CPHCE Annual Forum 2024

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Over 60 people attended the CPHCE Annual Forum 2024 on Tuesday 27th August 2024 at Tyree Room, John Scientia Building, UNSW. We enjoyed the Oration by Emerita Professor Billie Giles-Corti around the theme of ‘Locational Disadvantage’.

During the second session, Andrew Reid, Katherine Meikle and Esther Alloun from CPHCE team also presented on their research projects in Miller and Waterloo. Panel discussion was facilitated by Freddy Sitas and participated by Billie Giles-Corti, Andrew Reid, Michael Mackenzie Shreenan and Lisa Parcsi. Towards the end of the Forum, Professor David Simar presented the CPHCE partnership awards to Barbara Taylor and Anita Hanna.

Forum recordings

Please see below recording links of the presentations: