Our partners

UNSW’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda requires working in partnership, across disciplinary boundaries, and with different stakeholders including academics, communities, governments and industry.

lady at conference taking notes

Participating in genuinely collaborative partnerships requires working differently with countries, communities and individuals.

For the IGD, partnership is not only what we work on, but also how we work.

University Partnerships

UNSW is currently working in partnership with the following universities:

​​​​​​​Community and NGO Partnerships

We are also working in collaboration with these community groups:


IGD/UNSW are members of the following networks:

The UNSW Engagement Standard

UNSW’s values include the protection of free speech and academic freedom, the advancement of discovery and the open exchange of knowledge. We will not compromise on these values on our campuses. 

Outside our campuses, we aim to promote these values in all our endeavours around the world. We also aim to work with institutions that share our values. 

In asserting these objectives, we acknowledge that our values are not universally accepted by all organisations and in all countries with and in which we operate. 

Where the approach of a partner or proposed partner is, or may be perceived to be, inconsistent with our values, our approach will be to ask whether influencing positive change consistent with our values will be best achieved by withdrawing or continuing engagement. 

And as with our assessment of all opportunities, we also consider whether engagement is in the best interest of the University having regard to its reputation, its existing relationships, the safety and wellbeing of its staff and students, and its wider commitments to the Australian community.

At all times, we will conduct our interactions transparently, respectfully and with integrity.

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