Dr William Craft

Dr William Craft

Associate Lecturer

PhD, MBEnv, BArch

Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Built Environment
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Craft W; Oldfield P; Reinmuth G; Hadley D; Balmforth S; Nguyen A, 2024, 'Towards net-zero embodied carbon: Investigating the potential for ambitious embodied carbon reductions in Australian office buildings', Sustainable Cities and Society, 113,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Craft W; Ding L; Prasad D, 2022, 'Understanding decision-making in regenerative precinct developments', Journal of Cleaner Production, 338,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Craft W; Ding L; Prasad D, 2021, 'Developing a decision-making framework for regenerative precinct development', Sustainability (Switzerland), 13,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Craft W; Ding L; Prasad D; Partridge L; Else D, 2017, 'Development of a Regenerative Design Model for Building Retrofits', Procedia Engineering, pp. 658 - 668
  • Theses / Dissertations | 2022
    Craft W, 2022, A Decision-Making Framework for Regenerative Precinct Development
    Reports | 2019
    Craft W; Petersen H; Haddad S; Ding L; Santamouris M, 2019, Mitigating Urban Heat for the Green Square Town Centre Redevelopment,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; Aminpour F; Craft W; Liu E; Yenneti K; Lim B; Samaratunga GK; Paolini R; Prasad D; Samaratunga M, 2019, Understanding Decision-Making Processes to Meet or Exceed BASIX Requirements, ,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; Craft W, 2019, Mitigating Urban Heat, Low Carbon Living CRC,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; He B; Craft W; Petersen H; Osmond P; Santamouris M; Prasad D; Bartesaghi Koc C; Derksema C; Midlam N, 2019, Cooling Sydney Strategy,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; He B; Petersen H; Craft W; Qi J; Yang S; Santamouris M; Prasad D, 2019, Assessing the Impact of Solar Photovoltaics and Air Conditioning Waste Heat on Urban Heat Island Effects,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; Petersen H; Craft W, 2019, Microclimate and Urban Heat Island Mitigation Decision-Support Tool, CRC for Low Carbon Living, ,
    Reports | 2019
    Ding L; Upadhyay A; Craft W; Yenneti K; Samaratunga GK; Munsami K; Prasad D; Samaratunga M, 2019, Validating and Improving the BASIX Energy Assessment Tool for Low-Carbon Dwellings, CRC for Low Carbon Living, ,
    Reports | 2018
    Prasad DK; Lan D; Yenneti K; William C; Fox J; Ding L; Fan H; Craft W; Sanchez A; Li X; Arnold P; Bouhmad K; Earley R; Wang Y; Wu J; Li F; You N; D'Aragon J, 2018, Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities in China, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, DTI/2207/PA, ,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Craft WJ; Ding L; Prasad D, 2017, 'Development of Regenerative Design Principles for Building Retrofits', in WSBE17 Hong Kong - Conference Proceedings, Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited, Hong Kong, pp. 716 - 721, presented at World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 05 June 2017 - 07 June 2017,

2022: Cooling South Melbourne Strategy. Award for Excellence. The City of Port Phillip.

2020: 3 Minute Thesis Built Environment Faculty Winner and UNSW Finalist

Research Projects

National Heat Vulnerability Observatory Phase 1: Smart and Cool Places in NSW

How Low Can We Go? Reducing Embodied Carbon in Australian Office Buildings

The Environmental Impact of Prefabricated Timber PODs for Fit Out: A Whole Lifecycle Carbon Analysis.

Smart Community Pilot Study.

Thermal Data Collection and Modelling. City of Port Phillip

Assessment of Impact of Urban Development on Urban Heat Island (UHI) Coupled with UHI Effect of Solar PV. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and CRC for Low Carbon Living

Cooling Sydney Strategy: Planning for Sydney 2050. City of Sydney and CRC for Low Carbon Living

Microclimate and Urban Heat Island Mitigation Decision-Support Tool, CRC for Low Carbon Living

EEDMN BASIX - Understanding Decision-Making Processes to Meet or Exceed BASIX Requirements, CRC for Low Carbon Living

Validating and Improving the BASIX Energy Assessment Tool for Low-Carbon Dwellings, CRC for Low Carbon Living

My Teaching

Sessional teaching staff for:

  • ARCH2170 / CODE2170 - Building Information Modelling
  • ARCH1161 / PLAN1002 - Architectural Science and Building Environment 1