Service Scholarships
Ed Walsh Scholarship: Ed Walsh was an AGS advisor from the Allan Hancock Chapter. It was his idea to give the first scholarships to students who have given outstanding service to their colleges, their chapters, and to their local communities. When Ed died in 1970, the State Advisory Board chose to honor him by presenting these service awards in his name.
Charles Bell Scholarship: Charles Bell has served as an advisor to the students of Cabrillo College for over 30 years. As the secretary to the State Advisory Board, he works diligently to keep chapters informed of their status. He also is the expert on the corporation's Standing Rules and Bylaws, and is a trained parliamentarian. In 1998, the State Advisory Board chose to honor him by presenting the top service awards in his name.
Academic Scholarships
Kathleen D. Loly Scholarship: Kathleen D. Loly was born in England and emigrated to the United States. She taught Spanish at Pasadena City College, and was one of the original founders of Alpha Gamma Sigma in 1926, which explains why Pasadena is the Alpha Chapter of AGS. Prior to her death in 1958, she bequeathed her estate to AGS, and these monies formed the basis of a stock portfolio from which AGS derives its ability to award scholarships each year. Under the able management of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Board of Trustees, the fund has now grown to over $250,000.00.
Virginia Coffey Scholarship: For many years, the Zeta Chapter of Mt. San Antonio College was privileged to have Virginia Coffey as an advisor. Virginia was a counselor, beloved by students and faculty alike for her quick wit, storytelling, and sincere caring. During her lifetime it was her pleasure to present a scholarship to the two top Loly candidates. Today, we remember her as we continue that tradition by presenting the two scholarships in her honor.
Combined Academic and Service Scholarship
Robert Mantovani Scholarship: Robert Mantovani was an advisor from Long Beach City College. A man of tremendous wit and charm, he worked tirelessly to ensure that AGS remained successful. He served for years on the Board of Directors, chaired the nominations committee, helping to choose new leaders and then assisted them to succeed in a myriad of ways. He served on the first AGS visitation team, traveling throughout the state to help fledgling chapters find firm footing. Sadly, he and his lovely wife were lost to us in a tragic accident. As a man who strove for excellence in so many ways, we keep him in our thoughts and honor him as we present this coveted award in his memory.
AGS Scholarship Application
State AGS Applications are available at the Alpha Gamma Sigma California Community College Scholastic Honor Society website. The Alpha Gamma Sigma website is: . Please note: applications are not available until the end of January for the year in which they are to be submitted (i.e., applications for 2013 will not be available until January, 2013).