Accreditation Steering Committee
- Jan Bernstein Chargin (Director of Public Information Office)
- Fran Lozano (Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences and ISER lead)
- Denée Pescarmona (Vice President of Academic Affairs and Accreditation Liaison Officer)
- Kathleen Rose (Superintendent/President and Chief Executive Officer)
- Ken Wagman (Math Faculty and Faculty ISER lead)
Accreditation Task Force Reviewers:
- Kathleen Rose Superintendent/President
- Lois Locci Board of Trustees
- Fran Lozano Dean of Liberal Arts/Sciences
- Ken Wagman Accreditation Coordinator
- Kathleen Moberg Vice President of Student Services
- Doug Achterman Faculty (Head Librarian)
- Herb Spenner Faculty (Aviation Maintenance Technology)
- Diane Stone Professional Support Staff
- Pilar Conaway Executive Assistant to VPAA/ALO
- Jan Bernstein Chargin Director, Public Information
- Peter Wruck Dean, Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
- Randy Brown Associate Dean, Grants Management
- Wade Ellis Associate VP Business Services
- Daniel Chavez Associated Students of ¶¶Òõ¶ÌÊÓƵ (ASGC)
Standard I: Institutional Mission, Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness
Co-chairs: Ron Hannon, Sydney LaRose, Erin Crook
Standard I.A - Mission
Leads: Ron Hannon, Denée Pescarmona
Standard I.B - Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness
Leads: Scott Sandler, Erin Crook
Standard I.C - Institutional Integrity
Leads: Jan Bernstein-Chargin, Sydney LaRose
Writing team:
Administrator: Randy Brown
Faculty: Jan Janes, Scott Sandler
Professional Support Staff: Sydney LaRose
Student: Brianna Everett
Co-Chairs: Sherrean Carr, Jillian Wilson, Leslie Tenney
Standard II.A - Instructional Programs
Lead: Sherrean Carr
Writing team:
Faculty: Sabrina Lawrence, Karen Warren, Jennifer Grohol, Arturo Rosette, Nicole Cisneros, Christina Salvin, Denise Besson, Kelly Glass, Julian Kearns, Vania Parakati, Ellen Venable
Administrator: Sherrean Carr
Professional Support Staff: Jillian Wilson
Standard II.B - Library and Learning Support Services
Lead: Doug Achterman
Writing team:
Administrator: Denée Pescarmona
Faculty: Dana Young, Philip Williams
Professional Support: Jillian Wilson
Standard II.C - Student Support Services
Lead: Kathleen Moberg
Writing team:
Administrators: Veronica Martinez, Carina Cisneros, Brooke Boeding
Faculty: Johanna Stewart, Lori Burgman, Darlene Del Carmen, Carla Velarde-Barros
Professional Support Staff: Grace Cardinalli
Co-chairs: Fred Harris, Saul Salinas, Mary Ann Sanidad
Standard III.A - Human Resources
Lead: Eric Ramones
Writing team:
Administrator: Eric Ramones
Faculty: Jessica Gatewood
Directors and Confidentials: Grace Cardinalli Marissa Haro
Standard III.B - Physical Resources
Lead: Jeff Gopp
Writing team:
Administrator: Fred Harris
Faculty: Grant Richards, Roberto LaCarra
Professional Support Staff: Shawn Mulcare, Saul Salinas
Directors and Confidentials: Susan Peterson
Standard III.C - Technology Resources
Lead: Kyle Billups
Writing team:
Administrator: Fred Harris
Faculty: Jane Maringer-Cantu, Dana Young, Alex Stoykov, Patrick Yuh
Professional Support Staff: Mohua Chatterjee
Standard III.D - Financial Resources
Lead: Fred Harris, Wade Ellis
Writing team:
Administrator: Wade Ellis
Faculty: Jennifer Nari, Ken Van Meter
Professional Support Staff:
Directors and Confidentials: Candice Whitney, Marie Noriega, Laura Hagan
Co-chairs: Randy Brown, Denise Apuzzo, Nikki Dequin
Standard IV.A - Decision Making Roles and Processes
Standard IV.B - Chief Executive Officer
Standard IV.C - Governing Board
Standard IV.D - Multi-College District Systems
Writing team:
Administrator: Kathleen Rose, Eddie Cervantes
Faculty: Sejal Dharia
Professional Support Staff: Denise Apuzzo
Directors and Confidentials: Nancy Bailey
Student: Adam Lopez
Sydney La Rose, Jillian Wilson, Sandra Mendoza
¶¶Òõ¶ÌÊÓƵ launched its Institutional Self Evaluation Report process with an Accreditation Planning Kickoff on the afternoon of September 26, 2017. Faculty, classified professionals, managers, and students were invited to begin the process of college-wide reflection, assessment, and evaluation and to hear specifically about upcoming timelines, the planning process, and new expectations from ACCJC. The concept was that small, flexible teams would address specific portions of the writing project.
As the Accreditation Liaison Officer, the past Vice President of Academic Affairs, Michele Bresso, served as the chair of the accreditation self-evaluation process. Assisting her were faculty member Ken Wagman and confidential professional Pilar Conaway. Their charge was to coordinate the process, ensuring that team members were appointed to the appropriate standard, that teams had current copies of the Standards as well as sample reports from other institutions, and that team members understood the writing and evidence selection process. Each standard was appointed Tri-Chairs consisting of a classified professional, a faculty member, and an administrator. The Tri-Chairs’ role was to coordinate the work of the Standard, ensuring that work progressed forward and that resources were available to each team. Standard subsections were assigned individual Leads whose job it was to work directly with the writers on their document and evidence tasks. Accreditation 2019, a “class” in Canvas, was set up to hold evidence, drafts, and all materials relevant to the writing effort. Finally, a Task Force with representation from all the campus constituencies was put in place to review the work of the teams and provide feedback for revision.
The team assignments were based on matching knowledgeable individuals with specific Standards and were designed to give broad representation in each area so that a complete picture could be built. Inasmuch as was possible, members of each campus constituency were assigned to the Standards, and where this was not possible, input from each group was provided with the Task Force and shared governance committee reviews
With Accreditation assignments in place, the teams held initial meetings to set assignments and a schedule. They then began reaching out to campus experts to get information and evidence. Drafts were created and reviewed by the Leads, and on November 15, 2017, Tri-Chairs presented progress reports to the Standing Committee, noting timelines and what work had been completed. In the meantime, on November 9, the Dean of RPIE sent questionnaire drafts for review, and that discussion was brought to the November 15 meeting. Finally, the first QFE concepts were presented to the Standing Committee at the November 15 meeting.
Following the November 15 meeting, a Task Force review timeline was set up. All first drafts were initially to be completed by December 8, 2017. However, during that month, the Vice President of Academic Affairs resigned. An interim Accreditation Liaison Officer, Frances Lozano, was appointed to direct the work until a new VPAA could be hired. As many of the writers had been unable to complete their drafts, a new structure was created, and in January 2018, Ken Wagman, Jan Bernstein Chargin, and Frances Lozano took on the role of writing coaches. They met with teams first to give guidance and then to review drafts prior to the teams presenting their documents to the Task Force according to the following schedule:
WRITING GROUPS: 2:30-4:00 (Meet with Ken Wagman, Jan Bernstein-Chargin and Fran Lozano in the VPAA Office)
- December 8, 2017- Standard II C
- January 19, 2018 - Standard II A
- February 2, 2018 - Standard III B, Standard III C
- February 23, 2018 - Standard I, Standard II B
- March 2, 2018 - Standard III A, Standard III D
- March 16, 2018 - Standard IV
- March 23, 2018 - Full Document
TASK FORCE: 3:00-4:30 (Meet to Review Standards in BU 103)
- February 1- Free
- February 15 - Standard II A
- March 1- Standard III B, Standard III C
- March 15 - Standard 1, II C
- March 29 - Standard II B, Standard III A
- April 19 - Standard III D
- May 3 - Standard IV
- May 17 - All
On January 25, 2018, ACCJC liaison Dr. Stephanie Droker visited campus to provide guidance on the development of the Gavilan ISER. She participated in Convocation Day, working with faculty to answer questions about content, format, and evidence. Her first rate advice influenced the subsequent work of the teams.
As writing groups met with the coaches, it became clear that a new set of meeting dates were needed to allow review of revisions before the Standards were presented to the Task Force. They were as follows:
- March 29, 2018 - Standard I, II C
- March 30, 2018 - Standard II A
- April 11, 2018 - Standard III B, Standard III C
- April 13, 2018 - Standard II B, Standard III A
- May 4, 2018 - Standard III D
- May 11, 2018 - Standard IV
Parallel to draft work was the Quality Focus Essay (QFE) development. After numerous discussions with campus groups, the two projects of Guided Pathways and Acceleration were selected. Initial drafts were brought to Academic Senate, Student Services Council, Department Chairs, and President’s Council and based on input, fleshed out. Both were completed by April 27, 2018.
Summer 2018 began with a Task Force retreat on June 6 to identify global issues followed by team analysis of document on the micro level to identify where revisions were needed. That information was passed onto the editing team, which began the detailed work of copy editing over the next several months. In July the new VPAA, Denée Pescarmona, was hired; she took on the Accreditation Liaison Officer role. In this capacity, she constructed an evidence team of Sydney LaRose and Jillian Wilson to do the work of consolidating the evidence. They created spreadsheets documenting missing information; these spreadsheets were distributed to the Leads who gathered the needed information.
The Fall 2018 calendar outlined a program of campus input and distribution through the shared governance process leading to final approval by the governing Board:
- August 24, 2018 - ISER introduced at Convocation Day
- August 30, 2018 - Evidence Clean up Complete -Standard Leads
- September 4 or 18, 2018 - ISER Academic Senate Information Item
- September 10, 2018 - ISER Posted for Campus Review
- September 12-13 - Dr. Stephanie Droker Visit
- September 17 - ISER Student Services Council/Department Chair Action Item
- October 1 - ISER Academic Senate Action Item
- October 10 - ISER President’s Council Action Item
- October 12 – ISER ASGC (Associated Students of ¶¶Òõ¶ÌÊÓƵ) Discussion Item
- November 13 - ISER Board Meeting Information Item
- December 11 - Board Meeting Action Item
Dr. Stephanie Droker came back to campus on September 12-13 to provide her guidance with the developed draft, and the revision work continued until submission to the Board of Trustees as an action item on December 11, 2018.