Travel, trade and sometimes political expansion contributed to the dissemination of and often profound changes to peoples’ religious beliefs along the Silk Roads. Religion brought along traditions, which were then adopted and assimilated into local cultures to varying degrees. One such practice that is kept alive in the wider Islamic world from North Africa to South, Southeast and Central Asia is the chanting of Ramadan songs during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan. With simple, humorous lyrics and rhythmic melodies, Ramadan songs are typically performed by a male drummer/singer who strolls the streets of Muslim communities, drumming and chanting before sunrise to wake the worshipers forsuhoor- the predawn meal. In the past, these drummers, or simply Ramadan singers, were assigned by local rulers with an official wage. Nowadays, amateur enthusiasts practice it either out of faith or by inheriting it within the family as a one-month profession. Awaken by the Ramadan music, it is customary for the faithful in the community to offer the singers/drummers tips or food to honour their service. Modern technology, such as alarm clocks and smartphones, has contributed to the diminishing role of these singers. In some cases, the increasing presence of the non-Muslim population in traditionally Muslim-dominant neighbourhoods has also resulted in the banning of Ramadan songs due to the ‘inconvenience’ and noise brought to the non-believers. Regardless, this practice persists in many parts of the world.

Qumul, the Eastern gateway to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China, the Ramadan musical tradition was well alive and widely practiced amongst the Uyghurs until very recently.Ramazanchi, the Ramadan singer, is conventionally a male who sings well and plays at least one musical instrument such asdap- the framed hand drum, orghijek- the two-stringed Central Asian fiddle. Either solo or in a group, Ramadan singers promenade through the Uyghuräääidoor by door, performing until greeted by the host withnan, freshly prepared food forsuhoor, or in recent years, simply cash. While it is entirely acceptable for the singers to keep the offerings to themselves, some portion of the money collected is sometimes brought voluntarily to the neighbourhood mosque aszakatiito be distributed to the needy.Unlike North Africa and the Arab world, aRamazanchiin Qumul usually prefers to remain anonymous and, therefore, tends to visit neighbourhoods other than his own where the chances of being recognised by others are much lower.

As an integral part of Qumulää(a repertoire of folk songs), Ramadan lyrics are composed of four-line stanzas with the last two lines acting as refrains. These songs delineate the importance of religious piety and community spirit and capture the gender and age dynamics within the confines of traditions. While the refrains emphasise the joy and happiness that Ramadan brings, by detailing the deeds of the Prophet, his Companions and direct descendants, these songs are a keen representation of the virtues of observing Ramadan and the unfavourable consequences of failing to do so.

  • Let’s begin by commemorating Xuda,iii

    And elate the spirit of the Prophets;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ئەۋەل باشلاپįخۇدانىįيادįئېتىمٺį

    پەېغەمبەرلەرروھىنى شادįئېتىمٺ

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    It was Omer Ali, who once sang Ramadan songs,

    Bequeathing us such a legacy;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes the Ramadan with blessings.

    ،رامىزان ئېيتىپįئۆتكەنįئۆمەرįئېʤ

    .ئولاردىن قالغانįئىكەنįنۇسخاʤى

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Assalamu Alaikum oh those rich who are still asleep,

    Those who have been blessed with the zakat of this Ramadan;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،ئەسسالامۇ ئەلەيكۇمįياتقانįبايلار

    .روزىنىڭ زاكاتٺاįپاتقانįبايلار

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    By the age of six, Hassan, grandson of the Prophet

    Completed six journeys from Mecca to Medina;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،پەيغەمبەر ئوغلى ھەسەن ئالتە ياشار

    .مەككىدىن - مەدىنىگەįسەككٺįباسار

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Having fasted for fifteen days, we come to your door,

    Please offer us your zakat for Ramadan;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،روزىنى ئونبەشįتۇتۇپįكەلدۇقįسٺگە

    .رۇزىنىڭ زاكاتىنىįبېرىڭįبٺگە

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Fast and pray for the sake of your being,

    Do the good deeds and offer zakat for the things you own;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،روزى تۇت،įنامازįئۆتەįجانىڭįئۈچۈن

    .خەيرى قىلįزاكاتنىįبەرįماʤڭįئۈچۈن

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Sacred is the tenth day of the Ramadan, Where have those Muslims who were amongst us last year gone?

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،روزىنىڭ ئونىįكۈنىįقادٺįكۈنىį

    .بۇلتۇرقى مۇسۇʤانلارįبۇيىلįقېنى

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Another Ramadan will come following this one,

    Who will die and who will be born is known only to Allah;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،بۇ روزاįئۈتسەįيەنەįروزاįكىلۇرį

    .كىم ئۆلۆپįكىمįتٺىلۇرįئاʤاįبىلۇر

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    Over your gate shines the beautiful moon,

    Of all the households, yours appears the most affluent;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،ئىشىكىڭنىڭ باشٺاįئايįكۆرىنەر

    .ھەممە ئۆيدىنįموشۇįئۆيįباېįكۆرىنەر

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    What you slaughtered for the Ramadan was a spotted lamb,

    If you eat the meat, do leave me the breast bones;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،روزىدا ئۆلتۈرگىنىڭįكۆكįئالاįقوي

    .گۆشىنى ئۆزۆڭįيٺەڭ،تۆشىنىįقوي

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Your beautiful white house will become a palace,

    The son you have is destined to become a Mullah.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،ئاق ئۆيۆڭ ئاپپاق ئۆيۆڭ ئوردا بولۇر

    .ئۆيۈڭدە بٺįئوغلįبارįموʤاįبولۇر

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    Your backyard is covered with sheep hoofprints,

    Come out quickly and give usnanoh the daughter of the well-to-do.v

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،ئۆيلىرىنىڭ ئار قىسى قوينىڭ ئىزى 

    .پات چىقىپįنانįبەرسىلەįناينىڭįقٺىį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Hammer your pegs there, hammer your pegs here,

    Shake yoursupraif there is no flour left in your flour sack;vi

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،قوزۇقنى ئۇيەرگەįقاق،įبۇيەرگەįقاق

    .خالتاڭدا ئۇنįقاʤٺاįسۇپراڭنىįقاقį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    This Ramadan is a guest of thirty days,

    Those who do not fast are indeed like some animals;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،بۇ روزاįئوتتۇزįكۈنįمېھمانٺۇر

    .روزىنى تۇتمىغانلار ھايۋانىدۇر

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    It will soon be late, if we sing so much at every place,

    Whatever you have offered will become unacceptable.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،ھەر يەردەįشۇنچەįئېيتساقįكەچįبوʤۇį

    .بەرگىنىڭ بەرمىگىنىڭįھەشįبوʤۇį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    The firewood, this white firewood, this dry firewood,

    A woman who refuses to offernanto the Ramadan singer is indeed ugly.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،بۇ ئوتۇنįئاپپاقįئوتۇن،įقاخشالįئوتۇن

    .رامىزانچىغا نانįبەرمىگەنįمايماقįخوتۇن

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    This world is like a pigeon coop,

    One flies away, while another comes to land;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،بۇ ئالەمįبەįجايىįكەپتەرįخانٺۇر

    .بىرى ئساįبٺىįكىʤپįقونادۇر

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    Grandmother got up to fetch flour,

    The container tipped over and knocked her down.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،موماي قوپتىįكۆندۈكتىنįئۇنįئالغىʤį

    .كۆندۈك ئۆرۈلدىįموماينىįباسقىʤ

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    Grandfather got up to catch a lamb from the sheds,

    The door slammed and knocked him down;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،بوۋاي قوپتىįكۆندۈكتىنįقويįتۇتقىʤį

    .قوغى ئۇرۇلدىįبوۋاينىįباسقىʤ

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    Your house is filled with beans inside-out,

    And you have a son at home who is not so bright;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،ئۆيۈڭنىڭ ئىچىį- تېشىįخاندوįپۇرچاق

    .ئۆيىڭدە بٺįئوغلįبارįخامįقاپاقį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    Your house is filled with camelthorn firewood,

    But you, clumsy woman, did not even come out to greet us.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،ئۆيىڭنىڭ ئىچىįتېشىįيانتاقįئوتۇن

    .ئۆيىڭدىن بٺįچىقمٺىڭįمايماقįخوتۇن

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    The Prophet rode the white stallion,

    Cracked the whip and embarked on journey of struggle;

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    When Muhammad called us to be one.

    ،پەيغەمبەر مىندىįئاقبوزįئاتنىڭįياʤا

    .سالدى قامچاįكٺدىįجەڭنىڭįيوʤا

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    مۇھەممەت ئۈمبەتįدېگەنįشۇرامٺان

    We came to your doorstep to sing you Ramadan songs,

    ѲXudapresent you a baby boy for your cradle.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،رامىزان ئېيتىپįكەلدۇقįئٺىكىڭگە

    .خۇدايىم ئوغۇلįبەرسۇنįبۆشۈكۈڭگەį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان

    We shall not be tired of singing Ramadan songs,

    Nor shall we return until you give us sixnans.

    Oh our Lord, Allah the Creator, oh this Ramadan,

    Merrily comes with blessings this Ramadan.

    ،رامىزان ئېيتىپįئېيتىپįھارمايدىمٺ

    .ئالتە نانįبەرمىگىچەįيانمايدىمٺį

    ،رەببىم ئاʤا،įرەببىمįئاʤاįرامٺان

    .خوش مۇبارەكįكىʤۇįشۇįرامٺان


    In Central Asia and parts of the Indian subcontinent, a äää refers to a neighbourhood or local community.

    iOne of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat is the obligatory almsgiving in Islam.

    iiXuda, or Khuda, a Uyghur loanword from Persian, meaning God or Lord.

    ivHere it refers to Hajj, the Pilgrimage.

    vAs in naan bread.

    viSupra is a flat cotton sheet that functions as a pastry board, usually used when preparing nan.

  • Harris, R. (2008). The making of a musical canon in Chinese Central Asia: the Uyghur Twelve Muqam. Aldershot: Ashgate. 

    Nathan, L. (2008). Intimate Heritage: Creating Uyghur Muqam Song in Xinjiang. Berlin: Lit Verlag.

    Wong, C.-F. (2012). Reinventing the Central Asian Rawap in Modern China: Musical Stereotypes, Minority Modernity, and Uyghur Instrumental Music. Asian Music, 43(1), 34–63.

    Wong, C.-F. (2013). Singing Muqam in Uyghur Pop: Minority Modernity and Popular Music in China. Popular Music & Society, 36(1), 98–118.

A neighbourhood mosque in Qumul, Xinjiang

Two folk musicians visiting a Uyghur äää in an auto-rickshaw in the early hours of a Ramadan morning (Instruments: Dap and Ghijek). July 2013. Listen here to their music.