This study describes the costs of NSP service provision and patterns of client access to services in one area of NSW with a view to developing a model of service mix based on cost, client access and preference.

Research Centre

Centre for Social Research in Health

Research Area

Health Promotion

Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains Needle and Syringe Program Study: A report to community (PDF) [1 Mb]

Beyond equipment distribution in Needle and Syringe Programmes: an exploratory analysis of blood-borne virus risk and other measures of client need. (Published in Harm Reduction Journal, 2016).

Deconstructing injecting risk for hepatitis C transmission: Using strategic positioning to understand “higher risk” practices. (Published in Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 2016).

Trust and people who inject drugs: The perspectives of clients and staff of Needle Syringe Programs. (Published in International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016).

“Doing the devil’s work”: Emotional labour and stigma in expanding Needle and Syringe Programs. (Published in Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 2015).  

Perceived discrimination and injecting risk among people who inject drugs who attend Needle and Syringe Programs in Sydney, Australia. (Published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2014). 

What’s the cost of finding the right fit? The cost of conducting NSP business in a range of modalities. (Published in Contemporary Drug Problems, 2014). 

NSW Health, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

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