We're seeking a PhD student to start in 2016. The research project is funded for three years and will investigate the life history, behaviour and population dynamics of the platypus. Over three years we're planning to collect data using trapping and tracking of platypus across a number of river systems in New South Wales and Victoria. The project incorporates several ecological approaches with a number of partners on this project including population genetics and epidemiological assessments. The successful PhD student will be encouraged to explore her\his own ecological and methodological interests. Students will need to successfully obtain a PhD scholarship. More information is available at: .

Please email your CV along with your research interests, details of two academic referees, and academic record to Prof. Richard Kingsford (richard.kingsford@unsw.edu.au) and Dr Gilad Bino (gilad.bino@unsw.edu.au) by end of 2015.

For any further information please email Dr Gilad Bino (gilad.bino@unsw.edu.au).