Understanding Instructor Contact
Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI) and Instructor Contact
In obtaining approval of a course using a distance education delivery method, a Distance Education Addendum must be filled out according to Title 5, Section 55206. Separate Course Approval.
Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI) is a must. Per Title 5, Section 55204. Instructor Contact, it is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure that:
(a) Any portion of a course conducted through distance education includes regular and substantive interaction between the instructor(s) and students, (and among students, if described in the course outline of record or distance education addendum), either synchronously or asynchronously, through group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops, telephone contact, voice mail, e-mail, or other activities.
(b) “Substantive interaction” means engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion, and also includes at least two of the following:
- Providing direct instruction;
- Assessing or providing feedback on a student's coursework;
- Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or competency;
- Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency; or
- Other instructional activities approved by the institution's or program's accrediting agency.
- Providing the opportunity for substantive interactions with the student on a predictable and scheduled basis commensurate with the length of time and the amount of content in the course or competency; and
- Monitoring the student's academic engagement and success and ensuring that an instructor is responsible for promptly and proactively engaging in substantive interaction with the student when needed on the basis of such monitoring, or upon request by the student
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There are multiple ways that an instructor can initiate contact with their students.
- Regular course announcements reflect on activities taking place in the course or around the wider college campus.
- Regular use of the announcement tool (recommended at least once a week) helps guide students through the learning process and clarifies the course content and expectations.
- The announcement remains in the course LMS and keeps a permanent record of that contact.
- Instructors keep a record of any communication that occurs via email. It is highly recommended to use the Canvas email since it is linked with the coursework and can be tracked in the Canvas course analytics.
- Instructors respond to student emails within a reasonable timeframe (24-48 hours on weekdays) and state the expected response time in the syllabus
- Instructors will inform students of extended absence due to a conference, leave (jury duty, etc.), or other unforeseen circumstances
Faculty Participation on Discussion Boards
- Faculty participates in discussion boards by posting replies to student work, adding comments, or asking questions to further student thinking. While some faculty find that their presence on the discussion can help direct or deepen the conversation, other faculty choose not to respond directly on the discussion board but do provide substantive interaction and commentary through the gradebook feedback areas.
- Other options for participating on discussion boards include providing all class feedback highlighting particular posts as best practices and inviting further reflection.
Assignment Feedback
- Instructor incorporates assignments that include opportunities for individualized descriptive and specific feedback and go beyond automatically graded quizzes.
- When appropriate, instructor can include rubrics to enhance targeted feedback.
- Assignment feedback is timely as determined by the nature of the content.
OnlineLive courses (simultaneous interactions)
- When video conferencing tools, such as ZOOM are used for the course delivery modality, instructors must authenticate students through the college’s learning management system (LMS).
Office Hours & Conferences
- Regularly occurring office hours or special study sessions provide instructor-to-student and student-to-student contact.
- ConferZoom or other video conferencing can enhance this interaction as well as provide a record or document of the video-conference session.
Faculty Contact via Publisher Packs or Third-Party Tools
- Instructors who use third party tools, such as publisher packs or other digital apps like ZOOM, must authenticate students through the college’s learning management system (LMS).
- When third party tools are used for instructor-to-student contact, instructors should use the LMS to document this interaction.
The following are multiple ways that an instructor can initiate contact among students.
Discussions - Peer-to-Peer Replies
- Instructors encourage student-to-student interactions on Discussion Boards by enabling threaded replies or otherwise indicating through instructions or rubrics that peer replies are expected.
- Instructors provides a peer-discussion forum, cyber lounge/ cafe, or threaded discussion that is not graded.
- In these forums, students can share their learning, such as concepts they learned well and concepts that they find difficult to understand.
- Instructor monitors the forum regularly.
Collaborations - Group Projects
- Instructors create opportunities for small groups and allow students to work collaboratively.
- Instructors provide expectations or a rubric outlining participants’ contribution to a group.
- Instructor regularly monitors the groups and provides feedback.
Assignments - Peer Review
- Instructors assign students to peer review groups to evaluate and give feedback, observations, and suggestions on peers’ assignments or projects.
Third Party Tools for Student-to-Student Interaction
- When third party tools are used for student-to-student contact, instructors should use the LMS to document the interaction and authenticate students.
Example: Distance Education Contact
- Discussions
Description: Students will interact with each other and the instructor to ask questions, explore concepts, and engage in shared learning.
- Virtual Conferencing
Description: Online office hours, review sessions, and troubleshooting issues with students.
- Multimedia
Description: Using course management software tools, record lectures, and post for peer to peer and instructor engagement and interactions.
- Third Party App
Description: Students will complete practice activities in MySpanishLab, take quiz assessments that will allow them to drill and practice language skills. These activities and quizzes will account for a percentage of their overall course participation grade.
- Grading
Description: Grading feedback which will be done in a timely manner and offer substantive comments and suggestions/resources for improvement. The instructor may use grading rubrics as well.
- Virtual Conferencing
Description: This course is also approved as an OnlineLive (simultaneous interaction) and if being scheduled for this type of delivery. Interactive lectures and activities will be conducted via live video over the internet.