Frequently asked questions

Co-op Program

Want to find more about the UNSW Co-op Program?

Discover what programs we offer, learn more about the application process including eligibility requirements, and so much more in the FAQs below.

Top 3 frequently asked questions

The number of UNSW Co-op Scholarships offered is directly dependent on the number of sponsors who choose to participate next year. We'll let you know the number & names of the sponsor companies for your particular program at the Interview Briefing Day, prior to any interviews taking place.

The academic requirement for entry to the Co-op Program is a minimum ATAR of 96 (or equivalent). However, if entry to a specific program is higher, students must meet this ATAR requirement without the assistance of adjustment factors (except EAS).

For example: Entry to the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op program in 2024 was 98 (or equivalent). This means that the applicants needed to achieve a 98 ATAR with no adjustment factors (except EAS). So, if they achieved 96, but the cut-off was 98, then their conditional offer for a Co-op Scholarship in Actuarial Studies will lapse.

Please note that there may be Gateway Admissions pathway considerations for eligible students – up to 4 placements. If you would like more information, please reach out.

Following a review of written applications, selection is by in-person interviews held with academics and representatives from the sponsor companies. Students successfully selected at the interview stage will receive a conditional offer that is pending until ATARs and cut-offs are released.

See: Who should apply

  • The number of UNSW Co-op Scholarships offered is directly dependent on the number of sponsors who choose to participate each year. We will let you know the number and names of the sponsor companies for your particular Program at the Interview Briefing Day, prior to any interviews taking place.

  • 'Recommended Knowledge' is the level of qualification we suggest students need to be a successful Co-op scholar in a particular field. This is generally at or above the level of 'Assumed Knowledge' which is the level the University specifies as desirable to study a particular course. The assumed knowledge requirements are listed on the UNSW degree pages.

    Students who do not have the respective level of recommended/assumed knowledge are not prevented from enrolling or applying but may be placed at a considerable disadvantage.

    The assumed knowledge for all programs offered by the UNSW Business School is Mathematics. General Mathematics is not considered adequate entry to programs at UNSW.

    To find out more about UNSW assumed knowledge, feel free to explorethis link.

  • Following a review of written applications, selection is by in-person interviews held with academics and representatives from the sponsor companies. Students successfully selected at the interview stage will receive a conditional offer that is pending until ATARs and cut-offs are released.

    See: Who should apply?

  • The academic requirement for entry to the Co-op Program is a minimum ATAR of 96 (or equivalent). However, if entry to a specific program is higher, students must meet this ATAR requirement without the assistance of adjustment factors (except ).

    For example: Entry to the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies Co-op program in 2024 was 98 (or equivalent). This means that the applicants needed to achieve a 98 ATAR with no adjustment factors (except ). So, if they achieved 96, but the cut-off was 98, then their conditional offer for a Co-op Scholarship in Actuarial Studies will lapse.

    Please note that there may be Gateway Admissions pathway considerations for eligible students – up to 4 placements. If you would like more information, please reach out.

  • The Co-op Scholarship Program is designed for students completing a single degree (with either a double or a single major), who want to combine their study with a number of Industry Training Experience placements, to round out their career development and professional experience.

    Traditionally, we have not allowed Co-op Program students to pair a double degree with their Co-op Program because it further extended their time at University (Co-op scholars already spend one additional year at University to accommodate their placements) and because our sponsor companies consistently tell us that the greatest value to be derived from the Co-op Program comes from the Industry Training Experiences and the professional development sessions we run for the students.

    However, it is an undeniable fact that as students try to prepare for a very flexible career future, more and more are wanting to enrol in double degrees at university. We cannot ignore these trends, particularly in some fields of study and therefore, the Co-op Program will consider any scholar request to do a double degree option, if/when certain conditions and requirements can be satisfied:

    • Accepting a UNSW Co-op Scholarship offer is conditional upon you securing a place and enrolling in the appropriate SINGLE DEGREE at UNSW. If later you wish to explore a double degree option, you can discuss the possibility with the Co-op Scholar Manager and your Academic Co-ordinator. The decision whether you are able to undertake a double degree would depend upon approval from the sponsor(s), the marks you achieve in your University courses, and whether studying the double degree would adversely impact upon your commitments to the Co-op Program, particularly your commitment to fulfilling all Industry Training Experience placements. It is important to note that Co-op Programs do allow students the opportunity to do DOUBLE MAJORS; that is, to combine a major in the chosen field of study with a major/minor in a broad range of other discipline.

    The Co-op office will continue to explore ways to expand selected double degree opportunities for high achieving students. Please do contact us if you have further questions.

  • For the purposes of assessing Co-op Program scholarship eligibility, the Co-op Program will not consider any adjustment factors (previously known as 'Bonus Points') EXCEPT (EAS) ACCESS Scheme applicants.

    Other adjustments factors including HSC Plus bonus points will not be considered for the Co-op ATAR Requirement.

  • The Educational Access Scheme (EAS) is an alternative entry scheme available to Australian school leavers whose Year 11 and/or Year 12 studies have been seriously affected by circumstances beyond their control. The types of disadvantages considered include disability, financial hardship, language difficulties, rural isolation and chronic illness. Further information is available by contacting the Admissions Office via their enquiry portal:

  • Yes, you may apply for other scholarships at the same time as your Co-op scholarship.

    A student who accepts a UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship and is eligible for a Scientia Scholarship may accept both; however, they will receive a $5,000 once off Scientia "bonus payment" in first year only. These students will remain eligible for all the other benefits of the Scientia Scholarship.

    Where awarded, the student is permitted to accept an Academic Achievement Award (AAA) in conjunction with the UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship.

    Please note you cannot accept the Scientia Scholarship and the AAA, though you can pair either one with a UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship.

    If applying for other scholarships, you will need to check those scholarship conditions. If you are then offered other scholarships, you will need to check the entry criteria for any scholarship applied for and advise the Co-op Program when accepting your Co-op Scholarship offer.

  • No. Whilst you can defer your university enrolment, you cannot defer a UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship. You can re-apply the following year but you must complete another application and be available for interview (if successful for one).

  • Scholars can take exchange overseas as part of the UNSW Exchange program and are generally encouraged to do so. Scholars need to follow the standard exchange application process. It is the Co-op Scholar’s responsibility to ensure that the courses they intend to take won’t affect their course progression and that the timing of their travel doesn’t interfere with any of their placements (as well as any exams). As part of this process, Co-op scholars are required to also ensure the relevant Co-op Industry Partner and Academic Co-ordinator are aware.

  • Only Australian Citizens, Permanent residents (PR), Humanitarian visa holders and New Zealand Citizens are eligible to apply for the Co-op scholarships and internships.

    If you are an international student, unfortunately you are not eligible to apply for the Co-op scholarships and internships due to the Australian Government work rights requirements.

    Students can apply after a Gap year (max. 2 Gap years) however please note that if they commence a university degree or undertake any university study towards a degree during their gap year they will become ineligible for a Co‐op Scholarship. Some exemptions apply, e.g. accelerated high school, subjects including HS1917, studying at a yeshiva, etc

    Students will need to gain entry into the chosen degree program at UNSW, achieve a minimum of 96 ATAR or equivalent, and no adjustment factors, except EAS will be considered for this requirement. If taking a gap year, students need to reapply and meet that particular year’s entry requirements.

  • From 2024, scholars receive $21,600* per year for 4 years of their Co-op Program paid in fortnightly instalments. The scholarship money will be paid directly to the scholar’s bank account and can be used at their own discretion (e.g. to support the scholar throughout their time at university, pay HECS or accommodation fees, etc.). The UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship has been deemed by the Tax Commissioner to be a tax-exempt award.

    *Mining Engineering scholars will receive $12,350pa in tax-exempt scholarship payments. Unlike other programs, Mining Engineering scholars will be paid by the sponsor company while on IT placement at a rate equal to or above the prevailing minimum wage, which is taxable.

  • In 2024, Co-op application will open Wednesday, 1 May 2024. Co-op applications will close Monday, 30 September 2024. Please note, late application will not be accepted as all applications must be submitted online or received at the UNSW Co-op Office by 11:59pm on the 30th of September.

    There will be no technical support after 5:00pm. To avoid the system crashing, it is best that you don't leave it to the last minute and submit your application BEFORE the deadline.

    See: Apply

  • You will need to apply for a Co-op Scholarship through the Co-op Application portal, and the Interview & Offer process runs in parallel with any Gateway Application.

    Our system will recognise that you are a student from a Gateway School, and this will be taken into consideration in assessment of your application, and we will work with UNSW Admissions team to make offers with the wider ATAR consideration if required.

    Co-op does not require you to have the UAC code of your preferred Co-op stream as your first preference to be considered for interview.

    Find out more about the UNSW Gateway Program here

  • We have removed additional formatting to keep the applications neatly fitting on the number of pages allowed for the application. Remember, every applicant is required to meet the same limits. We are looking for well-rounded students and we assess your application based on your answers given in all questions.

  • New Zealand (NZ) citizens are eligible to apply to the Co-op Program and the Co-op Program has had successful NZ applicants awarded a scholarship in the past.

    Completion of National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 is the equivalent of completing the standard Australian Year 12 program and normally satisfies the pre-requisite for application. Your NCEA Level 3 results would be converted to an ATAR and the Co-op Office would need to confirm a conditional offer pending the NCEA results release date.

    Please note that if you are successful with your application, you are expected to attend an interview at the end of November at the UNSW Kensington Campus.

  • Yes, however you can only list a maximum of three (3) Co-op Scholarship programs. Just nominate the programs in order of preference and only list those you are seriously interested in studying and being assessed for.

  • Yes. Before you submit your application online, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Login ID is correctly updated to your UAC number.

    To do this, simply go to the "update login and/or password" section, enter your UAC number and SAVE.

  • Results/positions must be entered as they appear on your report card(s). We acknowledge that the types of grading can vary from state to state, even school to school. As long as you write an explanation, you should be fine.

    For those not from NSW, or who do not sit trial exams (e.g. QLD), enter the results from your yearly report card and write an explanation of those results in the space (free text box) provided. If you don't have anything to enter in the field, put a dash "-" and write an explanation.

    For NZ citizens, the column headings won't quite fit the NCEA format, so just enter them as they appear in your report cards and explain what they mean in the "Results explanation" box.

    Remember, the purpose of these questions is for us to see how you perform in the subject area. You should advise us of the most current results you have (e.g. if you don't have your Year 12 results, then at least provide us with your Year 11 results) and write an explanation.

  • In the Educational Background section, please enter your UAC preferences as they appear at the time of your submission. This includes the UAC codes for all degrees and institutions, not just UNSW.

  • You can apply for up to three (3) programs in your application, but only apply for programs you are genuinely interested in studying and pursuing as a career. Nominate the programs in order of preference.

  • You can apply for up to three (3) programs in your application, but only apply for programs you are actually interested in studying and pursuing as a career. Nominate the programs in order of preference.

  • In Question 1, Part A, we have tried to list many of the activities/achievements we know you may be involved in. This list will continue to grow over time as we take note of new activities students are involved in. To view the list, simply type in a key word to narrow the results, scroll down the list, and select the relevant activity.

    In Question 1, Part B, we have given you the opportunity to list any other activities you are involved in or achievements you have had. If your activity isn’t listed in Part A, please include it under Part B.

  • The best thing to do is to focus on your activities, achievements, and learnings (particularly in the last 2-3 years) and describe (not list) what you gained from them. Remember, you want to differentiate yourself - you don't want to simply make your application the same as everyone else’s!

    You might like to take a look at Co-op's eligibility criteria and application questions to help you prepare.

  • You can choose anyone who can support your application and provide feedback about you. Your referees can be someone from your school, the community, or your employer.

  • You can download the Co-op Brochure and see what type of questions you might be asked. For the exact questions we suggest you register in the application system and take a copy of the questions to a word document - don't forget to note the character limits (which include spaces) for each question.

  • Yes, character limits include spaces. Remember, every applicant is required to meet the same limits and we are unable to increase them.

  • After registering through the UNSW Co-op Program online system, applicants can apply for other UNSW Scholarships. Simply login and select "search & apply" on the left-hand menu below the heading "other UNSW scholarships" (on the Co-op online system). This means that applicants need only register and complete all personal/contact/education background details once and have these details carry across the UNSW Scholarships system so you can apply for any other scholarships you are eligible for.

  • No. We recommend that you draft your responses in a separate program/application, spell and grammar check them and then copy into the online system. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are happy with your application before you submit.

  • We will only consider the contents of your application form (including your answers to the questions and academic results), your Schools Assessment/GAP Year Explanation and your video snapshot.

    Please do not forward any other documentation as it will be disregarded

  • The photograph must be recent (within the last 12 months) and a passport size/clear head and shoulders, solo shot (i.e. portrait, not group photo). You might like to scan in your school photo.

    You can only upload a JPEG/.jpg file (1MB) with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (i.e. Width/Horizontal=180, and Height/Vertical=240 pixels).

  • You must allow adequate time for your School to complete your Schools Assessment Page (SAP). Generally, schools require the SAP to be given to them in late August to early September, please discuss with your School and keep in mind that School Holidays are on at the time your application is due. Your application will not be considered complete without it.

  • You can submit your application prior to your school submitting your SAP; however, your submitted application will not be considered complete until your SAP has been submitted. The nominated teacher can submit the SAP after the application deadline.

    *If you have taken a GAP year, the SAP is replaced with your GAP explanation page. You will not be required to nominate your school; however, you must submit a GAP year explanation in its place.

  • After you submit you will not be able to make further changes to your application. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. We will be in touch regarding the outcome of your application and whether you have been selected for interview. Interview offers will be sent via email on Thursday, 7 November.

    We suggest you make a note of the Key Dates for your relevant scholarship application year.

    See: Apply Now

  • There's a few things you can do first:

    • Restart your computer.
    • Use a different browser – e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. (see instructions below.)
    • Use a different computer/laptop. Are you using a Mac or PC?

    Some users have reported issues in some browsers. We recommend that you use/download one of the following (if you don't already have it installed): Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

    If you experience further technical issues, please call us on +61 2 9385 5116 to discuss, or take a screenshot and email cooprog@unsw.edu.au, and include:

    • if you are on a Mac or PC;
    • which internet browser (incl. version) you are using;
    • describe the problem you are having; and
    • provide screenshots of any error messages or other issues.
  • Yes. You do need to apply to UAC for admission to programs at UNSW. Once you have obtained your UAC number, you need to ensure the number is entered in your UNSW Co-op Program application form.

  • If you are offered a UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship, you need to ensure that your preferences are such that you will be offered a position in that program.


    In addition to completing and submitting your online application and video snapshot, you will also be responsible for nominating a teacher to complete your Schools Assessment Page (SAP). The SAP is submitted directly to the Co-op Office by the nominated teacher, and this can be done after the application closing date. We recommend that you nominate your teacher as soon as you start your application.

  • You will receive an email notification after you have submitted your application to confirm receipt.

    Interview offers will be sent via email on Thursday, 7 November.

  • Yes. If you take a gap year you can still apply for a Co-op Scholarship when applications open again the year after you complete your HSC. However, if you are not 100% certain that you will take a gap year, we encourage you to apply the year you complete your HSC. If you later decide to take a gap year, you cannot defer a scholarship offer, but can reapply* in the next round.

    (See: Can I defer my UNSW Co-op Program Scholarship?)

    *Please note that if you commence a university degree or undertake any university study towards a degree during your gap year you will become ineligible for a Co-op Scholarship. Some exemptions apply, e.g. accelerated high school subjects including HS1917, studying at a yeshiva, etc.

  • No. If you do not yet have a UAC Number, please use your Board of Studies/IB candidate/interstate student number, with a leading "1" to make up to 9 digits.

  • With technology, there’s always a chance that things could go wrong. You do have the option to rerecord your snapshot twice (total 3 times) if needed, but if something goes wrong contact the Co-op office on:

    E: cooprog@unsw.edu.au

    T: +61 2 9385 5116

  • Students who have been invited to interview will receive an invitation to complete their Video snapshot on Thursday, 7 November when they receive their interview offer. Video snapshots are due Thursday, 14 November, and students must complete the snapshot to attend the interview.

    The Vieple platform is a straightforward, easy to use video interviewing platform that can be accessed from any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop with an internet connection. It has been designed to make it as simple as possible to allow you to present yourself in the best possible light. Just click on the link in the email we send to you and follow the prompts. There is even an app that you can download to make it even less complicated!

    Remember – this snapshot is just to help us get to know you better. Relax, be yourself, and let your personality shine through!

  • Here are our top tips:

    • Relax, be yourself, and let your personality shine through!
    • Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
    • Find a quiet, private, well-lit place, free from possible interruptions.
    • Ensure your internet connection is stable.
    • Check that your computer’s audio is working.
    • Test your computer’s webcam.
    • Close any unnecessary web browser tabs and applications.
    • Place your phone in silent mode.
  • You will need to apply for a Co-op Scholarship through the Co-op Application portal, and the Interview & Offer process runs in parallel with any Gateway Application.

    Our system will recognise that you are a student from a Gateway School, and this will be taken into consideration in assessment of your application, and we will work with UNSW Admissions team to make offers with the wider ATAR consideration if required.

    Co-op does not require you to have the UAC code of your preferred Co-op stream as your first preference to be considered for interview.

    Find out more about the UNSW Gateway Program here

  • Any student applying for a Co-op scholarship in Accounting & Business Management; Finance & Banking; Information Systems Management and Marketing, will apply through the new B.Com (Co-op) degree. Students applying for a Co-op scholarship in Business Information Systems, will apply through the Information Systems (Co-op) Degree in Business Information Systems and those applying for a Co-op scholarship in Actuarial Studies, will apply through the new B. Actuarial Studies (Co-op) Degree.

    Students will be prompted with the correct codes when they register their preferences on the Co-op Online Application system.

    B.Com (Co-op) Degree:

    The 4-year degree program has a stand-alone UAC code 424600. Students applying for Co-op will need to list this code in their preferences. If students want to come to UNSW to do Business even if they are unsuccessful in gaining a Co-op scholarship, they will also need to list the standard B.Com UAC code 424000 in their preference list.

    Information Systems (Co-op) Degree in Business Information Systems:

    The 4-year degree program has a stand-alone UAC code 424640. Students applying for Co-op in Business Information Systems will need to list this code in their preferences. If students want to come to UNSW, to do Information Systems even if they are unsuccessful in gaining a Co-op scholarship, they will also need to list the standard B.Information Systems UAC code 424500 in their preference list.

    B.Actuarial Studies (Co-op) Degree:

    The 4-year degree program has a stand-alone UAC code 424620. Students applying for Co-op Actuarial Studies will need to list this code in their preferences. If students want to come to UNSW, to do Actuarial Studies even if they are unsuccessful in gaining a Co-op scholarship, they will also need to list the standard B.Actuarial UAC code 424300 in their preference list.

    NB. The minimum ATAR (or equivalent) for B.Actuarial Studies/B.Actuarial Studies (Co-op). For 2024, this was 98 ATAR (or equivalent).

    Science or Engineering

    Applicants in Science or Engineering continue to use the general UAC code for those programs as listed in the UAC guide.

  • After graduation there is no formal obligation for Co-op scholars to be employed by any of the sponsoring companies. Likewise, there is no obligation for sponsoring companies to offer employment. However, employers recognise that the Co-op Program produces the kind of graduates they are very keen to attract for challenging positions in their organisations. It is expected that scholars will firstly consider employment with a sponsor organisation.

  • Each IT placement is a learning experience, which complements academic studies. During the IT placements students are expected to conform to professional standards of performance, dress, business hours and undertake appropriate duties and responsibilities.

    Scholars are required to work with different sponsors in subsequent IT placements. Contact with all sponsors of the UNSW Co-op Program will be possible, over the duration of the program, through company visits, guest lectures and social events.

  • Most Co-op scholars will complete one (maximum two) courses whilst on IT placement. Classes are often attended in the afternoon or evening to minimise impact during work hours. Sponsors are familiar with students studying and will discuss your timetable with you when you commence work. Scholars often comment that studying and working has vastly improved their time management skills and they are more organised with their spare time.

  • Co-op scholars incur the normal HECS debt related to the degree the student is studying.

    Business scholars - All Co-op scholars in Business will enrol in the four year B.Com (Co-op) Degree*. Recognition is being awarded for increased reporting and assessment of industry experience. All industry placements will become fully assessable (Industry & University) courses and consequently, be granted credit points and attract HECS.

    *Co-op scholars completing their degree in Business Information Systems are also awarded a 4 year degree, Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op). All other conditions of the new B.Com (Co-op) will apply to this degree.

    Engineering and Science - Co-op Programs in Engineering and Science are four year degrees and Co-op Engineering scholars** do an additional 5th year to complete all industry training experiences. Engineering and Science industry placements do not incur a HECS debt.

    **Mining and Software Engineering scholars do not do an additional fifth year. Computer Science scholars undertake a three year program over a four year duration to accommodate industry training experiences. Computer Science scholars will only attract HECs fees for courses studied under the standard three year program.

  • Co-op scholarship payments can be spent at the student's absolute discretion and therefore could be used to pay-off all or part of a HECS debt.

  • Co-op scholars can complete other part-time/vacation work while they on the program BUT only in periods where they do not have Program/work placement commitments. Timing of these commitments will depend on the degree being studied, please refer to the IT placement times for the specific programs.

  • Click hereto view all the different faculties at UNSW. As you click through the pages for each faculty, you should find more detailed information on the areas of study offered, along with other useful information forfuture students.

  • A link to the UNSW Handbook can be found. This is your guide to degree programs and courses offered at UNSW. Also see UNSW study areas

  • There is a wide range of accommodation both on and off campus for UNSW students.

    For more information on the full range of on campus student accommodation options,

  • Apart from the Co-op Program, there are many other types of scholarships available at UNSW. Information, including instructions on how to register and apply, can be found on the.

  • You may also wish to contact theFuture Students Office, as well as a specific faculty if your child knows which one they are interested in studying with. Attending theUNSW Open Dayon the first Saturday in September is also a fantastic opportunity to speak to UNSW staff, academics and students.

  • Placement times differ for each program. Please refer to the particular program structure of the program/s you sponsor for details on when scholars are allocated for IT placements.

  • Sponsors can contact the Academic Co-ordinator and/or the Industry Liaison for their program/s to indicate preferences or what sort of work they can offer in order for this to be taken into consideration. Scholars are also consulted for their preferences. Final allocation of scholars is the responsibility of the Academic Co-ordinator.

  • We encourage you to discuss any issues firstly with the scholar to ensure the s/he has the opportunity to improve the situation or can provide feedback on what is causing the problem. If this discussion does not resolve the issue please contact the Industry Liaison for that program for further advice.

  • No. Throughout their periods of IT placements scholars receive, directly from the university, their regular fortnightly payment instalments*. It is therefore not appropriate for a sponsor to pay the scholar additional amounts outside the scholarship award whilst they are on placement. This is also important for the scholar to be covered by the university's insurance.

  • Scholars are expected to complete the entire duration of their IT placement with the sponsor organisation. Any loss of time due to sickness, injury or approved outside activity will need to be made up unless otherwise determined by the sponsor. This includes scholars who may need to leave early to attend classes at UNSW, normally no more than one afternoon a week.

    Leave or the prorating of leave is not applicable to scholars as this time has already been deducted in calculating their overall IT placement. We ask the sponsors to be flexible to accommodate scholars academic requirements, however all scholars are expected to make that time back unless otherwise determined by the sponsor. This is to be negotiated between the scholar and sponsor. Please contact the Industry Liaison for your program if complications arise.

    Contact us

  • The IT placement activities are intended to compliment academic studies by exposing scholars to the practical application of their university degree. The sponsor organisation is encouraged to challenge the scholar and to provide regular feedback on their progress. Most of the scholars have demonstrated abilities beyond those normally expected of people of a similar age and should respond well to challenges. We advise companies to treat them like a graduate recruit and to consult each scholar about particular strengths and areas for development.

  • We invoice our sponsors annually in February/March. For further questions regarding payments please see the contact details of our finance officer, via theContact uspage.

  • The Co-op team has three Industry Liaisons that can assist you with any enquiries. Please see the contact details of the person that looks after your program/s via theContact uspage.

  • For the 35th year of the Co-op Program, we launched a digital badge for all Co-op Alumni! Every graduating year will receive the virtual badge once they graduate, and you will be able to use this on LinkedIn and anywhere else you represent your experience. We hope all our alumni will include this badge on their LinkedIn page, etc. so that through your successes, we achieve greater recognition and visibility for the success of the Program! If you have not received an email inviting you to access the digital badge, please reach out to the Co-op office on cooprog@unsw.edu.au

  • There are many ways to get involved as a Co-op Alumni and give back to the Program. Each year we encourage our Alumni to become a mentor to one or more of our first-year scholars, allowing you to share your knowledge, experience, and real-world insights to those who are just starting their career journey. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to the Co-op office on cooprog@unsw.edu.au.

    Additionally, many of our alumni would have been members of the Co-op Society, which aims to create a sense of community amongst the inspiring group of young scholars who participate in the Co-op Program, further enriching the experience of all Co-ops, in University and beyond!

    You may recall that the Co-op Society, together with some seed funding from the Co-op Program; the Business School & the Faculty of Engineering created a Co-op Society Scholarship fund, which is still offered today, as a small “starter scholarship”, currently valued at a once-off $5,000, for a student from a diverse or disadvantaged background, starting at University.

    Along the way sadly, the scholars 1-day contributions have fallen by the wayside. However, in discussion with the Co-op Society Executive, we are keen to re-instate this small but important,

    symbolic practice of ‘giving back’ for current scholars, by contributing up to one day’s pay a year, to allow us to increase this scholarship amount p.a. to a more realistic level and continue this legacy. Please contact the Co-op Society on to find out how to help:

  • We may hold alumni events from time to time to celebrate achievements and reconnect our graduated cohorts. We will reach out to our existing alumni database. If you want to update your contact details, please fill out the form below.