; Kafle PR; Nataf DM; Reid W; Stello D; Ting YS; Wyse RFG, 2018, 'The GALAH survey: Properties of the Galactic disc(s) in the solar neighbourhood', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476, pp. 5216 - 5232,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Dotter A; Nordlander T; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Costa GD; Anguiano B; Horner J; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Nataf DM; Reid W; Stello D; Ting YS, 2018, 'The GALAH survey: Verifying abundance trends in the open cluster M67 using non-LTE modelling', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481, pp. 2666 - 2684,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Betters CH; Leon-Saval S; Asplund M; Buder S; Casey AR; D'Orazi V; Silva GD; Freeman K; Lewis G; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger K; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Hayden M; Horner J; Nataf DM; Ting YS, 2018, 'Holistic spectroscopy: Complete reconstruction of a wide-field, multiobject spectroscopic image using a photonic comb', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, pp. 5475 - 5494,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Freeman K; Buder S; Traven G; De Silva GM; Sharma S; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Costa GD; D'Orazi V; Horner J; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Reid W; Schlesinger K; Ting YS; Wyse R, 2018, 'The GALAH survey: Chemical tagging of star clusters and new members in the Pleiades', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, pp. 4612 - 4633,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kos J; de Silva G; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Asplund M; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman K; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Traven G, 2018, 'The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: (non-)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, pp. 5242 - 5259,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Quillen AC; De Silva G; Sharma S; Hayden M; Freeman K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Zerjal M; Asplund M; Buder S; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Kos J; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Schlesinger K; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Cotar K; Cottrell PL; Ireland M; Kafle PR; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Ting YS; Watson F; Wittenmyer R; Wyse R, 2018, 'The GALAH survey: Stellar streams and how stellar velocity distributions vary with Galactic longitude, hemisphere, and metallicity', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, pp. 228 - 254,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Simpson JD; Stello D; Sharma S; Ting Y-S; Nataf DM; Costa GD; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Silva GMD; Cottrell PL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lin J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Nordlander T, 2018, 'The GALAH and TESS-HERMES surveys: high-resolution spectroscopy of luminous supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds and Bridge', The GALAH and TESS-HERMES surveys: high-resolution spectroscopy of luminous supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds and Bridge,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Bragaglia A; Tautvaišiene G; Fu X; Pancino E; Adibekyan V; Sousa SG; Randich S; Montalbán J; Pasquini L; Magrini L; Drazdauskas A; García RA; Mathur S; Mosser B; Régulo C; De Assis Peralta R; Hekker S; Feuillet D; Valentini M; Morel T; Martell S; Gilmore G; Feltzing S; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Recio-Blanco A; Bayo A; Carraro G; Costado MT; Frasca A; Jofré P; Lardo C; De Laverny P; Lind K; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Zaggia S, 2018, 'The Gaia -ESO Survey: Properties of newly discovered Li-rich giants', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 617,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wittenmyer RA; Sharma S; Stello D; Buder S; Kos J; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Ness M; Zwitter T; Horner J; Clark J; Kane SR; Huber D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Esdaile J; Hon M; Ireland M; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Marshall JP; Mohd Saddon MH; Traven G; Wright D, 2018, 'The K2-HERMES Survey. I. Planet-candidate Properties from K2 Campaigns 1-3', Astronomical Journal, 155,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zwitter T; Kos J; Chiavassa A; Buder S; Traven G; Čotar K; Lin J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Silva GD; Duong L; Freeman KC; Lind K; Martell S; D'Orazi V; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Collet R; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting YS; Tinney CG; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Žerja M, 2018, 'The GALAH survey: Accurate radial velocities and library of observed stellar template spectra', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481, pp. 645 - 654,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kielty CL; Venn KA; Loewen NB; Shetrone MD; Placco VM; Jahandar F; Mészáros S; Martell SL, 2017, 'Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the SDSS-APOGEE data base', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471, pp. 404 - 421,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kos J; Lin J; Zwitter T; Žerjal M; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Casey AR; de Silva GM; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Schlesinger KJ; Zucker D; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Bedding TR; Betters C; da Costa G; Duong L; Hyde E; Ireland M; Kafle PR; Leon-Saval S; Lewis GF; Munari U; Nataf D; Stello D; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA, 2017, 'The GALAH survey: The data reduction pipeline', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464, pp. 1259 - 1281,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martell SL; Chiappini C; Minchev I; Starkenburg E; Valentini M, 2017, 'Rediscovering the origins of the stellar halo with chemical tagging', Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13, pp. 38 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martell SL; Sharma S; Buder S; Duong L; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson J; Lind K; Ness M; Marshall JP; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lin J; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Da Costa GS; Horner J; Huber D; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nataf D; Navin CA; Stello D; Tinney CG; Watson FG; Wittenmyer R, 2017, 'The GALAH survey: Observational overview and Gaia DR1 companion', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, pp. 3203 - 3219,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schiavon RP; Johnson JA; Frinchaboy PM; Zasowski G; Mészáros S; García-Hernández DA; Cohen RE; Tang B; Villanova S; Geisler D; Beers TC; Fernández-Trincado JG; Pérez AEG; Lucatello S; Majewski SR; Martell SL; O'Connell RW; Prieto CA; Bizyaev D; Carrera R; Lane RR; Malanushenko E; Malanushenko V; Muñoz RR; Nitschelm C; Oravetz D; Pan K; Roman-Lopes A; Schultheis M; Simmons A, 2017, 'APOGEE chemical abundances of globular cluster giants in the inner Galaxy', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466, pp. 1010 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schiavon RP; Zamora O; Carrera R; Lucatello S; Robin AC; Ness M; Martell SL; Smith VV; García-Hernández DA; Manchado A; Schönrich R; Bastian N; Chiappini C; Shetrone M; Mackereth JT; Williams RA; Mészáros S; Prieto CA; Anders F; Bizyaev D; Beers TC; Drew Chojnowski S; Cunha K; Epstein C; Frinchaboy PM; García Pérez AE; Hearty FR; Holtzman JA; Johnson JA; Kinemuchi K; Majewski SR; Muna D; Nidever DL; Nguyen DC; O'Connell RW; Oravetz D; Pan K; Pinsonneault M; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Simmons A; Skrutskie MF; Sobeck J; Wilson JC; Zasowski G, 2017, 'Chemical tagging with APOGEE: Discovery of a large population of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, pp. 501 - 524,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Sharma S; Stello D; Buder S; Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Ness M; Huber D; Zwitter T; Hon M; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Saddon H; Anguiano B; Casey AR; Freeman K; Martell S; Silva GMD; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2017, 'The TESS-HERMES survey Data Release 1: high-resolution spectroscopy of the TESS southern continuous viewing zone', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, pp. 2004 - 2019,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Simpson JD; De Silva G; Martell SL; Navin CA; Zucker DB, 2017, 'ESO452-SC11: The lowest mass globular cluster with a potential chemical inhomogeneity', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472, pp. 2856 - 2868,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Navin CA, 2017, 'A broad perspective on multiple abundance populations in the globular cluster NGC 1851', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, pp. 1123 - 1136,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Simpson JD; Silva GMD; Martell SL; Zucker DB; Ferguson AMN; Bernard EJ; Irwin M; Penarrubia J; Tolstoy E, 2017, 'Siriusly, a newly identified intermediate-age Milky Way stellar cluster: a spectroscopic study of Gaia', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471, pp. 4087 - 4098,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Traven G; Matijevič G; Zwitter T; Žerjal M; Kos J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Freeman K; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Da Costa G; Duong L; Horner J; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Munari U; Nataf D; Navin CA; Reid W; Ting YS, 2017, 'The Galah Survey: Classification and Diagnostics with t-SNE Reduction of Spectral Information', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 228, pp. 24,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Boberg OM; Gerber JM; Friel ED; Martell S; Briley MM; Morrison HL, 2016, 'LIMITATIONS of CN and CH MOLECULAR BAND STRENGTHS at HIGH METALLICITIES: A CASE STUDY in NGC 6791', Astronomical Journal, 151,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Casey AR; Ruchti G; Masseron T; Randich S; Gilmore G; Lind K; Kennedy GM; Koposov SE; Hourihane A; Franciosini E; Lewis JR; Magrini L; Morbidelli L; Sacco GG; Worley CC; Feltzing S; Jeffries RD; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; Francois P; Korn AJ; Lanzafame A; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Carraro G; Costado MT; Damiani F; Donati P; Frasca A; Jofré P; Lardo C; de Laverny P; Monaco L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Tautvaišiene G; Zaggia S; Zwitter T; Mena ED; Chorniy Y; Martell SL; Aguirre VS; Miglio A; Chiappini C; Montalban J; Morel T; Valentini M, 2016, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: Revisiting the Li-rich giant problem', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, pp. 3336 - 3352,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hogg DW; Casey AR; Ness M; Rix HW; Foreman-Mackey D; Hasselquist S; Ho AYQ; Holtzman JA; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Mészáros S; Nidever DL; Shetrone M, 2016, 'CHEMICAL TAGGING CAN WORK: IDENTIFICATION of STELLAR PHASE-SPACE STRUCTURES PURELY by CHEMICAL-ABUNDANCE SIMILARITY', Astrophysical Journal, 833,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martell SL; Shetrone MD; Lucatello S; Schiavon RP; Mészáros S; Prieto CA; Hernández DAG; Beers TC; Nidever DL, 2016, 'Chemical tagging in the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey: New identifications of halo stars with globular cluster origins', Astrophysical Journal, 825,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martell SL, 2016, 'The GALAH Survey and Galactic Archaeology in the Next Decade', MULTI-OBJECT SPECTROSCOPY IN THE NEXT DECADE: BIG QUESTIONS, LARGE SURVEYS, AND WIDE FIELDS, 507, pp. 51 - 58,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McConnachie A; Babusiaux C; Balogh M; Driver S; Côté P; Courtois H; Davies L; Ferrarese L; Gallagher S; Ibata R; Martin N; Robotham A; Venn K; Villaver E; Bovy J; Boselli A; Colless M; Comparat J; Denny K; Duc P-A; Ellison S; Grijs RD; Fernandez-Lorenzo M; Freeman K; Guhathakurta R; Hall P; Hopkins A; Hudson M; Johnson A; Kaiser N; Koda J; Konstantopoulos I; Koshy G; Lee K-G; Nusser A; Pancoast A; Peng E; Peroux C; Petitjean P; Pichon C; Poggianti B; Schmid C; Shastri P; Shen Y; Willot C; Croom S; Lallement R; Schimd C; Smith D; Walker M; Willis J; Colless ABM; Goswami A; Jarvis M; Jullo E; Kneib J-P; Konstantopoloulous I; Newman J; Richard J; Sutaria F; Taylor E; Waerbeke LV; Battaglia G; Hall P; Haywood M; Sakari C; Schmid C; Seibert A; Thirupathi S; Wang Y; Wang Y; Babas F; Bauman S; Caffau E; Laychak MB; Crampton D; Devost D; Flagey N; Han Z; Higgs C; Hill V; Ho K; Isani S; Mignot S; Murowinski R; Pandey G; Salmon D; Siebert A; Simons D; Starkenburg E; Szeto K; Tully B; Vermeulen T; Withington K; Arimoto N; Asplund M; Aussel H; Bannister M; Bhatt H; Bhargavi SS; Blakeslee J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Bullock J; Burgarella D; Chang T-C; Cole A; Cooke J; Cooper A; Matteo PD; Favole G; Flores H; Gaensler B; Garnavich P; Gilbert K; Gonzalez-Delgado R; Guhathakurta P; Hasinger G; Herwig F; Hwang N; Jablonka P; Jarvis M; Kamath U; Kewley L; Borgne DL; Lewis G; Lupton R; Martell S; Mateo M; Mena O; Nataf D; Newman J; Pérez E; Prada F; Puech M; Recio-Blanco A; Robin A; Saunders W; Smith D; Stalin CS; Tao C; Thanjuvur K; Tresse L; Waerbeke LV; Wang J-M; Yong D; Zhao G; Boisse P; Bolton J; Bonifacio P; Bouchy F; Cowie L; Cunha K; Deleuil M; Mooij ED; Dufour P; Foucaud S; Glazebrook K; Hutchings J; Kobayashi C; Kudritzki R-P; Li Y-S; Lin L; Lin Y-T; Makler M; Narita N; Park C; Ransom R; Ravindranath S; Reddy BE; Sawicki M; Simard L; Srianand R; Storchi-Bergmann T; Umetsu K; Wang T-G; Woo J-H; Wu X-B, 2016, 'The Detailed Science Case for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: the Composition and Dynamics of the Faint Universe', ArXiv,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Navin CA; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2016, 'NEW HALO STARS of the GALACTIC GLOBULAR CLUSTERS M3 and M13 in the LAMOST DR1 CATALOG', Astrophysical Journal, 829,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Simpson JD; De Silva GM; Bland-Hawthorn J; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Kos J; Anguiano B; Nataf DM; Reid W; Wittenmyer RA, 2016, 'The GALAH survey: Relative throughputs of the 2dF fibre positioner and the HERMES spectrograph from stellar targets', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459, pp. 1069 - 1081,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Randich S; Magrini L; Bragaglia A; Pasquini L; Vallenari A; Tautvaišiene G; Biazzo K; Frasca A; Donati P; Delgado Mena E; Casey AR; Geisler D; Villanova S; Tang B; Sousa SG; Gilmore G; Bensby T; François P; Koposov SE; Lanzafame AC; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Costado MT; Hourihane A; Lardo C; De Laverny P; Lewis J; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco GG; Worley CC; Zaggia S; Martell S, 2016, 'The Gaia-ESO Survey: Inhibited extra mixing in two giants of the open cluster Trumpler 20?', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 591,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yong D; Casagrande L; Venn KA; Chené AN; Keown J; Malo L; Martioli E; Alves-Brito A; Asplund M; Dotter A; Martell SL; Meléndez J; Schlesinger KJ, 2016, 'GRACES observations of young [α/Fe]-rich stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459, pp. 487 - 495,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Alam S; Albareti FD; Prieto CA; Anders F; Anderson SF; Anderton T; Andrews BH; Armengaud E; Aubourg É; Bailey S; Basu S; Bautista JE; Beaton RL; Beers TC; Bender CF; Berlind AA; Beutler F; Bhardwaj V; Bird JC; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Bovy J; Bradley AS; Brandt WN; Brauer DE; Brinkmann J; Brown PJ; Brownstein JR; Burden A; Burtin E; Busca NG; Cai Z; Capozzi D; Rosell AC; Carr MA; Carrera R; Chambers KC; Chaplin WJ; Chen YC; Chiappini C; Chojnowski SD; Chuang CH; Clerc N; Comparat J; Covey K; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; Cunha K; Costa LND; Rio ND; Davenport JRA; Dawson KS; Lee ND; Delubac T; Deshpande R; Dhital S; Dutra-Ferreira L; Dwelly T; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Ellsworth T; Elsworth Y; Epstein CR; Eracleous M; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Evans ML; Fan X; Fernández-Alvar E; Feuillet D; Ak NF; Finley H; Finoguenov A; Flaherty K; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Foster J; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew JG; García RA; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Gaulme P; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Georgakakis A; Ghezzi L; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; Goddard D; Gontcho SGA; Hernández JIG; Grebel EK; Green PJ, 2015, 'THE ELEVENTH and TWELFTH DATA RELEASES of the SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FINAL DATA from SDSS-III', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 219,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cunha K; Smith VV; Johnson JA; Bergemann M; Mészáros S; Shetrone MD; Souto D; Prieto CA; Schiavon RP; Frinchaboy P; Zasowski G; Bizyaev D; Holtzman J; García Pérez AE; Majewski SR; Nidever D; Beers T; Carrera R; Geisler D; Gunn J; Hearty F; Ivans I; Martell S; Pinsonneault M; Schneider DP; Sobeck J; Stello D; Stassun KG; Skrutskie M; Wilson JC, 2015, 'Sodium and oxygen abundances in the open cluster NGC 6791 from apogee H-band spectroscopy', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 798,
    Journal articles | 2015
    De Silva GM; Carraro G; D'Orazi V; Efremova V; Macpherson H; Martell S; Rizzo L, 2015, 'Binary open clusters in the Milky Way: Photometric and spectroscopic analysis of NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, pp. 106 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2015
    De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Bland-Hawthorn J; Martell S; Wylie de Boer E; Asplund M; Keller S; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Bayliss D; Beavis MA; Bergemann M; Campbell S; Cannon R; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Casey AR; Da Costa G; D'Orazi V; Dotter A; Duong L; Heger A; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Kos J; Lattanzio J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Munari U; Nataf DM; O'Toole S; Parker Q; Reid W; Schlesinger KJ; Sheinis A; Simpson JD; Stello D; Ting YS; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer R; Yong D; Žerjal M, 2015, 'The GALAH survey: Scientific motivation', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, pp. 2604 - 2617,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Holtzman JA; Shetrone M; Johnson JA; Prieto CA; Anders F; Andrews B; Beers TC; Bizyaev D; Blanton MR; Bovy J; Carrera R; Chojnowski SD; Cunha K; Eisenstein DJ; Feuillet D; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew J; Pérez AEG; García-Hernández DA; Hasselquist S; Hayden MR; Hearty FR; Ivans I; Majewski SR; Martell S; Meszaros S; Muna D; Nidever D; Nguyen DC; O'Connell RW; Pan K; Pinsonneault M; Robin AC; Schiavon RP; Shane N; Sobeck J; Smith VV; Troup N; Weinberg DH; Wilson JC; Wood-Vasey WM; Zamora O; Zasowski G, 2015, 'Abundances, stellar parameters, and spectra from the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey', Astronomical Journal, 150,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hyde EA; Keller S; Zucker DB; Ibata R; Siebert A; Lewis GF; Penarrubia J; Irwin M; Gilmore G; Lane RR; Koch A; Conn AR; Diakogiannis FI; Martell S, 2015, 'Selecting Sagittarius: Identification and chemical characterization of the Sagittarius stream', Astrophysical Journal, 805,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martell SL, 2015, 'Studying Young Stars with Large Spectroscopic Surveys', Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 10, pp. 276 - 279,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Mészáros S; Martell SL; Shetrone M; Lucatello S; Troup NW; Bovy J; Cunha K; García-Hernández DA; Overbeek JC; Prieto CA; Beers TC; Frinchaboy PM; Pérez AEG; Hearty FR; Holtzman J; Majewski SR; Nidever DL; Schiavon RP; Schneider DP; Sobeck JS; Smith VV; Zamora O; Zasowski G, 2015, 'Exploring anticorrelations and light element variations in northern globular clusters observed by the apogee survey', Astronomical Journal, 149,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Navin CA; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2015, 'New cluster members and halo stars of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 1851', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, pp. 531 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sheinis A; Anguiano B; Asplund M; Bacigalupo C; Barden S; Birchall M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brzeski J; Cannon R; Carollo D; Case S; Casey A; Churilov V; Warrick C; Dean R; De Silva G; D’Orazi V; Duong L; Farrell T; Fiegert K; Freeman K; Gabriella F; Gers L; Goodwin M; Gray D; Green A; Heald R; Heijmans J; Ireland M; Jones D; Kafle P; Keller S; Klauser U; Kondrat Y; Kos J; Lawrence J; Lee S; Mali S; Martell S; Mathews D; Mayfield D; Miziarski S; Muller R; Pai N; Patterson R; Penny E; Orr D; Schlesinger K; Sharma S; Shortridge K; Simpson J; Smedley S; Smith G; Stafford D; Staszak N; Vuong M; Waller L; de Boer EW; Xavier P; Zheng J; Zhelem R; Zucker D; Zwitter T, 2015, 'First light results from the High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope', Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 1, pp. 035002 - 035002,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Carollo D; Freeman K; Beers TC; Placco VM; Tumlinson J; Martell SL, 2014, 'Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: CEMP-s and CEMP-no subclasses in the halo system of the Milky Way', Astrophysical Journal, 788,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gott JR; Mack CE; Ahn CP; Alexandroff R; Allende Prieto C; Anders F; Anderson SF; Anderton T; Andrews BH; Aubourg E; Bailey S; Bastien FA; Bautista JE; Beers TC; Beifiori A; Bender CF; Berlind AA; Beutler F; Bhardwaj V; Bird JC; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Borde A; Bovy J; Bradley AS; Brandt WN; Brauer D; Brinkmann J; Brownstein JR; Busca NG; Carithers W; Carlberg JK; Carnero AR; Carr MA; Chiappini C; Chojnowski SD; Chuang CH; Comparat J; Crepp JR; Cristiani S; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; Cunha K; Da Costa LN; Dawson KS; De Lee N; Dean JDR; Delubac T; Deshpande R; Dhital S; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Epstein CR; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Evans ML; Fabbian D; Fan X; Favole G; Femenía Castellá B; Fernández Alvar E; Feuillet D; Filiz Ak N; Finley H; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew JG; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; González Hernández JI; Gunn JE; Guo H; Halverson S; Harding P; Harris DW; Hasselquist S; Hawley SL; Hayden M; Hearty FR; Herrero Davó A; Ho S; Hogg DW; Holtzman JA; Honscheid K; Huehnerhoff J; Ivans II; Jackson KM; Jiang P; Johnson JA, 2014, 'The tenth data release of the Sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the SDSS-iii apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 211,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Campbell SW; D'Orazi V; Constantino TN; Yong D; Lattanzio JC; Angelou GC; Boer ECW-D; Stancliffe RJ; Martell SL; Grundahl F, 2013, 'The Asymptotic Giant Branches of GCs: Selective Entry Only', Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 84, pp. 101 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Carollo D; Martell SL; Beers TC; Freeman KC, 2013, 'CN anomalies in the halo system and the origin of globular clusters in the Milky Way', Astrophysical Journal, 769,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martell SL; Duffau S; Milone AP; Smith GH; Briley MM; Grebel EK, 2013, 'Chemical evolution in star clusters: the role of mass and environment', Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 24, pp. 42 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martell SL; Shetrone MD, 2013, 'Lithium-rich field giants in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, pp. 611 - 620,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Mészáros S; Holtzman J; García Pérez AE; Allende Prieto C; Schiavon RP; Basu S; Bizyaev D; Chaplin WJ; Chojnowski SD; Cunha K; Elsworth Y; Epstein C; Frinchaboy PM; García RA; Hearty FR; Hekker S; Johnson JA; Kallinger T; Koesterke L; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Nidever D; Pinsonneault MH; O'Connell J; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Wilson JC; Zasowski G, 2013, 'Calibrations of atmospheric parameters obtained from the first year of SDSS-III apogee observations', Astronomical Journal, 146,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tyndall AA; Jones D; Boffin HMJ; Miszalski B; Faedi F; Lloyd M; Boumis P; Ĺopez JA; Martell S; Pollacco D; Santander-Garćia M, 2013, 'Two rings but no fellowship: Lotr 1 and its relation to planetary nebulae possessing barium central stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, pp. 2082 - 2095,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ahn CP; Alexandroff R; Allende Prieto C; Anderson SF; Anderton T; Andrews BH; Aubourg E; Bailey S; Balbinot E; Barnes R; Bautista J; Beers TC; Beifiori A; Berlind AA; Bhardwaj V; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Borde A; Bovy J; Brandt WN; Brinkmann J; Brown PJ; Brownstein JR; Bundy K; Busca NG; Carithers W; Carnero AR; Carr MA; Casetti-Dinescu DI; Chen Y; Chiappini C; Comparat J; Connolly N; Crepp JR; Cristiani S; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; Da Costa LN; Davenport JRA; Dawson KS; De Putter R; De Lee N; Delubac T; Dhital S; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Evans ML; Fan X; Femenía Castellá B; Fernández Alvar E; Ferreira LD; Filiz Ak N; Finley H; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Frinchaboy PM; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; González Hernández JI; Grebel EK; Gunn JE; Guo H; Haggard D; Hamilton JC; Harris DW; Hawley SL; Hearty FR; Ho S; Hogg DW; Holtzman JA; Honscheid K; Huehnerhoff J; Ivans II; Ivezić Z; Jacobson HR; Jiang L; Johansson J; Johnson JA; Kauffmann G; Kirkby D; Kirkpatrick JA; Klaene MA; Knapp GR; Kneib JP; Le Goff JM; Leauthaud A; Lee KG; Lee YS, 2012, 'The ninth data release of the sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 203,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Campbell SW; Yong D; Boer ECW-D; Stancliffe RJ; Lattanzio JC; Angelou GC; D'Orazi V; Martell SL; Grundahl F; Sneden C, 2012, 'Cyanogen in NGC 1851 RGB and AGB Stars: Quadrimodal Distributions', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 761,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Campbell SW; Yong D; Wylie-de Boer EC; Stancliffe RJ; Lattanzio JC; Angelou GC; D'Orazi V; Martell SL; Grundahl F; Sneden C, 2012, 'CYANOGEN IN NGC 1851 RED GIANT BRANCH AND ASYMPTOTIC GIANT BRANCH STARS: QUADRIMODAL DISTRIBUTIONS', ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 761,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martell SL; Shetrone MD, 2012, 'Lithium-rich stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey', ArXiv,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martell SL, 2012, 'Globular cluster contributions to Galactic halo assembly', ARXiv, 10, pp. 286 - 287,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martell SL, 2012, 'Two views of globular cluster stars in the Galactic halo', EPJ Web of Conferences, 19,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martell SL; Smolinski JP; Beers TC; Grebel EK, 2011, 'Building the Galactic halo from globular clusters: Evidence from chemically unusual red giants', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 534,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martell SL, 2011, 'Light-element abundance variations in globular clusters', Astronomische Nachrichten, 332, pp. 467 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Smolinski JP; Martell SL; Beers TC; Lee YS, 2011, 'A survey of CN and CH variations in galactic globular clusters from sloan digital sky survey spectroscopy', Astronomical Journal, 142,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martell SL; Grebel EK, 2010, 'Light-element abundance variations in the Milky Way halo', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 519,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Shetrone M; Martell SL; Wilkerson R; Adams J; Siegel MH; Smith GH; Bond HE, 2010, 'Light-element abundance variations at low metallicity: The globular cluster NGC 5466', Astronomical Journal, 140, pp. 1119 - 1127,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martell SL; Smith GH, 2009, 'CN variations in high-metallicity globular and open clusters', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 121, pp. 577 - 584,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2008, 'An improved bandstrength index for the CH G band of globular cluster giants', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 120, pp. 839 - 847,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2008, 'CN bimodality at low metallicity: The globular cluster M53', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 120, pp. 7 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2008, 'Deep mixing and metallicity: Carbon depletion in globular cluster giants', Astronomical Journal, 136, pp. 2522 - 2532,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martell SL; Smith GH, 2004, 'Stellar activity and the Strömgren photometric metallicity calibration of intermediate-type dwarf stars', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, pp. 920 - 925,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Smith GH; Martell SL, 2003, 'Comparing Deep Mixing in Globular Cluster and Halo Field Giants: Carbon Abundance Data from the Literature', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 115, pp. 1211 - 1219,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Martell S; Laughlin G, 2002, 'An improved uvby-metallicity calibration for metal-rich stars', Astrophysical Journal, 577,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Buder S; Lind K; Ness MK; Feuillet DK; Horta D; Monty S; Buck T; Nordlander T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Lin J; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Ciuca I; Horner J; Kobayashi C; Ting Y-S; Wyse RFG; Collaboration TGALAH, 2021, The GALAH Survey: Chemical tagging and chrono-chemodynamics of accreted halo stars with GALAH+ DR3 and $Gaia$ eDR3, ,
    Working Papers | 2021
    Casey AR; Ji AP; Hansen TT; Li TS; Koposov SE; Costa GSD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane L; Erkal D; Lewis GF; Kuehn K; Mackey D; Martell SL; Pace AB; Simpson JD; Zucker DB, 2021, Signature of a massive rotating metal-poor star imprinted in the Phoenix stellar stream, ,
    Working Papers | 2021
    Magrini L; Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Pasquini L; Randich S; Casali G; Vazquez CV; Bragaglia A; Spina L; Biazzo K; Tautvaivsiene G; Masseron T; Swaelmen MVD; Pancino E; Jimenez-Esteban F; Guiglion G; Martell S; Bensby T; D'Orazi V; Baratella M; Korn A; Jofre P; Gilmore G; Worley C; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Sacco GG; Morbidelli L, 2021, The Gaia-ESO survey: Lithium abundances in open cluster Red Clump stars, ,
    Working Papers | 2021
    Nikakhtar F; Sanderson RE; Wetzel A; Loebman S; Sharma S; Beaton R; Mackereth JT; Poovelil VJ; Zasowski G; Bonaca A; Martell S; Jonsson H; Faucher-Giguere C-A, 2021, New families in our Solar neighborhood: applying Gaussian Mixture models for objective classification of structures in the Milky Way and in simulations, ,
    Working Papers | 2020
    Mészáros S; Masseron T; García-Hernández DA; Prieto CA; Beers TC; Bizyaev D; Chojnowski D; Cohen RE; Cunha K; Dell'Agli F; Ebelke G; Fernández-Trincado JG; Frinchaboy P; Geisler D; Hasselquist S; Hearty F; Holtzman J; Johnson J; Lane RR; Lacerna I; Longa-Peña P; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Minniti D; Nataf D; Nidever DL; Pan K; Schiavon RP; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Sobeck JS; Stringfellow GS; Szigeti L; Tang B; Wilson JC; Zamora O, 2020, Homogeneous analysis of globular clusters from the APOGEE survey with the BACCHUS code - II. The Southern clusters and overview,
    Working Papers | 2018
    Fu X; Romano D; Bragaglia A; Mucciarelli A; Lind K; Delgado Mena E; Sousa SG; Randich S; Bressan A; Sbordone L; Martell S; Korn AJ; Abia C; Smiljanic R; Jofré P; Pancino E; Tautvaišiene G; Tang B; Magrini L; Lanzafame AC; Carraro G; Bensby T; Damiani F; Alfaro EJ; Flaccomio E; Morbidelli L; Zaggia S; Lardo C; Monaco L; Frasca A; Donati P; Drazdauskas A; Chorniy Y; Bayo A; Kordopatis G, 2018, The Gaia -ESO Survey: Lithium enrichment histories of the Galactic thick and thin disc,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Banks KA; Martell SL; Tinney CG; Stello D; Hon M; Reyes C; Priest J; Buder S; Montet BT, 2024, The role of carbon in red giant spectro-seismology,
    Preprints | 2024
    D'Orazi V; Storm N; Casey AR; Braga VF; Zocchi A; Bono G; Fabrizio M; Sneden C; Massari D; Giribaldi RE; Bergemann M; Campbell SW; Casagrande L; Grijs RD; Silva GD; Lugaro M; Zucker DB; Bragaglia A; Feuillet D; Fiorentino G; Chaboyer B; Dall'Ora M; Marengo M; Martínez-Vázquez CE; Matsunaga N; Monelli M; Mullen JP; Nataf D; Tantalo M; Thevenin F; Vitello FR; Kudritzki R-P; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Martell S; Sharma S; Stello D; Zwitter T, 2024, The GALAH survey: Tracing the Milky Way's formation and evolution through RR Lyrae stars,
    Preprints | 2023
    Banks KA; Ho CYY; Martell SL; Buder S; Stello D; Sharma S; Priest J; Gonneau A; Hawkins K, 2023, CN and CO Features: Key Indicators of Red Giant Evolutionary Phase in Moderate-Resolution X-Shooter Spectra, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Manea C; Hawkins K; Ness MK; Buder S; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2023, Chemical Doppelgangers in GALAH DR3: the Distinguishing Power of Neutron-Capture Elements Among Milky Way Disk Stars, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Sayeed M; Ness MK; Montet BT; Cantiello M; Casey AR; Buder S; Bedell M; Breivik K; Metzger BD; Martell SL; McGee-Gold L, 2023, Many Roads Lead to Lithium: Formation Pathways For Lithium-Rich Red Giants,
    Preprints | 2023
    VogrinÄŤiÄŤ R; Kos J; Zwitter T; Traven G; Beeson KL; ÄŚotar K; Munari U; Buder S; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Silva GMD; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; D'Orazi V, 2023, The GALAH survey: New diffuse interstellar bands found in residuals of 872,000 stellar spectra,
    Preprints | 2022
    Gilmore G; Randich S; Worley CC; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Sacco GG; Lewis JR; Magrini L; Francois P; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Bragaglia A; Alfaro EJ; Prieto CA; Blomme R; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Eck SV; Zwitter T; Bensby T; Flaccomio E; Irwin MJ; Franciosini E; Morbidelli L; Damiani F; Bonito R; Friel ED; Vink JS; Prisinzano L; Abbas U; Hatzidimitriou D; Held EV; Jordi C; Paunzen E; Spagna A; Jackson RJ; Apellaniz JM; Asplund M; Bonifacio P; Feltzing S; Binney J; Drew J; Ferguson AMN; Micela G; Negueruela I; Prusti T; Rix H-W; Vallenari A; Bergemann M; Casey AR; Laverny PD; Frasca A; Hill V; Lind K; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Adibekyan V; Caffau E; Daflon S; Feuillet DK; Gebran M; Hernandez JIG; Guiglion G; Herrero A; Lobel A; Merle T; Mikolaitis S; Montes D; Morel T; Ruchti G; Soubiran C; Tabernero HM; Tautvaisiene G; Traven G; Valentini M; Swaelmen MVD; Villanova S; Vazquez CV; Bayo A; Biazzo K; Carraro G; Edvardsson B; Heiter U; Jofre P; Marconi G; Martayan C; Masseron T; Monaco L; Walton NA; Zaggia S; Borsen-Koch VA; Alves J; Balaguer-Nunez L; Barklem PS; Barrado D; Bellazzini M; Berlanas SR; Binks AS; Bressan A; Capuzzo-Dolcetta R; Casagrande L; Casamiquela L; Collins RS; D'Orazi V; Dantas MLL; Debattista VP; Delgado-Mena E; Marcantonio PD; Drazdauskas A; Evans NW; Famaey B; Franchini M; Fremat Y; Fu X; Geisler D; Gerhard O; Solares EAG; Grebel EK; Albarran MLG; Jimenez-Esteban F; Jonsson H; Khachaturyants T; Kordopatis G; Kos J; Lagarde N; Ludwig H-G; Mahy L; Mapelli M; Marfil E; Martell SL; Messina S; Miglio A; Minchev I; Moitinho A; Montalban J; Monteiro MJPFG; Morossi C; Mowlavi N; Mucciarelli A; Murphy DNA; Nardetto N; Ortolani S; Paletou F; Palous J; Pickering JC; Quirrenbach A; Fiorentin PR; Read JI; Romano D; Ryde N; Sanna N; Santos W; Seabroke GM; Spina L; Steinmetz M; Stonkute E; Sutorius E; Thevenin F; Tosi M; Tsantaki M; Wright N; Wyse RFG; Zoccali M; Zorec J; Zucker DB, 2022, The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Hughes ACN; Spitler LR; Zucker DB; Nordlander T; Simpson J; Costa GSD; Ting Y-S; Li C; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Zwitter T; Collaboration TGALAH, 2022, The GALAH Survey: A New Sample of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars Using A Machine Learning Classification Algorithm,
    Preprints | 2022
    Koposov SE; Erkal D; Li TS; Costa GSD; Cullinane LR; Ji AP; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Pace AB; Shipp N; Zucker DB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Lilleengen S; Martell SL, 2022, $S^5$: Probing the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds potentials with the 6-D map of the Orphan-Chenab stream,
    Preprints | 2022
    Liu F; Murphy MT; Lehmann C; Flynn C; Smith D; Kos J; Berke DA; Martell SL, 2022, Survey for Distant Solar Twins (SDST) -- II. Design, observations and data,
    Preprints | 2022
    Randich S; Gilmore G; Magrini L; Sacco GG; Jackson RJ; Jeffries RD; Worley CC; Hourihane A; Gonneau A; Vàzquez CV; Franciosini E; Lewis JR; Alfaro EJ; Prieto CA; Blomme TBR; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; François P; Irwin MJ; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Eck SV; Zwitter T; Asplund M; Bonifacio P; Feltzing S; Binney J; Drew J; Ferguson AMN; Micela G; Negueruela I; Prusti T; Rix H-W; Vallenari A; Bayo A; Bergemann M; Biazzo K; Carraro G; Casey AR; Damiani F; Frasca A; Heiter U; Hill V; Jofré P; Laverny PD; Lind K; Marconi G; Martayan C; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Zaggia S; Adibekyan V; Bonito R; Caffau E; Daflon S; Feuillet DK; Gebran M; Hernández JIG; Guiglion G; Herrero A; Lobel A; Apellániz JM; Merle T; Mikolaitis S; Montes D; Morel T; Soubiran C; Spina L; Tabernero HM; Tautvaišienė G; Traven G; Valentini M; Swaelmen MVD; Villanova S; Wright NJ; Abbas U; Børsen-Koch VA; Alves J; Balaguer-Núnez L; Barklem PS; Barrado D; Berlanas SR; Binks AS; Bressan A; Capuzzo-Dolcetta R; Casagrande L; Casamiquela L; Collins RS; D'Orazi V; Dantas MLL; Debattista VP; Delgado-Mena E; Marcantonio PD; Drazdauskas A; Evans NW; Famaey B; Franchini M; Frémat Y; Friel ED; Fu X; Geisler D; Gerhard O; Solares EAG; Grebel EK; Albarrán MLG; Hatzidimitriou D; Held EV; Jiménez-Esteban F; Jönsson H; Jordi C; Khachaturyants T; Kordopatis G; Kos J; Lagarde N; Mahy L; Mapelli M; Marfil E; Martell SL; Messina S; Miglio A; Minchev I; Moitinho A; Montalban J; Monteiro MJPFG; Morossi C; Mowlavi N; Mucciarelli A; Murphy DNA; Nardetto N; Ortolani S; Paletou F; Palouus J; Paunzen E; Pickering JC; Quirrenbach A; Fiorentin PR; Read JI; Romano D; Ryde N; Sanna N; Santos W; Seabroke GM; Spagna A; Steinmetz M; Stonkuté E; Sutorius E; Thévenin F; Tosi M; Tsantaki M; Vink JS; Wright N; Wyse RFG; Zoccali M; Zorec J; Zucker DB; Walton NA, 2022, The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Tayar J; Moyano FD; Soares-Furtado M; Escorza A; Joyce M; Martell SL; GarcĂ­a RA; Breton SN; Mathis S; Mathur S; Delsanti V; Kiefer S; Reffert S; Bowman DM; Reeth TV; Shetye S; Gehan C; Grunblatt SK, 2022, Spinning up the Surface: Evidence for Planetary Engulfment or Unexpected Angular Momentum Transport?,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Zafar T; Lawrence J; Zheng J; Adams D; Hartmann VN; Lacombe C; Goodwin M; Lorente N; O’Brien E; Saunders W; McGregor H; Waller L; Kunwar N; Mailvaganam A; Faes DM; Marshall J; DePoy DL; Ji A; Zaritsky D; Papovich C; Finkelstein SL; Szentgyorgyi A; Overzier RA; Kuehn K; Cortese L; Croom S; Martell S; Colless M; Hopkins AM; Arnaboldi M; Péroux C; Johnson C, 2022, 'MANIFEST/GMT science overview: a multi-interface, multi-mode instrument science and simulations', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    de Jong RS; Bellido-Tirado O; Brynnel JG; Amini AE; Frey S; Füßlein C; Gäbler M; Giannone D; Johl D; Kuba S; Lemke U; Micheva G; Saviauk A; Steinmetz M; Walcher JC; Winkler R; Lind K; Loveday J; Feltzing S; McMahon R; Mainieri V; Pirard JF; Bensby T; Bergemann M; Chiappini C; Christlieb N; Cioni MRL; Comparat J; Driver S; Hook I; Irwin M; Kneib JP; Liske J; Merloni A; Minchev I; Richard J; Starkenburg E; Sullivan M; Worley C; Gaessler W; Laurent F; Pragt J; Remillieux A; Rothmaier F; Smedley S; Stilz I; Walton N; Alexander DM; Church R; Croom S; Davies LJ; Heneka C; Kacharov N; Knoche J; Kordopatis G; Krumpe M; Martell S; Norberg P; Pelisoli I; Sharma S; Storm J; Tempel E, 2022, '4MOST: the 4-metre multi-object spectroscopic telescope project in the assembly, integration and test phase', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Preprints | 2021
    Clark JT; Wright DJ; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Hinkel NR; Clerté M; Carter BD; Buder S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Silva GMD; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Munari U; Nordlander T, 2021, The GALAH Survey: Improving our understanding of confirmed and candidate planetary systems with large stellar surveys,
    Preprints | 2021
    Grunblatt SK; Zinn JC; Price-Whelan AM; Angus R; Saunders N; Hon M; Stokholm A; Bellinger EP; Martell SL; Mosser B; Cunningham E; Tayar J; Huber D; Rørsted JL; Aguirre VS, 2021, Age-Dating Red Giant Stars Associated with Galactic Disk and Halo Substructures, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Li TS; Ji AP; Pace AB; Erkal D; Koposov SE; Shipp N; Costa GSD; Cullinane LR; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Ferguson PS; Martell SL; Bland-Hawthorn J; Balbinot E; Tavangar K; Drlica-Wagner A; Silva GMD; Simon JD; Collaboration S, 2021, $S^5$: The Orbital and Chemical Properties of One Dozen Stellar Streams, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Munari U; Traven G; Masetti N; Valisa P; Righetti G-L; Hambsch F-J; Frigo A; Cotar K; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2021, The GALAH Survey and Symbiotic Stars. I. Discovery and follow-up of 33 candidate accreting-only systems, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Nikakhtar F; Sanderson RE; Wetzel A; Loebman S; Sharma S; Beaton R; Mackereth JT; Poovelil VJ; Zasowski G; Bonaca A; Martell S; Jonsson H; Faucher-Giguere C-A, 2021, New families in our Solar neighborhood: applying Gaussian Mixture models for objective classification of structures in the Milky Way and in simulations, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Tautvaisiene G; Drazdauskas A; Bragaglia A; Martell SL; Pancino E; Lardo C; Mikolaitis S; Minkeviciute R; Stonkute E; Ambrosch M; Bagdonas V; Chorniy Y; Sanna N; Franciosini E; Smiljanic R; Randich S; Gilmore G; Bensby T; Bergemann M; Gonneau A; Guiglion G; Carraro G; Heiter U; Korn A; Magrini L; Morbidelli L; Zaggia S, 2021, Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed elemental abundances in red giants of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 1851,
    Preprints | 2021
    Zucker DB; Simpson JD; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Casey AR; Ting Y-S; Horner J; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Zwitter T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Asplund M; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lin J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Stello D, 2021, The GALAH Survey: No chemical evidence of an extragalactic origin for the Nyx stream, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Amarsi AM; Lind K; Osorio Y; Nordlander T; Bergemann M; Reggiani H; Wang EX; Buder S; Asplund M; Barklem PS; Wehrhahn A; SkĂşladĂłttir Ă; Kobayashi C; Karakas AI; Gao XD; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: Non-LTE departure coefficients for large spectroscopic surveys,
    Preprints | 2020
    Baratella M; D'Orazi V; Carraro G; Desidera S; Randich S; Magrini L; Adibekyan V; Smiljanic R; Spina L; Tsantaki M; Tautvaisiene G; Sousa SG; Jofré P; Jiménes-Esteban FM; Delgado-Mena E; Martell S; Van der Swaelmen M; Roccatagliata V; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bayo A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sacco G; Sbordone L; Worley C; Zaggia S; Lewis J, 2020, The Gaia-ESO Survey: a new approach to chemically characterising young open clusters,
    Preprints | 2020
    Casagrande L; Lin J; Rains AD; Liu F; Buder S; Horner J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, The GALAH survey: effective temperature calibration from the InfraRed Flux Method in the Gaia system,
    Preprints | 2020
    Casali G; Spina L; Magrini L; Karakas A; Kobayashi C; Casey AR; Feltzing S; Van der Swaelmen M; Tsantaki M; Jofré P; Bragaglia A; Feuillet D; Bensby T; Biazzo K; Gonneau A; Tautvaisiene G; Baratella M; Roccatagliata V; Pancino E; Sousa S; Adibekyan V; Martell S; Bayo A; Jackson RJ; Jeffries RD; Gilmore G; Randich S; Alfaro E; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Hourihane A; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Worley C; Zaggia S, 2020, The Gaia-ESO survey: the non-universality of the age-chemical-clocks-metallicity relations in the Galactic disc,
    Preprints | 2020
    Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Campbell SW; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Horner J; Munari U; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: A new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Ji AP; Li TS; Hansen TT; Casey AR; Koposov SE; Pace AB; Mackey D; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Hattori K; Martell SL; Kuehn K; Erkal D; Shipp N; Wan Z; Zucker DB, 2020, The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5): Chemical Abundances of Seven Stellar Streams, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Nordlander T; Spina L; Beeson KL; Lind K; Asplund M; Freeman K; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; De Silva G; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Ting Y-S; Traven G, 2020, The GALAH survey: Chemical homogeneity of the Orion complex, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Li TS; Koposov SE; Erkal D; Ji AP; Shipp N; Pace AB; Hilmi T; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Drlica-Wagner A; Hattori K; Martell SL; Sharma S, 2020, Broken into Pieces: ATLAS and Aliqa Uma as One Single Stream, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Martell S; Simpson J; Balasubramaniam A; Buder S; Sharma S; Hon M; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis G; Lind K; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Campbell S; Cotar K; Horner J; Montet B; Wittenmyer R, 2020, The GALAH survey: A census of lithium-rich giant stars, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Nandakumar G; Hayden MR; Sharma S; Buder S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Lin J; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; Lind K; Cotar K; Stello D; Wittenmyer RA; Tepper-Garcia T, 2020, Combined APOGEE-GALAH stellar catalogues using the Cannon, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Buder S; Sharma S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Schlesinger KJ; Ting Y-S; Nordlander T; Da Costa G; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Tepper-GarcĂ­a T; Collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: Accreted stars also inhabit the Spite Plateau, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Wan Z; Lewis GF; Li TS; Simpson JD; Martell SL; Zucker DB; Mould JR; Erkal D; Pace AB; Mackey D; Ji AP; Koposov SE; Kuehn K; Shipp N; Balbinot E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Da Costa GS; Kafle P; Sharma S; De Silva GM, 2020, The tidal remnant of an unusually metal-poor globular cluster, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Wheeler A; Ness M; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell S; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, Abundances in the Milky Way across five nucleosynthetic channels from 4 million LAMOST stars, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Wittenmyer RA; Clark JT; Sharma S; Stello D; Horner J; Kane SR; Stevens CP; Wright DJ; Spina L; Cotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Čotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Horner J; Ting Y-S; Žerjal M, 2020, The GALAH survey: Characterization of emission-line stars with spectral modelling using autoencoders, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Borsato NW; Martell SL; Simpson JD, 2019, Identifying Stellar Streams in Gaia DR2 with Data Mining Techniques, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Casali G; Magrini L; Tognelli E; Jackson R; Jeffries RD; Lagarde N; Tautvaisiene G; Masseron T; Degl'Innocenti S; Moroni PGP; Kordopatis G; Pancino E; Randich S; Feltzing S; Sahlholdt C; Spina L; Friel E; Roccatagliata V; Sanna N; Bragaglia A; Drazdauskas A; Mikolaitis S; Minkeviciute R; Stonkute E; Chorniy Y; Bagdonas V; Jimenez-Esteban F; Martell S; Van der Swaelmen M; Gilmore G; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Koposov SE; Korn A; Worley C; Smiljanic R; Bergemann M; Carraro G; Damiani F; Prisinzano L; Bonito R; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Hourihane A; Jofre P; Lewis J; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Sousa SG; Zaggia S; Lanzafame AC; Heiter U; Frasca A; Bayo A, 2019, The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between Age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters,
    Preprints | 2019
    Casey AR; Lattanzio JC; Aleti A; Dowe DL; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB, 2019, A data-driven model of nucleosynthesis with chemical tagging in a lower-dimensional latent space, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Fernández-Trincado JG; Mennickent R; Cabezas M; Zamora O; Martell SL; Beers TC; Placco VM; Nataf DM; Mészáros S; Minniti D; Schleicher DRG; Tang B; Pérez-Villegas A; Robin AC; Reylé C; Ortigoza-Urdaneta M, 2019, Discovery of a nitrogen-enhanced mildly metal-poor binary system: Possible evidence for pollution from an extinct AGB Star, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Freeman K; Kos J; Buder S; Anguiano B; Asplund M; Chen B; Khanna S; Lin J; Horner J; Martell S; Wyse R; Zucker D; Zwitter T, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Chemodynamics of the Solar Neighbourhood, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Khanna S; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Asplund M; Buder S; Chen B; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lin J; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2019, The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Koposov SE; Boubert D; Li TS; Erkal D; Da Costa GS; Zucker DB; Ji AP; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Shipp N; Wan Z; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Pace AB; De Silva GM; Wang M-Y, 2019, The Great Escape: Discovery of a nearby 1700 km/s star ejected from the Milky Way by Sgr A*, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Lin J; Asplund M; Ting Y-S; Casagrande L; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lind K; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zwitter T; Zucker DB; Minchev I; Čotar K; Hayden M; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Žerjal M, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Temporal Chemical Enrichment of the Galactic Disk, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Mészáros S; Masseron T; García-Hernández DA; Prieto CA; Beers TC; Bizyaev D; Chojnowski D; Cohen RE; Cunha K; Dell'Agli F; Ebelke G; Fernández-Trincado JG; Frinchaboy P; Geisler D; Hasselquist S; Hearty F; Holtzman J; Johnson J; Lane RR; Lacerna I; Longa-Peña P; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Minniti D; Nataf D; Nidever DL; Pan K; Schiavon RP; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Sobeck JS; Stringfellow GS; Szigeti L; Tang B; Wilson JC; Zamora O, 2019, Homogeneous Analysis of Globular Clusters from the APOGEE Survey with the BACCHUS Code. II. The Southern Clusters and Overview,
    Preprints | 2019
    Shipp N; Li TS; Pace AB; Erkal D; Drlica-Wagner A; Yanny B; Belokurov V; Wester W; Koposov SE; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Martell SL; Wang MY, 2019, Proper Motions of Stellar Streams Discovered in the Dark Energy Survey, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Da Costa G; Horner J; Wyse RFG; Ting Y-S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; ÄŚotar K; Cottrell PL; Nordlander T, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster $\omega$ Centauri, ,
    Other | 2019
    Walcher CJ; Banerji M; Battistini C; Bell CPM; Bellido-Tirado O; Bensby T; Bestenlehner JM; Boller T; Brynnel J; Casey A; Chiappini C; Christlieb N; Church R; Cioni M-RL; Croom S; Comparat J; Davies LJM; Jong RSD; Dwelly T; Enke H; Feltzing S; Feuillet D; Fouesneau M; Ford D; Frey S; Gonzalez-Solares E; Gueguen A; Howes L; Irwin M; Klar J; Kordopatis G; Korn A; Krumpe M; Kushniruk I; Lam MI; Lewis J; Lind K; Liske J; Loveday J; Mainieri V; Martell S; Matijevic G; McMahon R; Merloni A; Murphy D; Niederhofer F; Norberg P; Pramskiy A; Romaniello M; Robotham ASG; Rothmaier F; Ruchti G; Schnurr O; Schwope A; Smedley S; Sorce J; Starkenburg E; Stilz I; Storm J; Tempel E; Thi W-F; Traven G; Valentini M; Ancker MVD; Walton N; Winkler R; Worley CC; Worseck G, 2019, 4MOST Scientific Operations, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    ÄŚotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Kos J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; D'Orazi V; De Silva GM; Lin J; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA, 2019, The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Duong L; Freeman KC; Asplund M; Casagrande L; Buder S; Lind K; Ness M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger K; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Da Costa GS; Hyde E; Horner J; Kafle PR; Nataf DM; Reid W; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Wyse RFG, 2018, The GALAH survey: properties of the Galactic disk(s) in the solar neighbourhood, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Khanna S; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Nataf DM; Ting Y-S; Kos J; Martell S; Zwitter T; De Silva G; Asplund M; Buder S; Duong L; Lin J; Simpson JD; Anguiano B; Horner J; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using red clump giants, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Buder S; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Ness MK; Sharma S; De Silva GM; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; ÄŚotar K; Spina L, 2018, Discovery of a 21 Myr old stellar population in the Orion complex, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Betters CH; Leon-Saval S; Asplund M; Buder S; Casey AR; D'Orazi V; de Silva G; Freeman K; Lewis G; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger K; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Hayden M; Nataf DM; Ting Y-S, 2018, Holistic spectroscopy: Complete reconstruction of a wide-field, multi-object spectroscopic image using a photonic comb, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Kos J; de Silva G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Buder S; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman K; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; ÄŚotar K; Horner J; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G, 2018, The GALAH Survey and Gaia DR2: (Non)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Zwitter T; Kos J; Chiavassa A; Buder S; Traven G; Čotar K; Lin J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Duong L; Freeman KC; Lind K; Martell S; D'Orazi V; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Collet R; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney CG; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Žerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Accurate Radial Velocities and Library of Observed Stellar Template Spectra,
    Preprints | 2018
    ÄŚotar K; Zwitter T; Kos J; Munari U; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Sharma S; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney C; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA, 2018, The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Žerjal M; Ireland MJ; Nordlander T; Lin J; Casagrande L; Horner J; De Silva G; Martell S; Čotar K; Traven G; Zwitter T, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Lithium-strong KM dwarfs, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Kielty CL; Venn KA; Loewen NB; Shetrone MD; Placco VM; Jahandar F; Mészáros S; Martell SL, 2017, Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the SDSS-APOGEE database, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Freeman K; Buder S; Traven G; De Silva GM; Sharma S; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Da Costa G; Horner J; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Reid W; Schlesinger K; Ting Y-S; Wyse R, 2017, The GALAH survey: Chemical Tagging of Star Clusters and New Members in the Pleiades,
    Preprints | 2017
    Sharma S; Stello D; Buder S; Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Ness M; Huber D; Zwitter T; Traven G; Hon M; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Saddon H; Anguiano B; Casey AR; Freeman K; Martell S; De Silva GM; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2017, The TESS-HERMES survey Data Release 1: high-resolution spectroscopy of the TESS southern continuous viewing zone, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Simpson JD; De Silva G; Martell SL; Navin CA; Zucker DB, 2017, ESO452-SC11: The lowest mass globular cluster with a potential chemical inhomogeneity, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Simpson JD; De Silva GM; Martell SL; Zucker DB; Ferguson AMN; Bernard EJ; Irwin M; Penarrubia J; Tolstoy E, 2017, $\textit{Siriusly}$, a newly identified intermediate-age Milky Way stellar cluster: A spectroscopic study of $\textit{Gaia}$ 1, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Casey AR; Ruchti G; Masseron T; Randich S; Gilmore G; Lind K; Kennedy GM; Koposov SE; Hourihane A; Franciosini E; Lewis JR; Magrini L; Morbidelli L; Sacco GG; Worley CC; Feltzing S; Jeffries RD; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; Francois P; Korn AJ; Lanzafame A; Pancino E; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Carraro G; Costado MT; Damiani F; Donati P; Frasca A; Jofré P; Lardo C; de Laverny P; Monaco L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Tautvaišienė G; Zaggia S; Zwitter T; Mena ED; Chorniy Y; Martell SL; Aguirre VS; Miglio A; Chiappini C; Montalban J; Morel T; Valentini M, 2016, The Gaia-ESO Survey: Revisiting the Li-rich giant problem, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Hogg DW; Casey AR; Ness M; Rix H-W; Foreman-Mackey D; Hasselquist S; Ho AYQ; Holtzman JA; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Meszaros S; NIdever DL; Shetrone M, 2016, Chemical tagging can work: Identification of stellar phase-space structures purely by chemical-abundance similarity, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Kos J; Lin J; Zwitter T; Žerjal M; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Schlesinger KJ; Zucker D; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Bedding TR; Betters C; Da Costa G; Duong L; Hyde E; Ireland M; Kafle PR; Leon-Saval S; Lewis GF; Munari U; Nataf D; Stello D; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA, 2016, The GALAH survey: The data reduction pipeline,
    Preprints | 2016
    Martell S; Sharma S; Buder S; Duong L; Schlesinger K; Simpson J; Lind K; Ness M; Marshall J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey A; De Silva G; Freeman K; Kos J; Lin J; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Da Costa G; Horner J; Huber D; Hyde E; Kafle P; Lewis G; Nataf D; Stello D; Tinney C; Watson F; Wittenmyer R, 2016, The GALAH Survey: Observational Overview and Gaia DR1 companion, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Martell S; Shetrone M; Lucatello S; Schiavon R; Meszaros S; Prieto CA; Hernandez AG; Beers T; Nidever D, 2016, Chemical tagging in the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey: new identifications of halo stars with globular cluster origins, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Navin CA; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2016, New halo stars of the Galactic globular clusters M3 and M13 in the LAMOST DR1 Catalog, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Schiavon RP; Johnson JA; Frinchaboy PM; Zasowski G; Meszaros S; Garcia-Hernandez DA; Cohen RE; Tang B; Villanova S; Geisler D; Beers TC; Fernandez-Trincado JG; Perez AEG; Lucatello S; Majewski SR; Martell SL; O'Connell RW; Prieto CA; Bizyaev D; Carrera R; Lane RR; Malanushenko E; Malanushenko V; Munoz RR; Nitschelm C; Oravetz D; Pan K; Roman-Lopes A; Schultheis M; Simmons A, 2016, APOGEE Chemical Abundances of Globular Cluster Giants in the Inner Galaxy,
    Preprints | 2016
    Schiavon RP; Zamora O; Carrera R; Lucatello S; Robin AC; Ness M; Martell SL; Smith VV; Hernandez DAG; Manchado A; Schoenrich R; Bastian N; Chiappini C; Shetrone M; Mackereth JT; Williams RA; Meszaros S; Prieto CA; Anders F; Bizyaev D; Beers TC; Chojnowski SD; Cunha K; Epstein C; Frinchaboy PM; Perez AEG; Hearty FR; Holtzman JA; Johnson JA; Kinemuchi K; Majewski SR; Muna D; Nidever DL; Nguyen DC; O'Connell RW; Oravetz D; Pan K; Pinsonneault M; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Simmons A; Skrutskie MF; Sobeck J; Wilson JC; Zasowski G, 2016, Chemical tagging with APOGEE: Discovery of a large population of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy,
    Preprints | 2016
    Simpson JD; De Silva GM; Bland-Hawthorn J; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Kos J; Anguiano B; Nataf DM; Reid W; Wittenmyer RA, 2016, The GALAH Survey: Relative throughputs of the 2dF fibre positioner and the HERMES spectrograph from stellar targets, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Simpson JD; Martell SL; Navin CA, 2016, A broad perspective on multiple abundance populations in the globular cluster NGC 1851, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Traven G; Matijevič G; Zwitter T; Žerjal M; Kos J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Freeman K; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Da Costa G; Duong L; Horner J; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Munari U; Nataf D; Navin CA; Reid W; Ting Y-S, 2016, The Galah Survey: Classification and diagnostics with t-SNE reduction of spectral information,
    Preprints | 2016
    Yong D; Casagrande L; Venn KA; Chene A-N; Keown J; Malo L; Martioli E; Alves-Brito A; Asplund M; Dotter A; Martell SL; Melendez J; Schlesinger KJ, 2016, GRACES observations of young [alpha/Fe]-rich stars, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Alam S; Albareti FD; Prieto CA; Anders F; Anderson SF; Andrews BH; Armengaud E; Aubourg É; Bailey S; Bautista JE; Beaton RL; Beers TC; Bender CF; Berlind AA; Beutler F; Bhardwaj V; Bird JC; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Bovy J; Bradley AS; Brandt WN; Brauer DE; Brinkmann J; Brown PJ; Brownstein JR; Burden A; Burtin E; Busca NG; Cai Z; Capozzi D; Rosell AC; Carrera R; Chen Y-C; Chiappini C; Chojnowski SD; Chuang C-H; Clerc N; Comparat J; Covey K; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; Cunha K; da Costa LN; Da Rio N; Davenport JRA; Dawson KS; De Lee N; Delubac T; Deshpande R; Dutra-Ferreira L; Dwelly T; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Fan X; Fernández-Alvar E; Feuillet D; Ak NF; Finley H; Finoguenov A; Flaherty K; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Foster J; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew JG; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Gaulme P; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Ghezzi L; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; Goddard D; Gontcho SGA; Hernández JIG; Grebel EK; Grieb JN; Grieves N; Gunn JE; Guo H; Harding P; Hasselquist S; Hawley SL; Hayden M; Hearty FR; Ho S; Hogg DW; Holley-Bockelmann K; Holtzman JA; Honscheid K; Huehnerhoff J; Jiang L; Johnson JA; Kinemuchi K; Kirkby D; Kitaura F; Klaene MA; Kneib J-P; Koenig XP; Lam CR; Lan T-W; Lang D; Laurent P; Goff J-ML; Leauthaud A; Lee K-G; Lee YS; Licquia TC; Liu J; Long DC; López-Corredoira M; Lorenzo-Oliveira D; Lucatello S; Lundgren B; Lupton RH; Mack CE; Mahadevan S; Maia MAG; Majewski SR; Malanushenko E; Malanushenko V; Manchado A; Manera M; Mao Q; Maraston C; Marchwinski RC; Margala D; Martell SL; Martig M; Masters KL; McBride CK; McGehee PM; McGreer ID; McMahon RG; Ménard B; Menzel M-L; Merloni A; Mészáros S; Miller AA; Miralda-Escudé J; Miyatake H; Montero-Dorta AD; More S; Morice-Atkinson X; Morrison HL; Muna D; Myers AD; Newman JA; Neyrinck M; Nguyen DC; Nichol RC; Nidever DL; Noterdaeme P; Nuza SE; O'Connell JE; O'Connell RW; O'Connell R; Ogando RLC; Olmstead MD; Oravetz AE; Oravetz DJ; Osumi K; Owen R; Padgett DL; Padmanabhan N; Paegert M; Palanque-Delabrouille N; Pan K; Parejko JK; Park C; Pâris I; Pattarakijwanich P; Pellejero-Ibanez M; Pepper J; Percival WJ; Pérez-Fournon I; Pérez-Ràfols I; Petitjean P; Pieri MM; Pinsonneault MH; de Mello GFP; Prada F; Prakash A; Price-Whelan AM; Raddick MJ; Rahman M; Reid BA; Rich J; Rix H-W; Robin AC; Rockosi CM; Rodrigues TS; Rodríguez-Rottes S; Roe NA; Ross AJ; Ross NP; Rossi G; Ruan JJ; Rubiño-Martín JA; Rykoff ES; Salazar-Albornoz S; Salvato M; Samushia L; Sánchez AG; Santiago B; Sayres C; Schiavon RP; Schlegel DJ; Schmidt SJ; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Schwope AD; Scóccola CG; Sellgren K; Seo H-J; Shane N; Shen Y; Shetrone M; Shu Y; Sivarani T; Skrutskie MF; Slosar A; Smith VV; Sobreira F; Stassun KG; Steinmetz M; Strauss MA; Streblyanska A; Swanson MEC; Tan JC; Tayar J; Terrien RC; Thakar AR; Thomas D; Thompson BA; Tinker JL; Tojeiro R; Troup NW; Vargas-Magaña M; Vazquez JA; Verde L; Viel M; Vogt NP; Wake DA; Wang J; Weaver BA; Weinberg DH; Weiner BJ; White M; Wilson JC; Wisniewski JP; Wood-Vasey WM; Yèche C; York DG; Zakamska NL; Zamora O; Zasowski G; Zehavi I; Zhao G-B; Zheng Z; Zhou X; Zhou Z; Zhu G; Zou H, 2015, The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III,
    Preprints | 2015
    De Silva GM; Carraro G; D'Orazi V; Efremova V; Macpherson H; Martell S; Rizzo L, 2015, Binary open clusters in the Milky Way: photometric and spectroscopic analysis of NGC 5617 and Trumpler 22, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Bland-Hawthorn J; Martell S; de Boer EW; Asplund M; Keller S; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Anguiano B; Bacigalupo C; Bayliss D; Beavis MA; Bergemann M; Campbell S; Cannon R; Carollo D; Casagrande L; Casey AR; Da Costa G; D'Orazi V; Dotter A; Duong L; Heger A; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Kos J; Lattanzio J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Munari U; Nataf DM; O'Toole S; Parker QA; Reid W; Schlesinger KJ; Sheinis A; Simpson JD; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer R; Yong D; Zerjal M, 2015, The GALAH Survey: Scientific Motivation,
    Preprints | 2015
    Holtzman JA; Shetrone M; Johnson JA; Prieto CA; Anders F; Andrews B; Beers TC; Bizyaev D; Blanton MR; Bovy J; Carrera R; Cunha K; Eisenstein DJ; Feuillet D; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew J; Perez AEG; Hernandez DAG; Hasselquist S; Hayden MR; Hearty FR; Ivans I; Majewski SR; Martell S; Meszaros S; Muna D; Nidever DL; Nguyen DC; O'Connell RW; Pan K; Pinsonneault M; Robin AC; Schiavon RP; Shane N; Sobeck J; Smith VV; Troup N; Weinberg DH; Wilson JC; Wood-Vasey WM; Zamora O; Zasowski G, 2015, Abundances, Stellar Parameters, and Spectra From the SDSS-III/APOGEE Survey,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Hyde EA; Keller S; Zucker DB; Ibata R; Siebert A; Lewis GF; Penarrubia J; Irwin M; Gilmore G; Lane RR; Koch A; Conn AR; Diakogiannis FI; Martell S, 2015, 'Significant Populations, Lessons Learned from the Sagittarius Stream', in Lorente NPF; Shortridge K; Wayth R (eds.), ASTRONOMICAL DATA ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS XXV, ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC, AUSTRALIA, ARC Ctr Excellence All Sky Astrophys (CAASTRO), Sydney, pp. 301 - 305, presented at 25th Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXV), AUSTRALIA, ARC Ctr Excellence All Sky Astrophys (CAASTRO), Sydney, 25 October 2015 - 29 October 2015,
    Preprints | 2015
    Hyde EA; Keller S; Zucker DB; Ibata R; Siebert A; Lewis GF; Penarrubia J; Irwin M; Gilmore G; Lane RR; Koch A; Conn AR; Diakogiannis FI; Martell S, 2015, Selecting Sagittarius: Identification and Chemical Characterization of the Sagittarius Stream, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Martell SL, 2015, Studying Young Stars with Large Spectroscopic Surveys, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Meszaros S; Martell SL; Shetrone M; Lucatello S; Troup NW; Bovy J; Cunha K; Garcia-Hernandez DA; Overbeek JC; Prieto CA; Beers TC; Frinchaboy PM; Perez AEG; Hearty FR; Holtzman J; Majewski SR; Nidever DL; Schiavon RP; Schneider DP; Sobeck JS; Smith VV; Zamora O; Zasowski G, 2015, Exploring Anticorrelations and Light Element Variations in Northern Globular Clusters Observed by the APOGEE Survey, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Navin CA; Martell SL; Zucker DB, 2015, New cluster members and halo stars of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 1851, ,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Tautvaišienė G; Drazdauskas A; Lardo C; Martell SL; Pancino E; Stonkutė E, 2015, 'CNO abundances in giants of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 1851', in Bragaglia A; Arnaboldi M; Rejkuba M; Romano D (eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, Honolulu, HI, pp. 352 - 353, presented at 317th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union, Honolulu, HI, 03 August 2015 - 07 August 2015,
    Preprints | 2014
    Carollo D; Freeman K; Beers T; Placco V; Tumlinson J; Martell S, 2014, Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars: CEMP-s and CEMP-no Sub-Classes in the Halo System of the Milky Way, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Cunha K; Smith VV; Johnson JA; Bergemann M; Meszaros S; Shetrone MD; Souto D; Prieto CA; Schiavon RP; Frinchaboy P; Zasowski G; Bizyaev D; Holtzman J; Perez AEG; Majewski SR; Nidever D; Beers T; Carrera R; Geisler D; Gunn J; Hearty F; Ivans I; Martell S; Pinsonneault M; Schneider DP; Sobeck J; Stello D; Stassun KG; Skrutskie M; Wilson JC, 2014, Sodium and Oxygen Abundances in the Open Cluster NGC 6791 from APOGEE H-Band Spectroscopy,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Ireland M; Anthony A; Burley G; Chisholm E; Churilov V; Dunn J; Frost G; Lawrence J; Loop D; McGregor P; Martell S; McConnachie A; McDermid RM; Pazder J; Reshetov V; Robertson JG; Sheinis A; Tims J; Young P; Zhelem R, 2014, 'Progress on the Gemini High-Resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST) design', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Sheinis A; Barden S; Birchall M; Carollo D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brzeski J; Case S; Cannon R; Churilov V; Couch W; Dean R; De Silva G; D'Orazi V; Farrell T; Fiegert K; Freeman K; Frost G; Gers L; Goodwin M; Gray D; Heald R; Heijmans J; Jones D; Keller S; Klauser U; Kondrat Y; Lawrence J; Lee S; Mali S; Martell S; Mathews D; Mayfield D; Miziarski S; Muller R; Pai N; Patterson R; Penny E; Orr D; Shortridge K; Simpson J; Smedley S; Smith G; Stafford D; Staszak N; Vuong M; Waller L; Wylie De Boer E; Xavier P; Zheng J; Zhelem R; Zucker D, 2014, 'First light results from the Hermes spectrograph at the AAT', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Tyndall AA; Jones D; Boffin HMJ; Miszalski B; Faedi F; Lloyd M; LĂłpez JA; Martell S; Pollacco D; Santander-GarcĂ­a M, 2014, 'Two rings but no fellowship: Lotr 1 and its relation to planetary nebulae possessing barium central stars', in Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias, pp. 60
    Preprints | 2013
    Ahn CP; Alexandroff R; Prieto CA; Anders F; Anderson SF; Anderton T; Andrews BH; Aubourg É; Bailey S; Bastien FA; Bautista JE; Beers TC; Beifiori A; Bender CF; Berlind AA; Beutler F; Bhardwaj V; Bird JC; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Borde A; Bovy J; Bradley AS; Brandt WN; Brauer D; Brinkmann J; Brownstein JR; Busca NG; Carithers W; Carlberg JK; Carnero AR; Carr MA; Chiappini C; Chojnowski SD; Chuang C-H; Comparat J; Crepp JR; Cristiani S; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; Cunha K; da Costa LN; Dawson KS; De Lee N; Dean JDR; Delubac T; Deshpande R; Dhital S; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Epstein CR; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Evans ML; Fabbian D; Fan X; Favole G; Castellá BF; Alvar EF; Feuillet D; Ak NF; Finley H; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Frinchaboy PM; Galbraith-Frew JG; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; Hernández JIG; Gott JR; Gunn JE; Guo H; Halverson S; Harding P; Harris DW; Hasselquist S; Hawley SL; Hayden M; Hearty FR; Davó AH; Ho S; Hogg DW; Holtzman JA; Honscheid K; Huehnerhoff J; Ivans II; Jackson KM; Jiang P; Johnson JA; Kirkby D; Kinemuchi K; Klaene MA; Kneib J-P; Koesterke L; Lan T-W; Lang D; Goff J-ML; Lee K-G; Lee YS; Long DC; Loomis CP; Lucatello S; Lupton RH; Ma B; Mack CE; Mahadevan S; Maia MAG; Majewski SR; Malanushenko E; Malanushenko V; Manchado A; Manera M; Maraston C; Margala D; Martell SL; Masters KL; McBride CK; McGreer ID; McMahon RG; Ménard B; Mészáros S; Miralda-Escudé J; Miyatake H; Montero-Dorta AD; Montesano F; More S; Morrison HL; Muna D; Munn JA; Myers AD; Nguyen DC; Nichol RC; Nidever DL; Noterdaeme P; Nuza SE; O'Connell JE; O'Connell RW; O'Connell R; Olmstead MD; Oravetz DJ; Owen R; Padmanabhan N; Palanque-Delabrouille N; Pan K; Parejko JK; Pâris I; Pepper J; Percival WJ; Pérez-Ràfols I; Perottoni HD; Petitjean P; Pieri MM; Pinsonneault MH; Prada F; Price-Whelan AM; Raddick MJ; Rahman M; Rebolo R; Reid BA; Richards JC; Riffel R; Robin AC; Rocha-Pinto HJ; Rockosi CM; Roe NA; Ross AJ; Ross NP; Rossi G; Roy A; Rubiño-Martin JA; Sabiu CG; Sánchez AG; Santiago B; Sayres C; Schiavon RP; Schlegel DJ; Schlesinger KJ; Schmidt SJ; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Sellgren K; Seo H-J; Shen Y; Shetrone M; Shu Y; Simmons AE; Skrutskie MF; Slosar A; Smith VV; Snedden SA; Sobeck JS; Sobreira F; Stassun KG; Steinmetz M; Strauss MA; Streblyanska A; Suzuki N; Swanson MEC; Terrien RC; Thakar AR; Thomas D; Thompson BA; Tinker JL; Tojeiro R; Troup NW; Vandenberg J; Magaña MV; Viel M; Vogt NP; Wake DA; Weaver BA; Weinberg DH; Weiner BJ; White M; White SDM; Wilson JC; Wisniewski JP; Wood-Vasey WM; Yèche C; York DG; Zamora O; Zasowski G; Zehavi I; Zheng Z; Zhu G, 2013, The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Anguiano B; Freeman K; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Asplund M; Carollo D; D'Orazi V; Keller S; Martell S; Sharma S; Sneden C; de Boer LW; Zucker D; Zwitter T, 2013, 'The GALAH survey', in Feltzing S; Zhao G; Walton NA; Whitelock PA (eds.), SETTING THE SCENE FOR GAIA AND LAMOST, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, PEOPLES R CHINA, Lijiang, pp. 322 - 325, presented at 298th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union, PEOPLES R CHINA, Lijiang, 20 May 2013 - 24 May 2013,
    Preprints | 2013
    Campbell SW; D'Orazi V; Constantino TN; Yong D; Lattanzio JC; Angelou GC; Boer ECW-D; Stancliffe RJ; Martell SL; Grundahl F, 2013, The Asymptotic Giant Branches of GCs: Selective Entry Only, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Carollo D; Martell S; Beers T; Freeman K, 2013, CN Anomalies in the Halo System and the Origin of Globular Clusters in the Milky Way, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Martell SL; Duffau S; Milone AP; Smith GH; Briley MM; Grebel EK, 2013, Chemical evolution in star clusters: the role of mass and environment, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Martell SL; Shetrone MD, 2013, Lithium-Rich Field Giants in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Mészáros S; Holtzman J; Pérez AEG; Prieto CA; Schiavon RP; Basu S; Bizyaev D; Chaplin WJ; Chojnowski SD; Cunha K; Elsworth Y; Epstein C; Frinchaboy PM; García RA; Hearty FR; Hekker S; Johnson JA; Kallinger T; Koesterke L; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Nidever D; Pinsonneault MH; O'Connell J; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Wilson JC; Zasowski G, 2013, Calibrations of Atmospheric Parameters Obtained from the First Year of SDSS-III APOGEE Observations,
    Preprints | 2013
    Tyndall AA; Jones D; Boffin HMJ; Miszalski B; Faedi F; Lloyd M; LĂłpez JA; Martell S; Pollacco D; Santander-GarcĂ­a M, 2013, Two rings but no fellowship: LoTr 1 and its relation to planetary nebulae possessing barium central stars, ,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Angelou GC; Martell SL; Church RP; Stancliffe RJ; Lattanzio JC, 2012, 'Extra mixing in globular clusters of varying metallicity', in Proceedings of Science
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Angelou GC; Martell SL; Church RP; Stancliffe RJ; Lattanzio JC, 2012, 'Extra mixing in globular clusters of varying metallicity', in Proceedings of Science
    Preprints | 2012
    Campbell SW; Yong D; Boer ECW-D; Stancliffe RJ; Lattanzio JC; Angelou GC; D'Orazi V; Martell SL; Grundahl F; Sneden C, 2012, Cyanogen in NGC 1851 RGB and AGB Stars: Quadrimodal Distributions, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Collaboration S-I; : ; Ahn CP; Alexandroff R; Prieto CA; Anderson SF; Anderton T; Andrews BH; Bailey ÉAS; Barnes R; Bautista J; Beers TC; Beifiori A; Berlind AA; Bhardwaj V; Bizyaev D; Blake CH; Blanton MR; Blomqvist M; Bochanski JJ; Bolton AS; Borde A; Bovy J; Brandt WN; Brinkmann J; Brown PJ; Brownstein JR; Bundy K; Busca NG; Carithers W; Carnero AR; Carr MA; Casetti-Dinescu DI; Chen Y; Chiappini C; Comparat J; Connolly N; Crepp JR; Cristiani S; Croft RAC; Cuesta AJ; da Costa LN; Davenport JRA; Dawson KS; de Putter R; De Lee N; Delubac T; Dhital S; Ealet A; Ebelke GL; Edmondson EM; Eisenstein DJ; Escoffier S; Esposito M; Evans ML; Fan X; Castellá BFA; Alvar EF; Ferreira LD; Ak NF; Finley H; Fleming SW; Font-Ribera A; Frinchaboy PM; García-Hernández DA; Pérez AEG; Ge J; Génova-Santos R; Gillespie BA; Girardi L; Hernández JIG; Grebel EK; Gunn JE; Haggard D; Hamilton J-C; Harris DW; Hawley SL; Hearty FR; Ho S; Hogg DW; Holtzman JA; Honscheid K; Huehnerhoff J; Ivans II; Ivezić Z; Jacobson HR; Jiang L; Johansson J; Johnson JA; Kauffmann G; Kirkby D; Kirkpatrick JA; Klaene MA; Knapp GR; Kneib J-P; Goff J-ML; Leauthaud A; Lee K-G; Lee YS; Long DC; Loomis CP; Lucatello S; Lundgren B; Lupton RH; Ma B; Ma Z; MacDonald N; Mahadevan S; Maia MAG; Majewski SR; Makler M; Malanushenko E; Malanushenko V; Manchado A; Mandelbaum R; Manera M; Maraston C; Margala D; Martell SL; McBride CK; McGreer ID; McMahon RG; Ménard B; Meszaros S; Miralda-Escudé J; Montero-Dorta AD; Montesano F; Morrison HL; Muna D; Munn JA; Murayama H; Myers AD; Neto AF; Nguyen DC; Nichol RC; Nidever DL; Noterdaeme P; Ogando RLC; Olmstead MD; Oravetz DJ; Owen R; Padmanabhan N; Palanque-Delabrouille N; Pan K; Parejko JK; Parihar P; Pâris I; Pattarakijwanich P; Pepper J; Percival WJ; Pérez-Fournon I; Pérez-Ráfols I; Petitjean P; Pforr J; Pieri MM; Pinsonneault MH; de Mello GFP; Prada F; Price-Whelan AM; Raddick MJ; Rebolo R; Rich J; Richards GT; Robin AC; Rocha-Pinto HJ; Rockosi CM; Roe NA; Ross AJ; Ross NP; Rubiño-Martin JA; Samushia L; Almeida JS; Sánchez AG; Santiago B; Sayres C; Schlegel DJ; Schlesinger KJ; Schmidt SJ; Schneider DP; Schwope AD; Scóccola CG; Seljak U; Sheldon E; Shen Y; Shu Y; Simmerer J; Simmons AE; Skibba RA; Slosar A; Sobreira F; Sobeck JS; Stassun KG; Steele O; Steinmetz M; Strauss MA; Swanson MEC; Tal T; Thakar AR; Thomas D; Thompson BA; Tinker JL; Tojeiro R; Tremonti CA; Magaña MV; Verde L; Viel M; Vikas SK; Vogt NP; Wake DA; Wang J; Weaver BA; Weinberg DH; Weiner BJ; West AA; White M; Wilson JC; Wisniewski JP; Wood-Vasey WM; Yanny B; Yèche C; York DG; Zamora O; Zasowski G; Zehavi I; Zhao G-B; Zheng Z; Zhu G; Zinn JC, 2012, The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Ireland MJ; Barnes S; Cochrane D; Colless M; Connor P; Horton A; Gibson S; Lawrence J; Martell S; McGregor P; Nicolle T; Nield K; Orr D; Robertson JG; Ryder S; Sheinis A; Smith G; Staszak N; Tims J; Xavier P; Young P; Zheng J, 2012, 'The AAO's Gemini High-resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST) concept', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Martell S; Shetrone M, 2012, 'Lithium-Rich stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey', in Proceedings of XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos — PoS(NIC XII), Sissa Medialab, pp. 251 - 251, presented at XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, 05 August 2012,
    Preprints | 2012
    Martell SL; Shetrone MD, 2012, Lithium-rich stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Martell SL; Smolinski JP; Beers TC; Grebel EK, 2011, Building the Galactic halo from globular clusters: evidence from chemically unusual red giants, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Smolinski JP; Martell SL; Beers TC; Lee YS, 2011, A Survey of CN and CH Variations in Galactic Globular Clusters from SDSS Spectroscopy, ,
    Preprints | 2010
    Shetrone M; Martell SL; Wilkerson R; Adams J; Siegel MH; Smith GH; Bond HE, 2010, Light-Element Abundance Variations at Low Metallicity: the Globular Cluster NGC 5466, ,
    Preprints | 2008
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2008, An Improved Bandstrength Index for the CH G Band of Globular Cluster Giants, ,
    Preprints | 2008
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2008, Deep Mixing and Metallicity: Carbon Depletion in Globular Cluster Giants, ,
    Preprints | 2007
    Martell SL; Smith GH; Briley MM, 2007, CN Bimodality at Low Metallicity: The Globular Cluster M53, ,


A$700k, Discovery Projects grant, co-CI, "Seeing Dark with Light: Revealing the Milky Way with Stellar Streams"


A$1.75M, ARC LIEF Grant, co-CI, "MAVIS: A Revolutionary New Instrument for the European Southern Observatory"


A$380k, ARC Discovery Project, lead CI, "Tracing the accretion history of the Milky Way with chemical tagging"


A$159k, ARC LIEF Grant, co-CI, "A dedicated telescope to study the interiors of stars from their oscillations"


A$16k, UNSW Faculty of Science Research Grant, co-CI, "Model-based simulation and clustering of massive data from Galactic


A$40k, UNSW Gold Star Award, lead CI, "Chemically distinct stars as tracers of Milky Way formation history"

A$10k, UNSW Faculty of Science Research Grant, lead CI, "Advancing Galactic Archaeology with statistical tools for group-finding in high-dimensional spaces"

A$550k, ARC LIEF Grant, co-CI, "VeloceCal: Hyper-calibrating Australia's Planet Foundry"

A$430k, ARC LIEF Grant (plus A$355k partner contributions), co-CI, "Australian Membership of the European 4MOST Consortium"


A$15k, UNSW Faculty of Science Early Career Researcher Grant, sole investigator, Seed funding for development of "Chemically unusual stars in the Milky Way: tracers of Galactic history" project

A$760k, ARC LIEF Grant (plus A$899k partner contributions), co-CI, "Veloce: Australia's Next-Generation Planet Foundry"


A$347k, ARC DECRA Fellowship, sole investigator, "The GALAH Survey: A million-star exploration of Galactic history"


  • 2019-2022 UNSW Scientia Fellow
  • 2014-2016 DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) Fellowship (Australia)
  • 2010 MPIA-ZAH Ernst Patzer Prize for excellent publication by an early-career researcher in Heidelberg (Germany)

My Research Supervision

Ms Kirsten Banks: studying the physical origins of spectro-seismology and the 3D abundance profile of the Milky Way