Siyi Song

Siyi Song

PhD Student
Centre for Marine Science and Innovation
Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I completed my bachelor's degree at University of China majoring in marine science. Now I am a PhD student at UNSW. I am focused on the eddies in the East Australian Current System. I am interested in the physical processes of eddies.

±Ê°ù´ÇÂá±ð³¦³Ù:ÌýA Case Study on the generation mechanism, seasonality and trends in eddy dynamics in the East Australian Current System

Supervised by: Moninya Roughan, co-supervisor: Junde Li (Hohai University)

Project Description: The East Australian Current (EAC) is the high-energy WBC of the subtropical circulation in the South Pacific Ocean. EAC flows along the east coast of Australia to the polar region, usually separating from the coast at about 32°S. A large number of eddies will be generated in the separation zone between EAC and the coast with high EKE. The eddies and currents in EAC will exchange energy, vorticity, and momentum, and affect local large-scale circulation and eddy activity. Therefore, understanding the generation mechanism and seasonal variation of eddies as well as the interaction of mesoscale eddies is of great importance to improve people's understanding of the dynamic processes of ocean circulation and ocean current system, as well as to understand the global ocean heat transport and changes in ocean ecosystems.

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