Content warning

  • The Preventing Gendered Violence at UNSW Module contains descriptions of gendered violence. If any of the content brings up challenging feelings or emotions, support services are available to you on and off campus
  • If you have lived experience of gendered violence and feel uncomfortable completing this Module, you can email the Safer Communities team within the Conduct and Integrity Office (exemption@unsw.edu.au). Your email will be confidential, and you will not be required to complete this module

What is gendered violence?

Gendered violence is defined as any harmful behaviour perpetrated against someone based on their actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. It is a broad term that includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and gendered harassment.

Why am I doing this Module?

All commencing students are required to complete this Module as part of the ELISE quiz. 

It will help you understand gendered violence, appropriate and inappropriate behaviour, reporting options, possible consequences, support services and bystander interventions at UNSW.

What to expect from this Module?

  • Please allow 25 minutes to complete this module
  • Ensure you complete the entire Module, as there will be one question relating to it in the ELISE Quiz
  • Additional resources are available in the ‘Resources’ tab of the Module, so you can revisit this Module at any time for more information 
  • If you encounter any technical issues, please contact the Safer Communities team (gvprevention@unsw.edu.au) for assistance

 and login with your zID. Enter the student enrolment key: gvprevention