Professor Stephen Bonser

Professor Stephen Bonser

School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

My research focuses on what makes plants good at surviving and flourishing in their environments, and how they adapt to environmental change.  In particular, I explore and identify ecological strategies across variable and complex environments.  Ecological strategies allow us to interpret and predict variability in fitness with species and patterns of species diversity, coexistence and diversity both within and between habitats. 

I have several current research directions:
1) The importance of sex in plants – Many plants are capable in of both sexual and clonal reproduction.  I am currently testing hypotheses on the environmental conditions that favour sexual reproduction
2) Evolutionary ecology of invasive species – I am investigating how rapid adaptive evolution in invasive species in Australia are promoting local adaptation to novel environments and changing the dynamics of species invasions. 
3) The interactions between plants and their competitors and enemies – Competition, predation, and parasitism are major selective forces driving plant adaptation and diversification.  I examine how these interactions change across environments
4) The evolution of ecological strategies – I examine how variability in life-histories (the schedule of growth and reproduction) and growth form within and between species are related to the capacity for plants to persist and flourish across environments.

I have broad research interests in ecology and have been involved on studies (frequently with research students) in areas such as: Community responses to anthropogenic disturbances; plant regeneration in fragmented landscapes; the ecology of fire disturbed communities; and the evolution of geographic range size.

+61 2 9065 9626
Room 401A Biological Sciences North (D26) UNSW, Kensington 2052
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Kuru A; Oldfield P; Bonser S; Fiorito F, 2021, 'Biomimetic adaptive building skins: design and performance', in Rethinking Building Skins: Transformative Technologies and Research Trajectories, Elsevier, pp. 181 - 200,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Enquist BJ; Norberg J; Bonser SP; Violle C; Webb CT; Henderson A; Sloat LL; Savage VM, 2015, 'Chapter Nine Scaling from Traits to Ecosystems Developing a General Trait Driver Theory via Integrating Trait-Based and Metabolic Scaling Theories', in Trait-Based Ecology - From Structure to Function, Elsevier, pp. 249 - 318,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Li T; Bonser SP; Liu Y; Lai C; Wang Q, 2024, 'Live biomass carbon density is related with species demographics in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau forests', Ecological Indicators, 164,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang J; Liu K; Bonser SP; Liu Z; Jiang X; Cui H; Li Z; Chen J; Wang Y; Song H; Yang Z; An L; Xiao S; Chen S, 2024, 'Nitrogen addition reduces the positive effect of Ligularia virgaurea on seed germination of alpine species on the Tibetan Plateau', Plant and Soil, 501, pp. 307 - 321,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Flores-Moreno H; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK; Popovic G; Nakagawa S; Atkinson J; Cooke J; Laffan SW; Bonser SP; Schwanz LE; Crean AJ; Eldridge DJ; Garratt M; Brooks RC; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Cohen DR; Clark GF; Sen Gupta A; Reich PB; Cornelissen JHC; Craine JM; Hemmings FA; Kattge J; Niinemets Ü; Peñuelas J; Moles AT, 2023, 'Is Australia weird? A cross-continental comparison of biological, geological and climatological features', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wang J; Bonser SP; Liu K; Liu Z; Gao H; Cui H; Chen J; Wang Y; Song H; Meng L; Yang X; Wang X; An L; Xiao S; Chen S, 2023, 'Warming affects herbaceous germination, early survival, and growth by shifting plant-soil microbe interactions in an alpine ecosystem', Plant and Soil, 487, pp. 249 - 265,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Xirocostas ZA; Ollerton J; Tamme R; Peco B; Lesieur V; Slavich E; Junker RR; Pärtel M; Raghu S; Uesugi A; Bonser SP; Chiarenza GM; Hovenden MJ; Moles AT, 2023, 'The great escape: patterns of enemy release are not explained by time, space or climate', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang H; Chen SC; Bonser SP; Hitchcock T; Moles AT, 2023, 'Factors that shape large-scale gradients in clonality', Journal of Biogeography, 50, pp. 827 - 837,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Al-Namazi AA; Bonser SP, 2022, 'Island biogeography, competition, and abiotic filtering together control species richness in habitat islands formed by nurse tree canopies in an arid environment', Communicative and Integrative Biology, 15, pp. 232 - 239,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Atkinson J; Brudvig LA; Mallen-Cooper M; Nakagawa S; Moles AT; Bonser SP, 2022, 'Terrestrial ecosystem restoration increases biodiversity and reduces its variability, but not to reference levels: A global meta-analysis', Ecology Letters, 25, pp. 1725 - 1737,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Atkinson J; Freudenberger D; Dwyer JM; Standish RJ; Moles AT; Bonser SP, 2022, 'Plant size and neighbourhood characteristics influence survival and growth in a restored ex-agricultural ecosystem', Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Atkinson J; Simpson-Young C; Fifield G; Schneemann B; Bonser SP; Moles AT, 2022, 'Species and functional diversity of direct-seeded vegetation declines over 25 years', Ecological Management and Restoration, 23, pp. 252 - 260,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Moles AT; Dalrymple RL; Raghu S; Bonser SP; Ollerton J, 2022, 'Advancing the missed mutualist hypothesis, the under-appreciated twin of the enemy release hypothesis', Biology Letters, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Qi S; Wang J; Wan L; Dai Z; da Silva Matos DM; Du D; Egan S; Bonser SP; Thomas T; Moles AT, 2022, 'Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Contribute to Phosphorous Uptake and Allocation Strategies of Solidago canadensis in a Phosphorous-Deficient Environment', Frontiers in Plant Science, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Santangelo JS; Ness RW; Cohan B; Fitzpatrick CR; Innes SG; Koch S; Miles LS; Munim S; Peres-Neto PR; Prashad C; Tong AT; Aguirre WE; Akinwole PO; Alberti M; Ãlvarez J; Anderson JT; Anderson JJ; Ando Y; Andrew NR; Angeoletto F; Anstett DN; Anstett J; Aoki-Gonçalves F; Andis Arietta AZ; Arroyo MTK; Austen EJ; Baena-Díaz F; Barker CA; Baylis HA; Beliz JM; Benitez-Mora A; Bickford D; Biedebach G; Blackburn GS; Boehm MMA; Bonser SP; Bonte D; Bragger JR; Branquinho C; Brans KI; Bresciano JC; Brom PD; Bucharova A; Burt B; Cahill JF; Campbell KD; Carlen EJ; Carmona D; Castellanos MC; Centenaro G; Chalen I; Chaves JA; Chávez-Pesqueira M; Chen XY; Chilton AM; Chomiak KM; Cisneros-Heredia DF; Cisse IK; Classen AT; Comerford MS; Fradinger CC; Corney H; Crawford AJ; Crawford KM; Dahirel M; David S; De Haan R; Deacon NJ; Dean C; del-Val E; Deligiannis EK; Denney D; Dettlaff MA; DiLeo MF; Ding YY; Domínguez-López ME; Dominoni DM; Draud SL; Dyson K; Ellers J; Espinosa CI; Essi L; Falahati-Anbaran M; Falcão JCF; Fargo HT; Fellowes MDE; Fitzpatrick RM; Flaherty LE; Flood PJ; Flores MF; Fornoni J; Foster AG; Frost CJ; Fuentes TL; Fulkerson JR; Gagnon E; Garbsch F; Garroway CJ; Gerstein AC; Giasson MM, 2022, 'Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover', Science, 375, pp. 1275 - 1281,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Al-Namazi A; Fazlioglu F; Bonser SP, 2021, 'Is plant reproductive efficiency expressed on a continuum of facilitation and competition?', Journal of Vegetation Science, 32,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bonser SP, 2021, 'Misinterpreting the adaptive value of phenotypic plasticity in studies on plant adaptation to new and variable environments', Plant Biology, 23, pp. 683 - 685,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kuru A; Oldfield P; Bonser S; Fiorito F, 2021, 'Performance prediction of biomimetic adaptive building skins: Integrating multifunctionality through a novel simulation framework', Solar Energy, 224, pp. 253 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Thomas E; Jansen M; Chiriboga-Arroyo F; Wadt LHO; Corvera-Gomringer R; Atkinson RJ; Bonser SP; Velasquez-Ramirez MG; Ladd B, 2021, 'Habitat Quality Differentiation and Consequences for Ecosystem Service Provision of an Amazonian Hyperdominant Tree Species', Frontiers in Plant Science, 12,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Al-Namazi AA; Bonser SP, 2020, 'Plant strategies in extremely stressful environments: are the effects of nurse plants positive on all understory species?', Journal of Plant Interactions, 15, pp. 233 - 240,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Atkinson J; Bonser SP, 2020, '“Active†and “passive†ecological restoration strategies in meta-analysis', Restoration Ecology, 28, pp. 1032 - 1035,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bonser SP, 2020, 'Size and phenology control plant reproduction and agricultural production. A commentary on: 'How plant allometry influences bud phenology and fruit yield in two Vaccinium species'', Annals of Botany, 126, pp. VI - VII,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chan JY; Bonser SP; Powell JR; Cornwell WK, 2020, 'Environmental cues for dispersal in a filamentous fungus in simulated islands', Oikos, 129, pp. 1084 - 1092,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kuru A; Oldfield P; Bonser S; Fiorito F, 2020, 'A framework to achieve multifunctionality in biomimetic adaptive building skins', Buildings, 10, pp. 114,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Qi SS; Liu YJ; Dai ZC; Wan LY; Du DL; Ju RT; Wan JSH; Bonser SP, 2020, 'Allelopathy confers an invasive Wedelia higher resistance to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies over its native congener', Oecologia, 192, pp. 415 - 423,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Simpson-Young C; Bonser SP, 2020, 'Do plants adaptively respond to future competition?', Acta Oecologica, 103,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chan JY; Bonser SP; Powell JR; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'When to cut your losses: Dispersal allocation in an asexual filamentous fungus in response to competition', Ecology and Evolution, 9, pp. 4129 - 4137,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Duarte-Guardia S; Peri PL; Amelung W; Sheil D; Laffan SW; Borchard N; Bird MI; Dieleman W; Pepper DA; Zutta B; Jobbagy E; Silva LCR; Bonser SP; Berhongaray G; Piñeiro G; Martinez MJ; Cowie AL; Ladd B, 2019, 'Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: a revised global approach', Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24, pp. 355 - 372,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kuru A; Oldfield P; Bonser S; Fiorito F, 2019, 'Biomimetic adaptive building skins: Energy and environmental regulation in buildings', Energy and Buildings, 205, pp. 109544,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wan JSH; Fazlioglu F; Bonser S, 2019, 'Competitiveness of generalist plant populations at a mine site', Turkish Journal of Botany,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wan JSH; Rutherford S; Bonser SP, 2019, 'The invasion triangle in the range dynamics of invasive species following successful establishment', Evolutionary Ecology, 33, pp. 299 - 312,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yeasmin R; Bonser SP; Motoki S; Nishihara E, 2019, 'Arbuscular mycorrhiza influences growth and nutrient uptake of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) under heat stress', HortScience, 54, pp. 846 - 850,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Archer M; Poore AGB; Horn AM; Bates H; Bonser S; Hunt M; Russell J; Archer NP; Bye DJ; Kehoe EJ, 2018, 'Thirty two years of continuous assessment reveal first year university biology students in Australia are rapidly abandoning beliefs in theistic involvement in human origins', Evolution: Education and Outreach, 11,
    Journal articles | 2018
    FazlioÄŸlu F; Wan JSH; Bonser SP, 2018, 'Phenotypic plasticity and specialization along an altitudinal gradient in trifolium repens', Turkish Journal of Botany, 42, pp. 440 - 447,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Flores-Alvarez JL; Ladd B; Velez-Azañero A; De Mola UL; Bonser S, 2018, 'Using knowledge of plant persistence traits to optimize strategies for post-mine ecological restoration on the peruvian altiplano', Mountain Research and Development, 38, pp. 135 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Rutherford S; Rossetto M; Bragg JG; McPherson H; Benson D; Bonser SP; Wilson PG, 2018, 'Speciation in the presence of gene flow: Population genomics of closely related and diverging Eucalyptus species', Heredity, 121, pp. 126 - 141,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wan JSH; Fazlioglu F; Bonser SP, 2018, 'Loss of plasticity in life-history strategy associated with secondary invasion into stressful environments in invasive narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.)', Austral Ecology, 43, pp. 752 - 762,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zhang H; Bonser SP; Chen SC; Hitchcock T; Moles AT, 2018, 'Is the proportion of clonal species higher at higher latitudes in Australia?', Austral Ecology, 43, pp. 69 - 75,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Al-Namazi AA; El-Bana MI; Bonser SP, 2017, 'Competition and facilitation structure plant communities under nurse tree canopies in extremely stressful environments', Ecology and Evolution, 7, pp. 2747 - 2755,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fazlioglu F; Wan JSH; Bonser SP, 2017, 'Testing specialization hypothesis on a stress gradient', Austral Ecology, 42, pp. 40 - 47,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Li L; Bonser SP; Lan Z; Xu L; Chen J; Song Z, 2017, 'Water depth affects reproductive allocation and reproductive allometry in the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 16842,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rutherford S; Bonser SP; Wilson PG; Rossetto M, 2017, 'Seedling response to environmental variability: The relationship between phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary history in closely related Eucalyptus species', American Journal of Botany, 104, pp. 840 - 857,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Sams MA; Lai HR; Bonser SP; Vesk PA; Kooyman RM; Metcalfe DJ; Morgan JW; Mayfield MM, 2017, 'Landscape context explains changes in the functional diversity of regenerating forests better than climate or species richness', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26, pp. 1165 - 1176,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Tabassum S; Bonser SP, 2017, 'Allometry in the terminal velocity - Dispersal architecture relationship explains variation in dispersal and offspring provisioning strategies in wind dispersed Asteraceae species', Australian Journal of Botany, 65, pp. 149 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Wan JSH; Pang CK; Bonser SP, 2017, 'Does the Cost of Adaptation to Extremely Stressful Environments Diminish Over Time? A Literature Synthesis on How Plants Adapt to Heavy Metals and Pesticides', Evolutionary Biology, 44, pp. 411 - 426,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Fazlioglu F; Al-Namazi A; Bonser SP, 2016, 'Reproductive efficiency and shade avoidance plasticity under simulated competition', Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 4947 - 4957,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Fazlioglu F; Bonser SP, 2016, 'Phenotypic plasticity and specialization in clonal versus non-clonal plants: A data synthesis', Acta Oecologica, 77, pp. 193 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Forster MA; Dalrymple RL; Bonser SP, 2016, 'A low watering treatment alters biomass allocation and growth rate but not heteroblastic development in an Acacia species', Trees - Structure and Function, 30, pp. 2051 - 2059,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wan JSH; Bonser SP, 2016, 'Enemy release at range edges: Do invasive species escape their herbivores as they expand into new areas?', Journal of Plant Ecology, 9, pp. 636 - 647,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wan JSH; Fazlioglu F; Bonser SP, 2016, 'Populations evolving towards failure: costs of adaptation under competition at the range edge of an invasive perennial plant', Plant Ecology and Diversity, 9, pp. 349 - 358,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Enquist BJ; Norberg J; Bonser SP; Violle C; Webb CT; Henderson A; Sloat LL; Savage VM, 2015, 'Scaling from Traits to Ecosystems: Developing a General Trait Driver Theory via Integrating Trait-Based and Metabolic Scaling Theories', , 52, pp. 249 - 318,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rutherford S; Wilson PG; Rossetto M; Bonser SP, 2015, 'Phylogenomics of the green ash eucalypts (Myrtaceae): A tale of reticulate evolution and misidentification', Australian Systematic Botany, 28, pp. 326 - 354,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ladd B; Peri PL; Pepper DA; Silva LCR; Sheil D; Bonser SP; Laffan SW; Amelung W; Ekblad A; Eliasson P; Bahamonde H; Duarte-Guardia S; Bird M, 2014, 'Carbon isotopic signatures of soil organic matter correlate with leaf area index across woody biomes', Journal of Ecology, 102, pp. 1606 - 1611,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Moles AT; Perkins SE; Laffan SW; Flores-Moreno H; Awasthy M; Tindall ML; Sack L; Pitman A; Kattge J; Aarssen LW; Anand M; Bahn M; Blonder B; Cavender-Bares J; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK; Díaz S; Dickie JB; Freschet GT; Griffiths JG; Gutierrez AG; Hemmings FA; Hickler T; Hitchcock TD; Keighery M; Kleyer M; Kurokawa H; Leishman MR; Liu K; Niinemets Ü; Onipchenko V; Onoda Y; Penuelas J; Pillar VD; Reich PB; Shiodera S; Siefert A; Sosinski EE; Soudzilovskaia NA; Swaine EK; Swenson NG; van Bodegom PM; Warman L; Weiher E; Wright IJ; Zhang H; Zobel M; Bonser SP; Flores Moreno H; Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, 2014, 'Which is a better predictor of plant traits: Temperature or precipitation?', Journal of Vegetation Science, 25, pp. 1167 - 1180,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bartle K; Moles AT; Bonser SP, 2013, 'No evidence for rapid evolution of seed dispersal ability in range edge populations of the invasive species Senecio madagascariensis', Austral Ecology, 38, pp. 915 - 920,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bonser S; De Permentier PJ; Green J; Velan GM; Adam P; Kumar RK, 2013, 'Engaging students by emphasising botanical concepts over techniques: innovative practical exercises using virtual microscopy', Journal of Biological Education, 47, pp. 123 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bonser SP, 2013, 'High reproductive efficiency as an adaptive strategy in competitive environments', Functional Ecology, 27, pp. 876 - 885,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Griffiths JG; Bonser SP, 2013, 'Is sex advantageous in adverse environments? A test of the abandon-ship hypothesis', American Naturalist, 182, pp. 718 - 725,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ladd BM; Laffan SW; Amelung W; Peri P; Silva LCR; Gervassi P; Bonser SP; Navall M; Sheil D, 2013, 'Estimates of soil carbon concentration in tropical and temperate forest and woodland from available GIS data on three continents', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22, pp. 461 - 469,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Mayfield MM; Dwyer JM; Chalmandrier L; Wells JA; Bonser SP; Catterall CP; DeClerck F; Ding Y; Fraterrigo JM; Metcalfe DJ; Queiroz C; Vesk PA; Morgan JW, 2013, 'Differences in forest plant functional trait distributions across land-use and productivity gradient', American Journal of Botany, 100, pp. 1356 - 1368,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Santos-del-Blanco L; Bonser SP; Valladares F; Chambel MR; Climent J, 2013, 'Plasticity in reproduction and growth among 52 range-wide populations of a Mediterranean conifer: Adaptive responses to environmental stress', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26, pp. 1912 - 1924,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Liu JS; Wang L; Wang DL; Bonser SP; Sun F; Zhou YF; Gao Y; Teng X, 2012, 'Plants Can Benefit from Herbivory: Stimulatory Effects of Sheep Saliva on Growth of Leymus chinensis', PLoS ONE, 7,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Moles AT; Flores-Moreno H; Bonser SP; Warton DI; Helm A; Warman L; Eldridge DJ; Jurado E; Hemmings F; Reich P; Cavender-Bares J; Seabloom EW; Mayfield MM; Sheil D; Djietror JC; Peri PL; Enrico L; Cabido MR; Setterfield SA; Lehmann CE; Thomson FJ, 2012, 'Invasions: The trail behind, the path ahead, and a test of a disturbing idea', Journal of Ecology, 100, pp. 116 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Peri P; Ladd BM; Pepper DA; Bonser SP; Laffan SW; Amelung W, 2012, 'Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope composition in plant and soil in Southern Patagonia's native forests', Global Change Biology, 18, pp. 311 - 321,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bonser SP; Ladd BM, 2011, 'The evolution of competitive strategies in annual plants', Plant Ecology, 212, pp. 1441 - 1449,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Forster MA; Ladd BM; Bonser SP, 2011, 'Optimal allocation of resources in response to shading and neighbours in the heteroblastic species, Acacia implexa', Annals of Botany, 107, pp. 219 - 228,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Moles AT; Bonser SP; Poore AGB; Wallis IR; Foley WJ, 2011, 'Assessing the evidence for latitudinal gradients in plant defence and herbivory', Functional Ecology, 25, pp. 380 - 388,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Weinberg A; Gibbons P; Briggs SV; Bonser SP, 2011, 'The extent and pattern of Eucalyptus regeneration in an agricultural landscape', Biological Conservation, 144, pp. 227 - 233,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bonser SP; Ladd BM; Larson J, 2010, 'Do tree guards promote tree seedling establishment in a restoration setting?', Ecological Management and Restoration, 11, pp. 75 - 76
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bonser SP; Ladd BM; Monro K; Hall MD; Forster MA, 2010, 'The adaptive value of functional and life history traits across fertility treatments in an annual plant', Annals of Botany, 106, pp. 979 - 988,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bonser SP; Mayfield M; Morgan J; Aubin I; McNamara S; Vesk P, 2010, 'What does species richness tell us about functional diversity? Predictions and evidence for species and trait diversity and land use change.', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19, pp. 423 - 431
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bonser SP; Nicotra AB; Atkin O; Davidson A; Finnegan EJ; Mathesius U; Poot P; Purugganan MD; Richards CL; Valladeres F; VanKleunen M, 2010, 'Plant Phenotypic Plasticity in a Changing Climate', Trends in Plant Science, 15, pp. 684 - 692,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ladd BM; Larsen JR; Bonser SP, 2010, 'Effect of two types of tree guards (with and withoutweed control) on tree seedling establishment', Ecological Management and Restoration, 11, pp. 75 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Laliberte E; Wells J; DeClerk F; Metcalf D; Catterall C; Queiroz C; Aubin I; Bonser SP; Ding Y; Fraterrio J; McNamara S; Morgan J; Merlos D; Vesk P; Mayfield M, 2010, 'Land-use intensification reduces functional redundancy and response diversity in plant communities', Ecology Letters, 13, pp. 76 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Mallitt KL; Bonser SP; Hunt J, 2010, 'The plasticity of phenotypic integration in response to light and water availability in the pepper grass, Lepidium bonariense', Evolutionary Ecology, 24, pp. 1321 - 1337,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bonser SP; Aarssen L, 2009, 'Interpreting reproductive allometry: Individual strategies of allocation explain size-dependent reproduction in plant populations', Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 11, pp. 31 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chew SJ; Bonser SP, 2009, 'The evolution of growth rate, resource allocation and competitive ability in seeder and resprouter tree seedlings', Evolutionary Ecology, 23, pp. 723 - 735,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Forster MA; Bonser SP, 2009, 'Heteroblastic Development and Shade-avoidance in Response to Blue and Red Light Signals in Acacia implexa', Photochemistry and Photobiology, 85, pp. 1375 - 1383
    Journal articles | 2009
    Forster MA; Bonser SP, 2009, 'Heteroblastic development and the optimal partitioning of traits among contrasting environments in Acacia implexa', Annals of Botany, 103, pp. 95 - 105
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ladd BM; Bonser SP; Peri PL; Larsen JR; Laffan SW; Pepper DA; Cendón DI, 2009, 'Towards a physical description of habitat: quantifying environmental adversity (abiotic stress) in temperate forest and woodland ecosystems', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 964 - 971,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ladd BM; Pepper DA; Bonser SP, 2009, 'Competition intensity at local versus regional spatial', Plant Biology, 12, pp. 772 - 779,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Moles AT; Gruber M; Bonser SP, 2008, 'A new framework for predicting invasive plant species', Journal of Ecology, 96, pp. 13 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Bonser SP; Aarssen L, 2006, 'Meristem allocation and life-history evolution in herbaceous plants', Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique, 84, pp. 143 - 150,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Bonser SP, 2006, 'Form defining function: interpreting leaf functional variability in integrated plant phenotypes', Oikos, 114, pp. 187 - 190,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Thompson W; Eldridge DJ; Bonser SP, 2006, 'Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Vegetation Science, 17, pp. 271 - 280,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Thompson WA; Eldridge DJ; Bonser SP, 2006, 'Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitris glaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Vegetation Science, 17, pp. 271 - 271, http://dx.doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0271:sobscc]2.0.co;2
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bonser SP; Geber MA, 2005, 'Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18, pp. 1009 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Matthews S; Bonser SP, 2005, 'Life histories, ecological tolerance limits, and the evolution of geographic range size in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae)', Australian Journal of Botany, 53, pp. 501 - 508,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Bonser SP; Aarssen L, 2003, 'Allometry and development in herbaceous plants: functional responses of meristem allocation to light and nutrient availability', American Journal of Botany, 90, pp. 404 - 412
    Journal articles | 2001
    Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 2001, 'Allometry and plasticity of meristem allocation throughout development in Arabidopsis thaliana', Journal of Ecology, 89, pp. 72 - 79,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Duffy NM; Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 1999, 'Patterns of variation in meristem allocation across genotypes and species in monocarpic Brassicaceae', Oikos, 84, pp. 284 - 292,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Bonser SP; Reader RJ, 1998, 'Species and biomass dependence of an indirect effect of vegetation on seedling recruitment', Ecoscience, 5, pp. 207 - 212,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Reader RJ; Bonser SP, 1998, 'Predicting the combined effect of herbivory and competition on a plant's shoot mass', Canadian Journal of Botany, 76, pp. 316 - 320,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Reader RJ; Bonser SP, 1998, 'Predicting the combined effect of herbivory and competition on a plant's shoot mass', Canadian Journal of Botany, 76, pp. 316 - 320,
    Journal articles | 1997
    McPhee CS; Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 1997, 'The role of apical dominance in the interpretation of adaptive architecture in prostrate plant species', Ecoscience, 4, pp. 490 - 500,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 1996, 'Meristem allocation: A new classification theory for adaptive strategies in herbaceous plants', Oikos, 77, pp. 347 - 352,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Bonser SP; Reader RJ, 1995, 'Plant competition and herbivory in relation to vegetation biomass', Ecology, 76, pp. 2176 - 2183,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Reader RJ; Bonser SP; Duralia TE; Bricker BD, 1995, 'Interspecific variation in tree seedling establishment in canopy gaps in relation to tree density', Journal of Vegetation Science, 6, pp. 609 - 614,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 1994, 'Plastic allometry in young sugar maple (Acer saccharum): adaptive responses to light availability', American Journal of Botany, 81, pp. 400 - 406,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Bonser SP; Aarssen LW, 1994, 'Plastic allometry in young sugar maple (Acer saccharum): Adaptive responses to light availability', American Journal of Botany, 81, pp. 400 - 406,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Reader RJ; Bonser SP, 1993, 'Control of plant frequency on an environmental gradient: effects of abiotic variables, neighbours, and predators on Poa pratensis and Poa compressa (Gramineae)', Canadian Journal of Botany, 71, pp. 592 - 597,
  • Preprints | 2021
    Chan J; Bonser S; Kasumovic M; Powell J; Cornwell W, 2021, Complex environments alter competitive dynamics in fungi, ,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Kuru A; Fiorito F; Oldfield P; Bonser S, 2018, 'Multi-functional biomimetic adaptive facades: A case study', in Luible A; Gosztonyi S (ed.), Proceedings of the COST Action TU1403 - Adaptive Facades Network Final Conference: Facade 2018 - Adaptive!, TU Delft Open, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, pp. 241 - 250, presented at Facade 2018 - Adaptive!, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 26 November 2018 - 27 November 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Kuru A; Fiorito F; Oldfield P; Bonser S, 2018, 'Multi-functional biomimetic adaptive facades: Developing a new framework', in Luible A; Gosztonyi S (ed.), Proceedings of the COST Action TU1403 - Adaptive Facades Network Final Conference: Facade 2018 - Adaptive! Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 26-27 November 2018, Lucerne, Switzerland,, TU Delft Open, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, pp. 231 - 240, presented at Facade 2018 - Adaptive!, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 26 November 2018 - 27 November 2018,
    Preprints | 2015
    Enquist BJ; Norberg J; Bonser SP; Violle C; Webb CT; Henderson A; Sloat LL; Savage VM, 2015, Scaling from traits to ecosystems: Developing a general Trait Driver Theory via integrating trait-based and metabolic scaling theories, ,